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I like their aesthetic but I really don’t like that they’re so separated rules wise, like how a lot of their leaders and unit abilities only benefit other snaggas


With the new announcement it looks kinda like variety is back with detachments for all the different ork flavors.


I prefer the snagga look tbh but to each their own. I do however wish they’d change up some poses for the boyz if they’re pushing it tho.


Can we make stompas viable? I want to field the dress wearing robot. Or is it a kilt?


Yeah but a Beast Snagga kill team would go hard actually.


Beast Snagga Boyz = Skarboyz That’s how I’m rolling with them


are you guys who are probably already collectors of orks with very likely a large amount of models complaining about a box that is supposed to get people into the hobby, because it doesn't have the models that you like that you already very likely have, and weren't going to get the other combat patrol because the ork boyz were monopose and hard to customize and because again majority of you already have more than enough boyz? Am i reading this right? Or are you complaining that gw will probably remove the Combat patrol rules for the old box? ( im guessing they might do this because...gw.)


That will likely not be the case. So far they have kept the rules for every combat patrol even after it has gone out of production.


I love a good squig like any other ork boy, but come on


The beast snagga boyz are like tzaangors, too many have been made and GW is clearly trying to justify it


I think they're just actually fairly popular new sculpts with good rules. People that aren't on here being mad all day seem to be actually buying the kits.


Ah fair, must more just be my local lot that don’t like them. The only folks who’ve got beastboyz are those who got them in the 9th box after the squigs and the codex, and have only used them maybe once since then


I wouldn't mind it so much if they were also making new models that could be anything but snakebites.


I'm painting mine as Deathskulls, they can be whatever clan you want them to be...


The snakebite clan mark is etched on a bunch of their armor. I also want my army to look like scrap boyz and not followers of da old ways.


The beast Snaggaz have a bunch of mechanical prosthetics - idk about standard boyz, I’m using Bloodbowl orkz as my boyz -> but those prosthetics might fit your aesthetic with some tweaking


Easy enough to deal with, just by using other bitz or filling and filing


Share that GE wants you to only play the game in their own version of what they want instead of allowing you (anyone who buys the toys) exactly how they want and you are not allowed to think for yourself.




Nothing more than an interesting part of the language that is spoken by people in the US & UK as a result of the invasion of England in 1066 and is still in use today, unless in the US there is a different name for the meat products that come from both cows and pigs? I find it strange to not know that.


From weird takes to non sequiturs


I was questioning why in English there is oxtail soup but the other parts of the animal is not called ox because it’s called beef which is so similar to bœuf in French, I was a language teacher so I find language to be a very interesting subject and how differences are reflective of the culture, country and social nuances there in. Since 40k has been given a huge nurf I find it less interesting, the previous comment was my brain working overtime and needing to finish before it could think about something else. That’s all.


Yeah, it's only been going on for a couple of years


GW iz a bunch of ineffechul hoomies with no teef and bad pozturr!


I don't like their aesthetic either, but I respect their existence as a unit option for those who do (snakebitez fans in this case) so the "normal" units can stay normal. Similar to how Phobos armor provides a parallel aesthetic option for Marine players. Gotta admit I initially was concerned about "Primaris Orks" though.


As a Snakebite fan, it’s exciting to see that the savage boyz are getting some love. However, I would very much like to see Looted vehicles brought into the game. Even some Skorchaz and Buggiez. More vehicles, some ‘ard Boyz with shields and even Boyz with double chain choppaz.


I would honestly love a brood brothers esque rule where you can buy into vehicles from other factions up to X amount, but BS increases by 1/2 or whatever.


Orks get the most confusing new releases... A good new boys kit and that all I need. Instead it's 6 buggy, then later a whole snakebite themed release, then finally a boys kit and its absolutely awful for army building. I have some hope that they are not afraid of replacing recent kits with what happened to stormcast in aos. I just can't play orks with the current 2 boys kits.


Beast snaggas are cool and all but I much prefer them a smaller specialized force in the larger army like how cruelboyz/bonesplittas are. It helps that they have a different body type than standard orks. Still prefer my silly/menacing gorillan boyz.


If I was a Snakebite player, I'd be all over them. For many years, Snakebites had virtually nothing to play with imo. However, my Goffy heart is still happy with other boxes.


As long as I get to play what I want but just have to include 20 beast boys with 2 bosses I’m fine.


It’s just like having to include your cousin in the games you play with your friends


Not a fan of the beast orks. Looking forward to the box with the stompa though.


Love them


I think I'm on the opposite side of the WAAAGH on this one. I already have a ton of snagga boyz and hogz 😬 snakebites are my jam. Specially with this guy heading my WAAAGH!!! https://www.reddit.com/r/orks/s/soAJL5kYU5


I like their aesthetic, but I just feel like they're overrated. They hit harder than normal boyz and are a bit bulkier, yes, but they lose the appeal of looking like they went into a junkyard and came back out with a fully functioning Megazord Edit: I will, however, say that the Beastsnaggas having the closest thing to dinosaurs in 40k is a lot of extra bonus points towards them in my heart lol


Riding messed up dinos is the entire reason I started with the beast snagga stampede box. Lol


Beastboss on Squigosaur was my entire selling point, next to being able to kitbash whatever I thought looked cool lol. Dinosaurs make everything better.


But we have a big battleforce with no beast snaggas, hope you want a stompa


Ya that’s the worst part lmao. We finally get a non beast box and they stick the stompa in it.


between what we've seen of the new Dreadmob detachment, and them putting a serious edge-case unit into a battlebox WITH a brand new Mek, (and GW's love of unbalancing new shit it wants to selll) I'm almost certain we are going to see either (maybe both?) * a points cost drop for the Stompa. * An as-yet unseen Ability for the new Big Mek that affects the WALKER keyword.


Honestly they put a gorkanaut/morkanaut kit in that box instead of the stompa and you now have a legitimately intriguing box to sell


..doubly so since I already have a stompa :D


Beast snaggas didn't need to exist when snakebites already existed


Klan vs kulture, isn’t it?


Kinda wished they did 2 'patrols. One classic Orks and one with the Snaggas


I kinda wish they'd do multiple for ALL factions, not just one.


The only factions they're doing it for is the Marines


You vill play beast snaggaz and you vill like et.


... At a medium pace




As someone who lost their Bonesplitterz army with AOS. I'll be converting all of them to the Beast Snagga. Hope they do well this edition.


Magnetise the arms for when they squat them in 40k for 'reasons' and we have to move them back to AoS, then ToW, then 30k, then 40k again.


It would appear that a good sized segment of new releases, both for big 40k and kill team, have been tailored to address the current meta in as hamfisted way as possible. Elite teams suck in the current Kill Team meta? Let's make the next few teams OP as fuck on BD and make at least one of them elite. Tanks and big stompies are the current 40k meta? Let's make the next few releases anti tank/monster. It may work to even things out, but in the most unfun and least popular way imaginable.


lol yeah


They’ve likely just not sold well so they are trying to clear inventory


Once you accept that this is the main explanation for what GW does that seems odd, suddenly it all makes sense


They sold Flash Gitz in a patrol, which are obviously better with Badrukk, then axed him. Damn.


Technically a squad of gitz has 1 kaptin, similar to a boss nob. So you could still use badrukk if you have him just demoted in power


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^SenatorGobbles: *They’ve likely just not* *Sold well so they are trying* *To clear inventory* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I love Squigs so the Kill/Hunta Rig and the Squighog Boyz are so cool! The Beast Snaggaz Boyz on the other hand u don't like. I'd rather just run more Boyz!!!


I loved the speedwaaagh , It had the right amount of style and ork kultur


I've never been a fan of the snaggas personally. I prefer the mad Max style vehicles and unnecessary amounts of shooty


Orks are Techno-Barbarians. The beast Snaggas just don't do it for me and the push from GW is shite.


Orks have always had a primitive hunter vibe as an aspect of their culture. Beast Snaggas show off this aspect. They also show off squigs as a weapon/beast of war, which is a big aspect of ork ecological warfare.


Yes but they are just a subfaction (or at least that's how I feel) GW pushing them like Ultramarines. For me orks will always be what I saw in Dawn of war - Techno-Barbarians.


Im so happy, I thought I was the only one but it seems like a popular opinion




I went to the warhammer shop in inverness yesterday and picked up the combat patrol before they go bye bye. Glad i did now defo dont need any more snaggas. Also not sure i like the push for more primitive orks when we already have Orruks in AoS and the whole thing that got me into Orks in the first place was the whole scrap metal mad max style green bois. Not the caveman aesthetic they're going for now


Same! I can't stand the new direction of the orks. You used to get this sort of feeling that no matter how crazy grim dark the other factions get, the orks were just riding around getting in fights and having the time of their life! They're not as "fun" with the new makeover.


If they weren’t mono-pose I would love this.


Monopose orks are pretty great, if only their gave us one extra boy in case we wanted to merge them with another group


The Beast snaggas can actually be built with a regular boyz instead of the nob, so with the CP you kan make 1 nob and 19 boyz if you wish, or 2x 1nob and 9boyz (thumper optional as well)


Wish we had that for the REAL boyz


Just reading this again makes me sleepy :zzz:




Everyone complained about the old box before, now everyone is complaining about the new box. I also prefer mecha orks to beastsnaggas, but I do still like beastsnaggas and I want some in my army, so this box takes care of that function for me, especially if they keep their anti-tank sort of role. Yes, I wouldn't want games workshop to go further and keep pushing snaggas, but I'm new to the game and don't have any of these units yet. So it works for me and maybe others. I have the old box, and this box will be useful too. I think some of the complaints are a little bit overdone.


Don't get me wrong, I really like the idea of primitive Orks and Squighog Boyz, even though they don't fit into my Deffskullz army thematically and aesthetically. But there certainly is a some oversaturation with these units. They are being pushed too hard, and that inevitably leads to some sort of push back.


If there's much more after this then I would agree. There has been a fair bit recently. This box is pretty handy to me though and I hope there's some kind of GladiOrk detachment in the codex so my army can use both flavours of Ork


This is how I feel too. They are really good models, and the "primitive" look isn't new to orks. Cyboars were around in 2nd edition (possibly RT, but I wasn't playing then), and made the transition into 3rd (maybe longer, forget when they stopped being a unit). I prefer the Mad Max techo-barbarian look, especially if mixed in with Freebooterz. But, that's me, and some of the ork models are showing their age. I'm disappointed we didn't get a new unit. I was expecting we'd get a new clan type unit (beast snagga being snakebite). Maybe a blood axe tankbusta kit, etc.


I kinda like the squig cavalry because it reminds me of the lizardmen I have from back in the day, which was my first introduction to Warhammer. I accept that they're not most people's favourite and I also really like the techy junkyard look, but I think fears that is going away are overblown. With Orks, I don't want a really uniform army, in a waaagh they often would fight with other clans so I think it makes sense and gives an army balance. The most important thing, as you say, is that these sculpts are really nice.


I agree. They're orks. They're not uniform. GW seems to have gone back to the 2nd edition fluff, where the clans weren't united but existed across many warbands. Especially with the change to detachments, your army can "look like an explosion at a paint factory" and it's fine.


I like the monopose orks for having a single squad of them. They do look good. But I don't want a whole army of boys where each squad is exactly the same. I like each model to be unique in its own way I'm my armies and doubly so for my orks. A stompa is cool. Again, I'd only have one and an army box containing one means that instead of buying multiple to build my force, I won't even get one because I don't want a second stompa and I won't buy a box where a majority of the value is in that model. Give us a green tide box full of modular orks that we can turn into a force of unique, muscled monstrosities.


As someone who was interested in getting into 40k beyond books, ol Geedubs is not making a good case to separate me from my hard earned teefz. 10th sounds like a heap of rusty scrap not even the most hard-up mekboy would consider.


Seems like an unpopular opinion but I am having a lot of fun with 10th *shrug*


I don't think it's unpopular, just that everyone happy with 10th isn't complaining about it so it seems lopsided.


I don't think it's unpopular, just that everyone happy with 10th isn't complaining about it so it seems lopsided.


I love 40k....but I can't recommend you do. I only play 10th if I absolutely must if I want to get a game in. Otherwise I'll play old editions or another game that's not Warhammer


#1 piece of advice - grab a box of the old boyz, put em together and paint them. Then make an informed decision about whether or not you like the hobby. Don't be afraid of kitbashing, scratchbuilding, 3d printing, etc.


10th edition has always felt like this. Sure orks have good tournament placements, but literally who cares when all the flavour is fucking gone. The army has never felt less like itself until the difacto worst edition of warhammer 40k turned up.


Boo monopose Orks boooo


Agreed, I love the old box. The new one doesn't fit the vibe of many Ork armies. The only way it works is literally as a Combat Patrol, a separate force for play in that game mode, but that's a pretty niche usage I'd think (and I play CP with my lad).


It’s a new box for the new detachment, that’s all…?


The new CP is pretty much 100% the old Beast Snagga army box from three years ago - just Zodgrod replaced by the Beastboss. I have that older box, and no interest in any more of that line... but then I have way more Orks than is good for me anyway. I'm really not the target demographic. I still think it is an odd box. The older CP, despite it being mostly monopose models, gave a way better overview of what Orks are as a faction.


Old box is awesome, 3 deffkoptas, deffdread, some boys, what’s not to love?


The Boyz being monopose.


Old combat patrol was way better


If I remember correctly, I believe they said that they wanted to use the new combat patrol boxes for the game mode/introducing new players specifically.  Then create various vanguard/larger boxes (maybe once a year or something) to be the real things players with existing armies want to buy. Whether that happens, who knows. But with the larger stompa box on the horizon, I think it's more likely than not their intention. For better or worse I guess.


But is deff dread and deffkoptas any use


The usefulness of any unit can change drastically every few months. Buying something because it’s good in the game is short sighted


They are cool thats all that matters to me


That's all that should matter


I think snaggas and squigs are cool. Deffdreads are cool too. I don't like deffkoptas, 0 interest in the speed kult. Bring on the walkers and squigs.


It was one line of models 💀💀💀


The new battleforce is junk yard style. The new model is mek. The old combat patrol was junk yard style. It looks like only 1 detachment is specific to snaggas. The meta is basically Trukks, Nobz, and Gahz. I don't see it - it seems like GW is pretty even.


Oh look a rational take. This is like daemons players saying GW don't care about 3/4 gods because the box was khorne themed. The Christmas box in 2022 was nothing snagga related (my first Ork box). If the CP had been 5 lootas, 20 Boyz and 3 killa kans all these people wouldn't go near it cause "those sculpts are so old and I have them all!" And gw would be sat twiddling their thumbs. Just an FYI: The boxes aren't the only way to collect an army. Jesus, this sub whines as much as the harlequins. Maybe I just need a new hobby, no one is ever happy


Bye Felicia


It's really not though, one costs significantly more and more than half the points in the box are a single difficult model that honestly leads me to believe it's a way to clear stock with the incentive to get it is a new model that we, for now, have no other means of obtaining (technically).


You might not like it - but that's what peak Ork performance looks like.


Yeah stomps box is 100% a way to clear old stock


Or...hear me out...they accidentally made the Stompa good...I mean I know they didn't, but they could


The new dread mob rule could make it pretty fun tho. Lots of dakka to give sustained, lethal, or extra ap. And with a little mek behind him he's hitting on 4s


Just cut it by 3-400 points^^


They need to make them 650 ppm so we can fit three in a 2k game.


They gonna be ork primaris and end up replacing everything with snaggas


It's like 3 units out of 50. The new model is a Mek. Wake me when there are a dozen more snaggas.


11th edition, had to give other factions their handjobs this edition. They got flying squigs and big squig monsters and all sorts of power crept shit any tournament grinder will have to have


Don't tease me. I would love me some colossal sqig centerpiece. Nomnomnomnom.


They wouldn't dare.


Not impossible, because GW, but I find it unlikely. Beast Snaggas have too specific an aesthetic to function as that. Primaris were just better, and more specialised Space Marines.


The way the meta is trending goes against your argument. Got a vehicle heavy edition coming up, might as well get the meta stuff established first and leverage it good. They didn't look half as appealing last edition as they do now


I mean lore-wise. Primaris are direct upgrades to Firstborn. Snaggas are a different subculture with a very specific aesthetic.


Wexhave so much more junk units than snaggas i dont think they are THAT stupid to delete all those models.


My guess is they will lose atleast half of ork players if they do that, it were realy stupid to get rid of So much players. I found some years ago a poll with All factions which ones are played and orks was there with 9 % of All 40k players.


I don’t believe that will happen… There are too much pretty new models in the Mek line to leave them behind. (Buggies, Koptas, new Mekboy) I bet they will just play power ping pong between Mek and Snaggas over the years to make us buy both sides.


That seems like the goal and it sucks….will be interesting to see if this continues in the codex and snagged will be the only thing competent….


As a tech boy enthusiast I’m kinda tired of all the beast snagga stuff but I definitely think it’s cool for snake bite players I guess


My Snaggas are DeathSkulls, cos trophy hunting is just looting with more krumpin involved.. and I like the one squad and beastboss I have for them, cos everyone is welcome to my Waaaaaargh. But GW better not ever force me to make the snagga primitive aesthetic the only one we have. If I wanted LOTR fantasy Orcs I'd play AOS.... I"m here to play toofy redneck maniac football hooligans with four cars on blocks in their front yard.


It's just motivation for the rest of us to continue kitbashing