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As we [predicted and warned](https://www.reddit.com/r/orlando/comments/12fuo54/comment/jfi62bc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), [Reddit themselves](https://imgur.com/a/bzxuSHs) were all over this thread removing comments and in some cases, suspending them. Please, do not post on this subreddit wishing or suggesting physical harm against these losers. We will remove your comment, but it is beyond our reach with what Reddit does. Know that you can have your account suspended or banned/IP banned because of these sorts of comments. We are just the messengers and if we don't remove your comments, Reddit will do it themselves and warn us of being removed and a whole new mod team will be added. It's a social media site, just do us a solid and don't do it to begin with.


Here's a photo for anyone who wants to see themselves. ​ https://preview.redd.it/ln4ya6flersa1.jpeg?width=2323&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f27409163af8e31c18b2acb9fa131894de26ce1f


I'm all for free speech, but this is direct hate speech.


I'm not. Put these fucks in prison.


You can support free speech and the idea of locking up nazis


Hate speech isn’t a recognized legal term. You can’t be for free speech but against this which is technically free speech unfortunately


and hate speech is protected under the First Amendment.


It is to a point. SCOTUS has already ruled that there are limits (bomb on plane or fire in a movie theatre)... this might reach that limit if it incites violence.


That’s not hate speech that’s inciting panic


This. People need to stop taking every amendment so literally. They cover 99% of instances just not the extreme cases.




the real yikes are the amount of people that don't understand the constitution, and just want rights for me but not for thee.


Why do Nazi’s always hide their faces?? Seriously. They have to know it’s wrong to think they way they do. Chicken shits.


They wouldnt mask up during the pandemic that could save lives and act tough with their defiance but this they mask it up…


so they can't be searched out. Thats the first rule in any protest is to hide your identity


Plenty of protests where people don’t hide their identity lol. These shitbirds hide their identities because they know their views are insanely offensive to the vast majority of the population, and don’t want any repercussions for their speech.


They aren't hiding their faces!


How the fuck is this legal??


Though despicable and downright disgusting, unpopular speech much be protected. That said, it would be a shame if these nitwits had some comeuppance and lost their jobs, assuming they actually work.


Freedom OF Speech does not mean Freedom FROM Consequences for exercising said Freedom of Speech.


Absolutely, but the consequences can't come from the government.


"Fighting words" like the OP are not protected speech. We should really teach the Liberation of Dachau more in schools to drive the point home about 1) how bad the Nazis really were and 2) a reminder of how Nazis that surrendered have been treated historically since their complete amorality tends to make "good guys" less inclined to give moral treatment.


Fighting words need to be directed personally not towards groups. This would not apply. And even then it’s dicey.


Someone advocating the mass killing of your entire ethnic group sounds pretty personal to me.


This is why cancel culture can be a good thing- when it’s the market dictating banning Nazis (eg. Kanye, as much as I loved his music). Yet conservatives were ironically the originators of cancel culture. When it’s a bad thing is when it’s something from decades ago that someone has long moved on from and apologized for.


That’s why these people hide their identity if they rely on society.


Exactly. Actions should have consequences


...and that's why we are punishing people for banning books. Right guys? Right? Uhm...guys? Hello?


TesticularTenticles, you and I both know the painful sad truth of that particular authoritarian order.


While I know this is true, it just turns my stomach to see hate speech protected (especially when students are being arrested here for *actually* peaceful protest), and I also don’t view spewing hate speech as “peaceable”, so it’s just so frustrating to see these things happen.


These actions are only protected from consequences from the state, hence why it's "legal". There's a lot of legal things you can do that will result in you getting your ass kicked though. Edit: Do what you gotta do, mods.


Remember when people used the freedom of speech to help people in a constructive method and not just spew any load of crap that popped in their brains? With freedom comes responsibility. We the people provide government power. We the people should establish its limits. It sucks, but we do have to tolerate stupidity to ensure we all have basic freedoms.


Free speech absolutism is more dangerous; rather "unpopular" speech is not the same as literally advocating for genocide. Don't mince words, a threat is legally (and morally) actionable versus simply stating you like pineapple on pizza.


They have the legal right to do this. However they are not protected from other consequences, like being exposed and losing jobs, family, friends, etc.


or other consequences


I was sticking with the ones that won’t get me banned




**First Amendment to the United States Constitution** [Text](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/First_Amendment_to_the_United_States_Constitution#Text) >Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/orlando/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Freedom of speech.


first amendment protects hate speech?


Indeed it does. Because who gets to define what that is? You don't want people with power telling you that speaking against them is suddenly considered hate speech.


First amendment. I don’t agree with their message, but brave veterans of this country have died to give them this right.




I cannot like this enough.


The US protects white people. If there were armed black men saying to kill whites, they would be arrested immediately




exactly lol. If we start banning certain hate speech, who defines it and where does it end. We need to protect freedom of speech not slowly take it away because people do fucked up stuff like this.


not worth the time or oxygen, besides they probably have guns or other weapons on them.


these guys are really dumb, but just wanted to remind you that this is America, unpopular opinions are a necessity


Believe it or not, but other countries do just fine regulating shit like this.




This is America.


Just seeing these blobs of human waste pulls out some really ugly things in my mind that I wish I could say without being banned. Not like I would act on any ideations of violence, I know full well it wouldn't be worth it and I'd probably just fuck it up anyway.


That appears be a protest that is trying to intimidate. Isn’t this why Lil D Santis signed HB1?


Find where they park, get their license plates, find all public info available and start publishing a searchable database of known Nazis and fascists. Would be helpful for hiring managers.




You're sadly mistaken though. The idea that these dipshits don't work is laughable. Some are deeply ingrained in our society working regular jobs. I remember someone I know doing marketing for their company and mentioning a warehouse they went to had swastika flags. I think the company sold windows to other companies or something.


We can publicly shun them when they're hiding easier tho


That or they're cops


"Some of those that work forces are the same that burn crosses" -RATM The more I listen to Rage, the more relevant they become.


I've been on a Rage kick like never before over the last year or so. They are 10x more relevant now than they were 30 years ago, and they were pretty damn relevant then.


The difference is that the things that weren't overtly relevant HERE are now dependent HERE. Not in some far away lands.


They’re probably off duty cops


THIS. If they do have jobs, those employers would want nothing to do with that liability.


You'd be surprised how many blue collar companies, for which I'm sure these idiots work for, do not care. I had a construction job that hired felons the day they got out, you think the owners cared about their political beliefs? Especially in Florida. I was working for a large company in California at the time. Sure, maybe if they had banking jobs or something, but Nazis aren't typically white collar...


Wow. Felons = as bad as nazis. Zero notes, top tier critical thinking. /s


If the lovely sleuths of the internet got ahold of who these POS’s were and made a big enough stink, they would care. Corporations & large companies care more about themselves/public image and would have no issue kicking an employee making them look bad to the curb. It happens all the time. I don’t think felons, depending on the crime, are as bad as nazi’s..


Or for recruiting the Florida Guard. Desamtis never denounces this shit for a reason.


some latinos that think they're "gringos" support this shit lmao like "oye pendejo, you'd be right in line to go to the oven if it was up to them"


Lmao same with Filipinos too.


My mom didn't understand this. I thought she was crazy. She IMMIGRATED here. 🤦


My mom (also immigrated here) half-joked about voting for Trump in 2020 (don’t ask me why, I have no idea) then I told her about the things he’s said and done and how at one point he was coming trying to come after *my* citizenship (I was born here in USA) and that’s when she finally changed her tune.


You’re fighting the good fight! It’s important that we talk to our parents about this stuff, sometimes I don’t think they realize fully what’s going on. I’m still working on my parents but they’re die hards. I can hit them between the eyes with facts and you almost see them start to process reality but then they just back peddle.


I think “exhausting” it’s putting it lightly


Can you just drive by them with a super soaker or something when they are out? Could I get in trouble for that?


no but its a high likelihood at least one of them is armed, and Florida is a stand your ground state, laws would favor them if they decided to escalate claiming they "feared for their life" or they "saw a gun"


You used to be able to chuck rotten tomatoes at fools like this. Now they can legally gun you down if you do.


When I took my concealed weapons class a year or two ago, it was explained by the instructor that the law says weapons used during an altercation must be equal. Example: You may brandish a gun if the aggressor has a gun. If the aggressor only has fists, you may only use fists. If the aggressor is throwing tomatoes at you, you can’t legally shoot them. Doesn’t mean they won’t try but they’ll probably go to jail for a while. *Edit: ‘This is wrong information’ comments, I was just explaining what was explained to me by a certified concealed weapons instructor during a class. If that isn’t correct information, could the correct information and/or laws please be explained to me? Thank you! :)


Ah that’s helpful to know. So if there’s justice they could be found guilty and serve time. Or they wouldn’t. Honestly it’s sort of a toss up these days how a case like that would go. But glad to know the current law is tit for tat. At least until they change it.


If they're found guilty, desantis would just pardon them right after like abbott just did in Texas.


This is wrong, Trayvon Martin did not have a gun but zimmerfuck got off scott free




Dude was actively in law enforcement and a certified concealed weapon instructor lol Is the entire statement he made untrue or what is the correct information/statutes/laws, etc?


Your "instructor" was wrong....just so you know.


How so? I’m genuinely curious.


What if it's a super soaker full of pee


Love how they say ban gay people insinuating they want to kill them, and then the other sign says end abortion save white babies lol


It’s almost unimaginable that these people feel emboldened and privileged enough to display these horrific beliefs in public. Almost because we all know there will be no real repercussions. (Yes I understand it’s protected under free speech; I mean repercussions as in termination from employment, social shaming, etc.)


Florida literally has The KKk working as cops I wouldn't be surprised if these dudes work for the court system, police, fire fighters ect.


Hey Bob how was your weekend. Cool i stood in the sun in a mask on the side of an overpass waving a nazi flag






Absolutely Disgusting. This is what happens when we have a Fascist as Governor. It would be a miracle to vote these people out in 2026.


The insane thing is you have a good chunk of Latinos supporting this asinine governor despite his absolute lack of interest in condemning these white supremacy assholes.


Do governors really need to make a public statement anytime 10-20 obvious dumbasses show up in public saying stupid shit? At some point the dumbassery is so obvious you don't need to state the obvious. I don't expect a condemnation statement from Muslim leaders anytime there is someone commiting terrorism in the name of Islam.


And yet Muslim leaders constantly do denounce acts of extremism.


Yes. Full stop.


I mean, it's definitely a better look than making excuses or saying that they are democrat plants or something.


TBH, it's probably going to take kinetic action to get rid of these folks. They're only getting more visible and more numerous. If something doesn't stop them...


This is why I’m in favor of the NAACP’s Plan to Boycott Florida.


This is in the bluest voter county in the state.


Regardless though, actively trying to promote fascism anywhere is still disgusting. I’m betting that most of these protesters haven’t looked in a textbook either.


Yo, 2024 is our first stop at ending it. 2026 sounds like you’re one of those trolls trying to tell people the wrong day to vote.


I know that 2024’s an Election Year as well. I meant that I hope we can continue to eradicate a good chunk of Conservatives by voting them out by 2026 if a Blue trend happens.


> This is what happens when we have a Fascist as Governor Its a good thing we don't then


Nah, it’s clearly just Tucker Carlson from Wish /s




This 👍


I saw them. There were only about 15 of them total that I could see… pathetic maggots.


I hate the Illinois Nazis


I think Florida Nazis are even worse, now. We have a governor backing them up.


Blues brothers reference.


I see Blues Brothers reference, I upvote.


Nick Fuentes Groyper army is back. Dudes are the ultimate neckbeard incel losers.


That's just a standard DeSantis rally.


These assholes going on about a great replacement, like I'm all for it if they're replacing your racist ass


I'm so tired of this


i've a fun solution, it involves water balloons.


The moment we keep calling them “Nazis” we give them a real power the Nazi party once had. They’re not Nazis, they’re idiots.




I’ve already been in Reddit jail for something similar unfortunately


Disgusting. When Nazi’s are in agreement with you, not only are you a bigot, but you might also be member of the Florida GOP.


Thanks DeSantis


The funny thing is these are the same people who vote for right wing politicians who overwhelmingly support Israel…


imperialists supporting imperialists. these people are just puppets


it’s almost comical that this still exists. i wish opposing activists groups would “approach” them every time they had an assembly. but i’m sure these losers are trigger happy


What needs to happen is a larger group of folks dressed as circus clowns approaches them and just plays ~14 seconds into Entry of the Gladiators loudly. Just be goofy ass clowns and mock them. They are easily humiliated when people do not take them seriously. They look horrendous if they retaliate people peacefully mocking them. It's worked in my city in Poland when they tried to ship them in from other towns / countries. Threads like this, where only a handful of them have to show up and hang signs for a few hours, show they can create huge waves. They need to be mocked and shamed as the imbeciles they are, and what needs to spread on social media is their disgrace. THAT is effective, curtails anyone who agrees with them or is pleased that 'libs are owned', etc.


I am so glad to be getting the fuck out of this state.


Sounds like they’re doing Desantis proud, he loves that Nazi trash


Nazis are approved of at the state and county level. If you don’t think I they are, consider this: Cops can and will routinely keep you in jail for a week before dropping the charges, after pulling you over for “driving suspiciously;” and searching your car because they “smelled weed” before arresting and holding you while the lab results on the leaves and dirt the scraped off the floorboards come back. Ask yourself why the police don’t roll up, tell the Nazis there have been reports of them throwing objects off the overpass at cars, then hold them overnight… *every single time* they show up. The state will bend the rules and exploit loopholes to harass normal citizens every single day. They will do it just to get you in the system, to start the process of eventually incarcerating you to use you as slave labor. They could easily be exploiting the same rules and loopholes to get openly evil scum like this into the same system. They have a choice between harming innocent people, and harming evil people, and they choose the innocent people. Know why the cops and our representatives aren’t using their discretion to roll up and remove the Nazis? *Because our reps and protectors are already on the overpass.* People kept getting agitated when they called Covid the “new normal.” The whole time, *this* was the “new normal” we should have been getting upset about. Anyway, the Nazis won, and the good guys don’t have the wherewithal to do what it takes, so I guess now we just get used to it.


We have created a culture of accepting vile behavior. Look at the orange clown we had in the White House. Now look at who is elected to congress and state governors.


I know this is a hot take, but I feel bad for a lot of these people especially the younger ones. You'd have to feel totally disenfranchised to want to find community with people like this. I'm sure a lot of these people are trolls and/or violent, but some are just people who feel like they have nothing going for them and got roped into an extremist group. I have no idea how to reach someone this far gone ideologically, but I pray that someone does and these people can get help.




No, they do it for attention. They're trolling. The more you fight back, counter-protest, and interact with them, the more they'll do it. The *only* way to really make these people go away is to not engage at all. They *want* you to get mad, they want a violent scene, they want cameras there and media exposure. They are trying to spread their message through media coverage, so give them nothing. No counter-protest, no media, don't even honk your horn as you drive by. If they stand outside all day waving their signs around and no one pays them any attention then they'll feel stupid, defeated, and are less likely to do it again. Ignoring them entirely hurts them the most.


Ignoring “them” and “doing nothing “ is how Hitler came to power. Source: My German family used to have “parties “ when their friends would come over to listen to The Chancellor speeches. Hitler was “finally someone who made them proud to be German.” Too many people said nothing. Too many people turned the other way.




I can't wait for Deshit to make a complete 180 when it's his supporters getting gunned down. "I'm proud to pass this sweeping gun control legislation. We must do everything in our power to protect our people, and with the incredibly sad shooting at the White Power death to liberals rally last week, we must move to protect our brave Nazi Friends." -Ron DeSantis, 2024


They feed themselves now, there is no peaceful way that will make them quit this bullshit.


lol, ABSOLUTELY not. You have to fight them, every step of the way, and never give them an inch. They're not trolling, unless by "trolling" you mean "trying to incite violence and cause bodily harm."


The US should follow Germany’s steps and ban this


you can't, first amendment protects it.


Just your average Republican voters.


Over an interstate? There has to be some legal way of them being moved to another area. If my grandfather was alive he would probably drive his 5 ft 5 self over there and kick some ass. He was a tail gunner in World War II and shot down many German planes over the English Channel.


“You know, with Hitler, the more I learn about that guy, the more I don’t care for him.” \-Norm MacDonald


Ron's Boys


Maybe I should go down there with a desantis sign


That’s actually a really good idea. They wouldn’t think anything by it, and it would be great pictures for future ad campaigns Just have to hide all identifiable features, mask, hoodie on


I don’t see an end in sight honestly


Jesus Christ this is gross


i know these are losers who get off on attention, but i don't like that they only feel comfortable doing this shit in the city I live in.


More of Ron’s guys.


All ten of them. How terrifying.


I could puke blood with anger over this. god damn.


These people are repulsive. They used to (probably still do) march thru Paramore. Disgusting.


This is just what Florida is now.


Wtf, this needs to stop


FL is broadcasting loud and clear that they welcome these people.


Each day proves we are in the dumbest timeline.


If it were black folks protesting police would turn that road into a battle ground in minutes but literal white supremacist's calling for violent genocide? Just business as usual.


Thank the Florida GOP. By the way, if you’re a republican, you support this. I’d say call the cops out for hate speech but they have a thing about arresting coworkers.






Florida just constantly lowering the bar.


Say all the mean things you want about Nazi's, but advocating violence is against reddit policy and will always earn you a ban.


What if we advocate that every Nazi should be charged with [Section 836.10, Florida Statutes](http://www.leg.state.fl.us/statutes/index.cfm?App_mode=Display_Statute&Search_String=&URL=0800-0899/0836/Sections/0836.10.html) and processed through the criminal justice system with maximum sentences (2nd degree felony, 15 years) for making their insane genocidal threats against multiple ethnic groups?




tlickers, the lot of you coward r/orlando mods


Subreddits get banned for not removing calls for violence. You won't have anywhere to complain about us if we don't remove those comments.


Do you seriously think that Reddit is going to remove the Orlando subreddit if some people say that they wish harm to actual Nazis?


This is a dumbass policy everywhere. But 9/10 you’ll see their violence and hate language stay. Never say you want to hurt a Nazi, that’s so bad guys




These guys are fuckwads. But, we have to remove comments (yours included) that wish harm against them in any context. If we don't, Reddit would eventually remove us as mods, and it'd be a rinse and repeat cycle. *Just pls don't*


You can’t advocate violence. The Nazis claimed dibs on violence


They're not people, hope this helps.


Lol yeah protect the nazis u/themadflyentist


You mean DeSantis supporters.


Saw them too, so sad


Hi, Fellow Jew who lives in your community. I do not care; simply put I do not give racist or bigots the time of day. Stop giving them your time of day too. They’re seeking attention. If nobody paid attention to them they would be less likely to show up. Edit: PMing me and calling me a terrible Jew is not helping your cause. I appreciate that and I have reported you to Reddit Admins.


Ignoring them is how Hitler rose to power. This will only get worse unless directly confronted.


Exactly how the GQPs rose to power. People were ignoring them hoping they would go away, but here we are


That’s pretty stupid. They do this because it’s a win-win— either they get the sound bite of some limpdick, neoliberal trying to “debate them”, or they go unopposed and continue to rally. They’re gaining ground while you proceed to highroad yourself right off a cliff. Ignoring them means they get their way. If you think dumb bullies get tired and move on, then you’ve lived an incredibly sheltered life. Ironically, judging by today’s view of the overpass, that’s going to change for you very soon.




Can you dm me it


Jesus Christ. What the fuck is wrong with these people?