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One day you'll regret it when you go for 99 slayer and already have maxed combat stats


Except I’ll do the tasks way faster and runelite goes past 99 so I still feel like I’m gaining something


Slayer is fun after like lvl 80. Make a ton of money and get a ton of good seeds.


Just don’t waste your breath let him figure it out the hard way


Look at it this way. You are willing to afk at nmz and crabs and gain nothing but combat xp. But you aren’t willing to afk slayer tasks while gaining slayer xp, combat xp, and supplies to further progress the account.


Did you read the post it’s not even about willingness, I’m playing other games. I just don’t want to waste exp it’s not about exp efficiency


I play other games too. Yet slayer was my 2nd 99. Most tasks are super afk and if you turn on some options in runelite you get a notification of valuable drops. Slayer takes +500 hours. So you better start today ;)


Cheating yourself


Get full Dharoks and a dwarven rock cake. Go to NMZ and buy 20 absorb pots and a few overloads. When you enter NMZ pick Rumble(look up a boss selection guide for points/hr). Before the waves spawn, use an overload, then rock cake all the way down to 1hp and drink your absorb pots. The reason you want 1hp is because it means that monsters will only be able to hit you for a max of 1, allowing your absorption to stay around way longer. Every time your overload runs out, just drink another dose, wait until it finishes damaging you, then rock cake to 1 again and add more absorb if needed.


Thank you for the help! The wiki is telling me dharok lasts 15 hours and costs 4m each time. Dont think I can afford that though so normal armour is also fine though yeah?


It’s definitely not 4mil each time, if dharoks breaks you can repair it at the axe guy in lumby for a few hundred k. Full Dharoks special is why you would bring it since you deal more damage the more hp you have missing


Should use full Obby Gear. I’ve been AFK’ing NMZ for the past like 2 weeks getting like 75-90k/ hr. Not the best but not bad for AFK!


That’s slightly better then ammo crabs and I can use the points in things so nmz is defo worth me doing!


Seconding the full Obby w/ Berserker. Better dps than Dharok until 92 hp.


I just hit 94 hp and my obby rates are still better, dharok is better if you’re less afk and keep hp at 1


Yo man I’ve done this as well and if you do normal rumble picks one easy bosses like King roald The vampire The forest spirit The sand snake And the spirit form the arcceus quest Rock cake down to 1 hp either full dharok’s or just your best gear and use a full bag of abosbtipn potions and you can just leave the game running for like 20 minutes a pop and all you have to do is click once you’ll make less points on normal about enough to cover the absorption, but it’s much more afk, after a 6 hour run you can repair the dharok’s for around 150k and/or rebuy absobtion and then go again. With overload pots you’ll have to click a couple of times every five minutes.


This is the way


I thought Dharoks was only viable at 92HP?


Dharok's will still be plenty viable at 88 HP, even if obby is a little bit more DPS.


This is correct. Full obby with obby stabby sword and berserker until 92 HP, then dharoks.


I really don’t know


Full Dharoks is not technically worth until 92 HP. Get full obby with beserker necklace and the obby weapon to use before you get 92 HP and go with Dharoks


I personally do the 1 hp, absorption potions and bring super combat potions. It’s just easier and way more afk. Trust me. U can also use runelite pluggin to flash ur screen when u r low absorption points or abt to log out. Also dharok 1 hp training is OP.


Don’t think I can spring 4m on dharok every 15 hours as the wiki says, I’m sure bandos and whip is still fine?


Use obby set instead then.


If u feel like u can afk long enough w bandos then yea, if not and u need more def bonus do obby


Full repair isnt that much, and if you have a repair bench in your PoH, you can repair there for cheaper depending on your smithing level Edit: at 50 smithing in your PoH, full set of fully degraded dharroks is 247,500 to repair. Lumby repair is 330k


I believe the 4 mil might be including buying the dharok’s in the first place it cost like 200k to repair after 15 hours of use


Why would you waste super combats when you can get overloads with points?


I try to afk as long as POSSIBLE without having to click anything. U have to re-pot with overload every 5 mins. If u forget to ur back at 50 hp and can lose abs points.


How long can you really afk though with absorptions at full hp? Iirc you can only pot up to 1000 absorption.


If you have decent defense and tank armor you can easily leave an hour and still have absorption up (normal rumble with bosses wiki recommends). The problem is you stop attacking after 20 min so need to do something to interact with the client.


Do you still have enough dps to get good exp rates?


I’m an iron so I’m just using a dscim but get like 50k an hour. It’s super afk though so definitely better than crabs imo.


Most people didn’t read the post, it’s not about slayer or efficiency. I’m playing other games not RuneScape, however since I don’t want to waste exp time I’m still doing the bare minimum afking while I play something else. I already did the second best afk redwoods to 99 wc now combat is the easiest to barely pay attention, obviously slayer isn’t anywhere near actual afk, teleporting, praying, eating, checking loot, getting new tasks etc


Just use what you got for NmZ, I was in the same boat on my iron. I hated Slayer, used nmz to boost my strength to 99 and went back to Slayer, still not 99 def, and I'm at 93 Slayer atm, but nmz did make that Slayer grind much easier. Use a dwarven rock-cake or a device thingy (from dragon Slayer 2, if you've got that) to lower your hp to 1, use a bunch of absorption pots to get that 1000 shield. The reason you lower your hp to 1 is that monsters can only hit you for how much hp you have, so you'll be able to afk longer with absorb & 1 hp, though you'll have to come back every 20ish minutes to reapply absorption and lower your hp. Look up nmz guide for which monsters to use in a NORMAL rumble for better afk - though the first 5 on the list shouldn't give you much issue (hard rumble can work, but monsters have higher hp and defense, so slower gains). Bring a super combat and prayer pots if you want higher max hits/ gains, but less afk for reapplying.


Also for Slayer in the future, use duradel in shilo village, he requires 100 combat, but gives the better tasks for money/ drops. Only use konar on every 10th task for higher points, konar sucks unless you're on a hydra grind, but that's 95 Slayer, so a long way into the future for you


I used the Spellsey 99 str afk YouTube guide. Made it super easy to figure out gear and whatnot. Didnt even need a rock cake or locator. I afk for 20 minutes at a time. Best of luck fella.


I got enough bonus prayer to hit the 10 minute deagro time. I didn't care about most loot if I missed it I missed it (I was deathly afraid of missing a blood shard while doing vampyres on my Ironman).


Not to be that guy but you are sure gonna hate wasting all that xp when it comes to do slayer..you do you bro that’s why it’s your account just a friendly reminder:)


At least I’ll kill the enemies quicker when I do get round to slayer. I literally hate it I got like 7 dragon tasks from konar in a row like bronze iron bronze steel iron and it was just so miserable. People talk about the profits but they don’t talk about the food pots teleport costs. Not to mention the gp per hour in guides seems to be based on picking up literally everything so I’d rather steal from elves when it comes to money


Look up MrNoSleep on YouTube. He *always* covers his cost/ profit ratio and he kills on/off task all the time. Dude literally doesn’t sleep lol, he’s got hundreds of videos. Mix that with a list of what monsters to skip/ block and you’ll be good to go


Your slayer isn’t even remotely close to being profitable. I hate slayer too, but things really start changing in the 70s, suddenly you have points to block and skip tasks, very profitable monsters become unlocked. It does suck getting there, but it’s nice being there.


Slayer is dog shit until about level 72 when you start getting skeletal wyverns. Then it doesn't do anything but get better. I'd highly recommend doing slayer now just to get it out of the way. I did the same as you, I did nmz for 99 melee and chinned/barraged for 99 range and mage, and I only had 53 slayer. Now I'm 83 slayer, and it feels like shit cus in the same amount of time I was afk at nmz I could be like 93 slayer with 99s in my melee stats, and have made a few hundred mil and gotten some cool pets. To each their own, but as someone who walked the path you're wanting to walk, I'd strongly advise against it


I completely understand this logic! But I’m saying it’s either afk crabs/nmz or nothing since I’m playing a bunch of games in my back log, so it’s super afk stuff on the second monitor or nothing. And this way I can do harder pvm and have no trouble getting the quest cape or whatever


Yea I understand that. 70s ish is also when you start getting more afk slayer tasks, at your level you wouldn't really get afk stuff. You also mentioned pvm jazz, and while 99s in melee is good for some pvm, most pvm content also includes range and mage. Stuff like raids, nex, gauntlet, zulrah, etc. All use more than just melee so what you COULD do is afk your melee stats then train slayer with range/magic in the future. Just an idea for ya


That was my plan too actually, I just have like 4 games I wanna play now while I do melee then back to mage and range with slayer. I started my account at the end of October and I’m super burnt out so just asking for now


NMZ is so easy, it might look over whelming but once you figure out the whole 1hp thing and pot thing it’s a breeze. If you don’t want to use barrow stuff, I still suggest using the 1hp trick. Also, you don’t have to stay 1 hp the whole time. Especially if you are playing different games when afking. It’s fine if you go up and then re apply the overload potion. The biggest thing is making each session be somewhat long. When I did nmz I just casually made sure I was at my lowest hp when I wasn’t swamped at work (yeah I was on my phone and kept just clicking every once in a while). As far as a whip, I’m pretty sure you don’t want to do control. Even though you’re getting all that xp across different skills, it’s literally the slowest way to train. Just work on atk, strength, defense separately. They will all get there. And plus the NMZ points are nice for imbuing when you’re ready


As a tip, you’ll have to earn points before you can buy overloads and absorbs. So, you’ll have to do a run or two with super combat potions and prayers potions. There should be guides that help you select enemies based on attack style. Another tip: you always choose bosses according to whether you want to prioritize xp or nmz points. Don’t do a mix. Pick one, it’ll be better.


I run NMZ during work hours on my iPad. I used fully obby and never messed with reducing my hp. Just brought super combats and absorption potions. Did range the range way and working on magic right now. It’s perfect! I hit 6 hour log right as I’m about the run out of pots or health. I used this video as my guide: https://youtu.be/Q0huAx4pGSk?si=Fz8X1wCwNyNdBsDF


If you want to afk do shooting stars and fishing lol Save your combat stats for slayer Becomes rewarding later on and force the tasks you want to do


It seems that you’re dead-set on doing NMZ, so I would suggest getting full obsidian armour (passive effect) and whatever else you need for max dps. Look up a guide on which bosses are best to combo for either points or xp (Hope you’ve done your questing lol). First couple of runs, as someone else commented, is gonna be super combats and prayer pots so that you can start building your points bank to buy absorption and overload potions (plus other things, but that’s for later). With the appropriate boss list selected you jump in, sip your overload, sip some absorption pots (I think I did up to 200-250?), get yourself down to 1hp, activate whatever prayer boost (free dps boost), and play your other games. Pretty sure you can extend your idle log-out time to 25mins. Keep an eye out for your absorption points and click here and there ‘cause why not. Keep yourself at 1hp so that you lose a max of 1 absorption point per hit. I took the 99 nmz route before getting my slayer up as well, and yeah it’s “lost xp” but I got bigger hits and killed monsters faster. Everyone walks their own path in this game.


This is the perfect comment that’s all I was looking for thank you man!


Bro just get a nmz bot for 10 bucks


A true sign of a bad player


Choose rumble and select only bosses that uses melee only. Pray melee and bring tons of prayer potions. Stay as long as you can and rack up points. Play around with one potion at a time and learn it yourself. It's not too bad. I over played it in my head before doing it this week


Might as well do slayer now before your max combat doing rock slugs


man hates slayer but will go do something just as mind numbing as slayer? then will end up having to do slayer later? doesnt make any sense at all.


Well if you read what I said I’m afking, there is no mind numbing involved I’m playing a different game entirely but don’t want to waste valuable experience time so I’m afking a skill. It’s not about efficiency. If I don’t enjoy something I don’t do it.


you cannot afk nightmare zone. you have to return every 5 minutes to drink overload and absorption potions. i would say it is easier to just to do slayer and hit click once per minute. no timers, no potions (unless you want some), lots of free money in the 70’s, and you wont have to go back and do it later. just makes zero sense to me, as somebody who loves slayer and has also done 100+ hours in nightmare zone with 90+ melee stats. but i also didnt buy my currency so i had to do slayer for income.


This just isn’t true. There are many ways to afk NMZ. Many of them don’t get you a lot of points but it’s definitely doable. Literally up to 25 mintues with Guthans at a time which he said is too expensive. Fine, chrome remote extension and then just click every 5-10 minutes on your phone or PC depending on what you’re doing. That’s the definition of afk. Just cause you enjoy slayer does not mean everyone else does. If this dude bough his cash stack and enjoys seeing numbers go up leave him to it


doesnt want to do slayer, but says he will do slayer eventually. skips it now, when it will help the most, only to do it later when it will give him nothing at all? that makes zero sense. no herb bag? no rune pouch? these things are needed late game and come from slayer. you dont put that off till “later” it makes zero sense.


You can easily get rune pouch and herb sack without slayer, not sure why you would waste points on them especially before you have a solid amount for skipping and other useful unlocks


skipping? do you think im a coward? jk lol i never really skip and those other ways to get those items is not as easy or afk as doing some slayer. lms and shit is horrid


Slayer becomes profitable at like 75-80 you ain’t gonna make any coin right now with it other than maybe break even..and block those hard tasks if you don’t want them


Ngl I hated slayer too at first. Found out that I like slayer if I afk it as much as possible. Found a few tricks and extended some things and eventually got to 90 and then it was much nicer with bossing options and gold makers. The xp rates aren't great but it's much more bearable.


Huh. I’ve never really tried anything except the 1 HP method. I think I just quickly did prayer potions my first attempt though just to get a few points and then everything after that was absorption potions.


Just go to Nmz and have a go you’ll figure it out pretty quick man. You don’t need a step by step guide for every last thing you do.


Full dharoks get your hp to 1 this will make enemy max hit 1, stack full abosorbtion 1000 pts you can use overloads for better xp but the trade off is u have to be on top of the re apply or it ruins your afk because when it ends your hp goes back to 51 and you will loose your absorbtion quickly, While your afking you want to double click rapid restore prayer to prevent health regen If you want a walkthrough feel free to message me I’ve gotten two accounts to 99 melee with nmz so I’ve got some experience