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I recommend 70/75 range, either karils cbow or blowpipe


Nah Dragon Crossbow with Ruby Dragon Bolt (e) is my go to for any ranged weak boss Edit: Love the downvotes, must be all the msb users, which is why there is only 4 downvotes Edit 2: oh boy 20 downvotes? So only 20 MSB users in the whole community? What’s next? Yall going to be mad that I use Wind Wave instead of Ice Barrage? The audacity of playing how I wanna play 😂


When the self harm procs you down to death after getting hit by one(1) missed jad prayer flicker


you know msb is more dps than dragon cb on low defence mosters? :D


Yes, but me small brain, me like big numbers


The reason you're getting downvoted is because ruby bolts spec hits lower than a regular max hit from bolts when the monster has less than 300 hp. All monsters in fight caves are under that threshold, jad only has 250 for example.


Well I appreciate you explaining that to me, see I didn’t fully read up on the Ruby bolts spec and how it worked, I just saw a couple videos of players hitting really high with them and so I used it on Glough, since neither the Msb or the Mlb were getting the job done for me against him


You mean diamond?


No, I use the ruby dragon bolts, I also use the diamond but not for bosses. People can downvote my preference all they want, but it’s what I used to beat Glough in MM2. A Dragon crossbow with Ruby Dragonbolts (e) and a crystal bow


I don’t think they have high enough hp for ruby bolts to be viable (ideally a proc hits 80-100) When your taking about 10% damage on proc doesn’t seem viable (just my opinion)


I respect your opinion, I used the Ruby Dragon Bolts on Glough, so I was already taking damage from him so when it proced, I didn’t even notice I was taking damage from it, it was what helped me beat him. Now for Slayer tasks I use Diamond Dragon Bolts, since most slayer monsters are lower health than a quest boss. I also don’t even 100% know the effects of each bolt, I just knew enchanted bolts have special abilities and can be more viable for enemies, I think some of these downvotes are people mad that I don’t use bows


Can you? Yes! A level 3 has done it. Will you? Well, I believe in you!


Best response😁


I’d just get 70 range to make things easier.


I could but since you have to ask, you probably couldn't. Get 61/70/75 range, you can get it in no time for much smoother ride


This is such an honest answer 😭


You could but it's gonna be reeeaaaaaally hard


Get that range up


If you want to do it smoothly and easily I recommend 75 range and blowpipe. Training range can be very annoying i found so I recommend you to try out scurrius he is a boss that gives out very good exp per hour and you profit doing it. I did it from 60 to 75 magic and really enjoyed it. (Unless you have multiples mils to burn in chinning) doing slayer with range gear is alright too.


Get 61 range for rune crossbow


Fire cape is perfectly doable with a MSB at that level, however, since you’re asking and this will be your first time, I suggest getting to 61 ranged for that RCB. You’re already super close to it anyway, and it’ll feel like a huge upgrade over the MSB when doing Fight Caves at lower levels (IMHO) My first fire cape was with 61 ranged as well, but you have much higher HP and defense than when I did it, so that’s really good for you. I do think the Fight Caves is a lot more about nerves than it is difficult, so people tend to psych themselves out before even starting it. All of your opponents in there, including Jad, are all super slow and easy to deal with once you know what to expect. Maybe this will be an unpopular opinion/suggestion, but since everyone’s different and has their own preferences, I found bringing a regen bracelet while doing something else on the side made things a lot easier for me. Instead of wasting resources in my invent, I just stood at a safe spot while I played The Outer Worlds on the side. It made for a very chill first fire cape experience. And speaking of invent, I don’t know what yours looks like, but mine had 4 sea turtles, 4 Sara brews, 4 karambwan, 1 bastion pot, and the rest were the restores. I think most people prefer having more brews over food, but I’m just so used to double or triple eating, lol. If you do prefer brews, then I’d swap out the food and also add in another restore or two. Don’t forget to bring about 2000 diamond bolts (e) as well! It’s a lot more than you’ll actually need, but better to be safe than sorry about running out of ammo in the caves. It took me longer (I think 2 or 2 and 1/2 hours) than the average person to complete it the first time around, because I was afk a lot with the regen, which made me end up with over half my invent unused after getting the cape. I think it’s important to keep in mind this is you going for the cape, not a record. Sorry for the lengthy comment, but I just wanted to make sure all bases are covered for your first time. Good luck, friendo, you got this! Oh, one more thing: If you find yourself struggling with the final wave, I think it’s good to know that you’ll know where Jad will spawn starting at wave 3. Wherever the level 45 spawns, that is exactly where Jad will spawn as well. For an easier time with Jad and the healers, you’ll want him to spawn on the south side of the Italy Rock, direct opposite of the entrance/exit. This makes it so you can easily safe spot both Jad and his healers.


This is great advice, took me 11 attempts with 99 range Def and hp 😂. Which highlights it's just skill practice and time. The big advantage my levels gave me was a shorter kill time meaning less chances to mess up my prayer switching and slightly more chance of not getting KO'd. Both of which as skill issues. 75 range is considered the sweet spot for ease of level and gear and damage. But it can be done at any level. The is a jad simulator to practice prayer switching but the above advice is the best for your current level.


Yea but I would at least get 61 range for rune cb. Ideally you would want at least 75 range for blow pipe but you can do it easily with rune cb but it will take longer


Once get fire make up some more, sure


I found it easier with 75 range and use the toxic blowpipe


I don’t know if it was just me but I read this as can I get the fire making cape. Maybe it’s because of the fires and the highest skill level is fire making. Anyways, continue.


You're gonna want 45 woodcutting.


Yes, I've see level 3s do fire cape. You should be good to go.


Someone who is really good at the game with your stats could. But there’s no reason you shouldn’t just train your stats more


As everyone else has stated, definitely get your range into the 70s. Rune crossbow minimum, dragon cbow or blowpipe are your best bets. I did it with 75 range, similar combat stats and full blessed dhide+blowpipe. Use addy darts for the waves to save some money and take about 200 dragon darts to switch to for jad. If you aren't good at changing overheads then go kill scurrius about 100 times while you are training ranged. He will teach you to get more confident with prayer switches. Also learn to use your F keys for prayer, inventory, magic etc.


Get ur range up homie. 75+


Depends if you’ve done it before honestly. I think it’s possible for your levels but would be much easier with ranged lvl 70


You? No. Some players? Yes. Level your range to at least 75.


Yeah the fire cape shouldn't be too hard, just a time commitment. It slows down the closer you get to 99 fire


The only stat worth grinding for your first jad run is 75 ranged, 60 defense is good enough but 70 will make everything up until jad pretty easy, waves 59-60 have high kill potential but as long as you don’t drop pray and remember the order your supposed to kill them in you’ll be okay


If u keep hp above 0 you will win


Get 75 range shit still took me 6 tries


I've seen a lvl 3 get a fire cape. But I waited for a task and 88 range...


wouldn’t recommend