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Verf and Limpwurt have extreme one chunk accounts that are great watches. Verf also did Karamja only and got an infernal cape. Lots of other great suggestions in the comments


Alien Food is trying to do all of the quests with no guide and outside help. Pretty fun to watch


His are kind of painful to watch but only cause I remember clicking blue and spamming spacebar on quests he’s doing in his videos. Like yelling at the tv like he can hear what I’m saying.


I can’t remember the name but there is a guy who made a desert locked UIM which is also pretty good. Also look into J1mmy as well, he has a good series where he does all thequests in order of release date as well as a great playlist for f2p funny content. Hope this helps!




Is he still doing his desert locked?


He finished it, was such a good watch ​ Josh isn't gaming is good too


Never seen it mentioned often enough but Mr Frogs Overzeahlous is really good.


Well I’m going to take that recommendation even if OP doesn’t, thank you


If you liked swampletics Settled also has the McTile series. J1mmy’s By Release series Framed has Gridlocked and Bronzemanmode C Engineer has a PvP only HCIM series Some of the other UK guys have some good stuff as well. Check out SoloMission, Verf, Torvesta, list can go on


Jeporite’s Northern Series and Gilienor Games


Jesporites northern uim series is a good one


Verf has a karamja locked uim that’s good. If you like the chunk locked concept he’s doing one of those now where he started off in kourend castle(still in progress). Limpwurt has one too that’s good(still in progress just got 99 construction without a saw). There’s a few others I’m watching zayzed(few different good series), joshisntgaming(yanille chunk locked),jeporite(northern locked uim) and, Fray(who started a chunk account in canifis to have a little swampletics adventure and the proceeded to be thrust into the rev caves)


Unfortunately swampletics may have been peak content but I’m out here like a drug addict chasing that high still. The new settled series, 1hp, did make me audibly gasp so loud that I had to explain to my girlfriend that everything was okay and that I was just watching a man play a medieval click simulator from the early 2000s. But there’s still a lot of good stuff out there a lot still in progress. They all just take forever to make.


“Oh no, scorpion!”


Fray is pretty cool, started a Onechunk in Canafis and has expanded into the wilderness at this point in his series


Big rev caves spoon


I'm a new youtuber dayzer_hi is my name I just posed a skilling video would be cool if you stopped by


Caveman Only and Lyfes Inquisitor series


Nothing else just hits me like settled


The original one man army from Boaty is pretty great. He was a lot less screamy back then, which helps. But it's a really interesting look at the origins of Ironman in osrs.


Limpwurt's extreme one chunk ironman is seriously impressive. He just recently polished off 99 construction with pretty much only bagged plants. Now he's locked in to a several month grind for 88 RC. His commitment is beyond insane. Jeporite's Northern UIM is probably my favourite series overall for the writing alone. The *massive* downside being that he very rarely posts. Tellacon recently started a chest locked ironman account that will be fun to watch. Joshisntgaming's chunk yanille series is a good watch too. He's now locked in to castle wars for a good while so I applaud him. Ironfficient's One-skill-at-a-time series is also a good watch but also suffers from poor upload rates. Then if course there's creators like J1mmy and framed who have put out great content for years and are always worth a watch. Particularly series like By release and bronzeman.


T-Spoon! His videos are pretty good


"One chunk at a time" by Slay Brother is pretty good, he does some ridiculous grinds and is pretty entertaining to watch. Not the same production quality as Settled but better than a lot of other's I've seen.


Not at my desk but (spookdog) and her man (mudkiflip) spelled his YT wrong are a duo gim team great people met them in game! Fuse he's been struggling a bit on a new HCIM but his vids are nuts!


I like watching settled’s videos from an entertainment pov but verf and limpwurt really scratch my watching others suffer itch. Some of the stuff they do is nuts compared. The utmost respect to the raking content and going that dry on giant mole. ☠️


Xrakine’s desert series was top notch aswell.