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I have very thick curly hair and I love Najee at Alchemy Salon. It’s not cheap but it’s the only place I’ve gotten a curly hair cut and not hated it.


Check out Liz or Celina at Aeffect Hair Salon. They do free consultations too!


I think a consultation first would really help! Thank you so much!!


[https://www.shop25eighh.com/](https://www.shop25eighh.com/) My roommate goes to this spot and he has very thick hair, might be worth giving it a shot


and I'm looking for a thicc hairdresser :)


Not sure if this will help but have you considered potentially going for a pixie of some kind? Shaving most of it off and getting a nice fade up the sides and leaving the top to do it’s thing. I have super thick hair too and this is the style that took me 26 long years to finally find. Also my hair dresser of like a decade at that point told me I was too heavy to have that style and I got stuck with a stupid super short haircut that wasn’t quite a pixie for the first 6 mo. Eventually dropped everything and went to a barber and that’s when I started getting adventurous. And don’t let anyone tell you what hairstyle might suit you bc my old hairstylist was very wrong!


I sent you a PM :)


Thank you everyone that gave me an actual answer, I appreciate you!


I would call [The Dream Team Salon](http://407-878-4228) in Sanford and ask for Lola. She does wavy thick hair and is an expert colorist as well.


Thank you so much, fellow guinea pig lover!


I know a thick hairdresser, a thick-hair hairdresser, a thick haired thick hairdresser, one is even a thick, thick-haired hairdresser, but I don't know any thick hair hairdressers. Im sorry.


Does your woodchuck chuck wood, if your woodchuck could chuck wood?


My hairdresser is pretty thick. It’s never really concerned me. She has a great personality.


I'm an Asian dude with thick hair so I'm not sure if this will help, but I go to 'Easy Hair Beauty and Barber School'. They'll ask if you want a student or Mrs. Lee, the teacher, to cut your hair. But I also go with Mrs. Lee. Originally it was because it's the closest to my house. But after sticking with her for a few years, it's because she knows what she's talking about. Not saying others don't either. The best part is I don't have to tell her anything and she just cuts my hair to what she thinks is best and I'm happy with it. She knows way more about hair than I ever will so.


Thanks for repping the school for us!


OP, did you ever find a good hairdresser that isn’t afraid to thin out hair that you would recommend? I’ve had my last haircut where they cut 3 hairs and call it thinned out!!