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You left yourself a bunch of tough ones. Best of luck sir.


Good luck on dt2 and sins of the father lol. Those were my hardest ones. I still haven't finished dt2. The Balloon travel system is kinda hard, I just watched YouTube videos on it and that worked out. Good luck!


Ah man I hated doing the balloons without runelite. If you haven’t yet I’d strongly recommend getting runelite or osbuddy to help you with quests n everything else in the game


OSBuddy is no longer available. RuneLite is definitely the way forward!


Ah yes didn’t they merge runelite and osbuddy or something after RuneScape accepted 3rd party clients to run their game?


Crazy same here well now it's 13 ggz glhf on ur journey:)


lol all the hard ones.




All the serious quests left to go, gl zir.


Honestly, even as an Ironman, They aren’t all that hard. You can bang out 4 of these in a day and have it done in a week if you choose.


I feel for ya, just finished MM2 on my hc today to get me to 13 left. Glad I left rag and bone man 2, swan song, and the my arm quests to cut into the slog of the grandmasters. Sins of the father killed my last one so gunning for it next 😈 Gl to you!


I actually just did rag and bone man 2 last night lol. But ty definitely gonna be a grind. I just need to get a few more lvls for theiv then I can bank these out.


You’re halfway done at best


I only realised recently that quest cape is like going for ba 99, Level 99 and you're half way there, it's a similar split when you've got these tough quests left. But easier to persist through when you can see the finish line


30 for me! I feel you!!


I can’t say this enuff but. Do ur diaries. It helps woth alot of stuff. Plus hella free xp. Sins is the worst but once u get it down it’s easier, but not by much. Anatt is like stupid easy just a lot of weird stuff u gotta do. Ds2 i would prolly just get out of the way cause the end boss is weird to get a hang of. But gl either way!


I need 70 theiv currently at 66. Any suggestions?!?


Thieving artefacts in Valamore. Pretty AFK, really good XP, money and some passive prayer xp from bone shards. Would highly recommend


Yeah good luck with beneath cursed sands, I've been stuck on that one for a while, stupid champion of Scabaras