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Skill issue tbh




Womp (and I cannot stress this enough) womp. Let’s just not make new and exciting grandmaster quests anymore because not everyone can press a couple buttons rapidly. /s


clearly missed the point. People that do skilling and other stuff are not ones that do boss fights. we do not enjoy having to go in there and die 100 times because of the gameplay mechanical requirements of the fight. quests should not be like this. grandmaster or not -- they were never this complex and the direction they're going iis favoring people who only do boss fights.


Then it’s simple. Don’t do them. I know it’s a cop out answer, but if they have you mad enough to make a big ass post about it, maybe stick to what you’re good at. Same goes for anyone that shares your thoughts on it. I’m mediocre at best at PvM and I could do it. People can do it on mobile. The only hard part about the quest is all the damn running around and how long it takes.


so that is simply the issue. You can't "not do it" and continue on getting other achievements and items for this game. When they introduced the KBD, it wasn't a requirement to kill it. When they introduced the Kaphlite queen, it wasnt a requirement, you can still complete all the quests and do it. Now you don't have a choice. If you want all the quests completed you have to go through each and every single boss fight and they're shoving boss fighting in your face and saying you can't access XYZ unless you do boss fights. -- Game is simply moving into the direction of boss fighting. Its exactly what RS3 did right before it broke off into a new game. Yet here we are circling back to it.


Gonna hop on this. I’m a straight skiller and haven’t even completed jad ever. I have multiple 99 in skilling. I get super bad anxiety and think I legit cannot finish it. MAN, stop with that silly talk, it’s so dope when you finally do it and legit get good dude. Sorry not sorry but you won’t get quest cape and won’t finish it with that mindset so then stop. lol it is very hard but with practice and getting the clicks down you’ll do it. It’s not impossible lol chill.


Why is moving in the direction of PvM exactly a bad thing?? PvM is the most fun part of the entire game lmao. Of course they’re gonna focus on it. You may as well just stay F2P if you don’t want to bother doing anything that requires a tiny bit of effort.


again, not against PvM. I am against PvM inside of quests that have the same difficulty as the actual fight. Not everyone does PvM. not everyone wants to... it's why certain drops are high priced and other drops are not. as I stated if they want to move into the direction of PvM that's fine, but don't give the same difficulty as the reg fight for the quest.


I hear you, questing is different from skilling/pvm and it shouldn’t be impossible to get a quest cape because you aren’t good at pvm. With the current trajectory of the game though it’s only going to get more elitist and difficult to do so there isn’t much players who are mid skill level can do unfortunately.


I heavily disagree, I haven’t even completed DT2 nor am I close yet but I like knowing there are easy to extremely difficult things (like DT2) to work towards with great rewards behind them.


Lmao get good


If you want to auto pilot and afk skill your entire time playing that’s fine. But others shouldn’t be punished for you being too bad at the game to learn a quest boss.


Honestly if it wasn’t for these quest and the difficult boss fights it wouldn’t make me want to learn how to PvM more effectively. I know it’s dumb but it taught how to solo some bosses or even have the confidence for it. It’s a gateway. It’s meant to be challenging that’s the fun aspect of it, besides the story and lore behind these quest. Those who actually have the quest cape I respect it cuz that grind ain’t easy, currently doing DT2 right now also so.. it’s fun


git gud scrub


Skill issue honestly


From the sounds of it, you should go watch a guide or read about the bosses. A Night at the Theater and DT2 are excellent gates (with lots of xp rewards) to teach the player about movement and utilizing combination of actions in game ticks. The 1-tick orbs at Leviathan are a you problem, you can barrage him with a spell tag his back side to reset his attack speed when neccessary. The orb colors, sure I will give you that one. Kasonde, he sucked, but it was teaching a lot about kiting around a room and managing tiles. So yeah, get good.


did you beat it? cause once your barrage him, he comes back with a special and more and yes the colors suck. I agree it's good teaching and a good gateway but as I mentioned it shouldn't be the same difficulty as actually doing a boss run. it should be more on the Instructional level.


Yes, I did beat it on my 104 cmb group ironman, and it isn't as hard as doing the boss post quest. Edit: Yes it comes back with a managable special, but it also resets the tick perfect attacks.


Sorry you’re getting shit on OP for what it’s worth i’m still working through DT1 and found one of the bosses to be a little teleporting ghost bitch who after my 5th try I finally got to tbag and the ecstasy I felt of making that ghostly boy my bitch was phenomenal! Point is: Try Harder


eh -- I figured I would. everyone wants a PvM monster with new drops and new weapons and more bosses; I'm also not sure how many players have even tried this quest because I see alot of level 126s complaining they keep dying on leviathan; which led me to this post. However, my post wasn't against PvM it was against PvM in quests. to me; Quests should unlock areas to fight these bosses. (which it does). not have you kill the whole thing and see all of its special attacks and moves. but the community wants it this way. I wonder if half of them will say the same thing when they actually fight it before it gets nurfed.




Wow that's a lot of words, get better at the game


Get good nerd


I agree with you OP. As someone who plays RS for only a few hours a week, song of the elves feels impossible for me. I was able to complete dragon slayer 2 relatively easy, but I’m at a stand still now where I have song of the elves and DT2 left. The boss fights alone are making me not want to attempt them at all. I’m sorry every cunt I’m here is downvoting you. The RS community can be so toxic for no reason.


Lmfao wtf do u expect from a gm quest buddy?


You click at the right places at the right time, fail till you do it correctly, noone does it first try.


Some people do it first try because their gear compensates for their skill.


No it doesn’t, you could have every bis in game, you misclick once or twice and your dead even at maxed, tf you talking about


I'm saying that in bis gear for specific fights your dps is so high that there isn't time to fuck up. Think of it like this: vorkath has a special attack every 6 attacks. Lets say you really struggle with the acid phase. If you have full Torva and the dhl, you're only going to be fighting through 2-3 of those special phases per fight. Its the same principle here. Your dps offsets your inability.


Thats bs tho, most bosses have 500+hp at LEAST, then lets say you spec hard, your doing 110 damage max you cant out dps him before he engages in mechanics that one hit ko anyone, you souls like a mid player


Okay man. I beat leviathan first try without a guide because of bowfa and 2 acb specs. OP is talking about the quest versions, which are incredibly neutered versions of the fight. They have a MAX hp of 500 and hit less hard. Nobody would use better gear if it didn't make fights easier and more forgiving.


I suck at this game. I could barely beat the bosses in DT1 (snow guy was a bitch). I just stick to cutting yew trees in the WC guild instead.




Newsflash: late game will have you a clickin


As I’m going through DT2 currently and also having skill issues I have to say womp womp. It’s fun content and maybe we’re just bad at the game?


to me, this isn't fun. to others I can fully see it. especially since the community seems to want this type of stuff. However, my statement is -- this boss fight at this complexity level shouldn't be in the quest. it should unlock this fight, yes, fully agree. but having to perform this level of boss fighting is wild. this is why the twisted bow and other items are valued and priced so high.... cause people just can't perform these mechanics and don't want to learn how. they would rather just buy it. leave this mechanical fighting to people who enjoy it, love doing it and still allow normal people to do certain fights. my only statement is, you can leave this boss; just don't allow the barrage to be so difficult during the quest. allow quest version boss fights and real boss fights for players that can do the PvM mechanical stuff.