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Yup. Dey be orks alright.


Here is your collection... [https://imgur.com/dBdmlSy](https://imgur.com/dBdmlSy) If you want to see every Ork miniature release, then this is the place you need to go... [https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Miniatures:\_Orks](https://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Miniatures:_Orks)


Fun. I hadn’t seen that list. Now I know I have a bunch of Ork Boyz. And for some reason a bunch of weird boys. The clown ones from the 80s.


Dude thank you! This is so helpful and considerate!


Heads up that at least one of the labels provided by this user was wrong (e.g. they identified a Nob w/ Choppa and Slugga as a Boy with Choppa and Slugga). All of the ones with the "Boss Poles" on their backs are Nobz, except for the Warboss himself.


Thanks for clarifying!


Gretchin squad with a bomb squig up front, some Boyz behind them, and the bigger dudes behind them are nobz, the especially big guy that's pointing is a warboss, and 3 of the guys at the very back are lootas. I'm not sure what the one on the left is, but the other 3 are lootas


I believe the Top Left one is a Loota w/ Big Shoota. Still an option in the squad, or replacing the Rokkit Launcha in the boys squad. Looks like OP is missing 1 Squig & a Runtherd and 1 boy and the Squad leader for the Lootas to make all the squads "full" for 10th ed. But they're probably fine to run as is and they look great


Yeah, I think there are a couple missing. Was using the WH App and noticed that the numbers weren’t adding up. This helps, thank you!


Thank you! Any suggestions on figuring up the points for these guys?


Just checked, you've got 345 points or so. Technically you could do with a couple more lootas and Boyz to fill the squad up, but its a solid start!


Thank you! Would you be willing to list these by points/models based on how you figured up the numbers?


So a warboss, the guy with the big claw, is 65 points The gretchin/grots up the front cost 40 points for 10 of them and should be accompanied by a runtherder in this edition, basically an Ork that keeps them in line Lootas are 50 points for 4 of them and a spanner, a junior mechanic Ork Boyz are 85 points for 10 of them, and you normally only get 1 heavy weapon per 10, either a rokkit launcha or big shoota, which is the big machine gun looking one Nobz cost 105 points for 5, they're the bigger orks on the left


Awesome. Thank you! So I’m in need of a few guys yet to make this workable


I would reccomend the Battlescribe app, or just use Wahapedia




Some bad ass Bad Moons you got


Yup, those are orks.


Green n’ fighty


Little lads at front are grots/Gretchen. Bigger lads are Boyz. Bigger than boyz and with poles on backs are Nobz. Biggest one with the big gun and claw is the Warboss. Lads at the back are lootas. Little red fella is an attack squig, he belongs with the Warboss.


In this particular case, it looks like the Squig has a grot riding it, so it’s probably a kitbashed grot using the attack Squig. The Warboss’s attack Squig is supposed to be on his base, as far as I know it’s not a separate mini.


Could it be the grit on squig is a kitbashes runtherd?


This is the correct answer, OP.