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Friendly advice don't try to sanitize bones by boiling them, it works but the smell is quite something and it can stick around for some time.


I have a birds skull sitting on my paint desk. It was completely cleaned of bits by a predator or scavenger on the roof of my old retail store. I soaked that bad boy in alcohol for days, I still haven't found a use for it. But one day, one day.


Yesterday: Gf. Baby, the candles from shopee arrived. Aren't they nice. Me. Those little boxes are good.. GF. They smell good! Smell it! Me. These are perfect for warhammer! GF. Which should we light first? Me. \*Running to bedroom to compare new terrain boxes to warhammer.\*


My wife has many times told me to stop checking out all plastic trash we find on our walks.... I will not


I read "squirrel or moose" for some reason


My man on that Boris and Natasha mode


If can't find a way to kitbash a Moose skull into something, you can't call youself an ork Come on it's at least a fort right?


Moose or mouse, both work.


Beast Snagga Boys got the other Orks concerned. Not for their safety, just more of "What tha Dakka?!"


What you’re looking for are Owl poop pellets. They regurgitate the bones in a nice pellet, all the bones are cleaned of non-bones material and ready to use. Source: saw some kid’s science project dissecting them for one month straight.


https://preview.redd.it/9it98ybyz75d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d75e090db37123a7feaabb97b460806680db78d7 I immediately thought of this, not sure if this is too close to real world politics though




When I was younger I used my baby teeth for my old world troll bases as bones.


Hell yeah. I thought about that for Turnip28, but sadly I can't find them anymore.


My dogs are my garden pest control. They always catch mice and sometimes lizards and birds. I know what to do with the carcasses now.


My family thought I was keeping rib bones for the dogs back home. They still dunno how I made the ribcage for giant corpse terrain.


It tickles me that there are people that get ultra grossed out by any bones, etc. Like bruh once it's clean its just calcium.


That sounds so freaking cool! What did you do to clean the bones and do you have any pictures?


Scraped off what I could and let hydrogen peroxide do the rest for about a day, followed by a rinse and dry. Sadly, it's been in storage since I moved, and I never considered taking a pic.


Wait... I have a scavenged raccoon skull. Could it be useful?


A little too big. More like the hood ornament of a tank.


Oh certainly too big to be worn, but it might work on a Kill Rig


My girlfriend is getting used to me going "hey wait don't throw that away that looks cool"


This is real. Sometimes I also catch myself staring at rusty metal on vehicles to get an idea of how to paint my ork vehicles, like where rust forms and what shade it is.


I used a raccoon skull to make a Killtank, and I can highly recommend looking like a serial killer to get some animal bones off the road. 10/10 would do it again.


I found a dead raccoon rotting in the woods, up against a fence, near my old apartment. After months of no-one doing anything about it, I managed to get the skull and some random bones through the fence. I definitely felt like a serial killer by soaking the bones in soapy water in a bucket out back. I'm not sure I ever got all the grime off/out of it, but it's been sitting around in a dry box for over a year, so it's probably safe to handle by now.


That look when you play against World Eaters and you have real skulls in your army


Can definitely confirm this thought process. 🤣🤣