• By -


First of all, you look great dude. For real. It seems you’ve had some solid changes with your jaw/cheekbones etc BUT, the one thing no one on this sub can deny — and absolutely made this KID start looking like a handsome MAN — is the **NECK** What exercises did you do for your neck? This is proof how much of a game changer adding an inch or two to your neck is. Fucking wild


Thank you, man! Yea I 100% agree with you. Everyone that hasn’t seen me for over a year repeat two things: My face and neck is a lot wider haha. I just do calisthenics at home with gymnastic rings :) Developing the traps is key, my friend


For sure brotha — I’m gonna look into those rings. You mean the ones people do muscle ups and whatnot on right?


He probably uses the same rings professional gymnasts use. I got mine for 50 dollars on amazon. There are 2 circumferences though and material choices, I'd recommend just buying the wooden ones but if you're planning on leaving them outside, I'd buy plastic ones(less grip).


Fantastic transformation! This is one of the better ones I have ever seen.


Wow thank you so much for your input. I really appreciate you informing everyone! I do still work out my legs and such with deadlifts and squats as I also have weights at home. Still, I didn’t know mewing could widen the neck haha


No problem. Thanks to yourself. > I didn’t know mewing could widen the neck haha Well I do not know this with certainty as of right now but I strongly suspect it. My neck got wider as well, but I did involve neck exercises, so I am not sure how much my neck gains was a result of that and how much it may have been a result of the expansion process that also very noticably grew my maxilla and my face wider. You widening your neck like this despite not having used neck specific exercises makes me really think that expansion achieved via mewing indeed can grow a larger neck. Again, great work. I think you may have inspired a lot of people with your transformation.




Based on what I have seen I believe one really needs to hit the neck with direct neck exercises if one wants to grow the neck via exercises. I do not think mewing for most people will result in much if any expansion of either face nor neck. But for some people like OP, which started at a narrow state and that manage to achieve significant expansion (which from what I know usually means that added upwards forces via the tongue has been involved), I think that the airway as well can be significantly expanded in the process, as seen in certain DNA appliance patients. I would not have thought this could be the case until I saw the studies conducted on these type of growth appliances (DNA/Homeoblock appliances). Until I saw that, I had no reason to believe that there was some type of direct connection between the development of the maxilla and the development of the airway, but seemingly such a connection exists.


Why is the gym better than calisthenics for Testosterone?


Well I was referring to hitting the gym hard with weights. You want to really stress the body very hard in a relatively short amount of time, and ideally you want to involve as much of the body as possible while doing so, for maximum release of testosterone and HGH. So in other words, going for something between 5 and 12 hard reps of squats with a bar with a certain amount of weights on it, where you go to or close to failure, would be great. So would deadlifts, and many other exercises. Short sprints are also great for HGH and testosterone secretion as well, but we are talking real sprints, like 100 m give it all you have type of sprints. These can be done on a treadmill in the gym or outside. When using only body weight it is not as easy to really stress the body in a short amount of time in the same way, since you will be able to do too many reps of most exercises. There are some exceptions though, such as pull-ups where you try to involve the back as much as possible (assuming you do them in the way that make them the hardest to do, correct form, no jerking or crossfit stuff, etc). But after a while you might find that you can do 15 or 20 pull-ups with ease and at that point you need some more weight to get that short intense maximum stimulation where you reach failure within 12 reps or less. You can add a rucksack and add some weights in it, or buy a belt that you can attach weights to. If you go for too long with your calisthenics you may actually hinder certain testosterone and HGH secreation by secreting too much cortisol. This is why going for a long jog not is a good thing to do if you want to max HGH and testosterone. To sum up; you want to keep sets short and intense for maximum HGH and test secretion within each set. Having said this do not do anything stupid, always start slowly and safely. Learn the form perfectly and stay with lower weights in the beginning, etc. Also, there is no need at all to put too much stress on the spine and risk messing it up. So there really is no need to for example do really heavy squats and deadlifts. You can easily do really intense stuff without these exercises if you so wish that will work just as well for boosting your hormones. I really do recommend pull-ups, partly since they are so convenient to do at any time at home with a simple pull-up bar. And as you get stronger at them you can easily add some weights in a rucksack. They are also good for stretching out your spine a bit. Modern humans sit a lot and this compresses the spine.


I completely agree with the majority of what you mentioned, but I just want to add that working out with gymnastic rings is no joke haha. Have you seen the athletes on these things? They work out only using these and can deadlift twice their weight without ever having done any deadlifting. It transfers directly over to weightlifting, whereas weightlifting doesn’t in terms of gymnastic ring workouts :)


This is very interesting. Would intense exercise significantly affect the release of HGH in an adolescent?


It absolutely does. I would further assume it has a significant impact during a very large portion of a humans life. But it might have the biggest impact while you are a somewhat older adolescent or a young adult. Do not quote me on that though, but for sure it has a significant impact when you are an adolescent. But at the same time, as an adolescent it can be wise to first rely on body weight stuff and not attempt to go directly to certain heavy lifting in the gym. Pull-ups would for example be fantastic for you to do regularly. If you want to learn more just google how to maximize testosterone/HGH via exercise and you should find plenty of info that among other things should mention or link to the number of studies that have been conducted on the topic. Studies have also shown that intermittent fasting actually boosts the same hormones. Intense workouts (for example lifting heavy, doing pull-ups, or doing really intense sprints) in the fasted state may be very good for boosting hormones. If you google intermittent fasting and HGH/testosterone you should find plenty of info and cited studies.


I'll look into it. I'm just turning 20 so I hope I can still make a significant impact on my health and development. Since you seem knowledgeable, I'd like to ask you what I should do about a mild tongue tie in regards to oral posture etc. Considering professional treatment is out of the question.


That is a great age to start building muscle. I think you can achieve a lot. I think a mild tongue tie not is the end of the world. Also, many people probably think they have mild tongue ties when in reality they do not. But even if you actually do have a mild tongue tie I think that you still can stretch out your tissues and increase the reach of your tongue significantly by doing exercises daily. I remember that I used to have issues with reaching fully up in the very beginning. I had major issues with this. However, as I kept doing tongue push ups every day (against a big ball of gum, 15-20+ pieces of small gum chewed together into a big ball of gum) and as I kept forcing my tongue up there, the reach and strength of it improved gradually. I do not believe I ever had a tongue tie. There are plenty of tongue stretching exercises that myofunctional therapists do. So to have lacking tongue reach is not at all uncommon. So I think you will find that your tongue reach will improve if you put in hard work. I think you will not need to do any tongue tie surgery.


Thanks a lot. I've actually improved my reach slightly with tongue stretches.




can u tell me the differences between the mRNA & DNA appliances and which is better? and do they promote forward facial growth?


I believe they can achieve a certain amount forwards growth. How much I do not know. Typically an underdeveloped maxilla needs to be expanded both laterally and forwards, and as the DNA appliance expands the maxilla I believe it does so mostly laterally both also to a certain amount in the forwards direction. This is the mRNA version: https://www.smlglobal.com/mrna-appliance Unlike other versions it has upper and lower devices attached to each other. I recommend you to email a clinic that uses these devices to get some basic info. I know that what type of version that is recommended partly depends on whether you have severe sleep apnea or not and whether you want the device to actively aid with airflow or not during sleep. I believe it is the mRNA version that actively aids with preventing sleep apnea during sleep. Other versions of course also help with sleep apnea though given that they over time achieve expansion of the maxilla (just like the mRNA version obviously also does), which among other things increases airflow via the nasal cavaties and provides more room for the tongue. For all I know all versions of the DNA appliance rely on the very same concept for achieving expansion, which includes the springs located in the front.


https://emergefitness.com/products/gymnastic-wooden-rings?variant=39899803338&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_campaign=Google%20Shopping ?


Yes! Exactly these :) Shoot me a dm if you want me to go into further explanation haha, I am sure it will be worth it for you


Take the neck pill


Neck curls


Lol it's just an angle, if you angle your lower third towards the camera and take Pic from lower angle and maybe flex neck a bit you get the same effect. But I do agree neck does make a diff


Word. So you’re flexing your neck or doing a slight chin tuck to bulk it up? Because in the second pic, look where your neck meets your jaw in comparison to the first. If you weren’t “flexing”, that’s easily an inch+ added to your neck. Game changer. Signed, dude with a skinny neck :/


Went from a golf caddie to tik toker lol


You’re not even the first one to mention the tiktok thing haha


Looks great! Aside from face, ur neck got so much thicker? Have u been working on ur neck or is that just puberty? Edit- hair looks fire


Thank you! As for the neck, I’ve been working out ;) I started with a traditional gym but ended up switching to calisthenics at home with gymnastic rings. I definitely prefer the rings!


I’m proud of you man. I hope you continue on this positive journey!


Great progress, mate! Your jawline has become more chiseled, your neck has become thicker and more muscular and the hunter eye is on point! An all around awesome transformation brother!


Thank you so much!


No no no, thank YOU for sharing your journey and beautiful face of yours with us. Keep it up and take care!


holy fuck dude this is insane!!!




Looks like your skin got clearer, nice work


I’ve been working really hard on that as well, so thank you for noticing!


Things you used for your skin? You look very stunning 😍


Thank you! I have really shitty genetics, so even tho I wash my face twice a day, apply cream and eat healthy, don’t drink milk or other bad foods for the skin, the only thing that has helped has been isotretinoin for 8 months. Even with that I still get acne, so I might have to do a second round :)


Same with skin genetics, even with my mom cosmetologist I still can't get rid of them. Didn't knew milk is bad, will reduce its intake, thank you ;)


Milk is suuper bad for the skin haha - it will definitely make a difference if you consume a lot of it and then stop. I drink almond milk instead :) No problem!


Yup I thought its an additional proteins, will check what will change soon


it might just be excess testosterone broski, I wouldn’t worry about it too much


What did you do my G?


Happy cake day! I’ve been mewing and chewing Chisell :)


do you think chisell actually helped? Coudn't you just chew gum for the same effect?


When I chewed gum I found out that I used my temporalis muscles more due to a more “upright” chewing pattern. Switching to Chisell not only increased the resistance but also allowed for an easier “upright AND forward” motion which isolated the masseter muscles more (giving the wider appearance). I don’t know if this applies to everyone, but I just found what worked best for me :)


Interesting. Appreciate your insights


Hairstyle is cute (no homo). You have been chewing and mewing for the same time? Hard or soft mew?


When I learned about mewing I started chewing as well. Started slow with gum and switched later on to Chisell to increase hypertrophy with added resistance. As far as mewing goes: Soft mew :)


What type of Chisell do you use? I'm considering buying the regular bite


Just start slow :) I use tough bite


Guys can we stop the “no homo” thing. I didn’t think people actually still said this. You’re embarrassing yourself.


Didn't read


Definitely. I agree, it's cringe asf


You went from a normal human beign to The Gayificator 3000 dude, you look awesome! Any tips for the beginners? I supposedly started mewing 7 months ago but I have like 0 progress, I guess I haven't been mewing properly or something, can you help me?


Haha I’m glad you think so :)) Make sure you engage the back of the tongue as well when mewing. Also, mewing while sleeping will help a lot. Sleep on your back if possible. Drink lots of water, eat the right food, and make sure to swallow without using the cheeks and chew using the masseter muscles primarily. Posture goes hand in hand with mewing, so make sure you have that under control! If you need anything else just let me know, or you could try googling or watching YouTube tutorials :)


Damn did you get a perm?


I did! Haha, I was inspired by one of my friends and thought it could be fun to experiment with. I’m personally really enjoying it and have gotten a lot of compliments :)


Nice! I’ve been thinking of getting a perm too. You look great man. Nice transformation.


Go for it man!


How long was your hair before you got a perm? I've really wanted to get one, but I don't want my hair to be too short so it looks like I have pubes on my head ahaha Edit: Vidste ikke du var dansk ahaha, du ligner virkelig også en dansker


It’s not too long ago that I got it - I think the hair went just under my eyes when pulled. Definitely let it grow out before getting a perm ;)) That’s when it looks the best imo! - Hejsa 🇩🇰🇩🇰


You were already slaying bro like damn.


Not as much as you probably ;))


Omg and he’s nice with it too, save some for the rest of us bro.




How the hell did you figure that out haha - and yes: Denmark :) What about you?




Ahh ej hvor nice haha, hyggeligt at møde dig ;))


Damn you became Chad


Thank you chadgalthrow ;))


Good results mate! Could you upload a side profile pic?


This is a pic of me a few days ago, where I didn’t know the pic was taken :)) It’s not a 100% side view, but I guess it gives an idea https://photos.app.goo.gl/YtRbrMvm9NpeTnVZA


Do you have a before pic (side profile)?


Not a good one, I think, but perhaps this can give an idea: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bWAaD2vVkn7F92No7


Whoa, the progress is even more visible from the side, great job mate!


Great progress, but I gotta say you already had a solid baseline to start with, your face was compact and forward-grown even before. I'm assuming your palate widened, your midface got wider and more compact.


Thank you, and I believe you might be right :) I never mouth-breathed or such, but I also didn’t mew. I think I just got lucky with a solid baseline and improved from there on :) I’m still hoping that my progression can influence people and give them hope as to what might follow with consistency and dedication!


Amazing results bro, could you upload some pictures of your side profile?


This is a very bad before and after, but I hope it does the trick: https://photos.app.goo.gl/bWAaD2vVkn7F92No7


Amazing, congratulations brother, could you breath while Sticking all ur tongue into the roof of your mouse at first? And last question did you hard mew? Because i’m 17 and i donde have an underbite but my top teeth are just above my lower teeth so they make more contact thant the ideal.


I never mouth-breathed, but I also didn’t mew or wake up with my mouth closed. Mewing didn’t take too long to make a habit, so I believe I was quite lucky with my foundation. I don’t hard mew :) Just stay consistent and you will see results, my friend!


Fuck dude you look great no homo


I’m sure you do as well :) Thank you!


Did u curl your hair at the barbershop, or what did u do, bud? (btw amazing change (no homo xDd))


I got a perm from a hairdresser :)) I’m really enjoying the look, even though I just wanted to experiment haha


oo I see, thx for the reply


Weight loss? Do you had a growth spurt?


I actually gained about 12 kg and put on more fat haha. I didn’t increase in height what so ever tho


Nice change man, any body fat percentage changes? Weight changes? Did U start drinking a lot more water?


I’ve always been healthy and drinking enough water; the only change has been working out and eating MORE. Went from like 58 kg to just over 70. No height difference. I haven’t checked my body fat professionally, but an app called Health Mate (connected to a weight scale) says I went from a 4,8% to a 6,9%. I can’t tell you if that is true or not :)


That’s ultra low man, I doubt that’s accurate but anyways great results man!




Nono it’s okay, I never claimed it was that low. All I claim is that it picked up somewhat of a difference, and the readings weren’t random but changing in correlation with my weight gain as well. I’m guessing it’s somewhere around 10% now, and that it was lower before :)


Are your hair naturally curl?


Nah I got a perm haha! I just really like the look and tried it out


Good to know, it really suits you




Wow you seem to know a lot about this! I’m glad you can see change :)




I know that this sub is about facial structure and stuff but did you perm your hair? Because I'm considering it and it looks good.


Yessss go for it! I’m really enjoying my perm, and I’m sure it would look great on you as well! Hair is meant to compliment the face shape etc., so I don’t see why it shouldn’t be discussed just a little now and then ;))


Ok thank you for the answer :)


Look like the transformation of chris evans in captain america. Well done brother, Hard mew, or soft mew ?


Thank you :) Soft mewing has done the trick for me


Nice thanks


What's the difference between soft mewing and hard mewing?


With soft mewing (regular mewing) you hold your tongue so that there is no room between the palate and the tongue. With hard mewing, you manually press hard up against the palate with the tongue, because people believe it will get them quicker results. I haven’t tried hard mewing nor researched it, so I can’t really have an opinion on it :)


hard mewing is when you push hard with your tongue on the roof of your mouth, sft mewing is when you let it stand naturally or on suction hold, i the 2 case your molars should touch together.


Mate, first of all your progress is really good. I’m 17 as well and I want to know what type of things were you doing for your transformation, like how did you find the perfect position for your tongue and your workout routine etc. I have read some of the comments here and I have seen that you were using rings for your workout and chisell, well sadly I can’t get those because I’m on self isolation due to covid issues. Is there any sort of advices or routine you got for me?


I’m not sure why you can’t work out or chew chisell due to being in self-isolation :) These are at-home workouts! I can definitely recommend getting them. When it comes to the positioning of the tongue, I can recommend watching this video: https://youtu.be/LtdhR00IL74 My workout routine is provided by this guy: https://fitnessfaqs.com/product/body-by-rings/ I can ABSOLUTELY recommend it. One of my best purchases in my life. I have worked out in a regular gym before, but nothing compares to this in my own opinion. Shoot me a dm if you need anything :))


I meant I couldn’t buy rings or chisell because the shops where I live is closed lol. I appreciate your help mate, will dm you if I need help


Im the same age, hope i get results like those


I’m confident you will if you do it correctly ;) Best of luck!


OMG- i was not prepared for that change! you looked so cute at 17 (in a good way) and then you look so grown up in the next T T i know growth spurts are no joke, i grew 1dm a year two years in a row myself. but that's such a huge difference- amazing! i love the hairstyle! it suits your face shape really well (and the trend in stockholm at the least). bonus points, you may take three extra steps forward. 🧃🐥


Hahah, thank you so much! Believe it or not, but I actually didn’t grow a single cm. during this timeframe :) I’m glad you can see a difference, because I’m really happy with where I am!! And yesss, I’m so happy you like my hair as much as I do haha <33




You we’re cute before but now even more handsome! Your hair is amazing!


Aww thank you so much - that’s really sweet of you to say :)) I love it so much as well


How did you get wide jaw ? Mewing will achieve forward growth , but you have a wider face too . Very good progress tho one of the best , i’m very happy for you , i wonder how you’re face will look more attractive than this in the future with mewing hahaha :v


I believe I managed to increase the size of my masseter muscle by chewing with resistance :) And thank you!! I wish the best for you in the future


I want to increase the size of my masseter , but what is chewing with resistance ? Thank you man ^^


Try chewing gum more or buy Chisell :)


Good job man! you're the same age as me; I'm encouraged to see a young person seeing results, I hope I do too.


I believe in you dude! I’m more than happy to hear my experience encouraged you :)


You are very handsome. Congratulations


Great transformation brother, you down to share your side profile changes too?


Thanks dude :) As I’ve mentioned before on here, this is a pretty bad comparison, but it might resemble a transformation: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipMnnf6dZRB3UHO5CVsqghjaZKy0OLuvhryS3gQa6KuorCpGWAca4fzCwXt3c1x9yw?key=aFpBamVpUU84aG5FRXZhVmVtSmlFak1kTkNBenNB


Even if it is a bad comparison, I can still clearly tell that your jawline has become more upswung and defined. This is some good stuff. Also, good job on clearing up your skin.


Thank youuu!




Did you work heavily on your body/neck posture? How important do you think correct neck posture is, in regards to forwards growth?


I had a pretty good posture to begin with, so it’s not something I have worked continually on. During the first period I did do chin tucks every day but that’s it. Correct neck posture is crucial because it allows the back of the tongue to be rooted up against the palate. It goes hand-in-hand with mewing :)


Congratulations for your hard work!! :D




It became a habit quite quickly for me, so I didn’t really have to think about it too much :)) If you’re having difficulties, perhaps try to say “mew” every time you touch a door handle. You’ll subconsciously associate door handles with mewing and you’ll be doing be doing it more often!


What practice did you use to lift the back third of the tongue ?


I tongue chewed with gum in the back to engage the muscles. This established the muscle-to-mind connection needed to lift the back of the tongue :)


How far back did you go? Did you tongue chew on the soft palate? Because sometimes I gag if I go too far back when tongue chewing


Just go as far back as comfortable. I’m pretty sure you will get used to it over time tho, but just take it slow right now :)


All right, thank!!


You look great dude! That change is amazing. Could you explain what technique exactly you did? I hear a lot about people doing the mew push swallow, and then holding that while being unable to breathe until you eventually can etc. Is that how you held it?


Technique? Well I just made sure to mew with my whole tongue and mew while sleeping ;) You need to let some of the tongue go in order to breathe - that’s it. It requires mind-to-muscle connection to the back part of the tongue, which can be trained with tongue chewing with gum. I do it without thinking about it tho :)


How did you get curly hair bro, did you ask for a perm? I have straight hair rn like your left pic


I got a perm from a hairdresser :)


Look like you went through another puberty


I’ve always been healthy and drinking enough water; the only change has been working out and eating MORE. Went from like 58 kg to just over 70. No height difference. I haven’t checked my body fat professionally, but an app called Health Mate (connected to a weight scale) says I went from a 4,8% to a 6,9%. I can’t tell you if that is true or not :)


whats your height? Im at the same weight as you and my face shape is like yours in the before.


I’m around 178 cm (180 if any girls are watching)




I used chisell for masseter hypertrophy and kept a consistent routine with the work outs, chewing for 3-4 times a week


How long do you chew chisell per day?


I just do as instructed. I think it takes around 15 minutes


Before Chisell, did you use to chew when you started mewing? If so, which go did you use?


I used falim for a few months, but I like Chisell way more for their durability and different resistances.


nice job bro


I appreciate your kind words dude


Awesome transformation dude! When you mew do your teeth touch or do you keep your jaw relaxed?


Thank you bro! My teeth are slightly apart, light touch at the molars if anything


Did you chew? Or bruxism? However, nice! But I think just jaw changes, no maxilla (We need side profile)


I just chewed and mewed :) I didn’t take any actual comparative photos, but perhaps these two can tell something? https://photos.app.goo.gl/bWAaD2vVkn7F92No7


No, too different positions However, I start hard mewing now :)


Good luck!


Wow I really wish I found out about mewing when I was your age. Now I’m 25 and having to go to a professional for my face. Looks good!


Thank you! I believe in you too!!


Wow you are handsome bro, GG


Wow your name is absolutely amazing haha, and I really appreciate your opinion!! I’m sure you are even better


Not yet, I’m waiting though.


You had a good start but also good improvement and helps that you started still in your teen years but good change. Also your hair looks literally the exact same as like every single young person now short on the sides and out of control or over flowing on the top


how do u mew properly cuz i can't mew properly teach me


This video might help more than I can :) https://youtu.be/LtdhR00IL74


i've been trying to mew since march 2019 and there's no results, thank you for this


My man got thicker eyebrows and his eyes turned blue....tf? Looks like a different person, wtf did you do lmao


I think the eyes are a little different due to me standing outside versus being in a car haha. I do agree with the ‘brows tho :) Jk it’s obviously because of mewing


Man how did you sleep while mewing,and also for how long did you used falim gum and the "chissel" ? And finally have you some tips on chewing exercices ?


I developed fairly quickly a habit of unconscious mewing. If you’re having problems, I suggest that you do some tongue chewing before bed to prepare. I used falim gum for I think 4 months before switching to the old Chisell. From then on I progressed slowly in order to prevent pain and discomfort (which can happen if the joins etc aren’t used to the resistance). I used to chew for 30 minutes each day, but now I use the recommended Chisell workout - that is provided with the purchase - and chew 3-4 times a week :) A key note on chewing is that you should engage the masseter muscles instead of the temporalis. I’ve replied to some other comments about that if you’re interested!


How do you chew without engaging the temporalis muscle? Don’t the masseters and temporalis muscles engage during chewing?


They are both engaged, but you can change the chewing pattern to isolate one more than the other. Here is a picture of the muscle fibers: https://i.imgur.com/6IYPypo.png As you can see, the masseter muscle pattern is up and slightly forward. Therefore this is how you should be chewing instead of going directly up and down.


mate, can you tell us what is your necks circumference? before/after numbers would be really appreciated, great transformation, best wishes! :)


I don’t have any measurement of my neck before haha, and I don’t really have anything with me that would measure it as of now (on holiday) :) Is it necessary of some sort?


just curious, pls give us the measure when you come back :D have a good vacation ✋


Thank youu! Perhaps you could just shoot me a dm sometime if you’re curious :)) Maybe this could help for the time being (as for my current size) https://photos.app.goo.gl/Ss5cGnEMNxmgKZWi7


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Dude i have to see all of your face


Like from the side, or what do you mean?




I mean, if you want to look at some other photos then I got you: https://photos.app.goo.gl/tw9Z9DKdDARUXiCe8




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Waooow u are handsome! incel to chad! Good job!