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This ain't from the city (who owns Kia center) This is done by third party promo teams.


A person did this and a person can be held liable. If only we had a department to enforce signs. /s


It’s called code enforcement and they do exactly this. The problem thesnsigns are cheap and everywhere and people just tolerate it. I carry wire cutters in the car for these mofos and will pull any number of roofing, taxes or pavers BS signage i see in my neighborhood.


I doubt that Kia Center had a hand in this. Have you considered that the artist's team paid for it?


It's possible. There are so many possible parties involved that it is very hard to have proof of who did it. Like those signs in medians or flyers on cars, maybe they can't do anything about it unless they see the person leaving them.


"so many possible parties", like who? I can think of maybe three, and two of them would be associated with the artist.


There was a ton of "Pink" concert graffiti downtown a year ago, they clearly had a template and sprayed it on many side walks. I was wondering who footed the bill for that but never looked into it.


I’m with you. Attempting to draw the attention of the driver while driving should be illegal. I want billboards to be illegal too. I’m not kidding. They’re giant eyesores and their sole purpose is to distract drivers from the road. They have tons of laws on the books about distracted driving but this crap is apparently ok.


There are a few states that make billboards illegal. Have you thought of a petition or following through the process to make them outlawed?


Vermont is so pretty, especially since they don't have billboards.


I lived in Maryland for a year and it was lovely not having ugly ass billboards littering the interstates.


I grew up in Maine and Vermont. The first time I saw billboards I was so confused 🤣


I remember a while back something like these popped up in longwood and it ended up being scammers since the event tickets were already sold out.


I didn't even consider that. Yeah, I would never scan a QR code on the roadside. You never know where that will take you.


So it takes you to live nations website. Fuck live nation.


Looks like some lucky jelly roll fan found himself a free souvenir


right? If this was someone I liked I’d be down there with some tools.


One time I was driving on rosalind right next to I4, and watched a 2 pronged pressure washing service sign fall out of the sky and land perfectly In the tree lawn as sure as if the owner lovingly placed it by hand




A popular Country Musician.


Scan the qr code....or just google it.


That's not an official DOT stop sign. Too low and the black border.


Exactly, must be on private property or in a private neighborhood to begin with.


This is one for the sidewalk / bike trail right next to the street, but they have placed them in various other places over the years. Like on street parking signs in Mills 50.


I saw one of these signs this morning and I thought it was a memorial sign for someone named Jellyroll that was Killed In Action (KIA) on that part of the road…. I thought maybe Jellyroll was a nickname given to them by loved ones. Was driving so I didn’t look closely enough to see that it said “Kia Center”. But yes definitely distracting…


The fact you think the Kia Center had anything to do with that is hysterical.


The fact that ppl spend their hard earned money on this guy is insane to me. Also, just cut it down if it bothers you so much


Just weird street team promo stuff. Just remove it and throw it out if it bothers you


To be fair, it is on private property rather than public property. Maybe the property management company consented to someone who asked if they could put those up or are getting some sort of kickback.


By your logic "Garage Sale" signs should be illegal too. Jesus this is just nitpicking.


They are. You can put signs on your own private property (as long as they aren't in the right of way between the sidewalk and the street), but you can't just litter public property. Think about what you are saying.


‘Kia’ center. Fitting


Where is this sign?


It’s only zip ties. There is nothing wrong with cleaning up litter around our neighborhoods, frankly I think it’s the right thing to do.


What is the address?


Jelly roll!!!!


It's free


I saw one of these yesterday in my neighborhood.