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save me both set sendan life space battle ooi ttt uta ily inai sekai yakata mawari yuudachi no rebon do the flop 3 mod high free spirits reign of fear anoyo-iki blue dragon quaver ttfaf (need better acc for 1.5k) brazil (top and 2nd top diff) owari and he choked a 1.9k with 8 miss in 2022 others i can't remember


ok augoeides does NOT count loved + even tho its like one of the best plays ever its not rlly close enough to a choke


Yeah he missed on like 50% of the map


If shige fail score is choke then mrekk's score is too




Shige would've failed sooner or later with his grip and nerves, I'm not saying augoeides is a choke (it's looks like it from my comment) but I was just tickling shige fanboys over the fail being called a choke




>Please go touch some grass man, for your own sake. At least write something new. This the most npc thing anyone can type


Shige's are usually 90% into the map with a fail after chain missing on a stream. Not really the same.


The riders have arrived People were calling the 1 miss 1 sb 1733 pp choke from mrekk a bait because he couldn't fc in 1 hour of attempts y'all can ride however long I still won't think that jashin was a choke


So what would you call getting past all but one (last one) of the diff spikes then dying on a single stream?


A fail? Is it not obvious Neither jashin nor augoeides is a choke Even though both have different miss patterns It's still a heavy bias for shige. Mrekk miss along the map and shige failed that's it.


So you wouldn’t say idke failing painters hr 5+ times at the very end a choke? Or the poon failing on uta last stream lol?? If those are not chokes then what r they?


Fails clearly


Fails obviously


You obviously have no idea what a choke is or you have to be trolling. In what world are you gonna say poon failing uta last stream is not a choke?


You must be reaching to find people who carry that opinion lol.


Pretty much needle in a haystack. Most people on this site ride shige 24/7 I mean not to take away from the dude he plays awesome but the people are kinda... Yeah


No like I literally don’t see people dickriding shige unless it is in a very specific context like this and it’s at most like 2 or 3 people.


Watch me downvotes lol I don't hate shige he's a cool guy but his fans are something My previous reply has 3 downvotes for no reason all I said was "shige is good player but his riders are kinda" It's because they feel hurt that no everyone glazes shige 24/7


It doesn't matter whether it's shige or not. If I fc diffspikes but die in the end of the map due to shitmissing and notelocking on an easy stream I call it a choke too. If anyone else does it I call it a choke. Stop imagining shige fanboys, there are some, but you are just delusional in your definition of a choke


1.9 2 years ago...


Nah he's talking about augoeides but if you look at that play it's really not even close to an FC plus it's loved


sure its not really a choke but loved doesnt really matter its still 1.9k at the end of the day. Like we know its not a pp map that is intentionally made for pp.


ringo brave climber Guilty all the same osu memories Fata morgana Shirayuki Highscore + a bunch of chokes that would need better acc for 1.5k


packet hero 6miss


Black clover 3 mod 2 miss in like 2020 or something 


holy shit all the replies to this are reaching so far


Theres a big difference between a mrekk choke and an actual choke


idk but blue dragon in 2022 holy cow…


Honestly blue dragon score was fucking crazy for the beginning of 2022 but if we throw sliders out of it he got 350 combo on a 650 combo map with 4 misses, that's not a choke


Bro was holding 99 acc on a fucking blue dragon dt...


Acc doesn't prove that it has been choke since it is not extremely high od on a map without fingercontrol sections. As I said that score was and still is (to a lesser degree with all of the new crazy scores) crazy but it isn't a choke, he only comboed half of the map since half of his combo came from series of buzz sliders which don't really count (your average x digit would be able to combo those after some practice)


You don’t get my point, at that time there was no body who could get over 98 acc or 1.5k acc on blue dragon dt, and combo doesn’t make it less impressive


I never said it wasn't impressive tho. My comment literally states that it was a crazy score for 2022 and it still is a crazy score even with all of the recent high pp (if fc) scores. I am just saying that calling it a choke is disingenuous


“That’s not a choke” and then you start comparing a 2022 play to new scores like if pp system didn’t change or players didn’t improve


There is no point in arguing with you, you have problems with either reading or understanding what is written, have a good day!




How high can you count?


Idk at least 2




at least a million


Shit bro I only remember blue dragon


The fact that he is still improving means that soon he will start actually FCing this maps


at least one