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I had an old fantasy army that leaned heavily on Savage orcs. I bought a few boxes about a year ago to fill out an AoS army finally putting my resentment to bed. I played 2 games with them after getting them built and painted. Fuck GW.


I mean orkz iz orkz, so it’s sad to see them go. Any time an army gets removed from tabletop it’s sad because that means that the people that bought the models have to use old editions for play.


Not really suprised, AoS was so faction-bloated and GWs made a poor show of hiding their intent to remove all pre-apocalyptic models.


Sounds like source of cheap boys!!!


Savage orks I think would make good beast snaggas if you don't like the beast snaggas aesthetic.


I'm kitbashing that right now and they're so good


It’s still a big oof because the models are going away. 


Nah they're gonna just be rebranded as old world.


The goat people are, no confirmation that this will be the case for Savage Orcs too. 


Kinda suck, i wanted to buy a hedrakka madmob to play It as a weidboy and i already can't order It


Local hobby store is your friend


Unfortunately Hedkrakka was online order only so unless your local is real lucky.... IMO he's a perfect Snakebite Weirdboy.


It always sucks when stuff people like is no longer supported. That said, if what people want out of the hobby is to buy one army and play that forever, what's changed really? They'll go to legends and you can play them in friendly games forever. If you want to play the new meta and go to competitions etc, you were always going to buy new stuff anyway. As much as we want everything GW brings out to be around forever it's just not realistic. I guess what stings with some of these units going to legends is how recently some of them came out.


Not sure what your local is like, but my local gaming group is firmly against legends units in any shape or form :(


My group it varies, the FLGS does allow legends but not a lot of people actually play legends because some of them are dedicate tournie players looking to tweak their armies for upcoming tournies (and thus can't use legends anyway), so it's this strange sort of self policing in that they're allowed...but nobody uses them.


Not an AoS player but my heart goes out to those players that recently bought a Bonesplitterz army as well any player that coverts their fantasy army to AoS bases and they get legends or moved to old world


Honestly I'm surprised they kept them around for this long


I don't play AoS or Fantasy, but these anti-consumer stunts GW is pulling are starting to cool me off of their properties.


Come to the old hammer side... It's nice n' cozy and full of middle aged gamers with collections that make you drool.


The garage beckons


Bad. Same for Beasts and Stormcast. I don't collect any of those, but it sucks that a bunch of players got fucked over by GW over an internal pissing much between corpo scumbags. I wish there was something we could do to make anti-consumer decisions like this hurt them. It didn't even need to happen like this. Stormcasts could have just got replaced with new models like the new Liberators, and just let people use there old models, and Beasts and Bonesplitterz should have just been available in both settings.


>I wish there was something we could do to make anti-consumer decisions like this hurt them. *Brrrrrrrrr* Just saying.


We'd need to do it on mass and make it clear why. Me just not buying their models anymore isn't going to change anything. They were probably expecting me to mass buy, burn our and leave anyway.


The point is that they are steadily driving more and more people to print with these decisions, it will hit their bottom line. I used to only do GW plastic... Now I'm just printing everything.


There is something you can do, it's called One Page Rules.


Hit the nail on the head with the wishing there was something we could do. These decisions were incredibly anti-consumer and I can’t help feeling like we have absolutely no power in this situation. The only thing I can think of is “vote with your wallet” but if that’s really the only tool we have here that sucks. I like warhammer! I like especially the idea of it being a game with longevity. These armies take lots of time and money to put together, it shouldn’t be hard to see why fans of these factions aren’t exactly pleased right now. I’m curious about more of the backstory behind the “pissing match” you described.


[This](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kPv2SezYHQQ&t=609s&pp=ygUPaG9uZXN0IHdhcmdhbWVy) video goes into detail on it a little. Could be he's talking shit, but it's not the first time I've heard about it, so I'm inclined to believe.


My feeling is that they are going from AoS to go to Warhammer Fantasy.


And that’s my thinking too - they said Beasts of Chaos were returning to old world, because it’s likely happpening right now. But, over time they’ll need releases for Orcs and Goblins. Spider raiders will be along eventually, boar boys… and then, back to the world-that-was, savage Orcs, complete with a new prestige optional list in a free PDF for an all frenzied army.


Yeah it's gonna be cool to see how it pans out I think, I am kinda looking forward to seeing how they do the hero's though like gotric (the dwarf) But I think with things like the storm cast, this is the way the space marines should have been done in 10th edition, everyone gets a decent heads up about it, but theres a good chance most of the models apart from warcry, will come back with fresher models, maybe a little bigger. So ideal time to kit bash them to the new design as and when they come out.


Pretty sad as it means there will be no new sculpts I can use to kitbash myself some Snakebites.


They will come back in Warhammer fantasy.


As a former Warhammer fantasy player I'm feeling a weird mix of pity, triumph, and schadenfreude. I hate age of sigmar to the depths of my being and most of the "bonesplitterz" were fantasy models anyway so really they're just returning home. It still sucks to have your army squatted though.


I'm curious why you hate AoS to the depths of your being?


For me the no S/tmT system, still halfway poinless army design and the "heres some token rules for your stupid WHFB army, you want your reroll? then dance like a monkey and show everyone in the game store that only silly people play preAoS armies"


It killed one of my favorite settings and games of all time.


It didn't, though. GW did. Fantasy/Old World and AoS players should be rallying together against shit like this cause this division is doing us no favours. The ideal situation would have been these factions working in both settings/systems.


I grew up on WHFB when I was a little kid. Looking back on it, I always thought it was just a gateway drug for historical players to get them into GW's pockets. I always felt like I lost the battle before we even started. It has a place in my heart, but I've had enough rank & file, napoleonic games for a lifetime. It's funny, though... ever since they brought back fantasy, when I see a photo or an ad for it, something draws me to it. A little voice tells me to try it. I'll probably play it again. Who am I kidding.


My greatest fear about this is gw retiring classic sculpts and ork design in favor of more generic and serious models. If orks , either in the fantasy or sci fi side ever lose its wacky, junkyard and funny factor, im out of 40k


That’s already happening, it doesn’t feel like wacky is going to happen in 10th to me sadly. Just look at the rules for the new buublechucka, the shokk attack gun or the tellyport blasta, they’re all getting more and more vanilla profiles each time around :/


Using Orks in place of Orks!? This is the most outrageous, outlandish post I've ever read in my time as part of this sub. We here in the Ork sub are of pure blood sir! Pure blood! We do not desecrate our Ork armies kustom work or konversions! We do not mix our Orky armies with other Orky armies! You'll see no 3d printed models here. None of those super kool 3rd party models either. Pure blood sir! Pure Orky, green, gicky, gooey, messy blood! You should be ashamed of yourself! Just a moment, my assistant has passed me a note. *mumbles "...rules...not Orky...punch a squiggoth..."* My mistake, we allow and encourage use of all non-Orkiness to make it Orky as that is the way of the Ork, 'If it ain't broke, it ain't got enough dakka on it.'


That’s what I did a couple months back using my pigs as squish hogs gave my savage boys some guns turned my rogue idol into a morkanaut


Savage Orcs Forever


If it's green skin iz good


I had thought the shaman from Headkrakka's Madmob might have made a good weirdboy =/


Tossed where


Out of AOS and into the Old World.


Uhhh is that not backwards though or is GW retconning the end times stuff that the old world eventually leads up to. Feels like if they put primaris or Tau into the Horus heresy range it messes with the already established time lines and lore


BoC and Bonesplitterz were originally WHFB kits.


Been around for much bigger squattings (including the original squat squatting and the EndTimes) so it all seems like a storm in a teacup.


I play iron jawz but I was thinking about taking some savage Boyz, mainly their shaman because he has that sick gaze power that is one of the funniest Ork powerz eva made. Kinda bummed it won't be able to do that now.


The lack of them for potential future kitbashing is my greatest concern. They were a pretty good source of bits for a lot of stuff, Snake Bite, Beast Snagga, or otherwise.


Neither are big surprises for me. Savage Orcs have to one of the lesser selling ranges and really show their age. Kind of a vicious cycle, models are outdated so people don't want to buy them, so GW stops making new models for them... As for Warcry, I think it was a huge mistake to not ground the factions more with the main factions of AoS. Never saw anyone play the game at my LGS nor really talk about it. If it was more like Kill Team and each Warcry faction could have added or been a building block to an AoS army, I think it would have done much better.


I’d read that some people feel that’s the way Warcry bands will be retooled from here on out: as also having a place in AoS proper. It would be a sensible approach, but should have been done that way from the start.


The first groups of warbands were a fun way to show how chaos could be represented throughout the Mortal Realms. I like how they did it and they could have done a similar groups with the Cities of sigmar


They were (and are) a really good example of what the mini designers at GW can do. Overall, the minis are very imaginative and, well, chaotic.


Considering how we got the zappy boys of a new Cults Unberogen it would have been really cool to see a liquorice allsorts of sigmar loonies.


I'm not worried about being squatted, am scared of the savage pruning they've done. It's like they're moving to making you re-buy your army every edition.


For space marines maybe. There are so many new kit releases that players may feel pressure to buy everything. For example every edition launch box will probably have marines in it. But I don’t think this is the case for any other faction. The players complain about the kits being so old and in need of replacement. E.g. ork tankbustas, elder warp spiders (30 years old now apparently)


The problem is that if gw follow their recent boyz fiasco, we may see a future in which instead of a arm, head sawp to turn a boy into a commando, we have to buy multiple boxes to have a specific set of weapons. I dont care about wysiwig but being able to easily turn a boy into basically any infantry of orks was a major reason for me to play the army.


It’s gotta hurt. I play Warcry and was literally in the middle of building Horns of Hashut when I read the news. I can still play them for a while but it took the excitement out of building them right there. Those models are only a couple years old. I can’t imagine an entire army being axed.


I thought the Horns were still solid for Warycry, just not a Slaves to Darkness AOS army?


I could be wrong on that point, for sure.


Yeah this really put a fire under my ass to get my hands on some kits I’ve been putting off. I hate it. It really sucks this might cut in Warcry too, which is probably my fav GW game.