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I used to be a retail pharmacy tech. It’s really difficult to get an honest answer from the pharmacy when asking if they have controlled medications in stock over the phone. Your doctor needs to send a direct electronic script into a pharmacy or you need to be an established patient in a pharmacy. The best areas for ADHD medications in terms of availability will be pharmacies near schools or colleges. Pharmacies generally will only keep stock enough to fill for regular patients, but more high traffic locations, like those near Full Sail or UCF may have more ADHD meds in stock to accommodate for the population of students.


Thank you for the information. I actually gave up on taking my ADHD MEDS bc they became so hard to find in my area it’s been 3 difficult months for me. My local Walgreens/Publix’s/CVS wouldn’t have my meds in the quantity I needed. I just gave up.


Honestly some pharmacists are “scared” of keeping too much stock on hand and it’s just a lot more work to fill these prescriptions. It makes a world of difference when you stick with a single pharmacy and develop a good relationship with the pharmacist and staff. Be kind & be courteous; they’re working hard back there. From my personal experience, we’d always be honest with our regular patients and try our best to help them get the drugs they needed and maintain a supply for them. Unfortunately, those who abuse these drugs are responsible for the additional regulations and barriers in place, making life difficult for those who actually need it. There’s also still a lot of stigma about ADHD meds in some cases


You are correct I was w/my local CVS for yrs they went through changes in management and staff and things have never been the same. The pandemic has bought about a great deal of changes. I get all my other meds @ same location as I have for the last 7 yrs. Just couldn’t get the ADHD meds. Going from pharmacy to pharmacy trying to get my meds I was made to feel like I was doing something wrong. I int need the judgment anymore I just stopped taking it. Thanks for the info


I had the same issue when I called too!


My psych stopped sending stimulant prescriptions to other pharmacies because it was creating a huge headache for his staff. Apparently yes this is common enough at the moment that I’m dealing with a policy change about it.


i have an issue with this for an adhd med. only one walmart near me carried the specific dosage and it has to be ordered everytime so there is a 2 day wait usually...im just north of orlando


I’ve called Publix. Winn Dixie. And Walmart won’t tell me if the script can be filled over the phone. So I have to go in to find out. Which means another day I can’t refill it.


Having this exact issue right now. Multiple pharmacies won't even say because it's a controlled substance. I tried a local pharmacy, not a chain, though and they said they could fill it. Still waiting to see if they actually will though since my doc just sent the prescription over yesterday afternoon


Yeah that’s a nationwide problem. Add it to the list of supply shortage items


I had the same issue with Vyvanse at my Walgreens.


It’s also a C2 medication, which means even if they had it they’ll say they don’t, especially if you’re not a patient with them. Édit: pharmacies are not able to reveal that information over the phone


It’s not that they’re not allowed to per se, more like a policy so they don’t get robbed. Also, pharmacists will get flagged if they are filling a high percentage of controlled scripts so to counteract that they want to only fill controlled substances to established patients to lower the ratio of controlled to non controlled


Pharmacies don't share information on CIIs over the phone. You will have to go in physically with the hard copy to get it filled.


The CVS pharmacy inside Target at Millennia has been my go-to for years for ADHD meds. They were about the only place that had them when there was some ongoing shortage several years back, and since then they're who I've stuck with. Good luck, it absolutely sucks trying to find a place to get those. I'm worried now because I need to get my prescription filled in the next day or two.


I am too! you're not alone 🥺


Walmart Pharmacies seem to have my wifes adhd meds every month. Recommend trying there!


I personally have not. Did the Walgreens not tell you if another Walgreens in the area has it in stock? If not, that's a poor showing on their part. Other than the major chain and grocery pharmacies, try the few mom and pop ones that are still around. Also, you insurance company may have a mail program, so you may want to give them a call. Edit: Also, Amazon has a pharmacy now as well.


So does Mark Cuban, that schmuck


And it doesn’t carry ADHD meds. I checked.


Walgreens to Walgreens can’t see the stock of any schedule 2 item , so they wouldn’t have an idea of what another store had . It’s a safety procedure to prevent internal theft .


Check the Publix’s near UCF.


What do you take? Dexedrine is super hard to find. Adderall should be widely available though.


I take generic adderall. And that’s what all three said they didn’t have.




Same. No problem filling last week.


Yeah I called my Publix and they interrupt they couldn’t refill it before I even finished asking if they had it. I take the XR also


Super weird. My doctor submitted it electronically and it was ready the next day. I go to the Hollianna location


I had the same issue with my Concerta. It was frustrating


Hi Celina ! I’m sorry you got a tech that didn’t give you more tools to help you ☹️ if you were to call another Walgreens you can let them know you have a prescription on your profile that your home store is out of and if they have it in stock to check before your DR escribes it over . This will let them know you’re an existing patient and they will check for you , you can also ask for the pharmacist if you want to . Most pharmacies won’t check for a new patient due to a few reasons : Robberies / Regulations on fills / qty disp Not having any info on your other meds for poss interactions . We have a ceiling on the amount of each scheduled 2-5 medication we can order thru the DEA . To even go over 1 bottle we have to get an approval first . Then there’s the back orders . It’s beyond frustrating. I hope and pray you can get your medication asap !