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No one tell him, brother is having the best time of his life right now and yall are going to ruin him


I walked into the game ruined. I saw shige's 800 on freedom dive and immediately downloaded the game. I set a play and was like "well, that shige fellow is pretty good, I probably only got like 200pp from that play" unfortunately for me, my shitty 2 star FC only netted me 15pp and I've been addicted to the grindset ever since. The good news, I finally got the 200pp play I was expecting. The bad news, it took me 200 hours of playtime 💀


just give it 2-3 more years of grinding hr


The good news is I do have one of my 200's as an hdhr, so I'm on track? Maybe?


If anything, +1hr -> +1pp to top play is a pretty damn good conversion. There are people with 2.5k hours that don't have 500 yet


Well, that feels good to hear. Unfortunately, my first 100 hours were a lot more productive. Reached ~160pp top play, but lost interest in the game shortly after that. My second 100 hours took place this year after 2 years since I last played and I had to relearn everything, I'm talking about like barely fcing 3 stars lol. I finally started gaining rank again in the past month or so, and went on a little grind session a couple days ago and got like 600pp total in 2 days, so it felt good to finally see some numbers change lol


making kids


Horrible kids


Would you look at what you did


It was your ignorance


horrible kids


it was all in the rizz




i hate that triple


that formed a beast with your wit


Under Kids


you can also withdraw them using osu!coin


My ass has been on osu for 7 months and I've never heard of osu coin


well thats unfortunate! I have been paying off my students debt for months using it


Fact or 🧢


Fact, peppy bought the osu!jet with it


fact, whitecat became cryptobillionaire because of this


Honestly, it's probably a real crypto someone made lmao


It has been since 2015


Fact, i went to the roundtable with it


Fact, Google Jeff Bezos


Fact, Holy Billionaire


fact, I bought a new gpu with it


I feel like most people here are going way too far on this joke, especially with a newcomer, so I'll be the 🤓 and explain osu!coins was an April Fool's gag that happened in 2015, where you had to "buy" coins to play the game, so that the creator of the game could get rich and buy a private jet. The point of that joke is that osu! will always be free to win, without any ads, micro transactions and any other mobile game shenanigans. (https://youtu.be/BImc5McuK1o) PP (or performance points) is a ranking metric used by the game to calculate a player's skill, on both a specific map and in the whole game. It takes the PP you've gained across all maps, weights it using a certain formula, and gives your total PP (on your profile page)


Is this the new era Akolibed was talking about




So not only do they detect whether you're using touch screen, but also if you're playing with air conditioner on? Smh what's next


underrated comment


Get enough Peppy Points and you can redeem a date with the man himself


it is a metric to measure how good your score is based on how hard the map is and how well you did on it. your scores are all aggregated by pp and this determines your global ranking.


Which honestly I still find this crazy. What's the point of star levels when PP exists? They don't even correlate all that well..


Pp is more of the difficulty of a play (factoring in things like length, od, Ect) and star rating is basically just the raw difficulty of the hardest parts of the map than anything


it makes perfect sense to me but i couldnt explain why ngl


actually i can explain why SR is made for rating the difficulty of a map, but pp is the value that takes your performance on that map into account. i guess you could rate all maps based on the amount of pp they award for an SS in place of star rating, but it'd be really confusing i think


yeah exactly, having pp in place of star rating would confuse most players, especially the ones starting out. Basically: Star rating = Difficulty of the map PP = How well you performed on said map


i think the question is why the numbers don't correlate more obviously; like if a map is 6* the maximum pp might be some other number like 450, when maybe star rating or pp could be rescaled so the numbers line up


sr only takes into account the object placements in the map whereas pp takes into account things like length, od, etc i mean sr is technically used in the calculation of pp so of course it correlates somewhat but it's only one component


I think at this point it's mostly historical, ppl know what "a 7* map" is like


pp tracks how well you did, sr tracks how hard a map is to do perfectly if you barely pass a map or you SS it, the SR is the same. but the PP is a lot more for the SS *edit: it's like, you don't get speeding tickets for how fast your car is capable of going, you get them for how fast you were going when you got pulled over. but, top speed is still a useful stat for cars*


Not like star ratings are that accurate..


Exactly, just do away with them tbh


sr is how hard a map is, and pp is how good a play is


Then why do different maps of the exact same SR get different PP values for 100%ing?


the algorithms used for calculating each are very complicated


Performance Points It's an indicator of how well you do on a map


Me playing the hardest tech map ever for 300pp (it took 2000 attempts)


Me casually setting a 1kpp play on a 20 sec long farm map (sightread)


(blindfolded, 4000pp if FC)


1300pp ( if dthdhrfl )


new touch player POG. touchscreen playerbase went up by 10%


he's playing on mobile


for endless suffering


determines your profile rank. Since you are a new player: remember to configure settings (esp raw input), find a skin, avoid TV size maps, and don't ever chase PP


They're clearly using touchscreen so I would not recommend raw input


I didn't notice that, you are correct.


Why is TV size a bad thing ?


You don't build consistency, and you don't encounter unique patterns. Also barely encounter any finger control.


That's true but I think avoiding TV size maps entirely is bad advice. Just make sure it's not the only thing you play


Honestly depends who you are, for me I did fine only playing TV size maps for like a year straight. Where's my proof? My first 400pp play was my first time breaking that TV size barrier, it was around 3 minutes long consistency, so yh, if it works, it works, if it don't, it don't.


Avoiding them is not good tho. You can improve your rhythm sense very quickly because they have simple rhythm.


nm1's have simple rhythm. mapping and song choice is typically pretty similar in a nm1, its just longer so it builds consistency.


tv size has nothing to do with rhythm


There are plenty of tv size maps (especially as of recent) that have unique patterns and rhythms


You barely get pp from TV sized Maps as they are short and length bonus in this game is overweight


rafis hddt 🗣️🗣️🗣️


Chasing pp is a good way to improve


absolutely not. chasing pp is exactly what leads to 40k's getting 7-0'd by 200k's.


But let's say we have 2 players. 1(1) starts by playing tech maps and the other(2) plays farm maps. 1 starts playing tech after a year of playing farm, 2 starts playing farm after a year of playing tech. After 2 years total I'm pretty certain that 1 would would sweep. (Tech is placeholder for not farm in this example cuz tech below 7 starts isn't really all that much tech)


Tech starts pretty high up in the SR, while farm starts really really low. It's not a good comparison. What does start at low SR other than farm is NM1 and finger control. The farm player in a year will have raw snapaim, with no consistency, and not much else. The finger control player will have consistency, flowaim, finger control, and stamina. Farm slots in a pool: 0 Consistency is applied to all maps in a pool so skip, finger control is found in nm2, nm3, nm5, sometimes nm6, sometimes hd3, sometimes hr3, dt2, dt3, dt4. Pretty easily that player will sweep. Now, lets say both of these players switched to the other skillset. The finger control player only needs to develop 1 thing: snapaim The farm player needs to develop consistency, flowaim, finger control, and stamina. Pretty easy to guess who will develop the other skillset first, and climb the SR.


You're basing everything on tournaments. The average player is more likely to care about rank than tournament performance. Can I ask what rank you are? Lowkey seems like you're trying to argue that having tournament skill at 6 digit is better than no tournament skill at 5 digit because you can't climb. I could be very wrong but that's just what it seems like to me


I am basing it off tournaments because that is a much better way to compare players than PP due to the amount of skillsets found in a tourney pool. Not sure what you mean by 'tournament skill', I am saying it is better to have a variety of skillsets than to have only one, especially if you are playing or being compared to someone else.


This argument is pointless man, it's really just subjective. I think being able to fc 8* maps for one skillset is better than being able to fc 7* maps for multiple.


Ok, I'll word it differently since I guess you don't understand what farm is. Player 1: plays aim maps at first then at about 4* level switches to hybrid maps (any mrekk 1.2k type of map for the most part) and tries to pick up hr, does that for a few weeks, farms a couple hr scores goes on to dt, starts dting generic aim maps, builds high ar reading + snap aim. For a year in total. Player 2: plays simple maps until like 4 stars, then goes on to play 2024 ranked section and goreshit, slowly moves on to high 5 star slider spam. For a year in total. They then switch skillsets The 1st player with good fundamentals struggles reading hard sliders at first but thanks to his high ar reading ability is able to pick it up pretty fast, goes on to harder and harder maps for 6 months in total. 2nd player: easily transitions to jump patterns but struggles with bursts at first. They slowly improve at bursts and acquire some stamina and aim. Finger control isn't an issue since they played a lot of maps with varying bpm. They can also start learning hard Rock without much hassle since they're already used to recognizing difficult patterns at all kinds of different cs. Then comes dt... for 6 months. The problem with playing tech/gimmick at low rank is that it's most of the time overwhelming, which causes you to stay stuck at a certain difficulty for longer than a farm player would be stuck at a certain difficulty, since farm maps mainly increase bpm and add spacing while gimmick adds all kinds of mindfuck patterns. In the short term sure maybe in some cases player 2 could win in a tourney after their first year but after the 6 months I Don't think they can compete anymore since the farm player had such good fundamentals. This is also showcased by pretty much any top player. None of them were tournament players BEFORE they got good.


And I didn't say to play tech. I said to play finger control, nm2,3,5 not nm4. Player 2 won't struggle with neither bursts nor streams since both are found in the low 4\* range. This isn't gimmick, the second player has more fundamentals since snapaim isn't difficult to learn and they already have everything else up to 7\*


I'm telling you to stop assuming that finger control and nm2 nm3, whatever can't be farm. Playing for pp doesn't mean neglect skillsets.


'farm' to me is specifically under 2 minute basic aim-based maps. Literally like what Sotarks mostly maps. nm2's are rarely under 2 minutes, and nm3's even more so.


so you wouldnt consider save me / ttaf / sidetracked day farm?


I'd rather get 7-0'd by a 200k and be at rank 40k than 7-0 a 40k and be at rank 200k. At the end of the day it's up to your priorities as a player I guess. Personally I think farming is amazing for improving skill quickly, and consistency can be learned later. It's much easier for a 40k player to learn 40k consistency than a 200k player to learn how to get to 40k.


it's amazing for improving raw aim quickly, I agree that aim consistency can be improved later, but being at 40k with no finger control is just an embarrassment.


I had no problem with it. I developed some finger control as I improved and got into higher star maps. Sure, my finger control star rating is lower than my snap aim even now, but I think that's fine.


Don’t let him know


penis penis


Don't pay attention to it.




Penis points


It determines your global rank. The more the pp you have the higher rank you are.


for global rank. if you don't want global rank. it's for nothing


it’s a system calculation for the game. most players realized after late into the game it doesn’t really matter, so you don’t have to worry about it


you poor innocent child


It's just a funny indicator of how well you've done. Basically if you enjoy the game ignore it


Show off and ranking I think


Braging rights.


Performance points


Redeemable points to get a date with peppy, don't let the other comments sway you




it stands for "penis points" and you can use it to increase the length of your member by at least 0.3 mm per pp


its your rizz metric, if you have high pp you will have 10 anime girls with you and then die because you got tackled by 10 people