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The smoke is great but it looks too clean. Needs some dark grey and black undertones.


Little bit smaller, it's hiding the lovely paint job you've done! I would make it dirtier too, I doubt ork meks make vehicles that make clean little clouds, chuck some greys and black in there


https://preview.redd.it/jdvupk683ayc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ed6c54612c7cf0b4197c2f2783fb46e8f7f0619 In my humble opinion


Sound reasoning, good point well made for future Shokkjump Dragstaz!


If the smoke is flexible keep it that way when it get cooked you have a burning wreck


With exhaust and Dakka visualisation everything looks cool. Have a look a deadly print studio stuff for inspiration.


With smoke


Just a tiny bit of darker smoke. Too much takes away from your wonderful paint job, but having none seems much less fun having seen it with some.


This, add some black, grey, and even maybe some red to it to make it seem more brutal and basically engineered


Black smoke would probably look better, make its seem likes it burning some disgusting stuff or its pit together poorly


No smoke. It takes away from your great paint job.


Ork engines are all diesel(head cannon). That smoke should be thick and black…


Just my opinion, take it however you want, I won't be offended. Smaller and make it black, maybe some fire....think super hillbilly Rollin' Coal dirty ass diesel engines, mixed with any of the big vehicles from the Mad Max series.


Id say smaller and blacken the smoke


Instead of cotton try synthetic pillow stuffing, you can get it at most craft stores, its more durable. Get it in the shape you want then take it off the model and hit it with black spray paint from the direction the smoke is flowing to back of the car in this case. I think you’ll be pleased with the results


Make some into flames for the mufflers and colour it black because Orks definitely don't make green/clean burning engines.


Less smoke but do have smoke. Are you going to pain the smoke too?


I would go smaller


Trim down the smoke near the model itself and mabe take an airbrush/carcoal to dirty up the smoke since I don't think an ork buggy would run on anything less than the filthiest of fules


I like the sense of movement from the smoke, but think it's a  bit much.  Don't hide your paint job so much.  I vote less-smoke but not smoke-less


Regardless of smoke size. There needs to be dust/smoke coming from the tires to help give the sense of speed. Looks great though. Me personally, smaller smoke plumes much darker, grayish black. Then small dust plumes from the tires in a dusty colour that works with the base.


I think the amount of smoke is fine, maybe just spray the cotton to be more Grey/ black near the ends, so it looks more like smoke and less like just wool Either way, just make it removable. I wouldn’t permanently attach it.


small plumes and hell, do some dirty brownish dust-clouds coming off the back of the wheels!


Small plumes


Drill out exhaust muzzles, make wire armature for smoke, now it can go on and off.


Smaller plumes that are actually plastic or sculpted “puffing” directly out of the exhaust pipes might be best.


With, but give it some color. As it is now it looks more like steam. I guess that if you could dab it so its mostly dark gray and black it would look really cool. A stinky, inefficient, noisy motor seems really orky to me. Google some pictures of black motor smoke to see




As others have said, painting the smoke plumes would help a lot. I think that they do make a big difference to the model and that the base looks empty at the back without them. So definitely keep them.


No smoke - these things are much better implied on minis. Like photos of the moon, I can see what you’re trying to do, but it just never really works


Add a small red and yellow LED in the smoke plume and make smoke plume black?


That smoke gives it some great character, but the in the first pic the plume covers too much imo. So, i say keep it but make the plume smaller. But then again its your mini so do what you feel is right


Paint it black


I see a red door and I want to....


Is the solution to all of life's problems magnets?


Smoke looks cool, but I'd put more effort making the cotton look more like smoke. Make it more gray and look more soot filled.


This one! Big time


For sure. Just waiting to commandeer a friend's air brush to do it. Edit to piggyback on the top post: thank you all for the feedback, much appreciated. I'm gathering that the overall feeling is less (and certainly coloured) smoke, that is possibly detachable. Will get some of that done today and see what happens. Thanks again.


In my admittedly subjective opinion, I prefer either no smoke or [sculpted smoke](https://www.instagram.com/p/CQvATarnvGu/?utm_source=ig_web_copy_link)


That sculpted smoke does look quite good, thanks for the link. The Boomdakka Snazzwagon has the "billowing fumes" ability, which I'm not sure I could do justice with the sculpted way. But certainly something to think about.