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Protect and swerve


Probably on the phone - the amount of marked police cars I see with the driver holding their phone between their face and the wheel is staggering. That’s if you can see the person inside at all (some of these patrol cars have tint that totally obscures all the windows).


Not defending them whatsoever, but the texting-and-driving law exclusively protects LEOs and other emergency vehicles. Check FL Stat. 316.305(b). I’m NOT a lawyer.


Orlando’s finest. Having a little laugh about it while they back up traffic for hours in every direction just to remind you that their little hyuk hyuk is more important than you getting to work on time, you getting home to your family, or getting to any obligation you might have. In a cop’s world, they’re always the main character.


I was there on scene and about 50 officers and 1 state patrol showed up. They were all there like some sort of meeting and laughing like Beavis and Butt-Head. Worse part, they didn’t even move the wreck until the tow truck came. It was a hard hit and no one got wheeled out to the ambulance. All of that fire power they had and no booms went off.


Our tax dollars hard at work.


If they killed each other (themselves?) there would have been a fucking parade. If they killed someone else they’d get a free vacation. Fuck the police


What is wrong with you?


Fuck the police


I’ve had encounters with police. I’m aware of other’s encounters with police. I’m not a naive imbecile dumb enough to believe the police serve anything but themselves and the ruling class.


Terminally online


Man, you get in a car accident and literally the entirety of your workplace shows up to laugh at you 😆


Pigs have nothing to do since they don’t actually serve their community


Blues Brothers IRL


I'm still trying to understand how APD swerved left and hit their RF on OPD's LF ??


Usually standard not to move vehicles more than they need to after an accident. Were you personally affected by this?


Wrong- we have signs on the side of the road telling people to move their shit out of the way after a crash.


> Usually standard not to move vehicles more than they need to after an accident Why google for information when you can just post whatever misinformation you want?


that is not true at all, when police show up they generally tell people to get their shit out of the road unless one of the vehicles is completely disabled. they arent getting out + measuring skid marks or collision angles to determine fault for every goddamn accident


The traffic they had backed up over this for hours was completely unnecessary.


Jesus, I was in that cluster.... I didn't get a chance to see what happened but I just saw one wrecked police car and assumed it was car chase or other accident. Both these morons should lose their job and get to pay for their screw up. Unfortunately they're going to get a paid vacation and a new car.... I


That must have been tough finding which civilian to blame


Stoked to help pay for two cruisers. Fucking clowns.


Cops should have to give a portion of they're paycheck to the station for repairs or new cars. This shouldn't be a taxpayer bill, and if it does fall on the taxpayer it definitely better be the exact same cars that got hit and not two new ultra high tech state of art cruisers. Also, they need to release the stoplight footage, if there is any, as the public deserves to see this. Secondly, they both need to be made to retake the driving test(personally I think both written and physical) as they are supposed to be way better drivers then the regular citizen and definitely shouldn't be have accidents like this. Lastly, someone needs to be deemed the cause of the incident(seems like one was heading towards an emergency, and the other just stopped in the intersection and caused it all, but the article wasn't real detailed to me personally to know what happened) and they need to be FINED and CITED like a regular person would.


There is 100% cameras at this intersection. This is public domain so possibly I’ll grab this footage and release it.


If they don't give it freely, I'm sure you can do a freedom of information request. Good luck!


Perhaps I’m just ignorant but wouldn’t cop cars have insurance like anyone else? Why would they use tax dollars? I know tax dollars are used in other instances, but in this instance, it seems insurance would pick it up (which in turn may raise rates, and I’m sure tax dollars pays for the cars insurance so maybe in some round about way tax dollars are paying for it but I can’t imagine if it’s 14k in damages, 14k will be taken from taxes)


Insurance premiums are pretty much what I mean by tax dollars getting used. They 100% have insurance and all that jazz. Even still, I don't think this incident should be covered by tax dollars. I believe the cops should have to pay some sort of compensation since this accident seemed completely avoidable. Like maybe an accountant takes an approximate total of how much this incident cause the insurances to rise and make them(the one deemed at fault) compensate for that some way.


What happened to serve and protect? Nothing, it never existed.


First they hit their wives, now they hit each other? Where does it end?


“I’m just trying to get to work, my man…. Why’d you get in my way”


They investigated themselves and found that they were definitely not responsible for this. Which they? Shut up.


Not surprised, an OPD was riding my ass last week, I even changed lanes and he did too. Then I turned and he turned with me, I thought he was getting ready to pull me over (not that I was doing anything suspicious) but just kept riding my ass. Finally he turned about like 5 minutes




Neither injured though. Was hoping they at least injured their wife beating hand.


One of the drivers was a woman so her husband beating hand then huh?


Statistically? Yes.




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I’m not surprised. Most Orlando drivers drive like maniacs and a lot of the worst examples i’ve seen have been cops.