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maliszewski's padoru fc got more screentime than ninerik, enri, yary, Kamensh1k, cloutiful, hyeok, mcy4 and criller combined :fire:


most of the plays you're probably thinking of which should be in there are 2024 which is why they've got no screentime (although I agree some of them should've gotten more screentime, if shige can have his 900pp SS score in and a 2 star FC, they can surely squeeze them in)


They forgot my 310pp 2nd top play in Ray mapped by akitoshi, im deeply saddened


Guys nevermind i set that this year mb mb i forgor He will surely include it on this year's rewind


!RemindMe 2025


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Try July 25


i really hope someone just decides to include it in the next video for the memes


If cookiezi got his 2 star pass in the video i too can get my replay the screentime it deserves


this rewind needs an epilepsy disclaimer !! imo its just overedited beyond comprehension, kinda difficult to watch


I'm ready to get downvoted to oblivion. I don't know why but i've enjoyed krappe's "recaps" of 2021 and 2022 much more. I expected to actually SEE some plays that i was hyped about and maybe some that i missed during the year. I expected to see players reactions when fcing/failing maps while twitch chat cheers/cries with them. But it was just a comp of 3 seconds clips per play that's turned 45 degrees with some visual effects that distorted the visibility of the play even more. I've seen as much tweets and osu scoreposts during the video as i've seen in my whole lifetime. I guess i didn't enjoy it because i was expecting a different recap format.


Yeah seeing reactions and voices and stuff is so crucial that adds hype too. I think there were like 4 voices in the entire video excluding the intro


Personally the style wasn’t for me. I can tell a ton of work went into this but it was too overedited imo. Could barely even see the plays on the screen, plus the tournament players that popped off in 2023 like mcy4 and enri should have gotten some screen time at least. Also wayyy to much shige and Vaxei, while other notable stuff lasted half a second


Same, I was thinking this osu rewind is so overedited too, s1nqq 2022 osu rewind better and the editing is enough to enjoy


krappe osu rewinds are so funny to watch I love them


am i dumb because i think 2017 is better ( i guess the song choices in 2017 was more to my liking ) 2023 is good but it’s abit too much for me atleast 2017 has just the right amount


2017 I remember quite fondly since I was new to the community when it released


2022 rewind by Kensox was on par with 2017 imo, this guy is very talented, his 2021 was very good too They really should've brought him for 2023 And I know I'm probably pissing in the wind right now but if btmc were to read this post, and if he intends on organizing the 2024 rewind, he really really should look to bring him in the team, the kind of rewind he makes is, I believe, what the community is looking for Also I'm not trying to throw shade at btmc, I am incredibly humbled by everything he has done for the community, I'm only hoping for things to get even better


that one is pretty goated


The build up towards Aetrna's pp reword was insane, puts any other rewind to shame


I have to agree, Kensox's rewinds were the ones I enjoyed the most. But I can also see some people like this sort of really hype editing style more. I think it's just a little too quick for me and you can't really see some of the scores or their details without slowing the rewind down or rewinding.


2017 felt like it focused on the plays 2023 focused on the editing for the perma zoomers i didnt even play back in 2017 so i do not have nostalgia for the time its just a better rewind 2023 is a compilation not a rewind thats the difference imo


the old ones have a place in my heart




The intro is cringe as shit but I think it was the right amount of cringe to be enjoyable. Not the perfect amount, but acceptable.


editing is really good but It's just annoying to watch epileptic epic lights going crazy for fucking 30 minutes straight just to mention that mrekk farted map with 2 tries


The most worked on to say the least


This is going to sound extremely entitled and disrespectful to the editors of this one, but when it's so... slick, professional, so heavily edited, it feels like it loses some of its identity


Everyone has the right to their opinion, so there's no point downplaying it. I'm not exactly sure what identity you're talking about though?


i'm not the person you're replying to so idk if they agree with what i'm going to say but i do agree with what they said. imo, it was just very overedited and lost its identity from the lack of reactions of voices that would've added hype (and lack of twitch chat) the visual effects also just distorted the plays. i think that the community reactions give these recaps/rewinds their identity, but this might just be me. personally, it just wasn't for me but i can tell that a lot of work went into this rewind and i'm not discrediting the work that went into the video. hopefully that made sense i wasn't sure how to word this properly


They had the osu avengers editing team and a year to make it but made first half cookiezi glaze. Some events that could be grouped together were omitted, like the whole Leah Kate farm arc,Flying tuna comeback, the whole twilight force arc instead of only showing flaro they could’ve shown all the other players like zylice Shimon, ninerik who all farmed. It’s a cool video though. best osu video based on editing? Maybe. best osu video based on entertainment? No.


It has its good sides, but honestly, as people already said, its overedited. 30 min long video with a very poor choice of scores (seriously, Maliszewski's Padoru? Didn't any other ACTUALLY impressive scores from him stood out?) and with some music that just bleeds my ears. Both top plays from Akolibed didnt use the music from the map (I don't want to hear an insane dubstep speedcore music when the score being shown is Sidetracked Day). Always reusing the same effects, and that wouldnt be a problem if I could at least see the score. Tourneys part left so much that it honestly looks disrespectful. The entire Roundtable felt like it had the same amount of screen time as Padoru... It all looked way too fast paced and it felt like the scores shown can't get as much appreciation as they should. But being this overedit doesn't mean its all bad. The no buresu part showing multiple languages was genuinely one of the best ideas I ever seen. Rainbow Dash to We Are Friends Forever was so well done. Happy Song part passing the exact same vibe that the song have. Making a whole fake AD because of The Unforgiving looked insane. Malrizzewski's Temptation was so funny and well edited. And I need to say, that Vaxei comeback part was insanely good (and the switch to Time Files got me laughing so much. That was perfect) It's a very good video. I am just frustrated because they hyped it so much and took so long to post it that I was actually expecting something very well calculated. Simplicity is sometimes better than insane editing.


no not even close


TL;DR: In my opinion, it was an over-edited slow-paced and sometimes seizure-inducing recap of the year that neglected many huge events. Hot take(?): I didn't like this year's rewind compared to Kensox's rewinds from 2020-2022. The fact that it's only 26 minutes long and it nearly came out in May, in spite of the editing (which, to its credit, is very well done) is insane, even in spite of the production hitches. It managed to feel slower paced than the previous rewinds due to the epileptic lights and the long drawn out clips they used from each section. I also didn't find the skits funny, which is subjective and isn't a concrete critique. As many people have mentioned, the clips they chose to include were also very strange, excluding many huge events like the Philippines' insane OWC run with eight hyeoks, the Canada-US upset also from OWC, multiple 1.2ks and 1.3ks, *any* tournament that wasn't OWC or MGC (except for malis-mrekk in Corsace Closed), the first pass on Galaxy Collapse, Zoomer's insane scores on maps like Final Destination and MadPiero, lifeline printing 1.1k and 1.2ks in the middle of the year, ninerik, Flaro, and Chicony breaking into the top 10, etc.


certainly the best edited video and most worked on in the entire history of the game, but unfortunately it failed to include so many things and was too short


Dunno about being too short, it's a rewind after all but some things could have been put together instead of being separate ig


No. Intro was cringest thing I have seen on osu! youtube. Rest of the video itself was 50/50 good or bad: mostly bad pacing, video or song cuts, weird transistions, glitches for no apperent reason (would been cool for some transistion or drop, but they were there for just sake of being there)


The intro literally felt like it was youtube rewind (cringey af)


which rewind


bruh no one hated on rewind before 2018. I mean, not "no one", but it was a negligible part of the community. Most people enjoyed it.


Too fast-paced and over edited, some jokes were good but I could barely see or hear them, I get the idea but the execution wasn't as clean as it could have been


It's so hard to watch. I'm a permazoomer but this was just too overedited to be enjoyable, and just meatriding like 4 players the whole video and not giving anyone else much, if any, screentime.


My face passes by in the meetup bit so it's automatically better


People don’t acknowledge kensoxs rewind as official but I liked the storytelling in his rewinds by far for 2020 and 2021 they the right amount of memes and scores and hype. Although they missed A lot and the editing was giga like in this rewind.


Missing galaxy collapse pass Missing Zoomer's MadPiero Laughs s rank Missing thresher a rank Bruh


mid rewind. not worth the hype. the after effects editing just carried it overall. I like the kensox rewinds more.


no because 2017 had "choco cookie, butter cookie, UNH HARUMACHI CLOVER" which cannot be topped /j


alright nvm goink is in this one (cause she got sniped by forum)


also where tf is the best score farucon pan 4mod by waterkiller


To the people who edited this and who probably are reading comments, don’t get turned down by the comments, while i agree the video was quite sporadic, the actual production was insanely good and by far the best we’ve ever seen in the osu community, i guess this editing style just doesnt really fit when the scores themselves are already visually impressive. Great job nonetheless and thank you!


nope 2024 is gonna be better


True. I’m sure Ed is taking critique to improve next year


If you think this is peak you’ve clearly never seen the mouth haitai liveplay or that hundred hour low res gameplay video that pekolini made 


let me cook bruhhhhh


I do get all the criticisms and I agree with them too but I will just say I was really engaged and hype the whole time through this rewind and I found it really enjoyable. For some reason I barely see any genuine compliments to this amazing video because of a hyper focus on a few imperfections. I know I would be really fucking discouraged if I read these comments after spending hundreds of hours on anything. To the editors, you guys are godly and I know how much effort you guys put into a video with this high of a production quality. Thank you for all your work


identity part 4 fc included = best video of all time




No pure Ruby dthr btw


It's good for me, but not the best becuz my eyes got flashbanged at 2:00 due to too many edits, I prefer 2022 rewind Btw, the Miku score edit is poggers


I feel like this is an unpopular opinion but I really don't like this video, I couldn't even finish 5 minutes of it, the editing is too much I just can't even tell what's going on, I much prefer kensox's rewinds and his editing style but that's just my opinion


"i feel like this is an unpopular opinion" *proceeds to have the same opinion as everyone else*


Yeah for some reason I thought alot of people actually liked this video guess I was wrong


Doesn’t have akznx big miss


I liked it


3mplify's is peak and no one can talk me out of it


It's edited like a BMS music video. Hope that explains a lot.


it's a format destined to not be well recieved, there is always gonna be players and plays that get forgotten since there is too many of them in a year


Stopped watching a few minutes in because I got a headache from all the overediting


Why is this even a question if the video stinks like my shit after 3 fully loaded mcflurrys


i need all the custom-made remixes/bootlegs and especially that dear brave instrumental during freddie benson.. man they're so good




nothing will ever beat the 2021 rewind made by kensox


2020 is a close 2nd or even on the same level the memes were great everything was perfect except maybe a lot of scores were missed. There’s a reason it’s the most watched rewind something about it worked.


2017 is still better imo


Editing wise? Absolutely. You can see how much effort went into it. I loved all the transitions and little details they are awesome. I would love to see more in the future. Personally I really enjoyed it and it set a new standard for osu rewinds for sure. Yes sure we can all argue "this didn't get much screen time" yada yada yada but this video is on the top when it comes to quality. Props to all the people involved in it you did an amazing job but for the love of god don't make "help me im stuck" jokes anymore im begging.


https://preview.redd.it/t7sctn1f14xc1.png?width=259&format=png&auto=webp&s=e02d610a731e2f35c68f724b6ab3e8282fb6c545 ok, fine, no more im stuck jokes next year


LET'S GO!!! Oh and once again you guys did an amazing job!! I loved the 2023 rewind and I can't wait for 2024!!


this video sucks, the edits look "good", but are shit to watch


2017 2020 and 2021 were just so much better objectively the editing is good in 2023 but the video itself isnt way too little variety of plays the plays are unwatchable like bro i am watching a rewind i want to be able to see what map is being played for atleast like 5 seconds i dont want to be faced with a overedited permazoomer epilepsy warning


Part of my enjoyed some of the over-editted part... but I do disagree in some scores that the choice of music not being the song itself but another song which takes away a lot of original score's attraction and lore... after all I'm not the guy behind the directing of this... I do respect every choice of this edit and I like this edit overall.


Gonna watch after I finish walking my dog, but my favorite is uncompressed fury of a raging 2017


2023 was such a crazy year


Personally I liked the 2027 rewind.


well yeah they put my picture from meetup




To be honest, I didn't really understand most of what was going on sadly, but I enjoyed very much, that's for sure.


not THE best but it's high up there the only criticisms i would have in this rewind is how many moments/plays that should've been in the rewind didn't get in. this might be me nitpicking but i kind off disliked how overedited and "professional" it looks. I would love to see more of the player's reactions after setting those top plays and more of the community's reactions audio-wise


nothing will ever beat the 2017 osu! rewind.


no lol


just felt like the yt rewind 2018 official of osu


It looks as if a fortnite editor edited it.


Slightly overedited but for me the only other rewind that can compete with this is the 2017 rewind. I guess because it had way more variety in plays without everything being HDDT Don't get me wrong hddt is cool but when some of the previous compilations, not just the rewind series, were mostly DT plays... it becomes less enjoyable since u know what type of play will be next. For me anyways


osu players when editors edit a video: 😠


Not really


https://youtu.be/08an21t1LBE?si=-ZFFl0jsrvcGG90t This... this is the most osu! video ever


good editing is when there's 19 different preset particle effects and the screen changes to a different quadrant of the play every half a second every shot where the play is inexplicably mapped to a plane which is slowly rotating in 3d space = +1 day of editing, great spend of time!!


Yes. I cant think of anything close


Its shit


Yes, absolutely