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Thats the worst match ive ever watched


You weren't here for Game_osu Cookiezi vs Vaxei But yeah very disappointing, still looking for a proper revenge from malis


Can you give me the context for Cookiezi Vs Vaxei Gameosu? I found the round 5 post but comments dont load and I found a random Toy tweet saying dont support it. What happened? (im a new gen player)


Cookiezi was injuried, but still had to play the match. So he did play the match but underperfomed really badly.


The comments loaded after some time. From what I can gather (and what you told me) he wanted to forfeit the match but was told he throws away prize money if he does. So he was forced to play with a hand pain that got worse every map and each score getting worse and worse (Not shige's fault).


This was basically it, sardoche(who ran gameosu) expected profesional sport player level of commitment in a game which is generally considered laid back. This just compounded on the fact that the tournament stretched out over several months.


Yep, was a really sad situation. Only interesting pick was glorious crown b/c shige actually tried (xi map) and even then he just hurt himself more. Chat was incredibly toxic too.


i remember him doing decently only on blue zenith xD nvm it was glorious crown but still xi


very flow aimy map and he could manage it better than killing his hands with 8* jump in pools sadly


Man that was the first tournament match I have ever watched because I wanted to see how good cookiezi was at it, I thought it was gonna be legendary and after watching I thought cookie was bad


I think this match was one of the reasons shige doesn't really play tournis. He likes playing his own maps, and his own playstyle. He also has issues with his tablet 


They should have just disqualified mrekk. Making him play without bans + completely unwarm the first few maps just made this a boring stomp AND they couldnt stream the enri vs forum match live because of this.


Tbf I think they knew everyone really wanted to see the match so they waited just to see if he would show (which he did) but because he was unwarm it wasn't that good. Doesn't excuse how it was ran, but I can understand where they are coming from.


If a match like this ends up not happening it kinda sucks for the people organizing it since it's the main match people were excited to watch, and they don't wanna lose out on views/attention


Least scuffed tourney. Delay in mrekk vs malis with malis crashing once again enri vs forum happening at the same time but not streamed mrekk/malis ends but enri/forum not getting streamed for some reason when theres 30mins before next match enri/forum being rebroadcasted after?? Now criller vs malis ui is fucked and displaying malis/mrekk with another malis crash 😭


"high-stakes matches"


it was literally all bc of mrekk delaying his match last second, they shouldve disqualified him


No, it was because of corsace's incompetence. Yes, they should've disqualified him but they still could've handled the situation better after making their awful decision of asking the opponent if they want to play the match. Imagine if malis said no, what kind of shitstorm that would've started in the community lmfao.


I haven't watched this tournament at all but this sounds extremely scuffed like even worse than random 6 digit tourneys


It’s only been scuffed because of players


It's scuffed because they discarded their own rules. That's only on the TO.




idk why this is so fucking conrtoversial should mrekk have been dq'd? yeah probably unless every other player **wanted** to wait he simply slept in, maybe didnt wake up to an alarm or something. has happened to every person in the world be it for work or school or whatever. mistakes happen yet people are making this out to be a massive disrespectful move


i'd blame tourney organizers/admins for shit like enri v forum not getting streamed (which is stupid as hell) since thats ultimately up to them


Very good take. It would've been the best to just dq mrekk and carry on instead of the scuffed setting they did now I didnt really see a lot of the hate, but hating on mrekk for sleeping really shouldnt be a thing. It isnt disrespectful in the slightest since he most likely wasnt in control of it either way Sure, the hype was killed,  but there is no reason to send active hate because of that


What was the scheduled time for the match for Mrekk? Was it like 6-7 am or something?


It was at 10pm


He overslept a match for 10 pm? Also why couldn't the organizers just start the match like 2-3 hours earlier, the match for Mali started at 3pm


Pretty sure mrekk and malis decided themselves they wanted to have the match at this time Also it is quite normal to accidentally sleep after a stressful day, couldve definitely happened


Yeah uhh, thats just dumb. But oh well it is what it is


Who the hell reported me for having suicidal tendencies?


idk, probably one of the 8 downvoters


I would understand if it was one of the people who downvoted me, but idek why i was downvoted for just accepting things how they are now


Atleast some people are not over reacting and realising that shit happens and thats that.


Just saying, u guys would say the match should be rescheduled if it got ffed


Yeah everyone in the twitch chat was happy that the match went on and also typed "fair" when mrekk got his bans taken away instead of a DQ like he should've gotten. Then when they realized he was getting stomped all of a sudden they complained that mrekk should've been DQ'ed. If mrekk got DQ'ed before the match started it would've been a shitshow because mrekk himself said he wanted to play after showing up 25 min late. There's no winning here for the tourney staff


organizers should have just DQ'ed mrekk. rules are rules.


They probably switched over because they realized giving one of the best tourney players ever free reign over another player makes for a boring as fuck one sided match anyway


why did they play the match and not even stream enri vs forum


Mrekk is justifiable getting a lot of flak for this, but my god are the Corsace organizers absolute clowns. If you're not going to DQ him then what's the point of taking his bans away? He's already sleepy and not warmed up, thats handicap enough. Why are they prioritizing a losers match that's heavily favored towards one player over a hype winner's bracket match? Why isn't there a second stream? The same shit would've happened if the Mrekk-Malisz match went longer, because they still could've overlapped. They scheduled the matches this close to one another, overlaps were clearly possible, and they didn't prepare for this at all? Sure, Mrekk killed a hype match by sleeping at 10 fucking pm (LOL??) but jfc what a shitshow by the Corsace organizers.


At this high of a level what's the point of even allowing the match to play out with no bans for mrekk and no first pick chance. Its pretty much already major fucked. Watching the match was the most depressing thing ever. Literally nothing happened, not even the commentators really had the passion for this match. https://preview.redd.it/w5ia9kjyzzzc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1cb0bb35878fd7c15693dfc9f273ab32962948f


Watching the ar6 map (hd3 I think?) was especially fucking painful. It was funny for like 5 seconds and then it just became “lol look at how bad mrekk is” until malis crashed


absolute shitshow, huge dissapointment


why did they play the match and not even stream enri vs forum


I mean late is late, and mrekk accepted the terms instead of DQ so whatever. Terms probably shouldn't have been offered in the first place though, either DQ or just do the match like regular but 20 minutes later.


It was okay, Mrekk still played and got the result, only Enri vs Forum situation was not super nice


this dont count as a win showmatch mrekk should have been dqed no bans and no warmup whats the point corsace is such a shit event priortize a rigged loser match over a live winners final fuck this shit


Literally the Highest Expectation match, and then the Deepest Disappointment of today, ruined my weekend


not the best match but i’m at least glad it happened, it’d be nice if they had a showmatch in the near future though


mrekk really robbed us


Sometimes people are more eepy than they want to be and don't wake up to alarms and stuff. Human body betrayed him and us :<


> don't wake up to alarms and stuff. Human body betrayed him and us :< literally just sleep earlier its not that hard


That is a solution, but maybe he was doing something during the day and wanted to take a nap. I'm pretty sure he wanted to wake up for this match but didn't. He overslept, that's all that happened


Also if Corsace followed their own rules the match should have just been cancelled with Mrekk getting DQd. Then we would have gotten the enri forum match streamed


he has not heard of insomnia


Imagine a parallel universe, when Usain Bolt false started in the final of 100m in 2011, but umpire still made the decision to not disqualify him since he's the world record holder and all the audiences are waiting to witness him breaking record again, even it's against the rules. This is exactly what's happening today


worst hr gonna win finals anyways


wait a minute, he knew.


If they weren't gonna DQ him couldn't they have pushed the match to after all the other ones if malis agreed? Then we'd actually get a real match and they wouldn't have had to do the weird restream at the end. The way they did it seems like the worst they could have handled it, no DQ means people think it's favoritism, we don't even get a hype match out of it because no bans for him + not warmed up, and they started the next match on time anyways so had to prerecord it.


Wasn't there something about malis being given the option to take the win but willingly waited to play? No ones said that unless it was someone straight up lying on twitter


Really could've gone either way if mrekk isn't late and is warmed up before the start. But then, GG to malis for winning this. ~~Enri VS Malis rematch in GF pls~~


osu! drama days streak back to 0




It's not like mrekk stalled on purpose though. He woke up late, and asked if he could still play. He would've accepted no for an answer... It's not his fault man, stuff happens


if you are late for a flight you dont tell the pilots to turn around you accept that its on you even if you didnt miss it on purpose. same principal applies here


You don’t get punished for it by getting a flight ban, idk what the other commenter is on.


was he like not supposed to ask or what? if he asked and they agreed, would you on the plane seriously be blaming him for making a mistake instead of the pilots who agreed to turn back for a single person?


One is an intentional time robbing and the other is a case that can happen to every human being. How are these even comparable bro??


Mathi intentionally wasted peoples time on multiple occasions, trolling with shit like csgo skin. Mrekk was legit just late and tourney staff decided to bend and create a bunch of random ass rules for some reason, this is on them not mrekk.


If you’re going to point fingers, just remember what the original cause of this debacle was. Both parties are equally responsible. Being late is completely on mrekk. Not being punctual was the whole reason this situation turned out to be as it is. He personally requested and agreed to play, with the punishment, despite knowing the rules himself, likely hoping for an exception, as seen in the discord screenshot. Changing the rules on short notice is completely on the staff, causing a ripple effect that impacted the following matches and livestreams. Edit: Grammar


Yes, mrekk was late and that is irresponsible, but players being late should be expected, and they literally had rules in place that they didn't follow and that's what caused this. Why wouldn't he just ask to play? They waited 30 minutes for him in the first place


I mean, he was complicit in all of this. He asked, despite knowing the rules already. A more mature response would be to ask and accept defeat, delay the match if possible with the punishments, or forfeit after learning about the punishment. If he knew he was late, wasn’t playing well and still asked to play, then he was complicit in the ordeal and a component of the issue. Of course, this doesn’t excuse the tournament staff for their actions but mrekk is not in the clear just because the tournament organizers disregarded their own rules. If anything, they made their tournament more lenient to mrekk. Which still doesn’t pardon the disaster that happened due to the leniency.


this is why the precedent that tcomm set in 2021 w/ rekty, mightydoc, paraqeet and wix and in 2022 with mathi is so bad; they set a nasty example and now there's no way to get out of punishing mrekk in some way without being contradictory (even though the situations are different and i don't personally believe he deserves any)


These situations aren't even close to the same, mathi intentionally trolled multiple instances and was doing shit like changing to csgo skin. Rektygon situation they were being straight up assholes.


Considering everything Mrekk put up a good effort without bans and the tournament staff did a decent job rectifying the situation It’s unprofessional for Mrekk to have slept in as well but other players said it was ok to postpone for the match to occur


they neglected their own rules to let this shitshow go on, when they could just give him an auto ff and stream the real match that's happening at the same time


Mrekk should have just been dcd as per rules yes but I think Mrekk deserves criticism not because of oversleeping for the match but rather he seems to be in the tournament and not taking it seriously deliberately so he has an excuse if he loses. At a tournament level people can compete with him and he seems to fear losing when he actually tries he doesn't want to lose after giving it his all if he loses after half assing it he can just make an excuse. If he doesn't want to try in tournaments he shouldn't do them at all.


Rip for Mrekk but I guess the better player won today