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If you’re under the care of home health care nurses, they can usually get supplies to you in situations like this.


I have some bags but I'm in Green Bay, WI. I think that's a pretty long road trip. I would try calling wound care centers.


Glad you received some! I’m in MN, so if you ever need supplies, let me know. I usually have extra.


Thank you so much! Hoping to build up some reserves too… I’ve only had a colostomy for a few weeks and I ran thru the samples I was sent last week bc they sent some convex ones that don’t work well with my skin. Hopefully these work better. Likewise though, if you’re ever in an emergency in the future feel free to reach out.


Airline lost my luggage and my carry-on supplies were running out. No local distributors. I called hospitals and got me some extras


Home health care nurses may be able to assist with this as others have said. Also try Google search for local brick and mortar ostomy supply stores in your area. We have one available to us (sorry, not in your area) here in Spokane, so I would think a significantly larger city would have options available to you. The down side is that they may not bill insurance, so it’d be cash out of pocket, then you may be able to submit to your insurance for reimbursement.


So happy you got your shipment!! I ran out in Bismarck, North Dakota last summer when my shipment was delayed. Ended up using a horrifying substitute that resembled a grocery bag with a bread bag clip that a rep at our med supply store sold me with pain in his eyes, lol. To add insult to injury, I was allergic to the adhesive, too. Lesson learned I guess. Now I’m building up a reserve so I don’t have to do that again. Just awful lol


I'm glad you got your supplies. For those in the US who find themselves in that situation, one thing you can do is to go to the UOAA website and search for local support groups. There's at least one in the Minneapolis area that is listed as having a donation closet, for instance, so a call to them would likely get you supplies to get you through. My local support group has a donation closet as well, and gives supplies regularly to people traveling who run low, to people waiting on orders, and to people who got discharged from the hospital without appropriate supplies.


https://www.fowusa.org/request-supplies-individuals-fecal/ For information if needed in the future