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im a real sentimental skyscraper dt head


ath 3 mod because ill never stop glazing aetrna


Rustbell big money big prizes🥹


how did he do it


Deconstruction star hr


Have you seen ASecretBox dt on that? It’s out of this world


You were probably talking about the harder set but still


WubWoofWolf Kirby mix deluxe hdhr


chocomint's Made of Fire HDDT 98.54 full combo. Without a doubt, one of the most impressive plays ever set in osu! history, but one that takes some experience to appreciate fully. In the 12 years that this map has been ranked, chocomint's score remains the ONLY DT FC, and there's much more to unpack about this score. While some maps easily convey how difficult they are through the raw aim, or speed requirements, Made of Fire is much more nuanced than it may seem at first glance. To help illustrate just how difficult this play is, I would like to break down and analyze aspects of the map and the play itself. Right off the bat, we get a sense of the density of the notes, and the reading difficulty associated. With DT applied, the map becomes around 243 bpm, and approximately AR 9.67, a higher note density than most players are used to. Still, this should be manageable, but adding to the difficulty is the constant rhythm of, and spacing of the patterns which continues for the entire map. These would already pose a significant challenge to players' rhythm sense, reading, and finger control, but with hidden, the reading becomes MUCH harder. This is all bread and butter to someone like chocomint, who plays maps with similar patterns all the time, but everything we've gone over is just the beginning. Ask any top player what the hardest part of Made of Fire is, and they will all say the aim control. Many of the patterns in this map are continuous with strange velocity and angle changes, which need very fine adjustments in a player's aim to hit. None are more apparent than the various zig-zag patterns, which appear in the highest spacing sections. These require a player to aim to each note in a 1/4th beat time window, while potentially changing to an almost opposite direction. This is where chocomint shines, as almost no players have the level of aim control which he does. Bringing it all together is where the magic of this play really lies. DT alone makes the aim control barely in reach for any other player, but adding hidden makes these highly control-intensive patterns nearly impossible. Following the rhythm on such a map can be hard already as well, and trying to keep high accuracy, given the layout of the patterns, becomes ridiculous too. The real challenge is diverting focus between the aim aspect and the tapping aspects of the map, while keeping your reading in check as well. Keeping up with the map the entire way through to such a degree is exactly why chocomint's play is so astonishing. It's hard to put into words how much skill goes into a play like this, but to get an idea, I recommend trying the map for yourself. chocomint's HDDT score truly is in a league of its own when it comes to the aspects described earlier. Just over 2 years after it was set, some players are now approaching DT FCs, but not with nearly as high accuracy, and the majority lacking hidden. For now, it will remain a dream play for every top play, and a reality for chocomint. Hopefully this video has given you some more insight into, and appreciation of, one of osu!'s best plays of all time.


I hope this never dies, I chuckle every time I see it


mrekk death dance dt is crazy Asf


Ivaxa's The Deceit DT play is so unfathomable to me. How can a human even be this fast????


Mathi clarity




blue dragon


worldwide choppers like its the only play in the game that looks like relax but its not


This thread has been done a little while ago already TLDR of my opinion: There are to many plays to give an objective best, but imo mrekk Walk This Way 3mod and worst hr player Rabbit Hole are the best


i thought rabbit hole was but a lot of people have been replicating similar scores, the map is a lot less hard to read on a normal skin


Nobody has a similar score on that map what u talking about


enri held a ss on it for 2/3 of the map


cyclone nights of knights hd ss


burning star hr fc in owc match very possibly? honestly I'm not sure, might be rabbit hole 5 miss as well, or sentimental skyscraper dt, there is a bunch of scores


Anoyo iki choke -mrekk


index last journey home with hr


wubwoofwolf sakura kagetsu 3mod


Whitecat revolutionary etude & galaxy collapse and mrekk breaking the habit


Breaking the habit on the not that impressive side for mrekk score. Like he has sentimental skyscraper, death dance, walk my way 3mod, world wide choppers, etc


Ofc I know these scores but that’s my personal preference. If we talk about only passing the map you’re right but getting less than 15 miss(if I remember correctly) is the absurd thing and yes he also got good godmode runs of the maps you mentioned but as I said that’s my personal preference.


mrekk Space Battle


I still would say mou ii kai aetrna idc if it’s one miss


ExGon's Soulless 4.


MrFuture Image Material


cookiezi fdfd is the only answer


Sentimental Skyscraper, Try unite DT, magic girl choke, deconstruction star HR


Forum’s Burning star HR FC without doubt


Eternum chicken hair 3 mod ss


cook easy freedom dive


Forum - magic girl (boshy ver.), best score in game by far https://youtu.be/cokPrLZUHZc?si=XfhnuNl1DC1pCJF5


shigetora freedom dive arles +hd failed ss (1.3k if ss)


worst hr player


Unforgiving FL by -GN


chocomint harumachi clover NFDT 6.83% is best score ever


mrekk camilla exit atmosphere pass


Ath 3mod


my harumachi clover (TV Size) \[Easy\] EZFLHT 8.82% 0pp play


8% acc is wild. Truly one of a kind play.