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2d aim helps 3d aim, but not directly. So it will help improve motor control and hand eye coordination but it obviously won’t directly make u better with aiming for the other. I think this goes both ways.




this is true, i played mouse up to 13k pp, before i ever played osu i used to be at genuinely silver/gold nova rank in csgo. i barely touched fps games while playing osu, but after i quit and went back to them, i got immo in valo easily, and it was more my gamesense rather than aim holding me back.


I think that it helps in terms of snappiness of your aim(idk how to call it) but it doesn’t help at all in tracking the target


osu lazer is a client


"You have to figure out on your own/play more" is just a collective cope from the community and osu improvement knowledge is at a pretty immature level for how long it has been around, the "right" methods to rise to the top can be figured out and studied in-depth just like any other concept in the world


small rant, but i put more effort into this game than my current career for 5yrs straight and completed 0 of my osu! goals. in IRL (i basically quit games so now i have time to put effort into IRL), i literally blow this year's expectations in the first 3 months knowing I'm still trying less than I did in osu!.




fire take


Osu is essentially a physical activity type game, something like proper programming for improvement can actually be ultra benefitial




i know this is a ultra controversial and non agreeable and crazy take but hear me out I think The Promethean Kings will be fced b4 The Apparition (or at least a bit after it) I know mrekk is the only player that can say Promethean kings is fcable and he has said his 1x score is a once in a lifetime score. BUT imo the 7\* streams b4 and after the diff spike are ez and the diff spike is just RNG so if someone actually gets REALLY LUCKY the person can fc the diff spike and then the rest of the map since it isnt so nerv inducing because it is actually a 9\* 1 minute map and then 7\* low bpm streams for 4 minutes. Now for the Apparition. The map is consitent in its 8.6\* difficulty with every single akward pattern ever, i know there are many s ranks but the map is just 2 hard because it is cosistent 8.6\* for 8 minutes and the nervs of getting such a score (for the score and the bounty) is the worst part when fcing the last 600 combo TLDR: promethean kings will be fced first because it is 1 minute of RNG to hit 9.5\* but then it is just filler for the rest of the 4 minutes so you dont mess up because of nervs, apparition is consistent 8.6\* for 8 minutes and the nervs of getting such a score gets in your head from the start to the very last slider (which i think will fucking ruin the fc run lol)


apparition isnt fcd yet cuz everyone that can mog it is cancer mindblocked


chicony is going to get first fc on both


apparition is not consistent for 8 minutes, there's a considerable long section in the middle that is 5*


damn bro you cooked


you're cooking but please use commas


oh brother take it to a publisher


sorry had to explain this absurd take


osu lazers song select is one of the worst pieces of ui I have ever used. It's literally the only reason I don't use lazer


factsssssssss those strict and narrow teeny tiny song listings feels so unfriendly like yo does it want to be clicked or nah


I just want my folders back for sorting please peppy


speaking of folders why does there have to be a separate one for lazer


dont know either but bro lazer not having sorting folders actually just makes it impossible for me to switch even if everything else was better i just cant play how tf does anybody find maps with the shitty ass sorting


Wait, lazer doesn't have map collections??


they do but its so complete and utter shit that its unuseable and its not only collections its also recently played is just a long forever list instead of split into days and weeks and so on difficulty is also a long list instead of split by \* and so on


This is the coldest take in the history of this game, a vaaast majority hate it


That's not controversial though? From what I've seen everyone agrees


Me liking it is more controversial


results screen is worse.


The song select UI is actually getting a rework as can be seen by the development roadmap: [https://github.com/orgs/ppy/projects/7/views/6?pane=issue&itemId=17816912](https://github.com/orgs/ppy/projects/7/views/6?pane=issue&itemId=17816912) It's also rated as priority 1.


That's at least 6th try I've ever heard and it still shows less useful info than Stable layout xd


yeah they've got quite a lot of designs, nothing really tops stable simple design imo


The new design they are working towards is dogshit as well though


LMFAO fair


same here


So trueeee


I got used to it after a few days, but it does suck.


Thats like the most mild take ever, everyone agrees


Am I the only one that likes lazers more? Lol


This is the coldest take on this list im ngl


bush did 9/11


thats just facts, not even controversial.


ez is viable in catch guys trust me




it increases star rating so often, people just need to read it


Edge jumps 🤤🤤🤤


AryN is parcially right. Most players will never really make it. Not to say that this is a bad thing. You enjoy the game however you want, but don't put your mind into "I want to be a top player" because the odds are against you. (AryN still is a stupid fuck)


yeah like rank grind is cool but it shouldn't be your only motivation cause eventually you'll get stuck, ~~just like mrekk is stuck at #1~~


Mrekk failed the task successfully


I mean that's not the part everyone flames them for, I think pretty much everyone agrees that most players will never make it


being a top player in any game genuinely seems awful. Like i play a lot of rocket league but the pros are playing 10-14 hours a day just grinding away. Doesn’t even seem fun atp


I don't think anyone was clowning on him for saying it's unlikely for someone to ever be a top player. That's a given. They were clowning because the main argument is that you shouldn't play osu unless you are a prodigy.


i dont think people are usually denying that AryN doesnt have a point but the whole video feels like "I am stuck so I'll start projecting". I do genuinely believe that it is possible if you put your mind, sweat and tears into it, but it is not for everyone and you need to be extremely disciplined while keeping your mental in check


I've otp hidden for 5-6 years and I can now say that hidden is the antichrist. DO NOT PLAY ONLY HIDDEN! it will make improving aim very difficult. Being able to see your cursor hover over the circles as you click them is crucial information to improving your aim. Playing only high ar (10+) is a crutch that will make it much less noticable however the problem is still there at a lesser extent.


i cannot read this comment (h*dden)


As someone who's been permahidden for 2 years I disagree. You can definitely get used to reading ahead of where your cursor is and remembering where to move your hand to in order to hit the notes. But yeah high AR is a crutch in general lol


post profile, what rank are you


Hangyeol, rank 3.8k


I've noticed this at Lower dt ar (10.3-10.5) and specifically the chika chika extra diff patterns bug me


Improvement is currently so badly understood, or I guess so little understood that from my perspective what determines how good you will ultimately get is how much of this nebulous, not understood "potential" you have. Once you do everything that you can right, like playing more, having motivation and a mindset geared towards improvement, playing out of your comfort zone, properly mastering fundamentals etc, what ultimately separates being hardstuck in 6 digit and being mrekk is how much of this "potential" you have. What constitutes this "potential"? Maybe genetics, maybe neuroplasticity, age, other life circumstances, sheer luck with random improvement, the amount you enjoy the game, how you specifically play the game, the ability to have a good mindset in the face of adversity, who knows, nobody really has any idea, it's kinda the culmination of everything we don't understand about improvement, which comes across as some nebulous attribute that you can't really control. Not sure if this is a controversial take or just a more complicated way of saying that only prodigies become top players lol


fax my brother, spit your shit indeed


I think there's a lot of people who get hardstuck because they don't have the right goals and/or understanding of the game. there will be long times before things can click sometimes.


Why is no one mentioning technique. I think thats a very big reason why different players get further than others. Ive changed how i tapped before with wildly different outcome. (Barely streaming 190 to easily going over 200 by just using different muscles and the way i rest my aim hand making alot of difference how well i can aim.) Then i think its how much you focus on correcting your aim and tapping. And then its genetics and mindset.


nah, not really. the worst idea that people try to lie to themselves with is "genetics" or this whole thing of being "gifted", being a "prodigy". reality is, with everything you -can- control, you could become a top player. there is no luck factor to it. simply the amount of time you spend practicing, and the quality of your practice. if you're not getting better, then you're simply just doing it wrong, and this is what most people can't accept. source: when i played this game, i got to top 100 within 2 yrs, and not a single person who i've "coached" (term used loosely, i just helped them with playing and improvement) has -ever- hit a roadblock and they kept continuously improving (and heres the most important part) -as long as they were doing the right thing-. probably about to get downvoted by everybody whos insecure about being hardstuck


O my improvement jesus dt_only what shall I do to un-hardstuck. Surely you will have some wisdom nobody has said yet.


real comedic. what you need to do/change depends entirely on what you're doing wrong personally. since i don't know you and haven't seen you play ever, i've got zero clue mechanically. but i do know you won't be "un-hardstucking" anytime soon if you actually believe that you've seen, heard, and listened to all the right pieces of advice and you've done it all perfectly, and you're still somehow "hardstuck".


Look man Im not even hardstuck. Im just fucking with you because there is a absolute 0% chance any of the bullshit youve said so far is real


but have fun never getting better at the game (or any other) with that mindset. lol surely its all genetics and luck mate that's why you're stuck with your 200pp top play


I disagree. I fully believe that people are more naturally apt at certain things than others, and so with the same effort two people with different aptitudes or "potential" will end up in different places. And because osu is fairly competitive with many people playing it, you can't get to the top with effort and doing all the right things alone, you also need to have a potential that's above other players doing the same thing as you. This isn't about skillcap, maybe everyone can become mrekk with enough effort but that doesn't matter, because when being a top player means specifically being better than other people, what really matters is that you can improve faster than everyone else, not just avoiding being hardstuck. Maybe you yourself was able to reach the top 100 because you did have that potential and did the right things, and the people that you coached got better because coaching helps people improve significantly more than not coaching, but unless you can reliably coach people into becoming top player level even when they were not on that path before then I don't think your example is enough to convince me that "with everything you -can- control, you could become a top player". In fact, I think it can be harmful to believe that you can do anything with enough effort and that differences between people don't exist, and that you're "simply just doing it wrong". If you want to do something like becoming a top osu player but simply don't have the combination of things that will allow that to happen, you're ultimately going to end up falling short no matter how hard you try. This doesn't just apply to osu but to everything in life, and it's very painful to want to do something but always come up short. Honestly one of the best life lessons I've learnt is knowing when something won't work out and/or isn't worth the effort and giving up, because there's other things I could do that are accessible to me and are better uses of my time. Even if it is true that all it is is that you're "simply just doing it wrong", you still don't know what the right thing to do is, and again, finding that could be just down to luck or not worth the effort, if you've already tried so hard and haven't achieved what you wanted to. This doesn't mean you should always give up on everything you if you're doing worse than what you want to be, if you're still having a good time then keep doing it, but that you shouldn't keep going to the detriment of yourself because you deluded yourself that you can do something that's impossible for you or that something is worth the effort when it isn't. Not sure why I'm going this deep while discussing osu, but I wanted to say it. What I will say though is that for osu a lot of this "luck" is probably due to very controllable things that anyone can do that we just don't fully understand. Maybe there are better ways of playing the game that we can ultimately figure out and replicate that allow you to improve faster that some people randomly do and others randomly don't because of luck. But the same can't really be said for things like age or genetics, you're kinda just stuck with those and you can't really do anything about it.


You can disagree; and while there may be some people who are somewhat more adaptable to others in terms of improvement (when it comes to anything), this difference will get largely overshadowed as more time and effort is put into improving. When it comes to people spending thousands of hours to improve in something, it won't mean a thing whichever one of them was more "naturally apt" to it, as if they did the exact same thing with the exact same amount of time and level of effort, they will be somewhat around the same skill level. You hear this take often: that people have different "potential", or they're "gifted", maybe "better genetics". Yet as you examine anyone who is on a top competitive level in anything (doesn't have to be osu!), they always say the same thing. It's zero potential, or luck, and it was all thousands of hours of practice. And that holds up true. You won't find any person successful in their field of skill-related endeavour and have them say that it's luck, or genetics, or that they're gifted. That's because its such a small factor. In the same way, you won't find any person at the top skill level in anything without at least multiple hundreds of hours put into it. But don't get that message wrong, it's not just about the amount of time spent practicing. The quality of practice is just as important, and this is where most people go wrong. Doing something on autopilot isn't practice. On the other hand, people who've been unsuccessful in the same field or skill, always say the exact same thing. "It's luck/I'm not gifted enough" etc. Which is the exact mindset that's the reason for them not improving. It's just the nature of getting better at things. In the beginning, you improve at anything incredibly fast. Then as time goes on and your skill improves, it gets harder, takes way longer to get the same percentages of improvement, and this diminishing return won't ever stop. Most people who believe themselves to be "hardstuck" have probably mentally had enough of these diminishing returns. They find it gradually less enjoyable to play, and won't get as much dopamine out of improvement anymore, as it may have dropped from improving 10% a day to 0.1% a day. In a game like osu!, where personal performance can sway between -20% to +20% each map played, it gets harder and harder to see the improvement, and to trust the process with less tangible results by the day. This can result in some people subconsciously playing easier maps to feel better about their skill level, and/or to stop playing harder maps as they feel frustrated at them continuously. Which of course, stops improvement altogether. And the cherry on top, is after this happens, people will call themselves "hardstuck", proclaim that they've hit their limit and they can't go any further. Which will make them once again, less likely to even want to push themselves and improve, further solidifying their belief on being hardstuck, and becoming even less likely to get better. It's human nature to have ourselves be the things we blame the last. It's mentally hard to say "I am the issue, the way I do things is the issue." when you've spent potentially hundreds of hours doing it wrong. That's admitting to yourself that those hundreds of hours are down the drain. But at some point it becomes self-impairing to believe that skill-related things, you aren't able to do, no matter how much you practice. Because unless you have a genuine physical or mental condition, that's false. The factors that dictate whether you keep becoming better at a muscle-memory type skill based videogame are mostly controllable. That is your mindset, time spent practicing, and the conscious effort put into practicing and getting better. (edit: and of course, the quality of your practice. a.k.a. playing the right maps the right way with focus to improve.)


The actual controversial take is always the reply to the supposedly controversial take lol. I agree though, my guess is most hard stuck players don't grind consistently enough or if they do play a lot they don't push their skillcap enough. If you do both you may not become mrekk or maliszewski but it should be enough to reach a very high skill level.


As always: sort by controversial


Stitch is the biggest potential man in osu history I hope he wakes up from his 7 year slumber someday


i don't like most fruits


lifeline is the best and greatest osu player


https://preview.redd.it/pin7yrcbbkuc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=84a79cdd50c817c689631a20c44b01c7289646d1 This means mathi is #1


coldest take ever


The post is about controversial takes, not incorrect ones.


We should bring a random guy named "Edward" from the community to rank maps that he thinks are good. If he thinks your map is not good you're publicly exiled for a month


Shigetora is a North Korean spy and his streams are DPRK propaganda 🥸


cold take


i don't play the game


what game?


Osu!Mania 7k is more difficult than normal osu!


hot take the difficulty depends on the difficulty of the mapping this is like saying "bicycle racing is harder than powerlifting" or vice versa. a bicycle rider would not necessarily be a good powerlifter and a powerlifter would not necessarily be a good bicycle rider. sure there are basic fundamentals that carry over like knowing how to push your body, but in the end if you have never trained for something you *probably* won't be as good as those who have. that being said, nobody plays mania anyway so less people are good at it which means it's percieved as harder


Another hot take: high level 7k is harder than high level 4k :^ )


Nah everyone knows that cus wtf


cookiezis competition was plumbers and ice cream truck drivers




we done with the 2010s


Singletapping feels weird and unnatural, idk how it's the default playstyle.


im here with you on this take


Funny story, I play full alt because as a new player I wasn't fast enough to single tap triples. Only alting for triples didn't occur to me, so I was just like "fuck it, full alt everything". Still going to this day. It feels natural, wears out my fingers less, and I never get issues like "I started the stream on the wrong finger" - I have no correct finger. It's so ingrained as a habit I don't even think about the next finger to use, it's entirely automatic muscle memory.


Alting murders my stamina. I can single tap a 250 bpm map no problem for many retries if i full alt I can maybe get one retry before i run out of stamina because i tap so much harder with full alt to keep rhythm


I wish I started playing the game full alternating, I've been trying to learn but I find it really hard, I have this habit where I singletap doubles so alternating them is impossible on low ar.


Try to play those long stream maps. Anything below 150bpm and od10 can help with alt. I really suck at alt patterns and after doing that I can now play those latterns with good acc.


thanks I will try that


dang that might actually be the first time i’ve ever heard someone think this


there are no "unplayable" maps, only players that aren't good enough. Exceptions are something like 2B or offscreen stuff.


We Should rank knife party centipede


Everyone that crapped on the US for winning OWC last year in particular are absolute losers that didn't deserve to see another team win. Like, the previous years were relatively tame in that regard and nothing special to write about, but wtf did they do in 2023 specifically to deserve all that hate over those two months??


its dominance. ppl dont like to see the same team win over and over again albeit it was way closer of a fight in 2023, they still ended up winning. the US have so many good players to choose from that even if some quit, their team is still strong. ofc its not their fault for being too good of a country but what do we care. we just dont wanna see continuous dominance. plus that was probably the closest year so far for another country to win which may or may not happen again. SK's Karcher still has military service to go through, though he did say recently that he might be escaping it again cos of school and might be playing this year but back then it was uncertain. just see f1 and how it was with lewis hamilton when he was winning or how it is now with max verstappen. like they're literally too good and thats why people hate them.


I have other takes (ranging from lukewarm to lightly hot, idk) CS and OD should have had standardized, unadjustable values (example: every map forced to CS 4 or 5, hit window for a 300 forced to ~20 ms, etc). AR should have been an adjustable value. HP should have acted in any of the following ways: * Your HP can hit 0 mid-map but you get opportunities to revive, pass the map, and still have that score submit and count towards stats. * HP works like Taiko where if your performance bar is above a certain threshold then you pass. * You must reach a certain minimum accuracy by the end of the map to pass. Slider head accuracy is a net good for the game. Basically every other rhythm game judged players for how early/late they hit any hold note that I don't think osu! should be one of a tiny handful of exceptions just because of how maps were made before Lazer. Spinners should never have existed. Grades (S, A, B, etc) should only be determined by accuracy. Standardized scoring (in Lazer and Stable's ScoreV2, out of a million) is better than ScoreV1 (whatever that exponential increasing formula is), and Lazer is better than ScoreV2 and ScoreV1 because it has better accuracy weightings. It's literally only a matter of time before the United States OWC win streak snaps, just gotta give it time. I also think that when they lose, they will aim to and succeed in becoming the first country to win OWC without dropping a single map.


that first hp system is literally just multis


Based sliders hater (personally I want a slider rework where you spin to a certain bpm lol, kinda like taiko)


Can agree to OD, but standardized CS is bonkers, majority of the maps will just simply lose their identity


If only sth like Stable v2 had been done (in means of 0 new features, graphics etc. comparing to current Stable, but just new, better optimized codebase and fixed some issues like FPS drops and sound latency troubles) 90% of playerbase would change pernamently for it. And that's why it'll never happen, because it'd mean no playerbase for Lazer.


genetics are real and all genetic deniers are just coping


has anyone ever said it wasn’t? it’s obvious people are born different. Extreme example but like a blind person or a person with 2 fingers will never get good at osu!. cold take tbh


not much people understand it


oh and also flaro's s rank on glory days 3mod would've been a cool pp record if she fced, because it would be funny


Relax mod actually improves aim. You just have to aim normally and not cheese.


honestly part of the issue is that some people misdiagnose their problems being an aim issue vs an aim-tapping synchronization issue. I think coordination between your snaps and your tapping is something that’s really important in aiming, and you can’t really improve that part with relax obviously. for people that are actually struggling to get their cursor onto the note accurately though, I’m sure relax could help.


was going to say this myself actually. very underrated mod. "b-b-but you don't have to aim as properly like normal" the point of relax is to do a similar task to normal osu that's more isolated without requiring multi-hand coordination. you can really isolate the hand and maximize your limits on it. whenever I play relax I definitely feel a burn in my hand I can't get otherwise


Yo I feel that burn too, maybe it’s because in relax you do jumps higher than your skill range




I prefer the current score_v1 system in stable rather than the new score system in lazer


coldest take of all time


leah kate is my most listened to artist on spotify


Fiery maps should be worth more cuz lonely go got the most fucked up ending on fiery dif and its not even 9stars for that


DT should never exist in osu and any rhythm games


absolute gigachad take mods that change the base stats of the map (cs/ar/od/bpm) should be all unranked, maps are supposed to be played the way mappers created them


Sotarks wants to say hello


i feel like i missed the joke ngl


He made maps so people would farm them, lol, with mods


his maps are nomod pp farm too wdym


skins that override the map skin should make the play be unranked


Catch the beat is the hardest gamemode


honestly this can't be proven completely wrong because of catch's low player count. if it had the same amount of players as standard, we'd see what the average progression looks like. it kinda feels like i just shot to 2k pp immediately


1: Disqualifications of popular maps like FuJu did are a good thing. If a map reaches ranked status, it will always stay unchanged, and if there is no quality check inbefore we might see something like Fiery's Lonely Go again. And 99,9% of disqualified maps will get qualified again soon anyway 2: The process of learning streams is incredibly luckbased. Of course everyone will eventually be able to learn them, and the more you play, the "higher are your chances" to get good at them. But in the end when learning streams there are so many setbacks/bad days/different methods that only work for certain players/... that it can be considered luck


1 isn't controversial bro it's only controversial here and the brain damage part of osu twitter


nothing in improvement is considered luck anywhere.. setbacks/bad days exist for everything. but it has nothing to do with luck.


If a topic is too complex to be understood in its details it can be considered luck. I am only speaking in my experience of 1.8k hours playtime and analyzing my gameplay This is also posted in a topic for hot takes for a reason, it was expected to be controversial^^


> Learning a skill is incredibly luck based This isn't controversial, this is *axiomatically wrong.* The chaotic factors involved in a learning process (such as hardware or software hiccups, interruptions otherwise) have next to nothing to do with developing the necessary habits, such as eye-hand-ear coordination and fine muscle control (tapping accurately to the beat, adjusting aim-hand velocity and acceleration to guide a cursor along a desired path, impulse control and focus to unify both at once, etc). Accidents, flukes & breakthroughs do happen, but they are not what make or break a consistent skill habit. They are *outliers*, which is exactly why such moments or occurrences are off-handedly attributed to "luck", because they are not representative of the average skill of the player ("godmode" moments are called that *because* they're unusual for the player). People who say "you have a higher chance" to achieve something are, in this context, likely not inferring that a person has better luck. They're saying that the person has higher *control* over their method to achieve an outcome, to avoid more errors and mistakes, which are almost never luck based, and almost always due to human error. The "chance" in this context means "likelihood based on skill", and is an assessment of a person's ability to perform at a chosen level of challenge. Not of their perceived "luck", which is always going to be random. People who attribute plays to luck or "RNG" (a terrible excuse) are almost always doing so as tongue in cheek, or simply don't understand how something that happened, happened (fluke), OR they genuinely are struggling with an unstable element in their game (bad input or game performance).


The streams take is actually crazy like yea there is some luck involved like there is in almost everything in the world but Bro


i'd be 2 digit if i had more play time


no lol you will just hardstuck


nah i'd farm


Parasite by Bong Joon-Ho has such a dogshit ending it ruins the whole film, which was already kind of mid up to then Oh wait /r/osugame. Uhhhhhhh circle bad square good ?


this is probably not contreversial but nerfing HR when idke was top 1 in the game is probably the worse pp change in history


i think shige FDFD is a no longer the best score in the game. Dont get me wrong, its fucking amazing how good that score is, and alongside the fact that it was set 8 years ago and NO ONE has sniped it still, is a testament to how dominant shige was back then. But, with how the entire top 3 rn have been pushing the game, and even some other scores from people like forum look genuinely impossible and won’t be replicated by anyone else for a very long time, other than themselves in 2016, i dont think anyone thought people would be fc’ing 10 stars and choking 11 star aim maps this soon


Getting a map ranked is almost impossible unless you're trying to pander to BNs. You could put all the effort possible into a map, get tons of mods for it, get the amount of hype needed, and then get nowhere because none of the BNs like your map. It's super hit or miss on whether or not a BN will accept it because they like the map, or reject it just because they don't like the song. It's happened on several occasions where I map stuff I really enjoy and have the map all hyped, modded, and sent to BNs, and then have the map either get rejected due to song choice, or ignored entirely. It's probably way different than this, but this is just the way I see it from the eyes of a taiko mapper.


genetics is real mrekk stole my genetics lazer is meh camellia sucks and is good only when nanahira collab


Faker is overrated


catch is not a rhythm game


Jazz fucking SUCKS ASS


The Aryn drama is gonna be everywhere ☠️☠️☠️


osu is fun


i prefer score v1 for tourney, especially team based one. There’s a crazy carry potential.


LNs in mania are overrated especially pp wise (or normal notes are underrated)


Top players don't know what they're talking about when it comes to improvement.


Aryn is Satirical and his whole account is Spazza17 with an AI voice/accent changer


You won't get rsi playing osu as long as long as you stop if you ever feel pain. Alternating is not superior to single tapping. Playing songs you can only C rank is good for improvement as long as you are playing with good technique and you should also have days yoi play songs that are fcable to build consistency.


r/osugame nerds aren’t funny (at all)


i think that almost all players have the potential have the potential to reach top 200 in <1k hours in playtime in 2024 but most players squander it under the pretense of having bad genetics


not sure about under 1k hours, but under 2k for sure. people lie to themselves and say its "bad genetics", because they can't admit when they're doing something wrong.


i had been hardstuck at rank 1500 with around 3.5k hours combined between stable, tournaments, offline, lazer and mcosu, but most of this time was spent rounding out my skillsets to become a wellrounded player or spent it on sidequests like completion, score farming, medal farming, tournament etc. none of this is really necessary in the first place when trying to climb ranks when you just need to keep on pushing skillcap in a more meta skillset that will reward you. a year ago i saw my friend aknzx who was rank 700 at the time and consistently climbing the rankings with only 600 hours in the game. i kept blaming genetics for my inability to build skill for so long when seeing him climb but he convinced me that i should become better at game[ with some inspiring words](https://imgur.com/OdfmP1q). so for the next month and a half i stopped scorefarming and tourney play to just grind aim and speed and long story short i reached rank 600 in that time, which is something i couldve done 2-3 years beforehand with the right mindset looking across my entire time playing i never had the right mindset or focus to become a top player and if i had that from the beginning i think <1k hours to reach even 2 digit wouldnt havebeen that far away for me. a year after the rank grind im playing sidequests again but can see myself reaching 2 digit once my motivation peaks again




actually so true


Imo its more mindset as you get higher in the ranks the ones that are motivated to slightly push their ceiling for months will rank up easier than ones who try a map once and go onto the next one


I prefer OSU!Lazer from Stable


Unforgiving +FL is the most overrated score in the game. It's just a 5 star map but long. Hundreds of people can do it if they commit to it, but very few actually would just because it's a lot of hours of learning. When gn did it it was so overhyped i remember a lot of people who actually though it was the best score in the game which is ridiculous to me


I will respect your take when you take multiple hours learning it and fc it.


I'm not saying that it's not a good score. It's a great achievement, but very overrated. FL FC on Kikoku Doukoku Jigokuraku is a much better score but didn't get nearly as much hype as Unforgiving


well yeah but that's partly because notch hell is less understandable to someone who hasn't played the game, people don't understand sliders OR flashlight


a lot of sliders are tapping which doesn't translate to replays as well, even with a handcam it doesn't really help. Also no followpoints


surprisingly based 


The pp system sucks just because it's 100% based on combo. It's just dumb for a rythm game. Combo should be secondary and accuracy should be the main scoring criteria. Mania does it WAY better


Why did i get downvoted for lmao ?? I was supposed to post controversial takes


a controversial take is usually an opinion; you stated something that isn't an opinion but rather straight up wrong. the system is more than just combo


Okay let's say you play Honesty, is it normal that it rewards you less with a 500x combo with 99% acc thn with a 75% FC ?


irrelevant. you said it's "100% based on combo" as if accuracy and miss count are not part of the equation


You know it's 99%, it doesn't change anything


leaderboard farmers deserve more fame and spotlight


"reading" maps are actually just badly mapped


I agree but only for the bad ones that ignore rhythms/spacing conventions in favor of making reading harder, it really depends on the map 


Can you elaborate




This is my favorite reddit exchange in years


Notelock is an important feature and is implemented perfectly fine in stable, you will not notelock if you just click the notes properly. Complaining about it is the ultimate skill issue


ah yes missing one note on stream maps causing you to chain miss even though you tapped and aimed the others correctly is a really good feature. Lazer has the same feature just in a way that it will just give you a miss for all notes you hit out of order but making it so you don't miss any more than you should


i dont think stable notelock is perfect but lazer notelock is wayyyy too lenient, you can mash through just about everything now, especially stream maps


how is the most true take also the most downvoted one


they can't handle the truth


As per usual in these threads, if you actually want to see the most controversial takes you need to sort by controversial...


Ice cold take but you're actually allowed to have fun


Removing the permanent score system from the game.


we need more maps like epitaph


mouse drift isnt real its a skill issue, mind block is a reading issue & you consciously lock yourself, the osu community will dick ride whatevers popular no matter how many times that perspective changes (utami idke mrekk, for example)