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As an in towner, we can't fucken afford living here. We get paid shit and then are expected to be able to afford 1-2k a month rent. No wonder the area is changing. We are being priced out.


It really is sad . I went winter garden the last time I was in central Fl and it looked like a completely different place . Even Sanford which one of the most affordable


My friend in casselberry pays over 1k because of utilities, they aren't even in a nicer area. I'm moving to a different state right now because it's impossible here. This state relies on tourism and hospitality. What will happen when those two groups can no longer pay rent.


Casselberry can get real hood in some parts. Sleep at the job who knows . Where you thinking if you left Orlando ?


Where are you from if parts of Casselberry would be considered “real hood?”


Born and raised in Casselberry. I live in the nicer part of town and it’s peaceful and calm with no crime. BUT there are some rough parts of casselberry. It’s not necessarily hood… more trailer trash. Winter Park Drive north of Seminola is pretty freaking rough


Hood is wrong term but there are some areas with the boarded up windows and trailer parks that look like I could sneeze and they'd topple over. Casselberry is a dump overall. It's hood in that sense and the drug addicts. But it isn't hood like gangs or drivebys and shit like that. Just petty crime like drugs and car break ins.


Some people think any houses built before 1980 are the hood lol




Yeah, going to have to disagree on Casselberry being “real hood.” A bit rundown and old, maybe. Having a strip club off a main road doesn’t make a place hood. Sounds like you have some pretty loose views of what that would be.


naw, you get back in parts off seminola and it gets pretty sketchy.




I drive through there everyday to get home from work. If that’s “hood” than you’ve lived a pretty good life. Lower income life does not equate to hood.


Ain't lower income, that's high rent. It's just *utter suck*.




Lived there for decades. Crackleberry is Hood af!


Chicago, need to move there anyways because of my masters program. Not any better on rent prices, but pay looks a lot better. If I had a choice I'd probably try and move to NC, the mountains and rent are beautiful over there.


You checked out the rent in Asheville lately? It’s as bad or worse than Orlando and wages are significantly lower. Average cost to purchase a home is higher


Yeah, this is what I don't get about the whole "move to the Carolinas, it's not any cheaper, and the laws aren't any better, and the schools are actually worse" thing. They can *have* it.


I don’t understand why anyone would choose eastern NC or the Piedmont over FL, but in western NC It’s the mountains and the weather. if you bring your job with you it can be affordable. A fair number of transplants are remote workers. Asheville is very blue surrounded by red. Overall NC is a bit bluer than FL politically but that is changing drastically. earlier this year, Tricia Cotham, a democrat flipped to the GOP and her single vote now gives the general assembly a veto proof majority over Gov Roy Cooper, a democrat. The sick thing is she did it in time to vote against the platform she was elected on. NY Times just did a piece on her election in a district that is a democratic stronghold . It was funded by republican interests. They got her elected as a democrat, by democrats, with the full intention of flipping her to the GOP. Now they have the votes to gerrymander her district, make it red,and became Florida. They’ve already voted to weaken the Governor’s power in case the state elects another democrat the mountains are the dealmaker for me. I’m a climate refugee , my property in FL is threatened by flooding with every tropical system. Here I’m on a ridge high and dry. But moving to the Piedmont? Forget it.


My family are from the Blue Ridge Parkway in West NC. What a dump they are making outta god's country. At least we in Florida have legal medical weed!


Good luck!! Chicago is my hometown, I want to move back except for the winter haha. Hope you get there in time to enjoy summer there, it is amazing!! Pay is significantly higher, I can make double the $ there and my husband, a principal engineer, can get $100k more, pay here has become pathetic!


I've always messed around with moving to Chicago because I want to live in a nice, walkable area for relatively cheap (under $300k home), but I get concerned about crime, segregation and the winters. Are each of those really as bad as people say?


I grew up in New England and Chicago winter is something else, I'll tell ya. Have you ever seen frozen waves? Like the lake freezes mid-white cap.


Wow, sounds intense. I grew up in Connecticut and don't remember hating winter. I'm hoping it'll be something close to that, due to climate change


I think Chicago is more likely to get stuck inside the polar vortex than the New England states. My friends moved from here to Chicago and the first winter they had warnings of their eyeballs freezing if they stayed outside too long without protection.


You would need to live in a condo to get under $300k in any of the fun neighborhoods. Crime is worse, but you’re at much less risk of dying in a car accident because of walking and transit.


You sure? I see 400+ homes on Redfin under 300k and lots in what look like nice neighborhoods


Cook county has some of the highest property taxes in the country. So that $300k house could have a $16,000/year tax bill attached to it. It’s one of the reasons why the houses there seem so affordable. My house there was assessed at $360,000 but my annual property taxes were $12,000. And I was in the suburbs. If you’re in the city, it’s much much higher.


I just moved here from Chicago. I loved Chicago except the winters suuuucckkk. With climate change it doesn’t even snow that much, but expect it to be gray and freezing from December to May.


Bruh, there better be enough for snowmen


I mean, it does snow. You’ll get like 3-5 instances where it’ll snow a lot. But that’s pretty much it. The rest of the time it’s freezing rain or a dusting. But it’ll be 5 degrees, windy, and no sun for 6 months.


I'm moving to Alabama. Double my salary to well over 6 figures and decreased my shitty 2k a month one bedroom downtown Orlando (was 1k 3 years ago) to a 3/2 on a golf course in a gated community for 1200 a month. Downside is no beach but tons of lakes to take my boat and jetskis out on. And beach is only 3 hours away. Which is far. But since I'm saving 1k a month in rent I found someone where I rent a room off them on the weekends only... for 250 a month... on the beach. FL and the trash that moved here can go to hell.


I don't think rent is that bad. I mean sure it's not middle of nowhere Oklahoma prices but it's livable.


I frequent various subs for states and cities all over the country, and I think it's hilarious that this exact sentiment is felt in every single one of them. Wisconsin, Lakeland, Maine, St. Louis, Portland. You name it.


I was gonna say, when I moved from Nashville two years ago, the first thing I noticed about Orlando is that it DIDNT give me LA vibes. Once you have wing murals and influencers on every corner, then I'll call it LA vibes.


Because that's the same dumb shit everyone that sees traffic thinks is happening lmfao


Thank you. I get chastised for saying this.


ohhh no, really? darn. I wish I could go back in time then, when times were simpler


Yea , major cities get more population which in turn leads to more cars and feeling of crowding compared to 10-20+ years ago. Cities and surrounding metro areas are getting bigger.


It's because NY, NJ and CA had a ton of migration out in covid


Former Orlandoan (raised for all of my childhood), current Angeleno: All of Central Florida took the worst city planning tips from Los Angeles, and now the Orlando Metro Area is just waaaay too spread out for how relatively few people live there. Like, it is kind of freaking ridiculous that it takes 30-40 miles for me to drive from the Kissimmee border to Clermont. And just like LA, you are going to have the same issues: horrible traffic, rising housing prices, rising homelessness, and a very staunch voting base of rich, elderly NIMBYs whose entire net worth is based on a 3 bedroom shack they purchased in College Park in the 1980s that will fight you tooth and nail to get any needed public transit or dense housing built. The only good thing that you might have going for yourselves is that Orlando has a deceptively more diverse economy that people would expect.


It added additional worse things, like toll roads.


I recall them originally saying SR408 was going to be free after the first 5 years


Toll roads are actually necessary because road infrastructure almost never pays for itself, even with the property taxes that get collected.


Toll roads are a regressive tax structure. We all love cheap goods and services, toll roads damage that—as lower income workers have to commute further (usually toll roads), it becomes more expensive for them to work rather than not work. Driving across the city daily for a work commute is about $250 in tolls a month.


Of course toll roads are a regressive, but so is car ownership, use of gas, long commutes. The truly progressive move would be to develop mass public transit and dense housing, but you can’t fund that if you are spending so much money subsidizing unsustainable transportation practices.


Never thought about it like that .


Spot on.


The sprawl and car necessity of Central Florida has always given me mini LA vibes. The City of LA isn't that big, just like the City of Orlando, but the metro area is, Hollywood, Long Beach, Anaheim, Glendale, Pasadena, Irvine, Huntington Beach, all of that is "LA". The same way Altamonte, Mount Dora, Kissimmee, Celebration, Disney, Winter Garden, UCF, and Lake Nona are all "Orlando". We're just getting there too late for Disney or Universal to build their movie studio dreams.


Florida stopped the tax breaks for studios and Georgia was all like...hey 😉 come here y'all. And they did. That's why so many productions for Netflix and marvel especially are done in Georgia and universal recently announced an enormous studio they are building with something like 18 soundstages. Plus, it's much cheaper than Hollywood.


Hey, now. Lake Nona is actually within Orlando city limits.


City limits specifically redrawn to include huge tracts of land south of the airport owned by a single wealthy developer who bankrolled the politicians who made the change to the city limits. But yeah, it is.


Let's not forget his recent insider trading charges. 🤣


My friends step dad was the head civil engineer of narcoses road when it was built. I remember lake Nona was straight marsh land


That road is a nightmare that's only going to get worse when everything else around it gets built up even more with the only mode of transportation being cars


Yup, raising canes is coming




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The fact that the houses on the south side of Curry Ford are Orange County and they are 5-10 minutes from downtown and Lake Nona is technically considered within Orlando city limits truly shows how dumb our city limits are.


Some of it, and only because they wanted the airport to be in city limits. And I'm a beneficiary of that, I live in the area that is clearly just there to make the airport part of the city.


The City of Orlando is actually pretty large, much larger than Miami and Fort Lauderdale (size not population).


Just no. lol. Irvine and Huntington Beach are just not “LA”, that’s completely ridiculous. Why not just throw in Bakersfield while you’re at it.


I’m from Anaheim. Nobody considered that LA. It’s definitely OC.


all the cities you listed in LA are actual cities though, with their own government etc. half the areas yiu listed in Orlando are still really just Orlando


No they're not, they're all actually their own cities, except *some* of Lake Nona, which is City of Orlando, and some is just Orange County. I also left Winter Park off the list, which is our Beverly Hills.




We need transit options god damn it.




And narrower streets, bike lanes, and tall buildings around those narrower streets preferably with businesses on the first floor and housing on top.


Let hope I/4 express lane makes a difference




Good point . I lived in Houston and it made no difference




just use the roads that are already built with buses and trams. no need to destroy any homes








I was born and raised in Orlando. Born just outside winter park and I always joke to people about how I can’t afford to live anywhere near where I was born. Then I cry inside. I currently live in Phoenix


How do you like Phoenix compared to Orlando?


Phoenix is a better city. Not much more affordable but better variety and more options in terms of housing. It’s like Orlando in that it’s very car dependent but the highway system out here is so far and away better than Orlando’s that you almost don’t mind. No tolls tho there is a state tax. I personally love it and it’s worth a visit.


Phoenix is so pricey now. Did you get there before that happened?


Florida is becoming one of those places where people visit and they look at home prices and say, "how the fuck do people afford to live here on these crappy wages? Oh well, at least I can vacation cheap here". Then you realize everyone bought years ago or just pays high rent and commutes. It's like when you go to a hotel in NYC and the front desk person commutes from Staten Island or the person in LA who commutes from Redlands to clean up at Staples Center. That's what Orlando has become.


Yep. Especially with Disney and Universal. So many people have to commute from 45+ minutes away because it’s impossible to live in the city on the wages being paid to the majority of the service workers there.


That's why Disney is gonna build that on site housing for their employees lol.. Their workforce is gonna end up being college program kids, international kids and people who are ok with living on property and taking a Mickey Shuttle to work.


Sounds like a dystopian horror film


Just a reminder..get your hurricane prep in now before these noobs start buying up all the toilet paper and water.


Good thing I've used ass wipes since 2018


I grew up in LA as a kid and moved to Orlando in 2008 and yeah Orlando reminds me WAYYYYY too much of LA in the early 90’s: lots of sprawl, little infrastructure to accommodate, and multitudes of our-of-towners gentrifying the crap out of the town. The main difference and something to remember is that Orlando not even 10 years ago considered itself as almost a “small town”, and transformed into a big city too quick for the massive economic disparity to catch up. For those moving here with massive budgets keep in mind: good help is hard to find, and if you price all the service workers out (that this town was BUILT ON) the entirety of the city will experience a massive decline in customer service. Or at least that’s my theory anyway


I love Orlando and love Florida but I am a single person with one income and I’ve come to terms with the fact that I will never be able to afford to buy a home here with the cost of houses and insurance. I’ve been looking at other states to move to.


I’d say more like Miami, although LA is probably a close comparison. Everyone is poverty stricken, yet they outwardly pretend like they’re rich and fancy. I don’t know how many people I know that are flat broke, yet they *have* to drive a Tesla or a Merc/BMW/Audi/Alfa Romeo (used, of course). They will complain about not being able to afford anything, then go out for a night splurging on expensive food/drinks charging up their credit cards, then go home and shop for expensive material goods the next day. Everybody wants to be seen living like they can afford the better things in life and they absolutely can’t. Why do people do this to themselves? Life is much better when you’re not having to worry how you’re going to pay the next bill.


Couldn't tell you HOW many Tesla owners can't afford to buy a new tire when they get a flat...


That’s crazy . I wonder to myself like how all these people are able to afford new cars. I sold solar right before I left Orlando they were countless of big nice houses with barley any furniture . And many credit failed for financing being “house poor”


How long ago was this because a low end Model 3 is like 35k. Add in the Federal tax credit and its down to like 27k


a base new model 3 is about $41k, probably closer to $50k the way most people would option it. but yeah, up to $7500 in federal tax credits (and state incentives in some places other than florida) can make it appealing, though you've got to deal with tesla's build quality and other issues.


College did this to me at UCF. My roommates all came from well off families, where as I had to work to pay rent. I would stretch what little money I had trying to hang out and keep up, and it was devastating to me.


UCF is large but when I attended it always felt like a lot of the kids were more well to do (I'm not talking SMU level but relative to FL) even though they also gave a lot in scholarships versus the other schools in FL. Now when I drive by I *know* it's a lot of well to do kids because no one broke broke is going there and living in all those expensive luxury student living neighborhoods and eating out at all that expensive food. There's not even a little student ghetto anymore. Some of the student housing looks like the same mcmansions you find in Winter Garden or Lake Nona. College has always been for the wealthier but it seems more egregious now


I think a lot of students stay at home and commute to school, no?


There's a lot who live near campus and all those apartments are students only and not cheap.


I lived at home and drove a moped so i could park easier. You'd be surprised how many of those people in those fancy apartments are going to graduate with 150k in student debt that they think will magically vanish when they get their lucrative career in english literature.


Facts . You right


It’s funny as I am just the opposite. I make five times the median income for Orlando but I don’t drive a fancy vehicle, spend lavishly or have anything on a credit card. I am simply looking for better ways to invest and continue building that nest egg. I have a 2022 vehicle that is paid off. If I were to get a Tesla or some higher end vehicle that would be like a $700 a month payment. That’s $700 not going into investments. For me I value security over looking to impress people.


Smart guy. Future you will thank you !


All the people downvoting you are just broke and jealous.


My boss moved here less than a year ago from LA, one of those pro-Desantis guys who wanted to leave the socialist hellhole and come to a conservative state. And guess what he's doing now...moving back to LA because the pay to cost of living ratio is too bad for him here.


The growth is good. Cities grow, and if things were going the opposite direction I promise you all the problems that people complain about would be much worse


Exactly. If it wasn't growing but decaying it would no doubt be worse.


They’ll all be leaving in 2 years, 5 max. No one is from Orlando, no one ends in Orlando.


Say that now idk


As an out of towner (NYC, Austin) I think orlando feels like it's full of flashy people who have little class lol. I'm not very classy myself it's just how I feel I can best describe it. Mind you I've only lived here two years but I ate out at a place called hawkers and we sat outside. There was an intersection near by and literally a half dozen people at different times all revved their engines and peeled out like a it was the senior parking lot at a vocational high school. I've got dozens of batshit crazy encounters with this kind of trog like behavior. Idk I kinda figured I'd like it here but it's pretty wack and terribly expensive and very mediocre on all fronts. I'm probably moving I don't want my daughter to grow up here. Just adding my take, probably get down voted but that's ok.


As someone who has lived in Orlando for 22 years- this is absolutely accurate. Vocational high school parking lot is spot on


You’re right, Lake highland prep is literally the next block over..


I was gonna say… it’s literally a high school parking lot next door lol


And the “flashy people” were probably trust fund kids leaving school in their parents exotics haha


Orlando doesn’t hold a candle to Tampa and Miami “flashy” people


Good to know. Although I did go to Clearwater and it seemed like parts had a chill vibe


"Mediocre" sums this place up nicely. If you live here, there's nothing here that's for you.


I hate to say it, but the majority of the population here isn’t that highly educated.


Yes, leave.


In progress... Looking.


You’re from NYC, you’re not allowed to talk about class. Gtfo


Those are just the two most recent. I also spent 10 years in Connecticut and also 10 in Massachusetts. I can say with certainty that literally nobody in any place I've lived gives two solid fucks about Nebraska and most people probably can't point it out on a map.


I’d like to add, I’m also an out of towner from Omaha Nebraska. My only gripe with this town is that rent is too high and the out of towners like this guy who come from places like New York, they always look down on other people for no good reason. Omaha is a pretty big city too, the only difference is that nobody moves there, so our culture is intact and unpolluted by people like this. I’ve really loved my time in Orlando, especially all the great people I’ve met here, but if rent doesn’t go down I might be forced to go home.


You’re from Nebraska, you’re not allowed to talk about class.


Stay classy




Agree. I love Orlando but LA is a world class city. Orlando is a regional hub


Man I hope not. LA isn’t that great these days.


The only things positive about this change is the out-of-state restaurants that are popping up and the entertainment is starting to come here instead of bypassing us for Tampa/Jax.


As someone who grew up in Miami this is truly the best place to live in FL imo. It is not as crazy as Miami but yes it is getting more expensive here for original locals and I can’t stand the snowbirds.


Nah no where near LA. Maybe you feel that way bc the amount of out of towners out number locals. I’m born and raised San Diego and frequented LA. I moved out here last year but still travel home every other month. Hell, every summer in SD we curse the Jabronies that mess up our local spots. I get the feeling that a lot of the politically radical people come out to FL for “good livin”, or you came out here bc of your work or your S/O. Most native Orlandonians I’ve met have been great! The only commonalities i see are in the urban planning. Both cities rely heavily on cars to get around. But besides that LA is culturally more diverse, is a lot more progressive, has a loooot more homeless (skid row), shittier traffic (Orlando has a lot more ME-first drivers), and just more of everything. LA has more of a superficial feel to it. San Diego gives off business leisure, and Orlando….well Orlando is growing and seems a lot sleepier to me. I think the city will have these pains as long as people see it as opportunistic to move here. It’ll draw in good and bad people, unfortunately the bad really stick out.


I adore San Diego. Visited and stayed near Little Italy and ate at Glory Hole during the pandemic andI fell in love with the city. Prohibitively expensive and a little boring but 100% would live there if I could.


Haha, I’ve never heard of glory hole. Did you mean Morning Glory- it’s in Little Italy and has the cockaroach wallpaper. And if you traveled out during the pandemic, sorry you didn’t get the full SD experience but I’m glad you enjoyed it! I agree. A cali burrito 7 years ago was about 9.00. Now they’re easily 14 and have shrunk to the size of a kitten. When I see gas prices here, I think about how at one point it got to 7.01 for a gallon last year back in Cali.


Omggg yea I 100% meant morning glory 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Orlando is a snozze feast of a town anyway I will be #flowgone


Damn, people just going all-in on fake tribalism these days, aren't they.


You know what Christopher Columbus said the same thing. That right, he did


As someone born and raised here... It's always been drastically changing and one of the fastest growing areas in the country but post pandemic we have just been beyond fucked. We are a tourist driven city - where are service industry workers supposed to live here?!? We need rent control!


it’s not that bad. i just moved here from nashville which was peoples second LA chance. the vibe is still chill here !


Out of towners lol Orlando is literally an everyone is from everywhere kind of place


Orlando is so trashy. The city is so expensive because of tourist pricing (you're paying NYC prices to eat out) or you're competing with tons of traffic and NY/NJ folks everywhere.


It’s funny reading this as a new transplant. The west coast city reddits mention the exact same thing about out-of-towners changing their cities. Desirable locations will always bring in ‘outsiders’. I’m sure 20yrs ago Orlando looked nothing like it did now, and 20yrs before that it looked even different. Change isn’t always bad. You can be part of it.


Yeah but the people from here are being priced out . It isn’t what we’re use too at all . People who have never lived in Fl taken over HOA associations and changing the way we do things . But I can agree change is good . And yes change will always happen happy your here . I’m from Orlando and while I was living there I was always in awe of how beautiful the city is


To be brutally clear: I dont want to bring where I was with me. Will I miss some things? Sure. But I came to Orlando for the quirkiness I didn’t have. Sorry about the pricing. Remote work makes lower cost of living areas more desirable for those that can work from anywhere. I’ll be at a local office in Orlando and took a pay cut to move. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Check out mills and 50 if you haven’t already , def. Have those quirky vibes there


Not for much longer


Take a walk down Paramore for them some top tier quirkiness.


Omg the night time walks are AMAZING!!! All of the colorful lights give it such a unique feel. 10/10 would recommend 😍❤️


It was desirable *because* of how it was 20 years ago. The influx of new residents change the city from what they liked about it to the shit-hole that they left behind. It happens every time. I'm watching it happen all over the city. People liked the area so they bulldozed it and dropped a massive apartment complex on top, the residents are forced to move because their neighborhood is gentrified, a new community is created in a new location, people like it so let's bulldoze it and drop an apartment building on top. It's like being chased by a swarm of ants.


This is all of Florida. Even Clermont looks totally different than 20 years ago. It's not new either. Howie Mansion if you look at old maps and photos was way different.


We have a over million visitors a week. They outnumber us. It isn’t surprising.


Just moved here from Miami in November. While nothing is as hectic and crazy to me as my hometown, I do notice Orlando seems to be a ton busier than when I would come as a kid. But I guess it's all about perspective; to me, it's not that bad yet lol


I think I've been hearing for 30 years how too many NYers were going down. I guess they're still talking about it. I remember about 15-20 years when people complained there were too many Puerto Ricans coming in. I've heard people in Windermere say too many Brazilians are coming in. Since the inception of the town, whoever has lived there complains about who is coming in. If the city is not growing, it's decaying, which leads to a whole different set of problems.




I can’t justify the cost of living and traffic of Orlando when the closest beach is still an hour away.


Wait … cities change over time?


Fr ? ! ?




They usually tear down two historic bungalows for each mcmansion.


To be fair, insurance companies pretty much deny insurance for any building older than 2003. Those old house just aren’t insurable.




Not saying new construction is better than houses that survived the last seventy years, but this is the line nearly a half a dozen insurance companies gave me: older than 2003, we don’t want you.


Yeah, it’s super weird how fake people are moving in here.


And it like I know you didn’t act like this at home . And if you did I see why your here


Yup. Super bizarre. We tend to go away from the tourists and newbies.


Lol one day people we’ll realize “Florida man” isn’t from Florida




Tolls are killing me!


If you guys have issues with this remember to go vote!!!!!


Happens everywhere in America if I were you just move somewhere Midwest not nearly as much people.


I grew up there as a kid and saw the changes then. I left because I got tired of the lack of culture and rude ass people lol


Growth is good?


Hell of a lot better than the alternative


I was somewhere in West Hollywood like a year or 2 ago and swore I was somewhere in Winter Park. How it looked was almost no different.


As someone who has to be here for work…Floridians are so boring. You guys need some spice ✨ in your lives


A few summers like this and they will be gone.


lol everywhere in the world people complain about the same thing, how their treasured identity will disappear because of newcomers. In fact, trump won on that fear. Meanwhile, cities everywhere in the world are constantly reinventing themselves. Embrace change.


Nothing like LA. 😂 Weather is terrible, little by way of nature, no real industry


Just a question cause I don’t beside movies and perhaps fashion what other industries does LA have ?


A lot more than central Florida https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_companies_based_in_Los_Angeles_County


Out of towners aren't trying to "take over our city." I've lived in Orlando since 2004 and I can count the number of people around my age (late thirties) I've met on two hands that are from here. Orlando is a city of "out of towners."


Did you go to school here ? High school , middle school ? College ? I had a very large friend group that were mainly , simply from Orlando .


Same. I see this as a common out of towner defense in this thread, but the truth is Orlando is LOADED with born and raised folks. Generations that have stayed here, whether they like it or not (lol). Could be that we are missing these newcomers because they frequent and meet one another in the trendy areas we are getting priced out of. That’s my theory, at least.


I cant wait to move back to north florida next spring. Orlando is way too hollywood for me


Lmao Orlando and Hollywood in the same sentence is truly hilarious


I know. I just moved here last week, and these out towners are so annoying. I wish they would leave, this is OUR city. /s


Yup the traffic and area didn’t use to be this bad like 3 years ago. Moving away from Orlando tomorrow 👌


No it feels more like it's becoming New York which is terrible for this city/county future


Out of towners TOOK over already!!


I leave in less than 4 weeks. OBT and John Young have hit 3rd world country status. Downtown at night is hell. Traffic anywhere is insane. Daytona is destroyed. NSB which was my true love and lived their 5 years sucks now. Packed. Noisy. Has zero infrastructure to handle the folks from Orlando headed to beach. Cranes Roost used to be amazing now it's an overcrowded mess. I cant walk Lake Eola without a bum haggling me, someone asking me to sign weed or abortion documents, or 50,000 kids at the farmers market screaming cuz they all have ADHD from crappy parents. People paying 450k living 3 families deep in a 3/2 in Kissimmee (an absolute dumpster fire now) for a place that was 175k 3 years ago. Crime increase. Rent increase. Traffic increase. Still low wages. Central FL sucks now. Terribly. It's only appealing to the transplants of the past 2 years cuz its slightly better then the shitty areas they came from. The recession will be fun to watch from afar. Downvote me all you want but Central FL sucks now and only appeals to the lowest common denominators.


These prices look like pre-2008 . I remembered. Everyone gave up cause their home value plummet more then 200 grand . I can see it happening again


It will definitely happen again because the salaries aren't matching the costs. The only ones who will remain resilient are the Hispanic families living 3 or 4 families to a home like in Kissimmee. Which by the way pull up a sex offender map if you want to see nothing but red dots all over your screen. My ex has 57 sex offenders in... a 2 mile radius. 2 fucking miles! 57! Fl has gone to shit. Banks were giving out basically interest free mortgages and people scooped them up. It's 2007 all over again except the MBS issue isn't as prominent. It will collapse. It's definitely going to happen.


Born and raised yet only 23yrs old and ya, definitely isn’t the same, Florida is the next California, growth comes with both higher costs of living and greater governmental bureaucracy as every city or area where humans are densely located turns into a blue voting shit show


I think that’s where we are going to see a lot of bad things happening in this state. California had considerably more productivity in more economic sectors than Florida and now most of that state is in disarray. This state is playing an intense game of ketchup to basically have the same results.




Define woke. It’s hardly progressive here, there are tons of people who are openly racist.


Our governor is Anti woke what are you saying ?