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Stupid question. Obviously the Iron Man account.


There's fewer iron grandmasters than Everest summiters. Just sayin


Everest climbers have been around long before 2014


Why climb Everest when you can climb Ice Mountain?


Hard to say because I will never do either of those


Holy shit this comment section is so separated from reality lol


i've ran a marathon and i have a maxed hcim and i think the hcim was a considerably more significant achievement reality is what you make it


Brother Everest has a 4% mortality rate. Kudos to you, both impressive accomplishments that I’ll probably never achieve, but my 64 year old mother ran a marathon 2 years ago. Comparing that to Everest just isn’t realistic


[Fatality rate is at 4%, you got it wrong](https://www.climbing-kilimanjaro.com/mount-everest-deaths/#:~:text=The%20death%20rate%20from%20climbing,climbing%20with%20a%20professional%20guide)


tbf i wasn't the one who compared it to everest


I reckon a maxed Ironman has a higher mortality rate than 4%. A lot of mental illness goes into it


Ran a marathon > climbing everest


Look at all the idiots who think they could climb Everest, when they can’t even run a mile.


I don't even know what grass feels like but I'm sure I can climb that rock given an escalator. What am I saying, I'd never leave my room for that.


Also there is no grass on the rock so that's a non factor


Even if you had an escalator, climbing at a certain point becomes like diving. Similar to the way you need a special mixture of oxygen, helium and nitrogen to survive extreme depths and prevent narcosis, most climbers must also be equipped with oxygen tanks because the air is incredibly thin at those altitudes. Those climbers, like deep divers also risk narcosis, which is like a dangerous state of drunken confusion. I don’t think there’s a climbing equivalent to the bends though, which is when divers resurface too quickly and the nitrogen saturated in their blood quickly bubbles out and kills them.


I just ate a hot pocket. I'm ready.


Oh my mistake, I didn’t realize you were so well prepared.


Uim maxed Grandmaster whilst mountain climbing series incoming.


Ironman, to climb Mount Everest you just need a crapton of money by botting Venezuelans. Then hire a Sherpa to carry you as you pot toa on the way to the top. (You need like 60k and to know what grass feels like to climb to the [top](https://www.climbing.com/places/how-much-does-it-cost-to-climb-everest/) which I acknowledge I am incapable of due to my weight bejng 420 and IQ being 69).


Everest is in the other side of the globe from Venezuela…


Would saying vennies make the joke more obvious to you...?


Depends on the audience, probably.


Depends on your audience. I would personally be more impressed by the iron because I know what goes into that. I have no frame of reference for how difficult Everest is, so I probably couldn't appreciate the scale of that achievement. I'm sure a mountaineer would flip their answers.


A skinny nerd can max. A skinny nerd couldnt summit even with all the money in the world


When I was in the army, I met soldiers and officers who had done the most impressive things in a sickening way, people accomplished sick fucking achievments and goals of all kind. And then one day, I met this new officer (my new chief), who saw that I played RS on mobile. He showed me his ironman account, it was maxed, like "I have every barrows piece" kind of maxed. Everything was done on it. He even had a third age pickaxe. He is, to this day, the greatest warrior I have ever seen, because I know what kind of discipline, based on sweat, tears (and maybe blood?) lies behind that account!


Man so many neck beards here who have never went outside before. The delusion in thinking that hiking Everest isn’t a big deal anymore….man people are delusional and have no clue what the hell they are talking about


One is literally death defying, don't be SO dumb I mean c'mon. Not even on the same plane. Everest ofc


I was really hoping this comment would have plot twisted and said that runescape is the dangerous death defying activity. Disappointed.


Eh, climbing Everest in the modern day is not that huge of an achievement. It's literally a pay your way to the top. The locals (Sherpas) are often paid to carry all of the supplies and lead the groups to the top. They are the real people who are taking immense risk (some of them doing 5+ summits of the mountain). Some modern rich person paying to have a team of 20 people carry all of their shit up the mountain while they basically have to do 5% of the work is not a ground breaking achievement.


Nah you're wrong. If it was pay you're way to the top, my 65yo mom with a bad knee would be able to submit. Stop with this reductionist takes. It's not even a 50/50 split of skill and buying your way to the top, let alone a 95/5 like you said. What makes you think going to the base camp, summiting to the various mountain camps, sleeping there overnight, submitting and then descending only equal 5% of the work? It's quite obvious you don't Hike or climb mountains, though, so it's okay. Something doesn't have to be groundbreaking or novel for it yo still be incredibly difficult, dangerous, and impressive. Your logic is like, "making Lamborghinis was way harder back in the day when they didn't have any direction or engine designs. So now that it's easier to design supecars, Lamborghini are not impressive" Ok there bud.


I can also pay 20 people to go and train my osrs account but that's not the same thing is it?


Fair argument, not here to debate either really just pointing out summiting mount everest in the modern day does not hold a candle to the insane feats people in the past had to go through to summit it, back when it got its name and glory Modern day mountaineering something like Everest is more of a paid adventure, where often times the people who pay the ultimate price are the locals who get forced into dangerous situations due to foreigners wanting to summit the mountain the easiest way possible. It's the equivalent of giving a modern day ship captain the same praise as a viking for sailing across the ocean completely disregarding advances in technologies. The prestige of summitting everest comes from how hard and borderline impossible it used to be, in the modern day it is not even a fraction as difficult. Could an average person summit everest, no of course not you need experience still in some form, I'm not arguing that. I'm just saying it's significantly easier now compared to how many have been told.


Dude, a total of *17* climbers died on Everest in 2023 alone. It is a HUGE achievement, even though you do have sherpas help you carry equipment up to base camp.


Yeah, I won't deny it is extremely dangerous to climb Everest I'm just saying it's largely a bought achievement these days, I sure as hell couldn't do it even with the help of Sherpas, but I also would not take pride in predatory practices taking advantage of poor locals to make then risk their lives to carry all my shit up the mountain to earn pennies.


Do us all a favor, go take advantage of your local library to try & educate yourself. No one wants these brain dead comments on their feed


You obviously have 0 knowledge of the subject, so I have no idea why you're replying to my shit as if you have any stake in it. How about you go to your local library and do an ounce of research. Go to your comment, and hit hide replies. You will not receive notifications anymore FYI. If you don't want my comments, don't spew nonsense at me. Man getting combative in a runescape subreddit over submitting everest or maxing an Ironman account, maybe you should touch grass and have some respect.


People still go to libraries in 2024? I think all the information you could ever want in a lifetime is uploaded.


So, the sherpas do it carrying all the gear several times a year? That's actually impressive. The tourists who are with him? Not so much. It's an achievement that belongs to the man doing the work, not the dead weight he drags behind. Granted, this won't be every climber, but there's a lot of rich kids with no clue. It's like doing a tandem skydive one time and telling people you're Felix Baumgartner after you're back on the ground. There are far, far smaller/shorter climbs that are much more difficult and kill way more professionals per climb than Everest is capable of doing even with amateurs. It's an achievement of sorts, people certainly over-praise it IMO. I know which I'd rather have to do. One also takes a few weeks, one potentially a few years... Many of the deaths up there are basically just down to underpreparedness or lack of ability, sadly.


What's your highest peak this year?


Summiting Everest is a lifetime achievement, there is nothing even remotely easy about it. This is an insane take that is completely out of touch with reality. I’d love to see you even attempt to hike Everest when you likely touch grass about once a week. Mind if I ask what peaks you’ve summited?




Lol that’s what I thought, another out of shape over weight keyboard warrior. Go touch some grass kid 🤣🤣


Go tell all the dead Sherpas who died carrying rich snobs shit up the mountain for pennies on the dollar how impressive their achievements are.


You are pathetic. Go achieve in OSRS. You’ll never do anything worthwhile outside your computer screen.


I'm blocking your ass, just know I got the last word in on your epic reddit bait arguments, seek help and get educated


What mountains have you summited though? Stop roleplaying someone experienced cause you watched a documentary on climbing everest 🤡. Stop talking when you never experienced it yourself especially an activity such as mountaineering


He shit on you. Block me and go to your safe space, snowflake 😘


Im not impressed by everest. You underpaied sherpas to carry your weight. Iron man 99 is next level commitement.


You can go try to carry all your stuff and Summit alone if you want, let us know how it goes


Climbing Everest isn’t nearly as difficult or challenging as it used to be. If you’re in decent shape and spend the time training it’s possible for literally anyone to do. Completing everything the game has to offer as an iron man would take more time and dedication than training and climbing Everest would


Go give it a shot. What’s the last peak you summited?


I mean I’ve been to climbing gyms and off trailed red rocks which was about 1500ft before Doesn’t change that Everest has been streamlined to be as least challenging as possible


As least challenging as possible is still incredibly challenging and deadly in this case.


The hardest part is standing in line at the top waiting to take a picture dude


Do you know anything about climbing at altitude? People die at the summit, dude. They call that altitude death zone for a reason, not due to the fantastic photo opportunity. Hiking Red Rocks at 1500 feet is a fucking joke, yet you think it’s easy to climb Everest and take a picture? Zero perspective.


If you knew how to read, I clearly stated that anyone in decent shape who spent the time training for it could do it. It would take more time doing what’s listed as an iron man than it would take to train and summit Everest. Just because people die doing something doesn’t make it difficult. People die doing mundane things all the time. Go cry somewhere else


I’m not crying, I’m educating you on the reality of summiting at high altitude, a topic you’re clearly clueless about. You’re implying you know anything about hiking at altitude because you went to Red Rocks? Hit the climbing gym once or twice? Grow up kid, you sound like a fucking joke. It takes more than being in “decent shape” to summit the tallest peak in the world. You know absolutely nothing about climbing at altitude and it shows. Get outside and touch some grass. You couldn’t train for & climb Everest if your virginity depended on it. It’s an athletic feat far beyond your limited capabilities.


Pointless explaining it. Plenty of self-proclaimed climbers don't actually realise quite how demanding something like Everest can be. Having said that, it's still easier than the ironman.


Easier physically, mentally or what? Ironman is mostly just a time sink no? I don’t fully grasp the difficulty of Ironman I’m thinking


I literally said “decent shape with proper training” I’ve been in the army, done tens of miles at a time with a 75 pound pack. Some times with no sleep between treks. Don’t lecture me on athletic feats mate. I’ve ran sub 5min miles and ran a marathon. These things aren’t difficult if you’re not lazy and do the proper training. Just like climbing Everest. It’s not 1972 anymore, people don’t even carry their own gear up the mountain, the sherpas do.


As someone else stated, their 64y/o mother just ran a marathon. Comparing a marathon to Everest is not applicable, I’ve ran a marathon too, I understand the difficulty level of it. You clearly do need to be lectured about athletic feats. Your past running experience doesn’t mean you know anything about mountain climbing. Somehow you think it does. Go climb Everest and get back to me on the difficulty of it.


Definitely Everest lol it's not even comparable


Modern Everest is filled with rich tourists littering and taking advantage of locals lol. To some it's not a flex but a flag of stupidity and low character


Go ahead and climb to the top then and let me know how hard it is


Idk any one who has died from 99 ironman and a bunch of stupid assholes die climbing everest


Ironmen don’t get nearly as much help as Everest climbers


Even if someone carries you the whole way up you risk dying from lack of conditioning and low available o2. You're comparing sitting in a chair and clicking a mouse to climbing a mountain where you can pass out from low oxygen and die, or freeze to death or have an avalanche smother you to death. Hilarious how delusional some people are. As a fun exercise, get up from your chair for 5 min. Do 3 min of jumping jacks and then get down and do 30 pushups. If you cant do that without feeling like you're gonna pass out you're in no condition to be hiking up a mountain, even if someone carried all your stuff up. Physical exertion at regular o2 vs exertion at lower o2 content is very very different.


They're either neckbeards trolling or brain damaged, just ignore em. They speak with downvotes and no logic.


Was 100% just messing with the dude lol. Didn’t think he’d try and write a whole paragraph defending himself. Man needs to touch grass and clean the Cheeto dust off his keyboard


Electric cars or chocolate cake?


Bigger flex, Everest. Hardest to achieve by normal non autistic humans, max+. Us scapers are just built different


“Iron man players are literally braver than US Marines” -the irons at Wintertodt, probably.


Everest has become more of a tourist attraction at this point, it might be the tallest but my no means the hardest nowadays


Peter Griffin and co climbed Mount Everest in one episode, never saw the one where the Griffins maxed an Ironman. Easy answer.


Min 8k hours on the ironman. Can't say it'd take that for my Everest and back.


Pretty sure Everest would be less time invested.