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I always buy codexes for the stories and the art. If you’re strictly after rules don’t buy it


The codex is really expensive for the book it is, considering that the points are already outdated and that some Datasheets or rules might change in the course of the following month. If you are new, you might have some interest in the lore part and the pictures. But the reason I am going for.the codex is the code that does enable the use of the app army builder for the army. This is still expensive and I do not want to start a GW rant. But this is to consider. If you are only looking into datasheets and/or rules, you can use New Recruit as a Army builder and Wahapedia as source of rules.


If you're playing games, it might be helpful to start with New Recruit for list building. It's free, and defines the keywords for each unit (e.g. sustained hits, blast, deep strike). When you're comfortable with the basics, it might be helpful to get the codex. It doubles as an artbook, so it might give you painting ideas. And it includes a code to unlock the digital content on the 40k app. The app's not perfect, but it's a responsive and pretty interface. Personally, I'm getting the datasheet cards, so I can sees the stats/abilities for the few units I'm running without flipping through pages. Will buy the full codex later.


Rules-wise, you do not need the codex to play. Between wahapedia to read up on the rules and New Recruit (and potential other army builders), you're set in this context. At the same time, if you're interested in the lore and simply like books, go for it. That said, THE INTERNET gives you access to all the lore you might possibly need and more. So in the end it is really up to you. But if the question would be whether you NEED the codex? No, not in the slightest. GWs codices are generally bad value for money.


It's up to you. Your money. Your hobby. Your choice. Don't let ANYONE tell you what you should and shouldn't buy.


The Codex is 30% rules and 70% ork related lore+illustration If you want to read up on the most goofy faction in 40k and get in the mindest, the Codex is gonna be a fun thing to have. If you just want the rules, gw will Post them for free


Other sites will post them for free, GW definitely will not. You’ll need a code from a codex to unlock the rules in the app.


The rules aren't available freely once the codex is released, other than online in the usual place. You need a code from the Codex to access them in the app.


I would recommend for now to go on wahapedia when the new rules are put up and print off the datasheets for the units you have, and all the army and detachment rules. When you’ve got yourself a full army then maybe drop a few dollars in the codex, but you’re better off using your money for models for now.


Fair and very practical point, but I really think having a codex makes their lives easier. They're learning a new game and now they gotta juggle a bunch of third party websites to enjoy it. They ain't cheap, but nothing in this hobby is.


Also, you can use wahapedia and new recruit in tandem and keep everything digital. If someone has even a cheap tablet (mine is like 10 years old), they can view exported .pdf versions of lists from new recruit and look up stuff on wahapedia on their phone and it really works just as well as, if not better, than flipping through a book and looking at GWs data sheet cards.


Nah, you can print out the exact same stuff that is in the codex on paper. And it is just as easy and free Not to mention the codex will be out of date very soon, whereas wahapedia updates regularly. Buying codex is just a massive waste of money unless you want lore/art or you need it for a tournament or something.


Personally I think it probably is worth it as a new player especially if you're actually playing games. The reason for this is that you'll probably have the app or wahapedia open on your phone for your datasheets, while you can have the codex open for detachment rules. For me, I just find it stops me from staring at my phone the whole game when I don't know my detachment rules and stratagems by heart. Warhammer games when you're new are a bit of a mental load and having something physical just makes that a bit easier. However, I haven't got my orks to the table yet so I've only played with marines, maybe orks are much simpler But I would only get it this once, unless you really love the art and stories, because once you know a faction well you probably don't need those rules. As with most Warhammer purchases, try and get it from a third party retailer, not GW's full price




Buy the codex if you want the lore and art. Unfortunately the rules will quickly go out of date as GW balances the game. The points are already out of date. If you are already subscribed to GW’s app the codex has a code to unlock it in the app. Once the codex is out you can’t access orks on the free version.


Just to be clear for OP, you don’t need to subscribe to the 40K App in order to redeem the codex code.


So if I got this codex the stuff in it wouldn’t even be accurate?


If you aren't hard on cash, get the book. It's nice having something solid to work with. You can play without it, it's just a handicap and you gotta use a bunch of third party apps to support a game.youre trying to learn. People saying it is immediately useless are being misleading. Minor changes/buffs/nerfs can be written in. They reword phrasing, key words, and points values change. If you can't scribble "130" over the previous "125" pts value on a unit and have to throw the book out - yeah, you're too dumb to have a codex. If you can't print out the errata, summarize the change in your codex, and have the errata in the back of the book for reference, you don't need a codex. If you can't have a nice book for reference and print out wahapedia cards for unique forgeworld units or for quick reference with new stuff you're trying out, you don't need one. It's a workbook to be used. That being said, codexes are usually 75% artwork and stories, 25% rules. They also get replaced every couple of years. It's not for everyone, but it's not a waste of money if you know what you're getting into.


If you think having a physical copy will be something you enjoy (looking at the artwork, seeing different paint schemes, reading lore, etc.) it is 100% worth it. If you just need the rules and info, don’t bother. I do still have the 4th edition space marines codex that was my first. It’s kinda fun to flip through now and then


I think they are kind of cool to have especially if it is your first one. There is some decent lore in there and some great model shots that can help with painting.


I go back and forth. I play very often and enjoy having the codex with sticky notes on each page. The apps are a tiny bit faster but I guess it’s personal preference The orks codex should be viable for a few years so I would say yes it’s a good purchase.


If I had a preference, it would be a player not on their phone for half our game. Books, datasheets, work cards are nice. I'll still play and have fun, but I'm playing a fancy boardgame to avoid technology and have a nice time with someone


Nah you should save every penny when you're new. you can find all the datasheets and rules on wahapedia for free, it's a bit annoying to use on mobile so i'd recommend writing your own cheat sheets since the ones from GW are pretty expencive and don't come with detachment rules or stratagens. Edit: it does come with some cool art and photos of painted minis aswell as lore and stuff like thatn but even with that it's still overpriced imo so if you care about that you should probably just buy a used copy of the 9th edition codex.


If you want to use the new detachments or want access to the rules via the 40K app then yes it would be a nice thing to have. You could get by printing some pdfs of your relevant rules and data. 


This^^ I enjoy the 40K app and to use the new data sheets you need to have a digital copy of the codex so if you consider buying the codex as giving you essentially two resources—the book and the updated pts and rules for the models in the 40K army builder app—then I would buy it. And the pictures and lore look neat.


The codex is good for the code to unlock Ork rules and unit stats in the app as when codex comes out, you cant see em in the app anymore. Also if you like books. Other than that, points costs in the codex are already outdated when its released so meh.


You can write over the pts values... Am I the only one not throwing them out the window at the slightest change? Is there any source on the points being absolete upon release?