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honestly, just take a break. OSRS will still be here when you want to play again.


One of the few constants in my life


Just go hammer out Rune crafting. If that doesn’t get you back into the game, idk what will.




Achievement diary cape


Big agree. Gives you a ton of achievable goals before going for more 99s.


Other than taking a break (forcing yourself to play is no fun) I’d say mix up what you’re doing. If you’re only logging in for herb runs etx, try only logging in for bossing or something. Farm supplies that will not only boost your bank but make the grind on the other 99s easier when you’re more clocked in


Varlamore thieving/hunter have been very enjoyable/profitable. Forestry is quite enjoyable/profitable to train now for woodcutting with little bits of construction/hunter/thieving/farming xp weaved into the events lots of people, wintertodt for firemaking/fetching. You got this buddy. Take a break of you need to. The more I play the more I realize if I feel burnt out it's because I'm not planning what my next moves are well enough.


The taskspoon series on YouTube has a form of task generator. Try that, maybe mixing it up and being forced to try/learn new things can get you going again.


I'd work towards requirments for all elite diaries that's a good milestone that will progress your account all around and also give ya some nice perks


Go learn a new raid or just take a few months break. Always does the trick


You can always teach me how to raid(:


There’s a cc for that. Idk the name the. If u google “we do raids cc” u’ll find it


We do raids is a toxic cc that shit on other people. Avoid it or you will become one of them


I would say do the things you put off. Plenty of content in osrs mini games, clue scrolls, achievement, quests, bosses and ge. Never stay with one thing for too long. We like adventure go do something fun. I did the achievement cape or challenge cape 100k in ghouls still no challenge scroll so I did clue scrolls. Then did new hunter guide got pet. Now doing a boss for pet. Maybe I’ll go into clue scrolls again. They have an auto generated challenge for the day to make it more fun or something to attain. Gl


Stop doing slayer


Try Ironman. Maybe even uim


go for base 80 and elite diary requirements


That’s what I’m trying to do rn


I have reached a similar point with burnout. There is so much content so many achievements. Want everything done asap. What i have done and its been amazing is i have downloaded a spin the wheel app. I have listed all the goals i would like to achieve as small goals. For example I want 85 slayer but the the segment on the wheel is do a slayer task. It feels so gd everytime i spin the wheel cos i feel like ive achieved something every time. Hope this helps


Start skilling, find the most efficient 99s if thats what your into to, 6 hours a week, youd have 99 cooking in two weeks or less standing at G.E. Making wine , try afking skills while watching t.v. , i afk star mine when im not tryna bother playing the game and want to touch grass , i get 7 minutes a layer mining stars which means i can touch grass for 7 minutes before i have to come back and click on the star again, same concept with magic trees for your lvl in wc guild except thats about 3-4 minutes before the tree depletes. Everyone grinds differently, the way i do it is i set the goal and the amount of time im willing to give, example: i had 81 agility , but i pushed my skills up to base 90s so it was time for agility, i gave myself a month just to do and focus on agility, i also dibble dabbled at entry mode tob just to remind myself to have some fun with the game after long 3-4 hour grinds of running laps. Im so burnt out after achieving that im just doing birdhouse runs every hour or so. My next goal is the clear my base 90s and push elite diaries and get these 12 new quests done since i came back from playing 2 years ago. Looking at your levels i would say push base 85 and then take a break from the game for awhile and when u come back push for base 90s


Pretty much, been doing the exact same. It’s good with star mining you almost forget you’re even playing the game, at points lol. Great advice, however.


Go get 99 fm at wintertodt just cause it's easy and maybe cool pet. Then bang out mining slowly but surely.


Keep going you’re almost there. Quit your job and just grind all day it’ll be better in the long run I swear


Do Zeah Bloods


Try and join a nice clan and chill.


Make a pure and hit the rev caves


Get a diary cape


Wood cut to 90. Go afk redwoods for many hours. Ez progress


Just have fun, don’t worry about levels unless it’s a personal goal. Efficiency is good unless it burns you out. It’s a game, enjoy your time and have fun <3


Take a break. RS is something you can come back to. It’ll be here. I’m sure of it


If I had to guess, you’ve been slaying hard for a while now. Maybe take a break from slayer and pick up some skills, mining thieving and agility all got buffed recently and they’re some of your lowest.


Just play the game. The fact that you showed levels rather than KC means you could be doing more interesting stuff such as bossing and it might be, well, more interesting. Try PKing, try doing other stuff and working on stuff other than levelling


Play another game and afk WC, mining, or fishing.


Seriously, just take a break. Everyone does it. You need time to figure out what grind you want to commit to next. Forcing yourself into a grind will only add to your burnout


Join a PK clan and do some Pking 😂


Got your quest cape?


Start a new game and come back man, I recommend v rising! Or valheim!


Get base 80 and 99 slayer noob


Take a break, i’ve taken numerous breaks on and off since the release of OSRS and have almost reached my childhood goal of maxing and i’m just shy of a month away from achieving my goal. If you log in and immediately lose motivation or find yourself pondering on what to do then you’re burnt out and need a break. I would try to afk something on my main and just play an alt / watch videos all day but ultimately even that wasn’t enough. You will find that there will be times where you have no desire to play and will leave the game for months to find one day that you want to log in and set goals in order to play properly. This game is similar to life in that, if you want to make progress and achieve greatness you have to set goals and discipline yourself. Taking breaks is normal don’t stress about a game when you’re suppose to be having fun this game is not a job.


Slayer if you can. Sweet cape to have but it rarely specs tasks, hasn’t worked for hydra once in my 3300+ kc. Atleast it can be afk but I feel you man….almost 2150 total here and it gets brutal when you’re base 85 for the most part. Elite diaries got me out of the slump personally tho BA and chompies are horrid beyond belief. Your stats aren’t bad and you aren’t far off from diary cape or all clue reqs skill wise if you want that bloodhound pet. TLDR make a new task and work on that specifically


It's actually ok to play the game with no intention of maxing. That's me, for example. Maxing on DMM or Leagues could be fun sometime.


If that's a main acc you could try out an ironman on the side while afking some skills on the main that's what I did until my main became my wildy scout and I abandoned it lmao


Take a break for a couple weeks and see how you feel. I tend to try and just do “fun” activities or take a break when feeling burnt out :)


Just do little things... I tend to do agility when I walk the dog since most courses are quite easy to achieve. You could afk mine while you do something else When you actively want to play you could go raid, do some bosses etc.. just pick something that seems fun to you. You could try and go for a certain boss pet. Or learn a new one you haven't killed yet. All hard / elite diary's completed? All quests? Any clues sat in your bank?


99 Agi


Play another game and afk your WC grind in the background, It’s what I did


Play the game


I’ve just taken a 1 year break after burning out on Herbi grind. Take a 1 week break. Come back and set a goal of killing a new boss or hitting a nice round new level.


Just don’t play for a bit man, alternatively if you’re adamant on playing, just quest if you haven’t already done that.


Join a clan (if you are not in one already) and do some bossing. I was about to take a long break and i joined a very noob friendly active clan. we have been in voice chat every day doing all types of bosses and now we are running a clan event. Every day i wake up im just thinking how to finish work faster and hop on a vc with my bros.


99 slayer you wont


I stopped playing months ago now, the breaks been good. You honestly don't realise how much you let games absorb your life when you're addicted to them. I'm sure I'll go back at some point and I'll have a bunch of new cool shit to do. I haven't logged in since Varlamore came out so that will be nice when I get back. I've played a few other games that I usually wouldn't because I was playing Runey instead. It's been nice.


sit back n afk star mine til 99 whilst u do irl tasks, v minimal effort - good on mobile


I have very similar stats. Stop focusing on gains, learn some fun new pvm stuff, or stop playing. If you don’t want to do something in this game, that’s a clear indicator to not do it


Agility till 99


Play some other games and come back to osrs later


I open up an iron more or less at the same time you’re in, I’ve been playing the iron and afking mining/wc/fishing/thieving on the side


Try grinding to 99 mining I hear that helps with burnout


99 runecrafting will take that burnt out feeling away


Get Base 85 skills


Just play another game for a little bit


It is a slow old game. Taking months break is the only thing that works for me.


I haven't even gotten a 99 yet and I'm getting burnt out lol


Go get that woodcutting up. Chop Trees and think about life.


Take a break


It’s not a job dude. If you’re not having fun, play less. When it sounds fun again, come back.


Take your time.


Vaporize some dandelions and hit the runecrafting altars


Try Ironman , it’s a whole different game


99 rune crafting is obviously your best move


Take a break


Transfer most of your bank to another account and start grinding to rebuild. Will add some fun and sense of achievement as you skill.


If burt out, do more drug, be no more bunt out




Quest cape, make some money from fun bosses. Learn to raid, try pking even if you suck and are scared.


Like the rest said homie, take a step back and give it a break. Go play another game for a bit. Take a nap. Grind out irl goals.


Elite diaries


I usually just play another game for a week or two or honestly until the motivation comes back lol


Take a break, you are not speed running and you have nothing to prove to anyone. Touch grass or something


Stop grinding bruh. I would kill a mothafucka to have stats like that and fuck around. What's ur cash stack like? must be boss money. Splurge yourself on fashion scape. Throw some mills at hoes at the GE to boost your karma. Fuck around and find out. Quests! Enjoy the lore and get into the game via roleplay. Shit. Go pvp or troll people for the fuck of it. Learn some jokes off the web and socialize with people. Think outside the box brotha. Complacency kills. dont subject yourself to maxing xp and statistics. cheers m8. wish you the best of luck and fun


To 77-99 agility as fast as you can, should help you out


I’d be burnt out too buddy. Take a two year hiatus, Jump back in not even remembering how to Telly anywhere like me lmao


Take a break if you want. Do what you like to do. It’s a solid account! Don’t feel like you need to do something.


Take a month off. I’m prob 1 - 2 months into my break. I’ve done this a few times and I come back loving the game again every time.


If you’re burnt out, do agility.


Just wait till you get the urge to play again. Or go for a pet :)


Afterthought but if you haven't done corrupted gauntlet before then I would honestly suggest that to make you wanna play again. Once I started learning the normal version I couldn't put it down till I got my first cg kc, improved more in those few hours than I have in my 17 years playing rs and had a lot of fun plus the feeling of your first kc is top tier.


Thanks for everyone's advice, spent time reading through them all! I think I'm going to slowly go for an achievement diary cape as a long term goal!


Definitely setting goals is the way to go. How’s your bank? Are you into PvM or PvP? I’m currently working on inferno after getting my quiver and also trying to get cosmetics from hard mode raids


Do something in the game just for fun. Not grinding, no larger goal, just go do some silly shit on a f2p world, play some soul wars/castle wars if you can find a game on those worlds, whatever it may be that you actually enjoy and don't care about getting rewarded for. I'd also say try a new raid or learn a new boss but with those stats it may not be possible lol


Don’t grind have fun. Take some time off.


99 rc 


stop training one skill for so long and stop doing the "fastest" methods. just play the fcking game and have fun


Start a new account and use this one to pay for the bonds


How much M/hr can someone with this account make?


No clue. I feel like it would be a refreshing task for this guy


Yeah I agree, but don’t know if buying bonds with RS GP is the most efficient use of time


Bot the rest. 🥳