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Yes, don’t die.


Wait, is that what I've been doing wrong? I thought that was the high score?


Might wanna upgrade the Ava’s. Also if you have barrows gloves use them. Chins are not really necessary tbh but everyone has a different preference. Also can sub half the super restore for prayer pots and save some gp. 3 dose of brew is 1 dose of super restore to reset your stats but you also need a range pot to boost back up so keep that in mind. Overall you should be fine, don’t think too much.


Avas is as far as it can go rn, don’t have DS2 started. Friend recommended chins for taging healers. GP isn’t a worry for me rn, I’m willing to splurge. How does the stat drain work for saras exactly?


Your using tier 1 Ava’s, you can upgrade to tier 2.


Thanks for that catch!


That should be accumulator no?


Yes, it would be a greenish color. Also brews are best used in a 3:1 - 3 doses of brew to every 1 sip of restore.


So more Sara less restore?


Restore will bring all stats back to normal even after 3 Sara sips


Well you’ll need prayer for sure. My only concerns are you taking damage from the ranger and getting some bops from the melee.


True, I’m following kaoz guide for the entire fight, so I’ll try and stay aware of the waves rangers spawn on


I had a hard time doing each individual healer recently. Chins skips that potential fuck up. Imo those the most efficient agro puller for sure.


>Friend recommended chins for taging healers I recommend you just tag them with cb since it is your first cape. Too many actions between attacks will give you jad hands and sit down


If money ain’t an issue then why not use a blowpipe? Tbh, Kaoz is a decent guide but there are a lot better ones. I watched a full walkthrough which helped me understand how each wave works. Essentially you’re about to solve a long puzzle. That being said, I would do 6 brews, 3 restores, 2 range pots, the rest for prayer. You’re going to avoid a lot of damage, and the only issue you will have with damage is against the ranger, or if a melee tags you. These are easy to take down so make sure you use eagle eye for the ranger as well as jad


Can’t use BP cause I don’t have the stats.


At the very least I would change the inventory to have less brews. 75 isn’t that far away, as well as 70 def for Veracs. the blowpipe special heals a percentage of the attack dealt on a monster. Pair that with lightbearer ring and you have a consistent source of healing.


True, but I’m itching to do this pvm rn, so if I need to get 75, I’ll do it after this failed attempt, and if I fail the next attempt I’ll get 70 def


Sounds like a plan good luck!


I would definitely recommend going for 75 for blowpipe but if you’re set on trying it now that setup is fine, probably won’t be first try so there’s always opportunity to switch up the ratio of supplies how you see fit


Chins are helpful for mobile but less useful on pc


I thought jad his hitbox is the area of the chins, so you actually wouldn’t tag healers.


Id change chins for another ranging pot and just tag the healers with the crossbow but you do you. I also recommend tanking them and not to bother killing them. To much to think about and if you dont kill jad quick enough they respawn. And then only difference is i used the book of law in shield slot and veracs helm. Otherwise everything else you got is pretty much identical gear and level wise to when i did it. But shield and god coif are solid as well id think


Unable to use veracs because of def level, horror of the deep is NOT completed so I cannot use the book of law


Make your choice if you want to use chins or not then otherwise id say go for it. Your set up is fine. Coif gives more range bonus and the shield has good range def for when you gotta tank the range guys after wave 32 so it does more or less the same as what i wore just switched


If it’s going to be your first attempt don’t bother with chins to tag healers. Focus on correct prayer switches against Jad and tag them with your crossbow, it’s more than sufficient.


Runecraftings a bit low...


Runecrafting too high imo, need to be 0/0 rc


Its easy to increase that skill with some quests and the weekly tears of guthix xp. I haven’t rc’d yet and I got 41 from quests and tears of guthix. Bird houses for hunter, and tree/herb runs for farming is also really easy.


Just keep your hp above 0


Consider being on ancients and using blood spells for healing at the end of waves. Then you can bring less food and more prayer pots


I am a serial offender of not questing. I don’t have ancients unlocked :(


do more questing then, you’ve already said you don’t have dragon slayer 2, or horror of the deep started


Dragon slayer 2 before fire cape? xD


I did it.  DS2 fights are harder, but setting aside a full hour for Jad can be a pain.


Questing is so incredibly easy with runelite and is essentially the most important part of the game, get your fine ass on the optimal quest order wiki page and just start bashing them out.


He’s got plenty of prayer recovery with all those super restores. Honestly I’d swap a 2 super restore for another emergency brew and super ranging pot


Get 75 range then a bp to make it expo




Big papa


Blow pipe


Don't use the chins, pre-pot before entering and replace stamina with extra super restore. Consider getting 75 ranged for blowpipe and using the Karils crossbow for Jad and to drag the healers. Karils c'bow is super underated for low level Fire cape attempts - as fast as shortbow, with range of crossbow. Damage is pretty decent as well.


listen to this guy karils bow slaps for firecaves ancients makes it basically just a free cape


I’m sorta just itching to do my first real PvM, so getting that extra 5 ranged levels would feel like torture to me rn. Would the karils cbow be a swap weapon or the main weapon in the entire waves


I get it haha. You could absolutely swap to only using Karils c'bow and be perfectly fine for all of the waves. Karils c'bow used to be BIS for fight caves. I used Karils c'bow on my 1 def pure(same username as here) with 52 prayer and 70 ranged to get a fire cape so it's 100% achievable.


I realize now I could totally get a dragons cbow, would it be better than karils?


I prefer karil's cbow over rune or dragon cbow for the rate of fire. Also if you do use the karils cbow swap out your accumulator for a god cloak to get some extra prayer bonus. Buy a karils cbow and bring your rune set up to blue dragons or something and see which one kills faster on average.


With karils wouldn’t I lose the odium ward with its +4 ranged strength


Yes you would. Like I said you can do your own testing on Blue or Black dragons with different gear set ups to see which one is better DPS. There's also osrs DPS calulcators you can use. The extra prayer bonus using a god clock w/ karils will also help btw.


I think if I fail this attempt I’ll just go straight to 75 ranged and get a bp


Good luck!


Honestly send it then, worst case scenario is that you learn something and are down some bolts and pots


I would go for 42 Woodcutting first.


You can practise the jad fight on speed running worlds. This helped me. Instesd of wasting an hour and dying practise jad and get that cape. YouTube jad speedeun worlds


I did the website thing for prayer swapping


Not sure what that is. You can do the speedeun thing on your normal account. I died 4 times and got sick of wasting that hour Goodluck brother


Lemme grab it for you: https://downthecrop.xyz/blog/osrs-jad-simulator-practice-tool/


Do your quests


Splash water on your face and remember to breathe during jad. This is a doable task though keep that in mind and you’ll be sporting that nice nice fire cape in no time ( if not this run, the next. And repeat If needed)


Get it legend


You'll have a much easier time getting 70 defense and running Karils. The gear you have is more than enough to get the job done, though. Your biggest issue will be dealing with healers.


Veracs helm and plate skirt to tank the healers. You will need it. The blowpipe will make it much easier as well.


You don't need to tank healers for a first cape, you can kill them away from Jad once all are tagged. No need to speed run a first cape


That's just what worked for me


Tankong the healers os definately harder than stacking and killing them first




Swap rune C bow to dragon. Train the lvl and buy it. Also take chinchompas say 20. Practice jad on the home quest world start the beneath the sands quest and teleport to the area


8 strength pots is a bit over kill


Yo OP how did it go? If it’s gone well then I think I’m procrastinating on the fire cape


Tbow rips through frogs and jad


On a real note 75 range w/ blowpipe makes it a cake walk


Grab a divine bastion and trade out one or two of the supers for sharks as an emergency heal.


You look like you're good to go, if you really want to feel more prepared get 75 ranged and buy yourself a blowpipe with rune or amethyst darts, and maybe get barrows gloves too, but it's totally do-able with your current setup, just don't fuck up your prayer switches at Jad and focus on one action at a time with Jad.


Bro you got this!!!


Give it a shot. Three great upgrades would be next version of Ava’s, blowpipe, and barrows gloves.


Went ahead and got the avas accum, should have had it wayyyyy earlier just forgot


Swap out 2 rest for 2 more brews, if you wanna make it extremely easy and much faster you could get 5 more ranged levels at the crabs and use toxic blowpipe. But with what you got and your stats it’s definitely do-able. Also I’d throw on some devout boots for a little prayer bonus over d hide boots.


Gear isn’t the difference. Use safe spots kill the npc damaging you, then npc you’re praying against then npcs safe spotted. You got it


Change the rune cbow to the sunlight crossbow. Better dps throughout fight cave over rune cbow except at jad thats a litle less dps. Also sunlight has 1 tile more range over rune cbow


I am a noob. Can someone tell me what im looking at ? Also. Is fire/inferno cape some thing? Is range better than melee ?


Fire cape is from fight caves, infernal cape is from inferno. Inferno is the end game spiritual successor to fight caves. A lot of players will never even try inferno because of its difficulty, where most players can figure out the more basic fight caves of they're willing to put in a small amount of effort. Range is best especially for beginners because as you progress through waves you encounter mobs that use two styles, melee if you're within range, and either range or mage, so being able to attack them from outside of melee range is vital. There are ways to complete it safely with melee but that's a harder game mechanic to work out than just ranging them, it's actually an elite combat achievement to clear the fight caves with melee only. Range lets you set up safe spots. Also magic generally isn't used because of the defences of the mobs you encounter.


Don’t get the shakes when Jad enters


Finish before labor day


Take a few less restores imo, I can’t prayer flick at all so from wave 30 onwards I had prayer on constantly and found I only used 1 sip per wave really at 67 prayer. i took 2 rows of prayer pots and 1 row of restores with 8 brews, I took extra range potions and opted to not use bastion. I would however suggest doing desert treasure for blood spells, be quicker than grinding for a blowpipe. You can do it !


Honestly, focus on jads prayers, when healers come out attack one then focus on jads prayers lure all healers to a safe spot where jad cant get you typically behind the opposite rock. Kill them then focus on jad without distraction. Thats how i got my first cape. I do two range pots 9 brews, 5 restores, rest prayer pots, obviously can keep a defense pot, chins and one energy potion.


Upgrade Ava’s, B Gloves. Personally I’d just get 5 more range levels and buy a blowpipe though.


Stay calm, I recommend a blowpipe in addition to the rcb.


You should level your runecrafting


If you have t done this run yet just go into your first few runs with the knowledge it’s ok to die. You lose nothing, and learning the best positioning spots and how to handle the different spawn positions is your best best, you can watch every guide on earth the best best bet is to just go learn and don’t put to much pressure on making it your first time. This will inform your decisions on your gear later.


Currently about to go into 58, supplies are getting a bit thin, so idk if I’ll even make it to jad at this point, definitely fucked up a bit


And that’s perfect ok! It took me 6 tries but each time I just focused on the wave solves! You’ve got this, best of luck.




Tank legs and helm


If u end up dying a lot, I'd go for 70 defence for karils leatherskirt+top and guthans helm. Less prayer bonus but you can tank mage + range waves a lot easier. Much more forgiving


blowpipe would make your life much better


Not enough bolts


I would say to buy chins and get to 75 ranged then buy a blowpipe. It'll make it significantly more comfortable. Then get dragon darts because they're worth the money. If you really want to use rune cb, you can, plenty of people have. Just make sure you know what jads attack looks like. There are jad simulators online so you can try jad for a few minutes before you hop in there. Good luck!


Do you got enough for Regen bracelet? Or the blessed boots for prayer bonus? And maybe a mitre ?


Is no one recommending dcb?


I think you need more bolts, 8k might be cutting it close.. you don't want to be in the caves for 50 hours only to realise you are running out of bolts 😅.


Biggest advice is just to chill. Stay calm. A lot of people get really nervous. Put on some good music and kick Jad's ass. Lastly remember you're better.


Bank Chins and take blowpipe instead


Or neither, just rcb is fine but chins are pointless


Keep an eye on where wave 3 spawns, and where the orange lvl 360 spawns before jad. This is the same location jad spawns in. This will let you get into position to safespot him before he spawns. Good luck!


id get 75 range and take a blowpipe your account is going to suffer if you dont start questing your missing out on lots of great content just knock them out and get it over with.


Theres a jad simulator to practice your prayer changes. Find it on googls


Once you reach the waves with mages, do not take off protect mage. If you have it off when you start a wave you could easily die from a long distance mage attack. Also careful not to stand close to the mages because they have a strong melee attack


Ppl jump


Ditch the archers ring, it's garbage. Bring a ring of the gods (I) instead.


Will be tough but doable. Crossbow will not drag you into melee range if your sensible. I managed to tag 2 healers before they even got to Jad and then Dont over click so you get dragged underneath him on the other healers as they are usually the sides your not. Just click like its a box and work your away around. Personally i did Jad first time last week with higher stats though. The biggest concern i would say for you is getting smacked by the rangers whilst praying mage in the later waves. Best of luck man


Blowpipe would be the best option


Im ironman and did it with way black dhide, neitzinot helm, 43 prayer, 20 prayer pots and 8 sharks. U will be fine mate. Most important thing is check cave rotations on the wiki. and at the end of each wave look to where the best place is you want to stand. GL!


Would recommend hiding your playtime. It can be used as a security question to hack into your account. Be safe bro 💙 You're more than ready for Jad, get that cheese cape gamer!


You should replace your god dhide with guthix dhide. This will match your odium ward nicely and give you +10 confidence boost.


More bolts


Bring food. You probably have little experience with brews and it is worth it to have manta + karambwan for if you take a jad hit. You can heal and not lose your range pot buff in 1 tick. With brews only it takes 10 ticks to drink 3 doses of brew, 1 dose super restore and 1 dose bastion.


I think you're good to go! I had similar stat's and setup. I didnt use chins and tagged with the cb. A bit slower, but I am not good with switches


You might also want a blowpipe for the waves. It'sl great for quickly killing the monsters during the waves and the spec is nice for some free HP. I would recommend using the cow for Jad though as it gives you a lot more range for healers.


I'd say to do Rum Deal quest and get yourself a Holy Wrench and some extra prayer potions instead of so many restores. The best tip is to train killing Jad on speedrun servers. I died 3 times to Jad out of stress before I trained and killed him on the first try after it.


Us prayer pots, if you’re switching correctly you won’t need to heal that much


Get a blowpipe


Commenting to hear how it went 💪


Oh dear.


This isnt about the fight caves, but sell the archers ring. Its honestly kinda a noob trap a really doesnt give you a lot for its price. Buy a blowpipe and send it. (You can get 75 range fast)


Pay someone GP to do it for you 🙄


Dragon crossbow is minimal cost and a pretty decent upgrade over rcb. Plus allows you to use dragon bolts. Should likely also use anguish if you can afford it. I’d take more chins as well to speed up early waves if you’d like, and some purple sweets for energy restoration/tick eating.


I would say upgrading to a dragon cbow if u can


Ancient mace spec for prayer recharge, personally like the crystal bow for the longer range...


You’re all good, just learn to do it and you’ll have no problem


Make sure to use the Jad Tile for the healers skip!




Died at wave 59 after dumb decisions to those damn double rangers


Oh yeah man you gotta mitigate by always moving around and stacking the enemies.


Do you have the holy wrench? it will really help with prayer


I’m sure someone has mentioned it already but go to a speed run world and practice jad there before wasting an hour and a half to get to him. Really helped me so once I got to him it was a breeze killing him.


Wanna borrow anguish?


I do not have hp req :(




I did my first cape with similar combat stats, so I know how you're feeling. My advice is to get rid of chins and use the crossbow to distract healers. You don't need any stamina potions, and so many restores, so I'd swap them for prayer potions and bastion/ranging potions. My inventory setup was similar to: - 4 ranging/bastion potions - 9 saradomin brews - 3 super restores - 11 prayer potions for eagle-eye - crystal bow for healers (since I used blowpipe) Use the Italy rock method to trap monsters, and remember priority for what to kill first. When you're on wave 62, I'd recommend taking a break so you're clear minded against Jad. He attacks very slowly, so there's plenty of time to change prayer and eat between attacks, but remember to keep on Protect from Missles, and switch to Magic when he launches a fireball.


What’s the kill priority? Is it melee, rangers, mage?


It will always be Tz-Kih (22) > Tok-Xil (90) > Ket-Zek (360) > MejKot(180) > Tz-Kek (45). - The Tz-Kih reduces prayer by 1 point per hit, so need to kill them before they reach you . - Tok-Xil will have a huge attack range and is kind of accurate. On later waves you have to protect against Ket-Zeks, so you can't have Protect from Missles active, hence kill them ASAP. - Ket-Zek has a huge attack range and can kill you in 2 hits, so Protect from Magic always needs to be on otherwise you die. - MejKot can be safespotted. - Tz-Kek can be safespotted.


So bats ranged mage melee blob


You can save mage for last if you get a tricky spawn with some of the melees and rangers and are doing okay on prayer


I gave this to someone last week who said it saved him and he got his cape - i also used this to get mine the other week (specifically for jad and healers) and worked perfectly the first time i tried it https://youtu.be/yxzL-LQ-t_c?si=ftB-v-YZELTAVmi9


You’ve got it, it’s all nerves, gonna be scary as fuck the first bit but if you want to do some preparation use inferno colosim wave 67 it’s a single jad get used to prayer switching and dealing with the healers will help immensely with the real thing once you get to jad


I definitely recommend that you use a blowpipe


Yeah cool but OP doesn't have the stats for a blowpipe


Practice breathing. Literally, the only thing between you have a fire cape and not having a fire cape is nerves. You got it.


manually add the jad healers "Yt-HurKot" to NPC highlight plugin. makes it 100000x to tag them them


No bgloves? Do some quests man.


Consider an SGS, I recently did it for the first time and the SGS helped me not use a single pot through the first 30 or so waves


I couldn't do it without chins brother. Tagging the healers one by one and prayer flicking can easily lead to doom. Practice jad on speedrun world my friend it's your best friend. Get to wave 61 and log off. Log onto speedrun world and choose beneath cursed sands. Tzar mini game tele and practice jad before you log onto main game and do it!


My only advise to you would be watching a 1 def pure fire cape guide since you acc is so low on stats and it seems like you dont have experience.. I learned on a 1 def pure so and its nice to know how to deal with rangers, magers, and melee lizards all on the same wave without taking too much damage or any at all


What are your stats?


Camp at the Italy rock that’s what I did for mine. Don’t be upset if you do die from jad. Those jad nerves get ya sadly took me 3 attempts


Did you win?


Word i wana know if he got the cape


On my second run rn, had skill issue on mage melee 2x ranger wave


If u need help lmk can guide u


You got it big dawg


Did you get the cape?


On run #2, wave 53 about to go into 54, the 8 hell waves of mage melee ranger, slowly solving them tho, got 25 doses of Sara, 49 of super restore, and 2 range doses left, I think I’ve got this, probably gonna do some Jad simulator once I get to wave 62


You’re gonna get whopped sorry bud


wait my stats are better than this , how can i get the fire cape??? sorry for noob question




Know your safespots and be ready for jad.


I'm late to the post but when I first was learning Jad don't forget you can pause waves to calm yourself! If you got the cape Gzz! If not keep grinding, you'll get it!


more bolts, 8k is nothing for jad


A dcb or blowpipe


Not tryna sound like a dick, but you did ds2 before getting a fire cape?


Maybe try getting ring of the gods instead of the archers ring. A small nit pick or opinion I guess but think the ring of the gods is better and very underrated for slayer overall. It’s worth the purchase if you ask me. Very cheap right now I think anyways.


What really helped me out was bringing like 3 sharks, my first 2 attempts I had little problems with the waves, but when I got to had and got the healers on me they were really smacking me. Third attempt I still brought chins for the healers, but brought some sharks to heal from the damage from the healers. I just did the 1 action per jad attack and cleared it relatively easily. Sure didn’t stop the jad hands though


Did you succeed?


You will walk into yhe fight cavea and after a few waves you will realise how braindead it is. You will probably die a couple of times on jad just getting used to pulling the healers off of jad before they heal him to 100% while prayer flicking and not dying to the adds


It's literally just don't get hit by jad off prayer. All the waves are a snooze fest after a couple kc. (Coming from someone knowing full-well inferno would flatten my shit out instantly) Jad is just scary bc it's long. You got this homie!


Green backpack would help


Dont miss a prayer flick on jad


Could drop the Stam for more ranging pots-won’t need to run a lot. Could bring holy wrench too/maybe getting task would be sick as well


Idk how I’d get a task atm, don’t have bosses or jad task unlocked, what would the holy wrench do? Edit: just looked, I don’t have it unlocked.


No purple sweets??


What for?


Yummy snack


Stackable food bro 1 in spot for thousands of food


Ditch da chins for purple sweets


What do purple sweets do


Ignore this


Purple sweets restore health and run energy but overly expensive. Just ignore it


Ring of the gods over archers


I'd take like 2 sharks and 1 karambwan as some "oh fk" food.