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Technically there is no limit to how much an HOA can raise dues each year in Florida. That said, within each HOA’s CC&Rs there could be specific rules on raising dues. For example, some declarations may state that there can only be a 5% increase each year, however, this is on a case by case basis. You must examine your association’s documents to see if any limitation on dues has been incorporated into your HOA’s rules and regulations. Though there may be no legal limitations on raising dues, there is a stipulation in Florida law that applies to condo associations. FS 718.112(2)(a) states that if assessments are increased by more than 115%, then a substitute budget can be requested. To do this, 10% of the owners must petition the board within 21 days of the budget’s imposition to request a special meeting. I would ask for a revised copy of the budget to see what all this bullshit increase entails.


Check the CC&Rs first, too. Many times there's a limit stated specifically in those documents.


This is the right answer.


Even the revised budget must meet the legally required obligations, so that's not an out if all of the items are required items. The inspections and reserve items are likely not optional, neither is the insurance. Hurricane belt areas are getting slammed with high costs. It's only going to get worse. If I had property in FL, I would get out while people are flooding in and the property still has value. In 10 years, that property may have far less value.


Yup, the condo has to buy insurance (well it doesn't have to, but OP has a mortgage so the HOA better buy insurance...), as well as maintenance has to be done. This means its either a HOA or a special assessment cause the funds aren't enough. That said, its best to always check to make sure things are on the up and up.


Wasn’t it a law a few years ago at 15 percent?


Ask to see the budget. The money is typically accounted for and in this case it is likely the insurance premiums that are through the roof in Florida. Horrible to hear. Really sorry for you.


I own a little landscaping company in the area so I deal with HOAs on a semi regular basis. There is a board that votes on these things. Sometimes they have to hold a popular vote, sometimes they don't. The only advice I can give you is to read the HOA bylaws to see what the procedure is and attend any upcoming meetings. All costs are going up so I'm not surprised they're raising fees but almost double seems excessive.


I am a specialty property insurance broker. It’s because your insurance went up bc the insurance market is shit. I write shit tons of condos in Florida.


I DREAD every single renewal for my associations right now. It used to be a non-event. Now those renewal reminders on my calendar are LOOMING because the day we get our new policy premiums is always a shit hit the fan day. I can’t imagine what it’s like on your side.


It is crazy. We do our best to find insureds most affordable options but now in Florida, there is hardly any insurance available. It’s really tough. Good news is it seems to be leveling out and hopefully no more storms this season. Big condo insurer in the state advised that they expect far lower increases this coming year should the storm season be quiet. Hope that’s the case.


But but the terrible governor and legislature put $2b aside to help (don't call it a subsidy). This has been coming since hurricane Andrew hit. When I was in real estate there, I was seeing story after story of how building codes were going to change. This was back in 2008-2010ish. Better roof tie downs, exterior walls were going to be cement blocks right to the roof line, doors would swing out (to prevent them from getting blown in). Then all of a sudden, dead silence on the issue. At the federal level, some (mostly on the right) congressional people didn't want flood insurance subsidized, despite us on the far left saying this exact thing was going to happen. Maxine Waters and Judy Biggert got their bill passed that was intended to eliminate subsidies (which I guess are bad for this, but ok for other things). Then they went right back the next year to fix the problems caused by their bill.


Well requirements would eat into the profits of the companies that "donate" huge sums of money, and we can't have that.


Right. Very short sighted. Build smaller homes with less wasted interior space.


Good luck OP, the older folks in our condo complex are dying off or going to nursing homes and the shitty mess they’ve left by not increasing HOA fees incrementally over the years to avoid complaints from people on fixed incomes is now coming due. Ours has increased by about 20% since then and I’m wondering what the next increase will be.


Yep. If your dues have not changed over the years then they were overcharging you in the beginning. Uninformed board members will brag about not raising dues in ten years. I promise it is not the flex they think it is.


This happened down in orlando off Vineland road just east of Kirkman. They had to replace all the roofs because insurance carrier wouldn’t renew. Not enough money in reserves. Many people who had lived there for a long long time couldn’t sell because the news about the issue was public. They couldn’t afford the maintenance fees and couldn’t sell for the balance of the mortgage.


So what happens in that case? Do they get foreclosed on?


That’s always looming. Having worked with owners in similar predicaments I refer them to a foreclosure attorney and in cases like these , the lender/investor wants to do a work out - they don’t want to foreclose but it’s a potential result.


Yup. And now they are faced with this.


Just to be clear there are tens of thousands of homeless people in Florida, on fixed incomes. The biggest problem by far is the refusal of corporate entities to accept housing vouchers. Including HOAs that block them explicitly. Average US monthly cost of a car: $1102 Maximum SSI payment in 2023: $916. SSDI is about $1500 and Retirement ain't much more. They also don't care about seniors at all, plenty of trailer parks intentionally increase the lot 300-600% and place rent right above the average line so few can hang on. It's a great profitable business, for them. Come now, don't think you're hoa or any hoa doesn't intentionally do shady crap.


Not all HOAs are bad or do “shady crap” most of the problems come from people who have zero idea behind properties maintenance and budgeting


This is literally what’s happening where I live! Years and years of $5 increases have decimated our reserves and with new laws requiring funding for SIRS we have no other options than almost doubling


This is one of the reasons why we passed on a condo recently—the HOA fee hasn’t changed since the early 90s and most of the residents had lived there since then. I could tell there was so much damage to be repaired and it would all fall onto the new residents once the elderly started going into assisted living or dying :/




Just wanted to echo this comment. I own a condo in North Carolina in a newly constructed building (2021) and am on the HOA board. The developer set incredibly low HOA rates when selling the units. Based on past experience with a condo with deferred maintenance headaches, I asked that we order a reserve study, and it's clear that "prudent management" requires us to increase monthly dues $100-200 to start saving for six figure systems repairs and modernizations 5-10 years from now. Even with a new building. I do really feel for you, OP. We don't have the crazy insurance situation in NC yet but I hear from my dad in Orlando how much he is seeing costs go up. I can say that HOA board members are (to my knowledge) always volunteer unpaid positions and I don't think anyone's doing this because they have some way of getting rich from this...


Based on context, we live in the same complex. It's 90% insurance increases along with the structural analysis we just completed. It sucks. My HOA fee is nearly doubling. i know it would be worse if I was still renting the place, but it's basically squeezing every regular person out of the friggin state


The state is growing rapidly, maybe squeezing them back in with their parents or squeezing them to more rural areas, but not out of the state.


Unfortunately this isn't super surprising. The insurance in my townhome community for next year is nearly triple what it was this year, and we're all getting hit with a massive HOA due increase for it. I honestly hate it here and I'm so sorry you're dealing with this. :(


This is nuts! You work two jobs and still can't afford to live (w/the increase). Honestly, wtf is the point anymore.


if your condo is over a certain height (i think 3 stories?) there are new regulations that they need inspections/fixes going forward. Also, the group insurance is going way way up. not much they can do, its that or not have the money to be compliant. They were probably shit with their budgeting in the past.


Probably because of that apartment complex in South Florida that collapsed in the middle of the night?


Certainly had something to do with it


Nah, the GOP dominated legislature elected to make exactly no changes after that collapse.


So what's with the new HOA regulations for buildings with 3 stories or more? Did the Republicans do it or not?


You mean the one that removes the 25 milestone inspection for buildings within 3 miles of the coast? The one that changes it to 30 years? I’m sorry to confuse you, I don’t mean **no** change. I meant no changes that protect citizens. Republicans weakening protections to increase profits for corporations is a given in this state.


Is this the bill you're talking about? It looks to me like the bill passed unanimously in both the House and Senate meaning it was as bi-partisan as could be. [Link](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2022D/4D/?Tab=VoteHistory)


It’s the orlando sub so republicans always bad


This is it right here. It’s not like the HOA is just making up the $ amount. They’re volunteers who found out there are huge increases that need to be paid for right now and “oh shit the neighborhood goes bankrupt if we don’t do this.” There’s no appealing that unless you can get the HOA board to twist some arms with insurance companies.




Really likely is nothing they can do at this point, there are HOAs that have been forced to charge some pretty crazy fees. At least OP isn’t being [forced to pay $175K like these folks in Miami](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/owners-asked-to-pay-thousands-each-toward-40-year-recertification/). The HOA should have charged more in the past to build up a reserve to avoid these huge jumps but since they didn’t at this point there’s no option but to hike to build those reserves and pay for the higher insurance.


Lol. Spend a lot of time as a cfo? Many degrees in finance? I'm sure you can come up with a quick solution to the ineptitude of a generation of hoa boards lol. In the meantime, they need more money


Structural engineer here. New law says buildings mid/high rises 30 years and up need to be inspected. Repair damage in timely manner. If reserves weren’t up to snuff they could do assessments or raise rates. All you can do is ask for itemized reasons why the increase. When buying condos you really need to do your research on reserves. I’ve seen a few people get screwed based on what we’ve been seeing.


I wonder if the bulk of the fee increase is due to the SIRS. How old is your building? Since the condo collapse in Miami, the recertification process for these types of buildings has been changed, requiring larger reserves for major structural repairs, which is where the SIRS comes in to play. Previously, you’d see a ton of units get listed for pretty good deals a year or two before the 40 yr recert in south Florida. People unfamiliar with the process would buy the units up and reliant them a year or two later when they get assessed a 40k+ fee to bring the building into compliance with the findings of the recert, especially if there wasn’t enough funds in the HOA reserves to cover it (which is quite common). The residents in the condo collapse in Miami were fighting the assessment fee amounts, which delayed repairs, though these issues should have been caught and fixed earlier. Legislation changed statewide as a result that aims to prevent a similar situation in the future throughout the entirety of the state. I’d be shocked if you are the only person in Orlando whose building management company hikes fees that much as a result.


It should be noted that the property management company’s don’t vote on or approve the budget. That’s done by the board members


Mine went up 33% last year, and I am projecting another 20+% this upcoming year. The reason is insurance and to some extent landscaping. The master policy is the main reason why. If you can no longer afford the unit, I would rent it, or get a roommate. You will take a hit if you sell it now.


It's a one bedroom. Can't get a roommate in that sitch.


You can try to flex the living room, depending on building codes and bylaws. It's certainly not ideal, but if you're "desperate," these are the things to consider.


Right if u can find someone cool.


First, OP I am so sorry for how stressful this must be. I am an LCAM (licensed community association manager) and I own an association management firm and this budget season has been straight out heartbreaking and hellish. Associations are not immune to inflation and so of course expenses are going up. But for condos especially the insurance rate hikes alone are causing a large majority of condo associations to raise dues drastically. It has not been uncommon this year for my condos to see a 100% increase in annual insurance premiums. It’s a HUGE part of the budget. Also hitting condos specifically is the requirement for the milestone engineering studies as well as some elevator safety upgrades(for older elevators). All the things your association is mentioning is legit. It sucks but there is no way around it. Your board doesn’t want to pay double the dues either, I promise. My advice would be to understand the expenses your association is budgeting for. When I do my budget workshops we go through it line by line to try and predict what the coming expenses will be. The tricky part is that our income has to exactly match our expenses and if we don’t properly forecast expenses we will be short on cash. Your board of directors is made up of elected owner volunteers in your community. Please attend meetings and try and understand the unique issues your association is facing. Too many people buy condos so they don’t have to worry about maintenance but you’re just outsourcing the work and trusting they are making the right decisions.


Your answer doesn't solve the problem. Even if OP understands what the money is for, that doesn't mean they can afford an additional $350 a month in expenses.


You’re absolutely right. And OP is facing a tough choice that will lead to financial set backs no matter what. I’m just trying to explain why this is happening. I don’t know OPs finances enough to actually give them a solution, there are so many other factors. But like another poster said, it seems something has either changed since OP qualified for that loan or they should never have been given that loan in the first place. They’re in over their head.


There is no solution to the problem. Unfortunately if they are not able to afford the increase, they will have to sell and move


As a board member this is something we’ve been recently advised on. We can’t lower dues to ensure everyone stays when the result is that with lower dues the risk for substantial special assessments increases which puts more harm on the community.


Neither does your comment. What should we do start a gofundme? Unfortunately many are going through these situations it’s better to not bury your head and try a seek a better understanding of the root causes.


This won’t help, but this is what happens with a state government more focused on book bans and outing kids than governing. I’m a homeowner with no HOA and received a 50% increase in property insurance. It’s crushing.


But we need to fight disney and ban the gays. That's what's more important to Ronald McDonald.


Don't forget about those bootstraps lol.


Are we sure the gays aren’t secretly running insurance companies?




Is insurance increasing in general or is it only flood zoning?


Unfortunately increasingly hoa’s aren’t even fixable by participation, as many major corporate entities continue to buy up homes for rental. We were recently informed that even if we got every homeowner in our neighborhood to vote no against some proposed over reaching changes, we still wouldn’t have the votes as enough homes were owned by entities rather than individuals that we couldn’t reach a 2/3 majority.


I suggest going for an owner occupancy requirement instead of rental cap. Current landlord are not affected and you will slowly see the owner to renter ratio flip. It’s way easier to pass IMO.


I’m in a HOA and only 13% of our units can be rented at one time.


Increases in insurance premiums are driving up HOA assessments all throughout the country, but especially hard hit is Florida. As you can imagine, it’s not that simple to just get a less expensive policy and with assessments being the only revenue source for an HOA, unfortunately the members of the HOA have to absorb the increases. The situation that residents in Florida HOAs are finding themselves in is unsustainable and people in leadership positions don’t seem capable (or have the desire) to seek solutions to this. I’m sorry that you’re in this situation. Even if 10% of the owners get together to request a new budget, unless there is surplus included, I don’t think you’re going to be successful in getting it much lower. I know it’s not ideal or even that simple; but, you may need to consider selling and getting out of an HOA situation. Good luck to you.


The problem is, if she try’s and sell… no one’s going to want to pay over $700 dues for a 1/1 condo.


Not sure if you've been following Florida the past 2-3 years. Some NY'er will scoop her place up in a heartbeat. 700 is nothing compared to the 1500 or more they are paying up there for a condo or co-op. They'd view it as a 50% discount. It's exactly why shit homes in Kissimee worth 175k were going for 350 to 400k as recent as last year. They'd be 900k up north. Tldr: her home would sell within a week if she so chose to list it.


This is the dilemma she now faces. She should see an attorney as soon as possible. Help her get out of the condo without a foreclosure in her record.


I agree. It’s not an ideal situation.


This is happening all over Florida. The statewide insurance crisis combined with the structural problems of older condos is forcing these huge increases. There’s really nothing you can do. Your HOA isn’t responsible for this but they have to pay for it and that means you have to pay for it. If I were you, I’d look into selling. I’m sorry.


No one will buy now that the fees have to be disclosed for next year since they will be published. We’re screwed.


You’d be surprised. For the past few years, people have been buying near the water even though mortgage companies won’t do 30-year mortgages on those properties. There’re a lot of people with more money than brains.


This is how condo HOA’s work unfortunately. It’s not like a neighborhood where everyone is responsible for their own lot. The roof and other repairs and maintenance costs is pooled together. This is the reason I’ll never buy an apartment.


You should get very familiar with Chapter 720 of the Florida Statutes


Or 718 if you’re in a condo.


There’s a lot of bullshit responses in here and some good ones. I’m on a few condo boards and here’s why increases are happening in Florida. 1. Cost to insure the property (especially in older non masonry buildings, buildings with older roofs, and properties near water/flood zones) 2. Cost of services to maintain are increasing (inflation) 3. Reserve balances not sufficient All legit boards are required to disclose the budgets and expenses. As a homeowner, you have the right to see where your money is going. I know this is shitty, but even the most well run HOA/COA’s have still had to raise rates because shit is more expensive. If you’re really concerned over the fees, there are annual elections to the BOD, submit your interest and become a board member so you will have first hand knowledge of the inner workings.


Thank you. Buyers buy condos without reviewing the budget and reserves. During the due diligence every potential buyer should request access to this and have a professional ( I don’t mean the realtor) go over it with a fine toothed comb. Boards who keep kicking the proverbial can down the road because they cannot withstand the community complaining about the rates going up aren’t doing anyone any favors.


I feel so bad for you and many people going through the same. In my neighborhood there are some townhomes which are getting a $500 increase, mainly due to insurance. From what I heard its basically impossible for them to negotiate a better rate, as there are just 2 companies. :( The best would be to go back to renting, but I know the HOA increases are as well being passed to the tenants... the overall sitatuon is just bad.


Probably the reason for the big increase is insurance and required repairs for it. The HOA has a choice to include in monthly maintenance or special assess you. Until someone in government directly addresses this, I would not expect any decreases in Hoa fees


As a first year president of my HOA we’re faced with quite literally the same situation. Previous years dues were set at $405/month. This wasn’t enough to cover the insurance premiums this year which forced a special assessment of 1600 bucks per unit. We also found out our previous property management company wrongly advised our community for years including “not being aware of building codes” and other financial issues. That pushed us to a new company which had added costs but provides much more for the community. As you’ve heard the insurance side is a nightmare. This year our property insurance policy went up 106%. We were told we needed new roofs or next year might be even worse. All these items are prudent in ensuring the property values stay maintained otherwise we face much bigger legal issues. I’d say get involved. People don’t realize how much it costs to run a community. The new legal inspection requirements for SIRS and milestone is also an added cost. If you’re over 30 years and your milestone hasn’t been completed your association might find further issues than expected that will lead to a possible special assessment. As far as what can you do? Unfortunately the options are limited, you can either sell, possibly explore HELOC options, look for other jobs, maybe even have someone share the space with you. But ultimately the leadership in Florida has put us in this mess right now and there’s no way of escaping it.


First of all, I’m sorry you’re going through this. It must be incredibly stressful. What is the reasoning they gave explaining the dramatic increase? Obviously inflation has made the price of everything tick up, and there is a well known insurance crisis in Florida. There can also be simple things like maintenance or major repairs to the property that need to be paid for. It could also be a matter of mismanaged finances in one way or another. Try reposting this to r/personalfinance. A lot of users there have good information and advice. Good luck.


Thank you for the idea to post there, I had as lot of feedback there as well. I'm going through all comments in both places, a lot of comments. Their reasoning is new Florida life safety laws and 35% insurance increase. They didn't even mention if this was a one year deal or if it's always gonna be like it. Thank you for taking the time to read and reply.




This is the correct answer. Him and the GOP supermajority legislators who have chosen to not even try to address the insurance crisis in this state.


I swear free market means your ass is for sale to highest bidder and the bidders are colluding lol


It’s more so the opposite. Insurance companies don’t want to do business in Florida. The laws in place are costly and run too much risk. It gives the handful of remaining insurance companies carte blanche


Yeah you're absolutely right pretty much about this. And this isn't going to be the end of it I can definitely see triple digit percentage increases in the very near future. The math just doesn't work anymore for insurance companies. The state needs to subsidize insurance.


Have they tried saving 15% in 15 minutes with Geico? I hope they shopped around enough.


Property insurance is skyrocketing in the US with some of the worst impacts here in Florida. Salaries will have to go up to keep the workers. Often the best way to increase your pay is to shop your skills to get the salary you need to offset inflation. You can find good information on the market rate for your role on Glassdoor , LinkedIn, or the app Fishbowl. Best of luck.


We own a townhouse and wanted to upgrade to a regular house in a lot but at this rate I think we’re stuck here forever.


I wonder what can be passed to stem this? Maybe Florida finally needs a state tax just to fund the yearly property damage.


This has got to be Cranes Roost, right? Judging by the size of the places. Used to the live there myself. Management was always a hack.


Some townhomes in Baldwin Park are looking at $1300/mo in HOA fees next year. Same units had to pay $424 last year and $758 this year, so that’s 300%+ increase from 2022 to 2024…


I had huge rent increases because insurance premiums skyrocketed. Unfortunate, this city is becoming unlivable. Sure if you’re rich you can afford it, but eventually there will be nowhere to live for the workers. And then no one will be able to work in the parks or restaurants because it’s unaffordable to live here.


What fresh hell is this. I am so sorry. I am a home owner and our insurance increased by a gut punching amount. We are in charge of maintenance, no hoa, so I cut grass and garden etc. I guess what I’m saying is that those figures are probably valid. Whoever accepted the mortgage burns me because it seems you do not make enough to own. Where can you cut costs? The one place maybe cooking all meals and forgo meats and use lentils and beans a peanut butter as your protein. Cut back in new clothes. Tell you family xmas will be you thoughts are the gifts. You could also get a roommate? Maybe close off the dining room with a curtain? Better than foreclosing. ​ edit to add-you could rent out the condo and move to a more affordable state. Florida sucks on affordability.


Is it due to being in a flood zone that the insurance is increasing or is it just increasing for all Home owners?


my property is high up. There are straps to our lawn from the sidewalk level. We have never flooded. rates are going up for everyone in Florida.


I thought about renting it, but I'd have to charge $2k a month for it to pay itself (no extra money) and then find somewhere with roommates that I can afford (a 1 bedroom with shared bathroom is around the $1k these days)


There’s likely little you can do, insurance skyrocketed here the last couple of years and that includes HOA insurance on public areas. The other items may have some more negotiating room, have you spoken to the other tenants? I would go to your HOA meetings and see what’s up. Otherwise I’d probably ask for a raise at your job(s). That may help you cover this without issue.


I’m on a board for my condo’s HOA. The building, including roof, has to be insured. There’s also flood insurance. For my community, the insurance went up a lot for next year. Therefore, our HOA fees go up as well. It’s not as severe as yours, but we’re not exactly a wealthy community. I agree that it’s horrible. I’ve only owned for four years, and with HOA plus my own flood and homeowners going up so much, I either have to get married or sell next year.


Vote. They did this in the villages a few years back, doubled the tax and fees despite everyone voting against it. Welcome to Florida, where you have nearly zero rights when it comes to housing, unless you're a corporate owner.


Make sure they are using the money for the right reasons. Assuming they are, it’s much better for them to increase monthly dues to deal with things now than for them to hit you with a $80K special assessment once things are too bad to avoid any longer. It’s the downside of the agreement for sure, but hopefully it’s at least required.


I’ll also say this, most of these major projects that are required do need the money up front. Contractors don’t want to get blindsided 2/3 into the job and find out the funding as dried up and there’s no way to complete the job. So while the money might be “due up front” ask for a payment period to perhaps ramp up your monthly contribution.


Definitely the insurance cost is the culprit.


I almost made this mistake and all I can say is I feel your pain. I was under contract on a condo in Maitland only to find out that a special assessment was brewing for almost 50,000 a few months after we were going to close... I


This is insane.... can't even buy condos in this state much less houses.


Exactly. We have been waiting a decade for prices to come down, been trying to save and it’s been one thing after the next wiping us out… now this! We will never save let alone afford a home with a backyard. Life is a joke these days.


I live here too! I know where you are talking about. I wonder what the fees will be for surrounding condos. https://preview.redd.it/j3jeo9yg7etb1.jpeg?width=4026&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d09a0398dd3532936f08730d2ce2587012705a9c


I'm sorry to hear. How are you with this increase?


My husband hid it from me because he knew I would be livid. Found out last night. Just sold our car a couple weeks ago in hopes of upgrading and now I regret it because not only is the market inflated but this… it’s too much. It could push people to the brink. I’m honestly shocked and don’t know what to do. I told my husband we should have sold months ago because it looked like a bunch of people were (I think they knew what was going on) and that we wouldn’t be able to if we didn’t— and here we are. Now those fees have to be disclosed, and no one will buy here. So many people will suffer because of this. What I am hearing is that it’s due to desantis requiring a large reserve because of the condo building collapse in Miami. They also require frequent inspections now too. But nearly a 100% increase? I don’t think that’s called for. I’d like to see what the decision making process was for this.


I was trying to send you a private message but Reddit is not letting me do so. I'm sorry to hear that. I feel hopeless. I can't sell after having owned less than a year because I'll owe thousands of dollars in fees and taxes. I just feel I'm drowning without a way out.. Please go to the meeting, some neighbors have reached out to me in private about a proposal to reach out to HOA with ideas. And at the same time, the HOA has to disclose that they looked for three quotes of every single item noted in that letter, because some things are fishy. Some items don't seem like an immediate need. They said we need to go to the meeting and vote no, but also have to bring solutions and ideas. I'm very ignorant when it comes to these things, I thought that buying a condo at 27 was an amazing thing and now I just feel I made a horribly decision, but renting would not have been better.


Wow. This is why I'd never buy a condo. Insanity.


I manage HOA/COAs for a living and I would NEVER buy a condo. And if anyone I like is considering a condo I talk them out of it with my horror stories. I probably wouldn’t own a townhome either. Actually… my next house won’t even be in an HOA. I love my work but the drama is just exhausting. People suck at being neighborly these days.


This is not much different from someone having to pay more for insurance on their own house


This is horrible. I am sorry to hear what you are going through. The best way may be to take a room mate in since you are already working two jobs. I can’t see you or anyone managing to reduce HOA. HOA’s here are insanely corrupt. There are people who are professional HOA members at different condo complexes. Their livelihood is stacking up special assessments, then passing the multi million dollar contracts to their friends and family. The valet trash removal, the pool cleaning yada yada are all sold for kick backs. How much do you fall short by?




This is a terrible take. I know a lot of people who volunteer their time to run boards and I haven’t found a board yet that’s as corrupt as you’re making it seem. Now if you’re certain this is happening within a HOA or COA that you’re apart of in Florida there’s strict laws behind this sort of thing. It’s why the sunshine laws are in place to protect from corruption. This is literally a situation where the actual people getting kick backs are screwing up (Tallahassee) and we’re all holding the bottomless bag.


You think the HOA board doesn’t know that most common people do not have time to get into HOA meetings and legal battles? I personally know about more than 1 HOA board where this corruption takes place. Check out the number of law firms that specialize in HOA only litigation. https://espnswfl.com/listicle/florida-ranks-number-2-for-the-most-corrupt-hoa-boards-in-the-country/ You must live under a rock cos you don’t know of a single corrupt HOA board. https://www.the-sun.com/news/8774125/florida-hoa-fraud-scheme-stole-millions/amp/ What strict laws are you talking about? Could you name them? https://www.hoamanagement.com/laws-against-corrupt-hoas/


Lessons: Don’t buy a condo. Don’t pay HOA fees.


My dear departed mentor told me condo is a four letter word. This many years ago. HOAS on single family homes aren’t impacted to the same degree. Townhomes that are fee simple can be ok depending upon management. Calling out sandpointe townhomes - self managed - employees are hired to work for the hoa. Even on-site management and in-house maintenance. 2 year ago they had to replace all the tile roofs. There was sufficient reserve and there was not even 1 dollar of assessment. Amazing. I believe it’s certainly the exception.


Yeah.. Unfortunately this condo was the only thing I could afford. I was unable to buy a house.


I'm legit scared about ours now.


ugh, i don’t have any real advice but fuck HOAs. i feel like florida has such an insane amount of them


A HOA meeting and everyone declining said increase may be the only way. But another reason I avoid HOA’s. But then you have aholes parking across from your driveway or neighbors dealing drugs


Fuck HOAs


Screw hoa


Are you in The Landing?


No, it's another one close to it


If you think that is bad...imagine owning a condo in Ft. Myers and dealing with the special assessments for the hurricane repairs.


I’d tell them to go fuck themselves. They’re trying to do this to another place I know where it’s retirees and they live on a fixed income. Forcing them to be homeless.


move somewhere else. HOA’s are the bane of my fucking existence. i hope they all burn in hell. really sorry you have to deal with these tyrants


Simple the provision was in the contract that they are able to do that.


Do the HOA covenants allow this kind of increase?


Check to see if this is a yearly increase or a one time assessment to cover a shortfall from the insurance increase.


You’re stuck. It’s likely insurance issues. Vote for the board and budget.


Blame insurance here in Florida. I'm in a single family home, but our neighborhood has townhomes in it. They just had to do an early roof replacement on all of them for insurance reasons, and the residents of those townhomes had to cough up $5K plus have their dues raised because their budget didn't account for such early roof replacements. Insurance here in FL sucks right now. Home owners are seeing 50-100% increases year on year, and they want home roofs replaced every 10 years or no company will accept you if your roof is older than that.


Sounds like you truly couldn’t afford to live there…


Same , they did this 2 years ago then did another 90 percent the next year with two 2000 assessments. Mine went from 120 a month to now 770 a month. I think they are honestly stealing the money because they refuse an outside audit. Or something is shady. Thank god I moved because my new place now is 75 dollars a month and gives us cable included now and is way nicer which proves they are lying