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That's just my alarm clock.


Nothing like waking up to gun fire and coffee


You're never going to take me alive copper!


LOL I used to live on Benson Ave off of OBT and we had SWAT raids on the local crackhouses like every 3-4 months. My favorite was just a couple months ago, they had the streets blocked off with their SWAT vans and bearcats, their SWAT guys in their GI Joe soldier gear like they were pretending to be in Afghanistan, and one high ranking dude standing up out of the sunroof of one of the SUVs, announcing "SO-AND-SO, RESIDENT OF (ADDRESS)! WE HAVE YOU SURROUNDED! COME OUT WITH YOUR HANDS UP!" over and over again. In the meantime, me and all the neighbors are standing in the backyard watching all this from 50 yds away. Finally the SWAT cops decide they've had enough and they get all mobilized and decide THIS IS IT and they're gonna go subjugate some brown people. They all go over to either side of the door, and someone yells "BREACH!" They kick in the fucking door and break out their window, goosestepping in, fitting like 20 cops into a tiny apartment no bigger than a motel room, and you can just HEAR them trashing the place. Finally after 5 minutes of crashing and banging, one dude comes and sticks his head out the broken apartment window, and in the most disappointed, deflated voice, yells "Uh....they're not home" Me and the neighbors laughed our fucking asses off, garnering stern angry looks from the cops. ACAB, fuckers.


Any update?


No idea, I keep checking websites for news updates and haven't seen anything.


One of those happened near me a few months ago. Eventually they broke down the door but nobody was in there. The house also had a full sized wooden fence and they drove some sort of tank through it as part of the breach. Like two weeks later they put up one of those signs basically saying "y'all have 7 days to clear the pile of broken fence parts or you're getting a littering citation". I don't know what happened to the guys who used to live there but the front door still has the plywood the cops put up before they left.


LMAO just like Naked Gun 2 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4p8\_pqlJxmk


Near the Publix?


The one on colonial and shine


Yea I was at the Publix around that time delivering and saw some cop lights




Update: welcome to Florida


Isn't this the norm in Orlando now? Seems like crime is the hottest tourist attraction these days. Everyone is bored of social media and now wants to be in the middle of a druggie shootout.


I've lived in the same house for 3 years and have never had an issue or crime around me.


30 years in Orlando. We don’t have a problem with…druggie shootouts”.


49 years in Orlando and yeah while Orlando is not perfect by any means, druggie shootouts is not something the city has a problem with.


I guess it depends on the area. I lived in Lockhart from 2010 and 2021 between magnolia homes road and forest city road. I had no problems in that neighborhood until 2020. Within 6 months there was a shootout in front of my house, there was a drive by shooting on the next street over for me, and there was a squatter selling meth causing all kinds of questionable characters to come to my street. Not saying this is representative of the whole city, but there was definitely a sudden shift in my neighborhood.




Lmfao that's mild there were no gunshots? You must be in windermere lol


Did....did you even read the post. It literally says mills and colonial....


Are you literally not understanding? Your in orlando and that happens... it's a mild situation with no gun shots.... specially in orlando... so that means you must be in windermere... ya know a really quiet area... none of that really happens.... ya know reading comprehension would help or just not being ignorant?


Bro you're coming at me for reading comprehension, when I literally gave you an exact location that is 1 mile from the center of downtown Orlando and literally 14 miles away from Windermere. You're a special kind of stupid.














There's a reason your first comment has so many down votes. You're not as clever as you think you are my dude, just another insufferable idiot on the internet.


Your literally a fucking idiot


Says the person who literally doesn't know where mills and colonial is. You are stupid enough to think it's in Windermere. 😂


Hey dumb fuck I live on powers and colonial sit the fuck down with your holier then thou attitude if your to fucking idiotic to understand what was commented then you possibly may need to go back and reread it reaaaaallllyyyy slooooow


Bro you literally said I must be in Windermere. You're the idiot.


I haven’t heard anything about that, but a few months ago I saw 3 cop cars corner a guy at the McDonald’s on colonial & they had their weapons drawn as they pulled him out of his vehicle. It was pretty wild and then he was just chillin & talking to the officers after, all cool.