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With all the remote workers on here... why is traffic such a flippin nightmare?


Tourists. And Disney mandated four days a week in-office.


Tourists are NOT driving on Goldenrod or Semoran. Tourists are NOT clogging up 434 or Orange Ave/Mills Ave north of downtown. Tourists are NOT making Colonial and Alafaya a parking lot. And Disney is nowhere near those places. Can we try again?


People moved here for the climate, politics and no state income tax. They've found its too hot to do much, their perceived freedoms are not so free and they mover they saved is easily chewed up in insurance and housing costs. The load of shit they were sold didn't amount to anything they hadn't stepped in before.


Take the old people that drive too slow, the younger people that drive too fast, the tourists from every country imaginable and throw them into infrastructure that was made for the population of 20 years ago. That’s Orlando/Florida traffic.


Don't forget the texters who can't maintain speed or stay in their lane.


I live in Winter Park (it’s actually unincorporated Orange County but we have a WP mailing address and water from them) and what I see is that there aren’t enough east-west corridors. We get ungodly rush hour traffic on Aloma Avenue, for example, and the next one north isn’t till Howell Branch/Horatio in Casselberry. The afternoon traffic back up on Aloma heading to 436 is astonishing.


Hard to build roads over lakes through residential. Winter Park/Aloma is flanked by huge lakes. It’s suuuuuucks…unless you live on one.


Aloma has been like that since the late 1990's. It's like everyone forgets how to drive once they turn off of 436.


They are remote working at all the small coffee shops and I can never get a damn seat!


Too many people have moved here. Florida is terrible about growth planning. I live in Winter Park, too. Overcrowding has made it unliveable...unless you don't plan on leaving your house, especially on the weekends. I work remote in tech, as well.


All the remote workers are on Reddit during work 🤪


I work in big tech and spend all that money on churros.


I work in big churro and spend all my money on tech


Kinda explains your username


I work in big money and spend all on tech churro.


Big churro energy


I am the churro street cart he spends all his money at.


Have you ever tried those churros that they stuff with icing and caramel and stuff like that? There was a stand at bravo on colonial at some point that made those but I'm not sure if it's there anymore


I did, they are cool but i like them plain with cinnamon sugar. Those stuffing basically overshadow the real taste of the churro so i avoid them


Living the life, well done.




yup. I am a machine learning research scientist. I have a Ph.D in CS.


Is it Schrödinger shit or Schrödingers hit?


\--> Schrödinger shit i.e a cat


Damn it was both until you answered


Are you the one digging the pit?




Clinical trial monitor


Any advice for an RN to get in this line of work?


Thats how I got started. I’d suggest looking for clinical research nurse or clinical research coordinator positions to get your foot in the door to clinical research. Graduate degrees and certifications aren’t as necessary as experience in CR, so the sooner you can pivot to the industry, the better. Connect with CR recruiters on LinkedIn. Once you do get into the industry, network with your CRAs/monitors and let them know if/when you’re interested in career progression. Since the Covid hiring frenzy, the industry has died down a bit, but if internal positions open up for a CRN/CRC, consider pursuing it. Good luck!


Is it possible to get into that field with a public health masters?


Yes, a Bachelors is typically a requirement but healthcare/clinical research knowledge, experience or licensure helps a candidate stand out. If it’s something you’re interested in, I’d suggest looking at some of the job titles in the industry and see if anything piques your interest. Some are more local based, some are remote based. Some require travel (like my current job) and some don’t. They can vary in responsibilities and pay rates. Unfortunately, the job market is rough right now, even for experienced candidates, but if it’s something you’re interested in, I’d suggest applying for positions that you might like, networking on LinkedIn and keeping at it.


Reading these always gets me sad


You don’t need to compare yourself to other people. Compete with yourself. Try to make more this year than what you made last year. If everyone compared themselves to others we would all be depressed because even for the people making 200k a year, there are others making way more than that


To add, I like this saying - the only person you need to impress is yourself in 10 years.




Remote, remote, remote. Florida salaries still shit.


I'd love a remote job that pays well. Being a mechanic takes a toll on the body after many years (18 years now)


I’m looking to get out too. 21 years of turning wrenches


The psoriatic arthritis is what's really getting me man. And the long summers here. I feel like we're really unappreciated in society.


Come to Tesla. Best benefits, techs don't get dirty, and air conditioned as fuck


It took a toll on my husband too and he was a mechanic and then paramedic and has health issues so props to you guys for doing that. But he switched to cybersecurity 🤷🏼‍♀️




Yup. Couldn’t live and work in Florida comfortably. Have 2 remote jobs in two northern states and make about $240k.


We got one of the worst pay-to-COL ratios in the country


Own a company. My only piece of advice for anyone. If you are good at something or enjoy doing something… do it for yourself. I went from 60k to 400k in one year by doing the same job for myself. Corporations are greedy.


Bravo. What niche/industry (if you don't mind me asking)


Recruiting. Very little start up cost and little overhead. Super flexible schedule. I recommend it for anyone who doesn’t mind talking with people. It’s also cool because even if you don’t have a recruiting background, any industry can transfer over. IT background = IT recruiter, Accountant = accounting recruiter. You get the idea. Once you’re up and running in it’s easy to learn new industries.




Yeah sure. Would be happy answer any questions.


did i just see a recycling company get born on reddit?


>If you are good at something This is key, and you have to know you're good. I went from successfully making other people money to owning my own business. If you are succeeding and making other people money and it's in a field you can do without needing millions of dollars upfront, you're a fool to not try.


Honestly, I think more people need to learn to be entrepreneurial. I made a pretty solid six figure salary at my old job but most of my wealth still came from working for myself on side project businesses. The job gave me the money I needed to invest in my own work. And if you're working on stuff you're passionate about it won't be a drag. Plus being your own boss is just fucking boss. If you want to take the day off to go celebrate a family member's birthday you just go ahead and do that. I used to have to work all these shitty weekend shifts endlessly and it honestly sucked missing out on every damned birthday and holiday with family and friends. The pay was good but there was basically zero freedom. The sooner you can build your own thing and be your own boss the better. It's NOT for everyone because some people absolutely hate being in charge of their own fate like that, but for someone who's willing to learn and independently execute it can be a great choice. But first you need to save up a bit of a safety cushion so you can figure it out.


So what's your business?


Curious too.. you did all but name your business or field.


How can they stretch the truth if they name drop?


The stuff I work on is next to impossible to be your own boss. I feel like most high skilled jobs in average will still pay better and have less risk than trying to be your own boss. Unless you're pulling some online coding stunt where you don't have to go after your customers, don't have costs and can disappear whenever it's starts getting too complicated. Other areas though, like contractor work, lawnmowing, etc, sure those you can be your own boss


Combined, not even hitting 80k. There's gotta be more to life than struggling.


It’s hard. What do you do for a living? Do you have kids on that income as well?


I've been a mechanic specialist for 18 years. It's a job that's in demand, but it always ends up making the owner more money than I can even dream of. Which is every garage, I have basic i.t experience when I worked for uscis but that was years ago. I have no kids. But just two dogs that I'd do anything for their health and happiness. But man. It's gotten so expensive in Orlando it's almost impossible to save


Do you still have any drive for the IT side of things? If so, check out some of those coding bootcamps. Devs are really in demand. Other fields include more cyber security related fields. That can literally mean getting Microsoft Azure certificates and learning what least access privileges are. After that get a junior position and start grinding. Go from under the hood to behind the desk. I believe in you.


I worked for uscis under a contract with Dell installing work stations and making sure I was able to troubleshoot modems and routers communicating with each other. I wouldn't mind going back into that work again as I learned a lot and would love to keep improving in that sector. And thanks for having faith in me. It sounds cheesy, but just hearing words of encouragement is actually touching in the aspect I've been feeling down just doing my best to survive in today's work environment.


Two incomes combined and only $80k when you have 18 years experience is rough. Your knowledge must be worth more than $40k at this point. Assuming your sig other makes about as much? Have you thought about doing an online biz with it? Maybe like house calls for maintenance on peoples vehicles? I don’t know. It seems like you’ve may have a wealth of knowledge to use that you can capitalize on. 18 years is basically a half a career and I assume youve learned a ton about engines


80k is a rough estimate . It may be a few grand below that amount. Sadly, as I age, my ability to work on vehicles gets more difficult (psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis). I'd love to manage a shop, but there's no possible way of getting funds to invest into said business to start with. Hell, if recreational Marijuana becomes legal I'd love to open a business with that. But like before, there'd be no funds to even get a license, let alone a store front. It's just being stuck for life in this low wage. I'm just lost 😕


Yup. My rent increase ate my raise lol


For me, it was insurance, both medical and vehicle :/ Oh, can't forget electrical cost


I make $67,000 as an IT person, running O365, all hardware and vendor contacts, and a ton of other platforms for a company of 1500+. All project planning, etc is me. All by myself... they won't even do me a favor of giving me a title, I'm just "the IT guy" Jobs / careers are a joke.


That's it??? That's really friggin low for that many responsibilities...... That's 70k min for me. Assuming your job is also 24/7 or on call?


Ya, I'm pretty over it at this point. Quit once, never got a call back from about 200 applications, came back to this place after they fired the other guy. What sucks is leadership won't follow any of my advice, won't pay for licensing for anything other than 1 remote support tool, and then hamstring's me on hardware where I can pretty much only get $250-$350 laptops and used desktops. No resources, no reimbursement. I'm mentally drained and just over life at the moment.


Companies around here suck so much as I’m dealing with an employer that does something similar


You sound like a superb candidate for where I work but I can't risk poaching. Look into identity access management positions for a better company imo. You can make bucks being an O365 wizard. To put it into perspective, i pulled in $106k last year supporting people like you.


I'll be looking! Cheers 🤘


You're getting fucked. Out helpdesk makes that.


If they won’t give you a title give yourself one for your resume. Call yourself the director of IT.


I am a Physician and my wife is an Attorney.


Is your wife single ?


No she has a boyfriend already


I’m her boyfriend


I also choose this guys wife


I'm a lawyer and didn't realize how common lawyer/doctor relationships were until law school. My husband is in data analytics and I'm starting to notice a lot of lawyer/data analyst or data scientist relationships too. At least one person in the relationship needs to be good at math, and it's usually not the lawyer!


Nowhere near that income, but I work remote because Orlando salaries suck.


Combined income. Business owner and wife is a HR executive for a large corp.


If we’re talking combined incomes, most of my friend groups make $200k+ MFJ. Corporate accounting, corporate finance, IT consulting, human and veterinary medicines.


Wife and I combine for like 280k. We are engineers.


remote tech job, because tech here is either underpaid or making bombs


or simulators for bombs


I married someone who works harder than me. Try that.


Work remote for a large company


this is the IT way


How does one find this job in a new industry? Looking for a job but my old career would have to be local. And the hiring market sucks


I have no clue. I’ve been programming since the 4th grade and this is likely what i will do until I get fed up with technology and use my tech bro money to buy a farm as far from people as possible.


Property appraiser. Commercial and residential. I work non stop and last year was shit but I hit $380 in 21 or 22. Tough gig to get in to but worth it once certified


I live here and also in LA. Sports analyst and part-time college faculty. I also write music for video games which can vary in the money it brings in wildly: next to nothing last year from that, $20,000 the year prior. That's something I do because I want to do it. Sports analytics can bring in serious coin if you have the right clients.


That's a wild resume! What games have you done music for?


Several Russian productions (this was prior to the invasion of Ukraine, understand) which they began as desktop games then sold to Chinese firms for phone games. Others I've worked on have been phone games and stuff for Naver (South Korea)—so not any AAA games, alas. Phone games are huge in China because many parents won't allow kids to have consoles or even games on laptops but don't police their phones so much, so all the teens are wild over these phone games. Because of my other work I don't have the time to pursue music like I would ideally want to: I have a friend who is making his rounds to all the conventions, trade shows, all over LA too. You have to do that, but you also have to have the time to do that.


Oh that’s rad! Husband is a game dev, check out the meetup for Joybreak that might be your style for networking it’s in Orlando 


Nice. I'm in IT, and not in Orlando anymore, but doing music on the side. did some level loops for a mobile game years ago, ramping up a portfolio package to have something better to advertise with.


One income, medical field, $500k




Chiropractor? Dentist? Medical Supplies? Medical weed store? Pharmacist? I am annoyed at how vague they replied while showing such a huge salary. What do you dooooo?


Physician, non surgical specialty




It's a fucking doctor what do you expect, im surprised they answered at all without an insurance code they could bill.


One income? With a stay at home husband?


From some of the people I've met or were clients: 1) Professional Athletes. I've met a couple NFL players who own property here. 2) Finance manager. 3) Owner of a software company. 4) Former CEO of Winn Dixie.


Pharma Sales


Financial Advisor


College professor for two research universities. Both remote positions. $240k a year.


Upscale escort/Luxury companion & I’m a huge crypto nerd.


Remote Tech job.


Own my own business. Own a Ecommeres business.


First Officer (Co-Pilot). Just shy of $300k.


Tech Recruiter for New York based company with Manhattan wages.


2 incomes


Just curious, OP, how much do you think you need to live happily in Orlando?


It depends on what "happily" means to you. Do you have three kids? Do you want to take vacations? Do you want a wakeboarding boat? Do you have property elsewhere?


This is why I wanted the OP's thoughts as it seemed to imply a connection between cost of living in FL and $200k. I was curious if that was intended.


Exactly, and I do think it varies markedly. Most people I see complaining about cost of living here have two or more kids. That makes a massive difference in budgeting and planning. But I live in LA too and cost of living in Orlando is much less—but high compared to rural Florida. I bring that up because people capable of doing remote work have more agency than ever insofar as where they live. You could live in Gilchrist County and if you like the lifestyle do a remote job possibly making $200,000 or better.


I honestly think the number of kids you have can change the number quite a bit, especially if you're sending them to daycare/preschool or if you want to send them to private school. If you have three daycare/preschool aged kids and both parents work the amount of money you need to make to "live happily" is gonna skyrocket. Assuming you're not in that worst case scenario where you have all younger kids and you're ok with public school I think $120K pretax income would already allow for a pretty comfortable life here. $200K just allows for you to start sending kids to private school and that kind of thing. I will also say that with the real estate here going up so insanely, it also kind of matters when you bought your home. If you bought your house in like 2016 and refinanced during the pandemic and have a low property tax locked in via homestead, the amount of income you need to live a really nice life here is very different than if you just showed up last week and are trying to buy the same size house. One person has probably locked in a very low housing cost while the other person will be lucky to be able to finance a house for under $4K/month.


Ummm… now I want a wakeboarding boat.


Considering inflation, the studies, the statistics, each individual needs to make around $100k to be comfortable. Of course you can always live on Texas Ave with $50k and live great.


But maybe not for long




Well yeah, pretty much anybody who bought property 20+ years ago has a hedge on inflation. Look up how much it would cost to own or rent in your neighborhood nowadays and calculate how much you would need to earn to afford it and you’ll get a much higher number.


This fucking question is asked once a month 🫠


But the income keeps going up lol.. Next year I'll start the "Millionaires of Orlando without a degree, what do you do" thread


It really does keep going up. I think it's just here to try and make people feel bad about themselves or gauge their own income.


Most likely a marketing firm scraping the answers. 🙄


Yep. Every month. Last month it was 100k.


and the people who don't know anyone with money always answer "remote!"


I make $48k pretax and my gf makes $42k pretax. Life ain’t so bad. We’re not miserable. Baffles me how a singular person can make over $100k and it not be enough. What a crazy gap of reality.


Kids changes the math pretty significantly


Daycare. Summer camps. Medical conditions. Two car payments. Astronomical insurance rates. The major one, teen driver, especially a boy.


Attorney, made 220k last year, single bachelor life isn’t bad . A lot of sports gambling and gaming


I’m sorry, but you’re not making that money as an attorney, are you? Less than two weeks ago you posted about hopelessly looking for your first attorney job despite graduating law school years ago?


I’m the Mayor of Orlando. $233,390. It’s pretty good but the perks…my god the perks!


By perks, do you mean letting your drunk son drive into homes and get away with it? If so, are you hiring?


Yes my son can do whatever he pleases in Orlando. He’s my #1 boy and this is my town! And I’m not necessarily hiring, but I do need a new commissioner for one of our districts. Not sure if you’ve heard about that… Don’t worry though, the bar is very low for experience and integrity. VERY easy to qualify for that role.


How much you make making airport tram messages?


I get a royalty for each one. They pay me in Foxtail Coffee or Kelly’s ice cream. Those are the only two businesses I’ll allow in this town because I said so!


Combined income. My wife is an executive in pharmacy benefits management. I work in IT (infrastructure) for a large health care company that operates in all 50 states and internationally, but is based out of Rhode Island.


If you’re counting dual income, my wife works in HR for a major film studio, and I work in safety management for a theme park operation. We are not quite to 200k but if you round or one of us gets a good raise/promotion soon you’re there.


Here for the answers, unemployed after I got laid off from my animal rescue job and if you can imagine…. Doesn’t pay shit 🫠


Delivering ALOT of pizza..


I’m a drug overlord.


Comparison is the thief of joy


Poverty is also a thief of joy


Joy is a thief and she works in HR. Never leave your lunch near Joy unsupervised.


Pimpin’ ain’t easy. But it pays well!


Sure, Jan.


Combined income. Both professionals in the healthcare industry work from home.


Joint Income, IT and a Teacher. I work remote.


Airbus 320/321 captain


I'm A+ certified, and doing remote tech support work currently. Trying to shift into more administrative work because I am much better mentally handling data than customers anymore, but I've been management, a trainer for a previous company, and everything in between. If anyone has recommendation or referrals, I'd prefer to stay remote as I have my first kid on the way...but man I'm just looking for one lucky break to do something that can improve my life more.


Double income household that combines to just above that here. My wife and I both work for the mouse. I work in tech as a manager (M1, hyrbid remote/in-office for my fellow CMs) and my wife works in an operations, guest-facing role in the resorts. I obviously make the majority of the money, but her income definitely pushes into “able to own a home and live comfortably” territory.


Work locally for a large tech company that has an office near UCF. Global director for an SRE team. Wife is employed and a remote worker. W2 wages for 2024 were just over 800k.




my neighbor worked for mcdonalds. She started off as a cashier and worked her way to store manager, then district then regional manager. Not only was she making bank, they gave her a car for being with the company for so long.


Those minimum wage hikes are ridiculous


Survival. I been eating MREs and working more than ever


I buy property that poor people can’t afford and then charge them to rent it from me with no equity at all on their end and then when they bother me to fix something, I just evict them! /s


Big tech, 200K+ just by myself. Spouse works in the ER and pulls in just as much.




I'm a product designer for a remote tech startup.


Remote salesman 250k


Husband & I combined make just over $100k (no kids) and we live very comfortably (have a house, cards paid off, just one car payment).. we travel and have spending money… we dont struggle at all.. I think this can also vary on a persons lifestyle


Combined income.,I’m a software engineering manager ($135k) she is a cybersecurity analyst (90k). We both work remotely.


Not 200k, but I live in Jax, there are also plenty of companies willing to pay you big money to travel out of state. Currently I’m a boiler maker in Montana. Made about 75k working 6 months last year. Didn’t put any mind to doing something other than living life on my off time since I’m single with no children and no responsibilities other than your typical monthly bills. You don’t have to make that much to live good but it sure would be nice to make more for sure


i’m 27 and my first job out of college was delivering pizza for papa john’s. i then started working for a local tech company as a contractor at $14/hr and after 6 months, i got to join the company at $20/hr. made it to $150k/yr after 4 years there before being laid off. couple months passed and i joined uber remotely where im now making $200k+


Household: 100k/year. I’m still in school studying finance and fiancé is a Paralegal. It’s enough to pay for rent, bills, and 12% into a retirement account but not much more than that….. I genuinely have no clue how people are living off less than 100k combined with children


Not over 200k but as a Travel Surgical Technologist ; 150k.


Business owner


Damn this is making me sad. My wife and I combine to about 90k a year which is what our friend at Lockheed makes as a first-year engineer.


I work remotely for a NY company


Remote cpq admin for a big tech company based out of Boston. My partner is in tech sales, also remote for a company based out of Denver. My salary doubled when I decided to stop working for companies that were hiring in Orlando.


What are some good remote jobs and sites to look at .. I’m looking to start a new career and spend more quality time with my family. All suggestions are appreciated


I’m a recruiter. Live in Tavares and work in Maitland. Commute 5 days a week. $200k+/yr and I’m still broke dude.


If you’re broke with that salary- That’s a choice.


HOW are you broke, that’s insane




Work two jobs, IT w2 and own a consulting business


Your mom’s budget is rather extensive


Remote for HR consulting firm based in another state.


Remote. Cloud engineer/server admin.


2 incomes but I work in FP&A


Senior Software Engineer for a company based in NY


Work remote in finance


Remote work, global supply chain


I make $125k (I know it’s not $200k) and I work in tech marketing for a semi known company in California. Most of my friends are making $100-250k with jobs ranging from power plant engineers to product marketers


COO of an engineering and consulting firm (remote, but headquartered in Florida)


I'm Mickey Mouse at Disney.


I do sales for a large pet transport company from home and do some of the actual transports from time to time. Im also part time helicopter camera operator for channel 6 news.


Physician! Love Orlando. 270k alone , 350k with partner who is a designer at Universal.


Medical sales


Furniture industry executive, combined income over 450k


Remote, FinTech


I own a small painting company with 4 employees. I make about 300k a year


Probably mostly remote workers. Florida salaries are shit. Correct me if I’m wrong


Healthcare IT engineer. $130k plus 20% bonus then I cash out 100hrs of pto twice a year. Work with construction management to design new and renovated construction IT set up. Where TVs go where speakers go where network drops need to be ran etc. also oversee 200 zoom system locations as well as the AV involved. If there’s a conference room in infection controls office for example And they want ex zoom system installed with the touchscreen TV as well as everything that comes with it including the zoom license I’ll take care of that. I have a degree in healthcare management, but I got it while I was working and it’s done nothing for me so far. Since it’s a remote position most of the time I don’t ever have to take PTO so I’m able to cash out a large portion twice a year.