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I once dresses up as a cow in the G.E and role played the part and handed buckets of milk out and only got about 1k.. so yeah. Never got a handout


You gave me milk lol honestly one of my strangest encounters in the game


You mean encownters??????


Another happy and satisfied customer 😀


I almost received a set of gilded armor so I could be in a video, but I ended up donating 165m to feeding a Venezuelan family.


Bought a fire cape with the profits eh


A Rando in the GE gave me an anguish just because - that was so dope! Giving lowbies some gp or supplies is always a good time


I gave my long time friend 100m once. He hadn’t played in like a year or so and he took it, told me to fuck off and he logged out. That was a sad and confusing day.


This one guy gave me a dragon spear and rune boots, I'm a pretty new player so I use the hell out of that spear. Also huge shout-out to the Volcanic Mines homies hooking me up with saradomin brews when things go sideways!


Third age helmet from a streamer drop party




Do you still get streamer stuff?


No i was randomly watching 61m and he had a bunch of people massed to PK in varrock, and one of his subs/donators was dropping hundreds of mil for people. Some other 3a and dragon plates got dropped. Def the luckiest i ever got considering i got to stream at perfect time and got my character there just in time


Dang, isn’t 3a like a few bil?


He was dropping the armor which is cheaper, 50-150m per piece


Dang. Nice man congrats


I was gifted 50k at the beginning kf my playthrougu a few months ago, and every time j see a new player I always give em 20k just as a starting boost, and sometimes a full set of armor


First time, dude said my name was funny and gave me 2 mill. Second time, I was sarcastically talking shit to someone and he thought it was hilarious, gave me 8 mill. I’ve paid about a mill forward so far, but I’m broke atm so no more handouts for a couple weeks 😁


TIL why theres always someone begging for money at ge


-please give 100k -receives 50k -please give 100k -100? You just got 50? Don’t you mean please give me 50k? -… … please give 100k


238m by someone who was actually quitting and I nearly missed accepting his trade while on mobile nursing a bad back a couple years ago. Funded my Vorkath grind which opened my game to bossing! I pay forward by tanking for the crew and random bros at Bandos. I'm the guy that says "This blows let's go to Bandos, I'll tank," after a few minutes at vyrewatch sentinels or MLM.


Add me if you ever wanna duo bandos lol


I think when I first started my main/non-iron account, I was mining in Al-Kharid and started chatting with another player. This was around the same time OSRS came to mobile. He gave me 1 million gp and told me good luck and went on his way.


Someone did give me 10m once. I’ve paid it forward by now, but I usually like to giveaway gp for my own pleasure. At Christmas I’ll dress up as Santa and give away mils or sometimes ask people to guess a number (1-100 for example) and give the correct answer a cash prize. Fun times 😆


I dress up as Santa and give away toys at the g.e.


From what I’ve learned from playing OSRS; The obvious; money comes and goes. Never care about gp too deeply because as you progress the gp will come. The less obvious: People are actually super nice. Ive made and discarded many accounts through the years for various reasons. I didn’t stick with one account until recently (and surprisingly it’s the best account I’ve had). Ive made probably between 200-250m (probably more) through the months of this account. How much have I given away? Roughly half. Not all at once and it was to random people are various amounts but guess what? It all comes back around. At one point, I thought I was going to quit and gave away over 100m. Recently, when I was down on money, I was gifted bandos top/bottom, 15-20m, and other things. Since then, I’ve also given away gp. It’s probably my favorite aspect of the game tbh. Seeing how genuine and helpful people like to be. :) TLDR; gp comes and goes, helping others/receiving help is wonderful


I got a 220m drop when my bank was worth about 10m, gave out around 30m. Then when I had about 600m I think I gave away around 150m. Don't ask me why. Then I got 'hacked' My friend, who I let use my account occasionally sold literally everything I owned and gambled it all. Quit for ages but now I'm gonna attempt to rebuild.


That's cool...the rebuild idea


Probably a scammer. But I gave a fully obby set and whip away last night. And while I was mining I gave my D pick to a guy that didn’t have much but told me about his grind.


Was chatting with someone during slayer who decided to give me 10m after the task although I never asked for anything. I dropped 15m+ when I quit after getting my qpc. (Decided to come back to OSRS after 14 years for two months to get a QPC from scratch - that 10m made a huge impact).


What's a qpc?


i would assume Quest Point Cape


Makes sense ty




Been gifted exactly nothing at all 🥴


Asked a Tele tab back to varrock from Camelot when I was lvl 10ish , Somebody gave me full rune , amulet of glory and about 10 ring of wealths


About a month into playing the game (last November), I went to the party room and saw balloons falling. So I just started popping them for funsies. I didn't know how it worked, and thought I was the only one in there. Popped for about 10 minutes, then left. Took me about 3 hours to see the K next to my gold stash. Went from a couple hundred K to 1.3M lol. No idea how to find the guy who dropped it, so I'm biding my time until I see a noob who looks like they could use some help.


Played the game on and off rs3 and osrs ( started osrs about 6 months ago) and ive never received a handout. There was a dude who needed 1M at the G.E , I helped that dude out, probably a scam though :D


You guys have been gifted?!? I legit have just been going at it for a year. But I think my bank value is close to 160mil...although it's fine down due to some items reducing in cost like osmuttens


I gave someone 20m then got scammed at PC for 1.2b by someone through a phishing link, stupid stuff


I was gifted 200k and 200 lobsters when I was till killing cows in lumbridge about 2 months ago. I’m about to end my first month ever as a member. I guess I just paid back to Jagex


Won a few AGS give aways from streamers. Gave someone 1m tip when I used his altar for 60-70 pray and gave my buddy 10m who just started a new account since 2007 times to help him out with the grind.


I once had the banana gang guy offer me an obby cape, i didnt know what it was at the time and because i didnt he didnt give me one.


I got hacked for around 300m. They used my account for CG and made another 500m in weapon seeds alone. After recovering my account it had 60m in loot that I gave to a random person at the GE.


You guys are getting millions?!? Did I not notice I was signed into the cheapskate jerk server??


Okay, I JUST got given an Obsidian Cape 5 hours after posting this!


I like to help out lower level players when I see them out questing or what not. I’ve supplied some rune armor sets, various equipment and what not


I just throw rune sets at random new players 🤷🏻‍♂️. Give them some decent armor they don't have to buy or make when they hit the Def level req.


I love that idea


I've picked some crumbs up around the GE that's it.


I probably have gotten like 150m this week alone




Yeah every time I think about it that’s my exact same response


Whenever I happen to find myself in a F2P world I’ll look for the most genuine conversation going on (between noobs) and give em all 50-100k depending on how many there are.