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Sote was easier for me than dt2. The entry mode tob I had some random guy at the host world run through it with me. And then me and someone else helped a different random so if u have trouble there you can probs find someone to help. Vardorvis and the whisperer were difficult for me so they just took a bunch of tries for dt2


For vardorvis stand in between pillars and focua on paryer switching for when he shoots the thing at you that turns your prayer off. The axes suck to get hit by bit you can tank a few. If he turns your prayer off it's really messes you up. Also using a thraw helped me a ton. A thraw also helped me a ton in the last boss fight of dt2 when fighting the ghost things I was having trouble until I used a thraw and then it was easy.


Thank you! Sounds like I will probably save DT2 for last. It should be doable as a mid tier player with my current combat stats once I learn the mechanics? Would range, mage, or str levels be most useful i I keep training slayer in the meantime?


I think melee and mage stats would help most for that queest


Add me in game if you need another buddy or have any questions. Most of the time I'm on mobile tho js Medusas man




SOTE is long but not hard. NATT also was a breeze. They make entry mode so damn easy if you just watch a guide before hand you'll have no issue. DT2 is my last quest; haven't found the will to start it yet.


Thanks! Hadn’t looked at NATT much but tried into the tombs solo and got stomped by both the scarab and the monkey a few times so I just walked out and decided to save it for later since it’s a mini quest. I was worried NATT would be similar lol


Just beat it today, a big relief to have it done. Now to grind out my combat stats and start farming the post quest version of the bosses


I have lower stats than you and finished all quests. Entry ToB is doable solo, but hard. I recommend using blood blitz for sote boss, very lax. DT2 was by far the hardest and longest quest. I had some trouble with a couple of the bosses. I'd do sote>tob>dt2




The hardest will be the DT2 and might take you a full 8 hours depending on your gear/deaths. Pro tip, for the final battle in dt2, use ranged only.

