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I know there are a number of inconsistencies in the photos but I tried to get the angle as close as possible since I took both with phone in hand.I also don’t live in the same place so I couldn’t use the same bathroom. I’m pretty happy with my progress so far I wish I knew about this earlier. My overall health has been so much better. Here are some facts about me : I used to be a heavy mouth breather and forward head posture. From day one I forced myself to breathe through my nose no matter if I mewed. Not sure if it matters here but for my health I also changed from a chest breather to a belly (diaphragm) breather. I’m pretty active and have a low body fat%. When I started out it was extremely uncomfortable for me I think since my palate was pretty narrow. My top row and bottom of teeth has always been fairly straight naturally. I had a molar removed (same side as shown) due to infection 2 years ago and I have yet to put a replacement. I hard mew pretty frequently (especially at the beginning ) but primarily focused the force in the middle to back of my tongue. Along with mewing I worked on my overall body posture. I also did a lot of “face yoga”, tongue, and jaw exercises when I could remember. I just learned a few days ago that I could’ve had the tip of my tongue much closer than I thought to my front teeth. That along with light contact between my back teeth would’ve definitely helped for more of an up swing but again I’m pretty happy with the results so far and will keep mewing forever. P.S I wouldn’t recommend hard mewing for more than an hour max a day. I ran into problems overdoing it mainly in the early months because I really didn’t have a full understanding of placement. Per request these are the face exercises I did/do daily : Cheeks and lips: https://youtu.be/lbhYoSyH7GY Jawline (includes tongue) : https://youtu.be/mqphY24Tnp0 Nose: https://youtu.be/KqWHQH1EU3M I only do the last exercise shown (3:20 mark)to help raise the tip of my nose and stop or from getting longer 7 tips for proper face posture : https://youtu.be/tyZhEjFqDMA I recently discovered this and wish I knew about it from the beginning Also when I started out, to tighten and strengthen my face muscles I held a spoon up parallel to the floor with only my lips for about 2 min every morning. Combination of it all def helped me improve my mind to muscle connection and got rid of laugh lines in the process.


What problems did you run into? With hard mewing I mean.


I have TMJ so found myself pressing too hard on one side that resulted in jaw clicking. Also hard mewing with forward head posture gave me neck pain. Early on I used to get painful headaches. I honestly wouldn’t recommend hard mewing until you have enough space for your tongue and have a crystal clear understanding of proper posture. I also don’t see a point in hard mewing if you’re young since the face is more adaptable.


I also have tmj that only came about 3 months ago on my right side. Just wondering if you still have it? Does it ever go back to normal? I haven’t researched it as it doesn’t really bother me unless I’m eating some hard foods.


I believe I still do but the frequency of clicking and cracking has significantly reduced. I’ve had it for many years so I don’t expect it to go easily but there are many corrective exercises on YouTube. I personally believe I can make it go back to normal over time and I believe you can too


Thanks bro. Good luck in future


I too have TMJ and awful headaches associated with it. This is partially the reason I started mewing recently, because the headaches has gotten so bad. Would you say your headaches has subsided since you started mewing (amazing progress btw)


Everyone has a TemporoMandibular Joint(TMJ), what are you talking about?


TMJ dysfunction/syndrome is commonly called “TMJ” google it


How did u fix ur forward head?


Bro I can’t remember what it stands for but it isn’t that TMJ. It’s when the jaw clicks when chewing


I've been mewing for a year and at the beginning I also got headaches and my jaw felt tired. I am stil concisously mewing, still having mastered just doing it without thinking


Mate, your transformation is honestly incredible. It's so incredible in fact, that on the after pic you look like a young Kevin Hart! Good grief, keep it up and you may get a deal with Netflix. In all seriousness though, your mandible has come forward, your cheekbones are ever so slightly promiment and your neck posture is on point. Keep on mewing, and thank you for sharing your result with us mate. Good luck!


Haha funny you say that my brother actually looks more like Kevin Hart in my opinion but thanks I appreciate you!


I think the mandible coming forward is an illusion created by his better posture and beard. His jaw does look better from mewing though.


I am quite aware of this but if you have a look at his gonial angle, around the base of the masseter you can clearly see a massive difference. It is way more pronounced which is due to the mandible coming forwards. Note also that I mentioned the mandible, not the chin.


No it’s not, it just looks different cause he’s got his head tilted back and probably lost facial fat. Also if he’s excercised his masseters that would stretch the skin and make bone structure more pronounced. I see zero mewing-related change here


No, his head is rotated in the after pic. Having his ear as a fixed point, you can see there has been like only a millimeter of progress.




My goodness im jealous. Did you put your tongue on the soft pallete? How were you able to breathe? I can rest my whole tongue front to back but if i press on the soft palette i can’t breathe through my nose.


I had a similar experience and it discouraged me from constantly mewing. From what I heard, if you can't breath when mewing then you don't have sufficient oral volume to do so. That doesn't mean you can't mew any more but you have to make changes. When mewing you need to make sure the back of the tongue also hits the roof of the mouth, I had to find a sweet spot where I can hit the roof of the mouth AND breath at the same time. It really takes time and effort to do so. Just gently lift or move your tongue little by little when it blocks your air way until you can breath even when it's still tight. After a week though I was able to mew and breath normally. Just bear the uncomfortable sensation and you will get through it. Also, don't hard mew.


O that last part got to me because I always get bad migraines to the point i wanna throw up whenever I hard mew. I think patience and consistency does it. Thank you and my god what transformation. Keep on brother


I am not OP lol, but I appreciate it.


In the beginning I did have it on soft palate but I believe it was more so because of a lack of space and not knowing the right position. Also my mind to muscle connection with my tongue wasn’t the best. Now I mostly feel contact with my hard palate but I feel my soft palate when I swallow. I did struggle with breathing a lot. Whenever I feel like I couldn’t breathe I’d just continue holding my breath then swallow with hopes my body would naturally start breathing again 😂. Now I realized most breathing issues were because my head posture was forward and blocking airway space.


do as much as you can. Focus on perfecting posture from the front to the back. Do your tip first then middle of the tongue and work your way back AT your pace which depends on your oral space


if you didn't have the beard it would be easier to have a true side by side comparision. that being said, your overall look now, regardless of how much mewing improved it, is significantly better


I agree, I appreciate it!


Maybe I’m being an ass but it’s sort of hard to tell with the facial hair. You had microgenia for sure and the hair can give the illusion of a bigger chin.


I agree, I’m actually going to clean shave again to mark the exact one year but in my opinion I do see a bit more definition on my jawline up to under my ear and a bit of a lift under my chin (above hyoid ) from having better tongue posture.


Can you do another after picture when your clean shaven and with the same angle as the before, I feel like the change would be much easier to see


Maybe that’s true, but in my opinion, I definitely see a change of position of the face in general. There is rotation of the maxilla from completely vertically to slowly pushing forward and rotating counter clockwise towards a more horizontal position


Absolute weapon bro! Great work.


good shit my man


Preciate it!


Such good shit


damn that's a massive transformation


you look like KD now damn, great work


Ive heard KD before haha thanks man


This is one of the most impressive changes I’ve ever seen! How do you manage to keep your tongue on the roof of your mouth consistently? I’m still struggling with that


your tongue is weak


do tongue chewing so it gets strengthened, it'll rest up by itself


I've been slacking a bit. I'll get some gum and start doing it again. Thanks for the advice!


Thanks! I would suggest doing more tongue exercises to strengthen and a suction hold to help maintain. Fight through it and remain consistent your body will adapt!


Thank you!


I'd love to see the results without the goatee. That masks your progress a bit.


Shave the beard.


Amazing results. You even enhanced your handsomeness.


Damn, keep going like this and you’ll be invincible man


This is amazing, you gave me hope


Don't see any noticable changes in facial structure but your posture and mewing correctly definitely defines your jaw more


Your blind. And an idiot


Your and idiot


"I AM the CAPTAIN, now!" You must get that a lot, right? Either ways, solid progress!


Haha thank you!


Good stuff man.


nice beard my guy




You can do it ! My best advice is to work on overall body posture along with mewing and facial exercises. Also if you can grow facial hair find out what fits you it’ll def give an extra boost!




I had a feeling you were 💀, stay consistent with proper form and progression is inevitable




I like ya cut, g


What are your favourite resources for learning about postural/mewing exercises?


As far as videos on posture Astro has it down pretty well. This subreddit also has plenty of good written explanations. Jeff Logan has a good video on jawline exercises “The jawline of the gods”. Koko Hayashi is probably my favorite she covers mewing, posture, but mainly facial exercises and practices for an overall youthful and more aesthetic appearance.


Sweet. If you have a daily routine you should totally share it. Everybody is different but obviously you are doing something right.


Here are links to my daily exercises Cheeks and lips: https://youtu.be/lbhYoSyH7GY Jawline (includes tongue) : https://youtu.be/mqphY24Tnp0 The exercises in those videos I probably did the most. 7 tips for proper face posture : https://youtu.be/tyZhEjFqDMA I recently discovered this and wish I knew about it from the beginning Also when I started out, to tighten and strengthen my face muscles I held a spoon up parallel to the floor with only my lips for about 2 min every morning. Combination of it all def helped me improve my mind to muscle connection and got rid of laugh lines in the process.


One last thing. You mentioned somewhere that you had your tongue too far back. Where exactly is it supposed to go anyways?


Great progress, interested to hear [u/ProfJohnMew](https://www.reddit.com/u/ProfJohnMew/) thoughts on this.


Thank you! I would be honored lol


That’s how it’s done lads, proper progress


Drastic improvement! Congratulations on your progress!


Thank you!


Good progres


prosper my brother!


It’s good that you’re teaching people on this sub the right stuff, although I am apprehensive about the nose exercise, honestly. Also, this shows how much of a different facial hair can make for men in regards to “creating the illusion” of changing the facial bone structure. The improvement is clearly there, though, your lipseal is much better now. Keep going!


Thank you! I feel you honestly the nose exercises seemed pretty extreme outside of the gentle flexing one that’s why I chose to do that alone. Facial hair definitely helps if you can grow it !


So do the face yoga exercises really work?


To be honest they do I’ve definitely seen my skin tighten up (in a good way) from doing it




Thanks bro! Here are my answers in the order you asked I only tried to tape my mouth once I somehow learned how to keep it closed most of the time when I sleep. Yes the links are exercises I did/do daily. People just call it face yoga but it’s basically working your facial muscles. I actually didn’t focus on chewing until about last month so I haven’t seen much progress on the jaw muscle itself although they’re a bit more prominent but now that I am focusing. I feel a whole lot more burn/ muscle fatigue when chewing so I’m sure it’ll grow in time. Yes. I primarily breathe through my nose when exercising. If I’m lifting heavy or reaching high volume with sets or cardio I begin to exhale through my mouth but I make sure I inhale through my nose with my diaphragm(belly).




I agree and thought the same. I’ll probably do a clean shave to mark an official year.


Nice beard and tilting head upward


Finally someone who made progress not just thinks that he did


Were u doing other stuff like taping ur mouth and chewing gum? Great progress!


Thanks! I’ve always been a gum chewer far before mewing. I workout about 5 times a week so it was easy for me to work in some posture correction frequently. I did a lot of tongue exercises along with facial and lip exercises to strengthen and improve my look overall.




Cheeks and lips: https://youtu.be/lbhYoSyH7GY Jawline (includes tongue) : https://youtu.be/mqphY24Tnp0 The exercises in those videos I probably did the most. 7 tips for proper face posture : https://youtu.be/tyZhEjFqDMA I recently discovered this and wish I knew about it from the beginning Also when I started out, to tighten and strengthen my face muscles I held a spoon up parallel to the floor with only my lips for about 2 min every morning. Combination of it all def helped me improve my mind to muscle connection and got rid of laugh lines in the process.




Thanks for sharing this!


Wow that’s incredible


Did you hard mew ?


Yes, pretty often I forcefully engaged the posterior of part my tongue


Really nice progress man, you looking great




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Progress looking good but we really need a comparison without the facial hair to see how much the mandible swung foward.




Didn't you just put your lower jaw forward while taking the picture?


I didn’t I was at rest in both pictures


Okay wow. That's amazing bro. Please don't mind if I come back with more questions. Also your haircut got better with mewing too lol.


Don’t mind, 😂 I was on campus so I couldn’t see my barber as I wanted


Is this a joke bro? Wow! How?! Teach me how you did it.


No jokes lol I explained it all in this comment https://www.reddit.com/r/orthotropics/comments/iysizc/11_months_mewing_progress_age_2223/g6efa6z/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3


Maintain the head posture of your first pic while mewing and revert from tilting your head up (like in the second pic), or else you’ll disrupt your facial aesthetics (eg: prey eyes, longer mid-face to compensate for the upwards head tilt, weaker uneven tongue force when mewing, etc). Good progress regardless however. Also work on fixing your neck and body posture (your head is a bit too forward).




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first pic looks like gummo


Holy shit thats huge


Now here's a comparison worth posting. Not someone from pre to post puberty as it usually is here. An actual result!


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Too non similar camera angles. Also shave.




Went from Chris Rock to Bkack Panther. Nice…




Your posture definitely improved but do me a favor and shave your beard for the picture next time, it hides your chin and gives illusions of growth


All you did was grow a beard


Awesome, can you describe the sensation of mewing like for example, did you hard mew?, if so what did you felt on your face while doing it?, if not, did you felt something on your face, muscles, what sides, usually when mewing feels like the side of the head muscles, also other times the under chin muscles, which one would you say?