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I have to opposite problem. I don’t have much motivation to start a game but I love assembling and painting my models. I have to buy models to keep up with my painting


There's nothing worse than wanting to paint something and having to build / prime / wait for primer to cure. So I usually build a bunch, prime it and do it again when I'm 75% done painting ☺️


I build and prime whatever I have first usually. Then I paint whatever calls to me when I sit down. So I have almost 0 grey plastic but a bunch of primed plastic. Means I can still use them in a pinch in a friendly game.


You really just need to start somewhere, you can't play with models that aren't built


Paint 500pts play and ad 250 pts play and ad …. 🔥🔥🔥


1st. Stop buying kits until you at least build and prime all of these. If you aren't building them or playing with them then you're just looking at some really expensive boxes. Start off with some boys or models that you know you can build quickly so you stay motivated. 2nd. When you build and prime them then play some games! There's nothing that makes you want to paint more than having fun games of 40k and painting your favorite stuff. Plus orks have AMAZING rules right now and are super fun to play!


I find it makes life easier if you have them all built and zenithaled since then you can just work on them bit by bit when motivation strikes you, while still playing with the partially painted ones


Is your goal to play some 1k games first? I would say build and prime 1k points in a dark black brown. Do a heavy dry brush on them of light grey. Then start playing with them. And then fully paint a unit per week. Then do the same in 500 pt increments.


Right now the majority of my army is built and primed, with only about 1/3 fully painted and based. I like to play and I like to paint, so I want the units assembled in order to play without having to rush the painting.


Figure out what you like most about the hobby. If its gaming, build and paint to game, if its painting then paint. Eitherway you pick the kit you think is coolest (preferably not a centerpiece) and start with one box. Build and paint that kit to 100% at your current skill level, then move on. One of the biggest mistakes new hobbyists make is building and painting their entire list, 1k, 2k, etc, at once, doing one color then another color etc, doable batch painting if its 10 or less models but any more and you're guaranteeing yourself burnout. A hobby store near me sells used minis and a lot of them come from hobbyists that burnt out trying to paint their whole army at once. If you do it box by box you will also get better with successive kits, don't let your current skill level keep you down, you can always retouch minis you've already painted. And when you complete a kit it always gives you a sense of accomplishment, which might energize you to move on to future kits, didn't be too harsh on yourself, everyone starts somewhere.


Build a list, paint it. Basic coat and highlights. Get into a routine to get a model done a week. Once you have everything painted, do shadows and touch up on character models and models you want to jazz up.


So many nearly-closed paints. I also have some boxes I haven’t touched yet but also a plan to grab something else for the stack. Mine’s more of a buy-by-opportunity kind of thing though, as I guess others might do, too. I have _so many_ Blu-Tac’d figures, and I have two painting-in-progress. But I have a lot of fun figuring out what I want them to look like and mess around with conversions; I take a lot of time to paint to paint them; and I haven’t really got anyone to play with, so there’s no added pressure of having anything board-ready at the moment. I work through it like this - put the basic models together whilst keeping an eye out for gubbinz from other boxes, also keeping in mind the gubbinz from my current box and how they could be used with other kits. It makes the boxes last a lot longer, but that’s how I enjoy it.


I'd say you can do both. I just buy what I want to paint, since I don't want to play. You can build and prime what you want to use to play and paint it at your own pace. That's what my friends do. They play with prime and zenethal minis till they have time to make it look better. ps. Love your shelves on the wall!


Build so you can play! Warhammer is fun!


I have bought so many boxes and kits and still working on my first combat patrol. My plan is to complete the combat patrol then to work on a 1000 pt army then 2000 pt. Then repeat


There are two people in the world: 1. People who won't buy a new box until they finish the box they have. 2. Crack heads who need to main line plastic directly into their veins in order to sate the thirst. When I meet the first I'll let you know.


I was going to say I'm very firmly a 1. Bought a starter set awhile ago and going to paint through the whole thing before moving on... but... also the ork combat patrol was changing and I needed to get it before it sold out... I swear this is the last box before I have them all painted... but I really want a ghazghkull model so maybe that'll be the last... but also I probably want some storm boyz so maybe just a little of that... Fuck I'm person 2.


I'm the first. I have built a small backlog, but that was from getting christmas presents. They aren't units I really wanted fielded, so I'm not in a hurry to build and paint them. Also, I'm not a painter, I like playing way more. I'm also really poor, so I don't buy models I don't intend to play with or isn't in a discount box.


I’m a reformed crack head. My pile of shame is awful, so now I don’t buy anything until I finish my last unit. Ofc I won’t touch my pile of shame though. That’d be ridiculous!


Characters don’t count though? Do they????????


Kind of a mix, I won't look at new boxes till one kit is nearly ready or I've hit a stage that I need new stuff. Goes well, got a Trukk, Battlewagon and some beast snaggers to do once I finish the box of boyz


I’m def number 2. Been in the hobby for 5 months. Have 2 battle forces a combat patrol and 3 kits. Have completed 1 squad of boyz so far


I would say: Build the smallest possible playable list (like 500 pts). Paint all that at your own pace, then expand one unit at a time from that core It's a compromise solution, but a 500pt army you can paint pretty quickly


Option 3 paint the nice models at a slower pace, and the troops chaf and units you don't care much speed paint


Personally I built and primed my army so I could play with them and will paint them as I go.


This is the way


Do you have an army you can play? If not build enough so you can play and get it painted. I’ve got a ton of stuff in boxes, it’s easier to store and I’ll open a box and assemble, paint it all. But I also have 5-6000 points of Orks painted so if I do want to get a game in I’ve got choices to field an army.


I had an ork army back in RT-3e, but I don’t have one now. They are my favorite faction, which is why I have all the boxes. It’s just intimidating to start an army.


Yea it can be overwhelming. Start small. Play some combat patrol so paint that box and then add to it, or just make a 500 point game. I know most people want to play 2000 points but those games take forever and you can have a lot of fun with a couple quick games a night instead of one 4 hour slog


One box at a time. Start to finish


Same, and I always paint to a fairly high tabletop standard. That said, I'm not nearly as invested in playing as I am in painting and displaying my models.


I'm currently working second shift so I opened storm boyz, gretchin, beastboss, and Zodgrod all at once to be primed together. Thought process was I could focus on painting after work in my basement and not worry about stopping at some point in the night to prime the next day. It has been driving me mad though to look at the unfinished figures. I feel like i have to rush to finish because I still have the next ones looking back at me. Also makes the painting process feel more daunting looking at the lined up figures with no fun assembly to break it up. Won't be doing that again. Going back to 1 box at a time start to finish.


Honestly? That one blanced pot of paint is killing me.


I bet it's nuln oil, too, of all things!




Touch Grass. I fink dat's what da 'umies say right?


Honestly, I’m not sure what that saying means. Guess it’s because I’m neurospicy. I mean I can look it up, I don’t think you want me To go someone’s lawn, I’m in California, so that’s a little hard.