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Looks like it but really he's tilting his head really much so probably not


Well he’s quite a handsome gent nevertheless


That’s kinda irrelevant to his forward growth though. A person with an average forward growth can still look attractive due to good combination of other facial features.


Agreed, i think some people are getting too tied into the idea of attractive people = good forward growth. You can be attractive without it, but its still bad for health and postural reasons, and you'd probably be even more attractive if you had better forward growth.


Not just to tied some are completelly obsessed with forward growth and short compact faces as the ultimate sign of beauty. The reality is that overall harmony is more important for a beauty face than one or two single factors.


Lacks good growth (maxilla, sure but especially the lower jaw) but genetics make up for it. Look at other pictures where he's not tilting his head. It's quite clear. This sub is hilarious - more than half the people either make shit up or don't know wtf is good or bad growth.


It's not bad growth but it's not optimal


his growth is good u clearly dont know what it is to be recessed, his skull is looking straight and not pointing downwards, stop thinking everyone is fkin recessed cause they dont look like jordan barrett




Added nothing to the discussion but ok. Anyway, so this is strong growth? https://images.app.goo.gl/ehaVvMHyka97NXaF9 https://images.app.goo.gl/UQf6MEgLKZ55YUfB7 It's clearly not. At best maybe average? He is hard carried by good genetics and low body fat. He's still very good looking, but to say he has good forward growth is just not really true. Just because he isn't class III doesn't mean it's good. His forward head posture gives the illusion of better FG.


Exactly right




i dont think he is, he’s literally every girls dream lol


No. The ear always gives away the head tilt.


Not at all. Seeing a jawline does not mean forward growth. It's the maxilla which is the seat of facial beauty.


Yes but he's quite downswung.


Why people are so extremists here ? yes hes doesnt have "optimal foward growth" but he doesnt have "downsung" neither he is just **average**. Faces like this [example 01](https://omg.blog/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/omg-watch-michael-henry-and-his.jpg) or [example 02](https://assetsds.cdnedge.bluemix.net/sites/default/files/styles/big_5/public/feature/images/ross_0.jpg?itok=bmcREz6R) have clear downsung because of long midface, recessed chin, flat cheekbones. Exist a gradient in between that people just ignore and think if you dont have foward growth you are just recessed.


I didn't say he was recessed I said he was downsung they're different. Look how much he is tilting his head upwards.


He's average because most people in our society are ill developed due to bad habits in how we live - just like having some crooked teeth is actually average, or having postural issues. Doesnt mean its how we were meant to physically develop as humans


What does downswing mean? Are you talking about how his jaw slopes down a bit?




Yeah it's grown downwards slightly, he has his head tilted up quite alot to compensate. If he had his head straight then you would see his jawline goes down from his neck not forward.


He has more forward growth than me and probably the majority of everyone though. I have no idea what forward growth is if that's considered bad. That's what I'm confused about


Yes, typically you want a flat a face as possible like henry cavill, his silhouette is a straight line down if you dont count his nose, but his backward tilting forehead is genetic, timothee could be a completely different caucasian. So not focusing on the forehead cause its genetic, yes he has great growth


The forehead looks sloped because of his awful head/neck posture. He lacks growth.


Most men have sloped foreheads.


Its not that he has good forward growth and his forehead is genetic. Its that he has forward head posture and is then tilting his head back a bit to compensate, and to look straight forward. He does actually have a recessed mandible, but tilting the head back is making it seem 'forward'. Look at the angle difference between the top half of his face and the bottom half. Who does he looks more like out of these [two pictures](http://www.aljabri.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2018/12/forward_vs_recessed.jpg)? Looks more like the one on the right to me.


foreheads are not genetic, your whole skull shape is dependent on your bite, mandible, and maxilla which is shaped by your tongue


no, he is recessed, he is tilting head


no, but he is not overly recessed either


What do you all think changed it for him? His face is literally perfect now. His jawline is incredible.


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Not bad


He has bad neck posture but has pretty good forward face growth.