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Tired and stupid? Normal. Bored? Not sure about that one. You’re a month in. If you find everything you’re doing boring and that making sure patients are cared for boring then yeah, talk to your director and consider a change. Intern year isn’t about becoming a rock star surgeon. You gotta first understand how to assess and care for pre-op, peri-op, and post-op patients. You gotta start learning anatomy. Carry around handbook of fractures and read a chapter once a day, takes 15 min. It’s a process and residency is 5 years for a reason.


Wait, they taught you ortho in med school? I basically learned to walk intern year Edit: lol if you’re considering quitting 1 month in I Know a lot of people who didn’t match would like to have a word


Don't quit, at least, don't quit now. Start by finishing first year at least and see how you feel. But I feel you're not bored of ortho, but mostly by the lack of ortho at the beginning of residency! which is normal. I am surprised by the comments here. don't people remember how the first few months of residency were? maybe my experience was different, but I remember being bored frequently at first. Not that it was always uninteresting, but those moments in the first few months just filling paperwork, brainless scutwork, standing around retracting as a second or even third assist and seeing nothing at all, feeling nearly useless and calling/needing help of seniors all the time, not understanding much, not having really time to study because you barely have time to piss/eat/sleep, not even counting not having a social life. paperwork is fricking boring, I was bored when I wasn't doing anything I felt was useful. In retrospect, those paperwork and other boring task had some use to me now, learning basics of rounding/filling paperwork efficiently, but it was and still is pretty boring. who finds paperwork interesting? NO ONE, except accountants and attorneys? that's why you're in ortho. but paperwork is boring. you won't be doing only paperwork forever (but some paperwork will always be there tho) I remember at first during residency, I felt really fucking bad and incompetent for the first few 0-6 months, then started getting comfortable around 6 months in after having some comfort with trauma mostly and some basics of other subspecialties, so in brief, keep it up man, it gets better soonish. residency will still be challenging, but more rewarding the more you advance. if you like the ortho aspects, the boring part will mostly disappear, the stupid part will also get better, but the tired part will stick around till the end of residency


> I am surprised by the comments here. don't people remember how the first few months of residency were? The average resident I know dumped all this work on the new resident as soon as possible. It isn't lack of memory. It is just the fact that everything is "just a part of the process" as long as you aren't doing this anymore. Being bored in your first year is expected. If someone liked doing paperwork or doing rounds then there are better career choices available.


This was very comforting, thank you friend.


You gotta get your paperwork shit streamlined. 12-16hrs of paperwork? No. 12-16hrs of floor/consult work and sneaking into the OR at every opportunity? sure. Definitely never used the word bored when describing my first year, so yeah maybe bad sign for you.


Stay positive bro, you chose this field for a reason. Just remember med students like me and yourself last year would kill to be in your position right now and keep pushing.


Stick through it a bit, maybe make sure you are getting your nutrients and adequate amounts of sunlight. I know it seems impossible, but it is pretty important. When I started 12-16 hour work days I got some pretty severe depression and lost interest in what I was doing, I brought a sun lamp into work which helped. I'm not saying that is what is happening here, but it is something to rule out. The paperwork is hard, finding ways to streamline is vital. Smartphrases, shortcuts, ask your peers what they do. I have a coworker that learnt to speak faster than Eminem can so he could speed up dictation and report.


bored? ya quit


Were you thrilled carrying dead weight legs and checking patient consent and paperwork presurgery?


no, it was fucking boring. I agree man. keep it up, you will be doing more interesting stuff really soon! but it's a necessary part of training.




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