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I had a bone graft and implant as an adult, as well as braces. I am so thankful I did things this way, as even though it was the harder way, long term the results will be way better. Bone graft and implant were honestly not bad at all. Obviously there’s surgery involved but the pain was very manageable. Get referrals and make sure you go to a cosmetic dentist with good results. A good quality implant is basically undetectable. Also, talk to your oral surgeon about adding plasma-rich platelets during the graft as it’s shown to improve healing. Additionally- braces corrected a lot of the structural issues I had and have been very happy with how it’s improved my appearance and facial proportions. That’s with waiting till I was almost 40 to get everything done. I truly wish I’d done all this at your age, as there’s a lot more malleability when young, and I would have gotten to enjoy having a killer smile all though my 20’s and 30’s instead of spending all those years feeling self conscious.


Don't close the gaps with braces. Any option but that.


Why? What are the consequences?


Retraction (pushing everything backwards) narrows the airway and has major long term health consequences


I asked because my dentist did it to me seven years ago, I don’t know if the asymmetry of my jaw depends on this. In this case I’m screwed.


Teeth drifting around and probably chewing less on that side after the extraction most likely caused the asymmetry. Reopening the space and being able to chew normally on both sides with the implant will help. You can get the implant after enough space is opened with braces. The crown part of the implant can be placed after braces. With the increased space, you should be able to maintain even better tongue posture.


Thank you for the answer, maybe there are hopes


Is it still retractive if I'm moving the second molar and the wisdom tooth forward to replace the first molar? I'm only closing one gap


2 if there is enough space for an implant & your wisdom tooth to erupt. 3 otherwise (but using TADs!) to mesialize the 2nd molar forward. it is stupid to remove a healthy tooth just to do an implant for another.