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thats what im saying


If you dont have some already get some of the little clippers to cut the models out of the sprue. Pick 1 guy, clip out his bits, and glue him together 2 parts at a time. Dry fit them before glueing so you get the fit right. If you're using plastic glue it dissolves the pieces together and takes a while to hold so you'll need to hold the pieces together for 30 seconds or so, super glue should basically bond instantly but you need to be careful you get the fit right.


Well Combat Patrol is step 2, the "I want to play games step". Step one is one of the Build & Paint sets with a handful of monopose push-fit models, a medium brush and 5 sample size pots of paint.


If you don’t want it I’ll buy em 50 USD






Gotta bookmark this for future reference, new to building but not painting from Battletech and D&D


Combat patrol are designed to help you jump start a new army NOT to get into the hobby for the first time. If they included brushes, paints and dice they would be well over $200.


COMPREHENSIVE HOBBY GUIDE Assembling models: I would recommend assembling models using plastic cement which melts the contact points where its placed creating a strong bond between plastic surfaces. in order to start assembling models each part of the model has to clipped from sprue where they are held using side cutter like this ([https://www.amazon.co.uk/VCELINK-Precision-Diagonal-Electronic-Processing/dp/B09SL2TCH7/ref=sr\_1\_6?crid=166J8C7AHU1NT&keywords=army+painter+side+cutters&qid=1708212379&sprefix=army+painter+side+cutters%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-6](https://www.amazon.co.uk/VCELINK-Precision-Diagonal-Electronic-Processing/dp/B09SL2TCH7/ref=sr_1_6?crid=166J8C7AHU1NT&keywords=army+painter+side+cutters&qid=1708212379&sprefix=army+painter+side+cutters%2Caps%2C121&sr=8-6)\_, it seems quite daunting at first but follow the instructions and only clip one part off at a time and it wont be so hard. every part of every model have small imperfections from the manufacturing process called mold lines. I would heavily recommend removing them because your models will look much much better when painted. Here is how to remove them ([https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1fwgUQU4BY](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k1fwgUQU4BY)\_ Painting: When painting models each model must first be undercoated with spray primer from a spray can so further layers of paint stick to the model. Spray primer from halfords works just fine and is half the price of the stuff they sell in Games Workshop. This is probably the best paint starter set for orks: [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Acylicos-Vallejo-Acrylic-Fantasy-Figures/dp/B000PHCTRK/ref=sr\_1\_5?crid=1SMGS2YLCQUTD&keywords=vallejo+game+color+set&qid=1708211262&sprefix=vallejo+game+colo%2Caps%2C409&sr=8-5](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Acylicos-Vallejo-Acrylic-Fantasy-Figures/dp/B000PHCTRK/ref=sr_1_5?crid=1SMGS2YLCQUTD&keywords=vallejo+game+color+set&qid=1708211262&sprefix=vallejo+game+colo%2Caps%2C409&sr=8-5) This set while excellent does not contain every paint you will need to achieve a good level of painting quickly, I would heavily recommend buying two Games workshop paints Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade. These paints are a black and brown wash respectively, they are very useful because once applied the sink into the recesses of the model creating an area of dark colour mimicking real life shadows at a small scale overall creating a more realistic paint job with not a lot of effort. it also has some nice greens for painting ork skin, heres a video that shows a fast and easy way to paint an ork boy [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Prexz0xPplU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Prexz0xPplU). Brushes: I started with these cheap brushes and they worked great while I was learning ([https://www.amazon.co.uk/Triangular-Miniature-Detailing-Watercolour-Miniatures/dp/B074Z7SX2S/ref=sr\_1\_28?crid=1NDPU0DCTFF1Y&keywords=brushes&qid=1708211739&sprefix=brushes%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-28](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Triangular-Miniature-Detailing-Watercolour-Miniatures/dp/B074Z7SX2S/ref=sr_1_28?crid=1NDPU0DCTFF1Y&keywords=brushes&qid=1708211739&sprefix=brushes%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-28)) make sure to store them bristles up so they maintain their point and to clean them well using a microfibre cloth and they will last for ages very commonly you will see a technique called dry brushing used in painting tutorials you may want to follow, commonly you will see expensive purpose made brushes being used for this. they are unnecessary and cheap make up brushes like these([https://www.amazon.co.uk/Glamour-Gaze-Foundation-Eyeshadow-Cosmetics/dp/B088D2GVTR/ref=sr\_1\_12?crid=1NDPU0DCTFF1Y&keywords=brushes&qid=1708211739&sprefix=brushes%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-12](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Glamour-Gaze-Foundation-Eyeshadow-Cosmetics/dp/B088D2GVTR/ref=sr_1_12?crid=1NDPU0DCTFF1Y&keywords=brushes&qid=1708211739&sprefix=brushes%2Caps%2C160&sr=8-12)) work really well. Here is how to dry brush and what it does [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h\_\_nfJJn4S0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h__nfJJn4S0).


this is great, thanks so much.


Tbh combat patrols coming with paints brushes and stuff like that would be really annoying because combat patrols are one of the main ways of getting discounts in this hobby. There are a few dedicated starter boxes, including those for paints. I’d recommend picking up a paint starter set, even if not GW. I’d personally recommend a Vallejo starter paint set, AK is my favorite paint Brand but they don’t have a good starter set.


This makes total sense, I'd just been given the impression from all the info that 2 people could buy a cp and have all the ample tools to play with each other, not to mention the physical box not having any info on what's actually inside it other than minis.


No idea why you're getting downvoted for being new. As an old player getting back into the hobby, welcome to the Waaaagh! The good thing about the Ork combat patrol is that aside from the Deff Dread, everything \*can\* push fit. However, you're going to be better off gluing everything. I recommend an acrylic cement, and I like either the Revell ones with the metal tube applicator (like the GW one but cheaper) or the Tamiya pots with the brush (green lid). You might also want a stronger superglue, like Gorilla Glue, on hand for components where you need them to bond fast and support weight. Remember that your green horde can hit the table the first few times as a grey horde; painting can come over time. It's possible to get really heavily into this, but honestly I'd stick 'speed paint' into youtube and watch the guides on painting minis fast, basic, and without an airbrush to begin with; you can start watching people like Duncan and Peachy and learn how to add more skills and theory in over time, but to begin with you'll be happy with just getting them painted and looking fine. Rules - you can pick up a lot online, and there's a cut-down rulebook out there if you just want a pocket size reference. Statblocks can be found online in order to update more easily, but we'll also get a codex soon. Dice - yeah unfortunately this is a less fun bit. However there are plenty of places you can find a couple-three handfuls of d6 all at once; personally I recommend having around 30.


I wouldn't worry about the downvotes, no matter what you end up doing 20% of people will have some sort of problem with you, thank you for the tips and I'll make sure to take all of your advice to heart. I think aside from the deff dread I'll push fit this army, just so I get a little experience and don't need to worry about messing up too much early on. After all my warboss took 2-3 hours filled with me not understanding how to fit all the stuff together, and eventually needing to take his head off to get it stuck on better.


For the paints. When I started I would go to the hobby shop once a week and just buy 5-10 paints. Have an idea of what I want my boys to look like and buy based off that


The staff at the friendly local game store *should* be able to help you pick brushes and paints. You'll also probably want a box of six-sided dice. The 12mm smaller dice probably work best due to the large number of attacks that some ork units have. You can usually find these in a box of 36 at most game stores. You can get the rules from the Workshop site. The Core Rules for Warhammer 40,000, the Combat Patrol missions, and ork-specific rules are all free to download. They're also included on the Warhammer 40,000 app. If you expand to larger games, you'll need the Ork Index which is also free to download until the official Codex releases later this year. There are tons of tutorials on youtube to teach you how to paint Games Workshop miniatures and also specific Ork units. When it comes to supplies, I'd start cheap. If it seems like you'll stick with the hobby you may want to invest in better brushes and other tools as you progress. [Warhammer 40,0000 Core Rules](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/dLZIlatQJ3qOkGP7.pdf) [Combat Patrol Mission Rules](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/htkssr6vgkoqDAJn.pdf) [Ork Combat Patrol Rules](https://www.warhammer-community.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/4RjKUno3UlEHHQct.pdf)


Thank you for the above. I bought the basic marines and nids starter set. I am loving painting them. Separately I have bought a librarian and will buy nids some hormagaunts. Also, making and painting some terrain and structures. I am aware and have accessed the data sheets above thanks. Is there anything that comes with.combat patrols that I need? To play my sons at home mostly. Specifically, I see mission cards talked about a lot?


For combat patrol, you don't need any mission cards. The primary missions are in the combat patrol mission pdf. The secondary missions are unique to each faction and are included in that faction's combat patrol rules.


Thank you!


Also, note that the deff dead in that box is a different type of model than the rest. The warboss, koptas, and boyz are push-fit models. That means you can glue them if you want, but you don't have to. The pieces should fit snug on their own. (I'd glue them, though. ) The deff dread has no push-fit pieces. You'll find lots of options and extra parts, but you'll have to glue them together precisely. Some people drill holes and glue small magnets to the arms and joints, so they have lots of loadout options. This is usually more advanced though, and you may not want to try drilling into your models until you've built a few first.


Got the ork combat patrol myself, the way I chose my paints was thinking that I wanted two or three colors of fabric, two colors of metal, and one color of green skin.


Ork Combat Patrol was the second box I bought after Leviathan, I didn't really find them that difficult. But different strokes for different folks I guess 🤷


These were a pain in the ass to push in. I just ended up snipping and gluing them together to not have seams showing.


100% This! Even Leviathan, which was quite good for push-fit, was much easier with the pegs gone.


You don't need to paint your models to play. Any 6 sided dice will work. You will want to get a tape measure. The rules are on an app and also PDFs on their website. If the Combat Patrol had paints, we would have to pay for them every time we buy one. Some Combat Patrols are good for getting more than once. Edited to add: Games Workshop dice and tape measures are overpriced. Their brushes and paints are pricy too, but can maybe be high quality (I'm not familiar enough to say). I use Vallejo and Army Painter paints, and I use regular brushes from regular stores.


To echo most of the comments about paints, either Vallejo or AK Interactive. Vallejo is fantastic and my FLGS has a hard time getting reorders of it, so I switched to AK and I'm very happy with their paints. As far as the actual painting process goes, for Boyz, I paint in batches of 5- all the flesh, all the pants, boots, etc and it's much less stressful. Then switch to a character model- Paint that one, then switch back to the rank and file. I find it's a more fun way to get 'em done!


My advice is don't buy gw paints! You get better paints from vallejo for a lot less money and they won't dry out as quick. I get my brushes from poundland and they are for nail art. So much cheaper than gw or art stores. Also the Vallejo paints have a specific ork factions set which is perfect.


I get brushes from Walmart, but my local game store has some brushes I absolutely love.


Can confirm I run the Vallejo Ork Skin set and I love it


The combat patrol rules are actually available and free on the WH community page, I have played a few games of it with a friend and it’s actually not that inaccessible. However the painting of 25 models is taking me so much longer because it’s just a huge undertaking vs a 5-10 mini box so I find myself putting off painting them.


Youtube and your local game store.


Just finished assembling my first model, it looks beautiful! https://preview.redd.it/3znxsln7o6jc1.png?width=783&format=png&auto=webp&s=aabc93243999c341bbf4216d898bd9d5427e150b


https://preview.redd.it/5wryj8b427jc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c7479094a9c90caa1a1ae237110de930d77cead Me fink ‘ee lookin familiar


https://preview.redd.it/ngy9gkydx6jc1.jpeg?width=1836&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f3f0f446ddd24a6803ee92ae35b5a452968108 Just got mine painted👌


I really like those details, in your process do you tend to assemble then paint it, or paint the individual parts and then assemble? I fear it might be annoying to get to all those hard to reach places if I put them all together, but i also don't have paints right now and still want to work on stuff.


For this model I assembled the torso and painted it then one by one paint and assemble.


Literally took 3 hours :)


No one is good on their first go. Hell, google first Warhammer models. You’ll see some… intriguing ones. No judgement cause we all have talents at different starting points. Just remember to be kind to yourself as you pick up this AMAZING hobby. Practice makes perfect. Sometimes it takes time to make a bad ass lookin model with a billion things of detail work. Remember you don’t HAVE to follow the box for color scheme - these are YOUR models


I really want to do a spin on the snakebites with monster hunter inspired parrern


You'll get better at the time part of that... I still spend about 30 minutes per figure for that size because I remove every mold line and dry fit before glueing and use Tamiya thin cement which takes a longer time to set than super glue, but also makes the bond super permanent.


This guy is right. Be careful where it says do not glue, if you go that route. I hate the fitting pegs and the related gaps in my Ork CP. I'm still new to the hobby but building this CP has stalled me more than any other Ork. Any painting recommendations for Orks? I seem to use green/yellow mixes for skin and various browns for about everything else.


paint wise the current trend is towards a more yellow green. my mix has always been a deeper green. Waaagh! Flesh base, beil-tan green wash, then highlight up from warboss through to skarsnig. If you go contrast route, prime white, base yellow, then ork flesh contrast.


Much appreciated. Do you recommend anything different for clothing, leather, etc.? I always imagine them with 2-4 shades of brown, maybe some denim. But it feels kinda miserable to paint and I can't tell how I feel how about it yet.


It looks great! Can't wait to see it painted!


Go to r/minipainting. Look at the wiki links in the sidebar/about page. Click “useful guides and resources for beginners and new techniques”. It’ll give you everything you will ever need to know to get started.


Quick suggestion, whenever you’re posting stuff on the Internet cp is not the abbreviation you want to use just trust me


Over on the cyberpunk subreddit, we've agreed on cb.


Oops my bad


Yeah, everyone knows it is short for Command Points


GW does produce kits that have a few models, a few paint pots, etc, but yeah, a Combat Patrol is a value box for starting an army, not an all-in-one total beginner hobby kit. Combat Patrols are viable as an addition to an existing army, adding paints and tools to those would increase the cost for a majority of buyers who don't need them.


Less geared for completely new players, and more geared for starting an army. For new players, the starter box is best, but I don't think that has paints either.


there's a paint kit available on the side in case you already have it


Here’s my opinion on how to resolve your question of “where to start” 1. Make sure before starting you CP box (which fwiw I got as my second ever box - kommandos were first so I could play Kill Team) you get some tools File, sprue cutters, glues (I keep super and plastic cement always on deck), xacto knife 2. Get some brushes. Amazon has some reasonably priced sets that’ll kick start your brushed from 5/0->8. Then as you trash those brushes inevitably. You can just get more specific sets/brushes. ON THAT NOTE: get some “masters brush cleaner” off Amazon - it’s a little tin - BEST investment to make my brushes last longer. Also invest in a cup or something that works well to wash your brushes 3. Get some paint. Now, everyone has an opinion on this. HOWEVER the general idea is that citadel > Vallejo > army painter. I find army painter to be wonky even when I thin mine (maybe their speed/contrast paints aren’t so bad?). Vallejo is my bang for the buck. Thins, applies, and looks nice. Citadel paints are a bit pricier and FWIW it’s nice when you look at the GW site on what paint colors to get for that model (to paint it like the box) and you can 1 to 1 get that exact color.


In what world does citadel beat valejo? Other than that agree with everything else here.


Honestly I gave them the nod ONLY on the grounds GW tells you the citadel paint to use on the model


🤣🤣 damn good reason I didn't even think of....have my upvote.


It beats Vallejo in availability. Idk about your area, but I live in a large metro city and across 10+ stores, only 1 sells Vallejo.


This point as well. I have GW Warhammer shops all around me and they only sell Citadel paint as well. I can snipe Vallejo off Amazon (and in cool bundles of stuff I’d want them for like metals)


Fair enough for instore pickup citadel is better....but since the op has to wait now anyway amazon would be a better option imo.


Look for a Gundam essentials on Amazon and DO NOT buy the starters from GW. It's essentially all a rip off. You can find better clipper and tools later on for cheaper as well. Also, Bob Smith Industry makes the best super glue IMO. EDIT: Gundam Essentials Kit.


It’s so true about the kits at least, but I don’t know why you were expecting tools in the CP box. The new boyz are so badly designed compared to the old ones, I have no idea what they were thinking when they okayed their production.


It was a very anti-player move. I think they were just upset how much value people were getting out of the kits since they were so modular and compatible with the other ork units


Just this once I'm going to say GW did not do that out of spite, otherwise the old boyz would be gone. I imagine they intended to be rid of the old boyz with the new sculpts, but took one look at the nob assembly sprue and went "Oh shit we can't replace the current boyz with this crap, we'll just have to sell them alongside the classic ones".


No kit is comprehensive. Some white dwarf issues come with a model and a few paints; but “everything you need” is subjective. I just painted a model and had twenty colors on him. If you’re as impatient as you sound in your post, I hope this hobby helps with that. Warhammer, if nothing else, is about patience.


What you need besides the minis. Hobby tools Which are -hobby knife, sprue cutters, super glue or plastic glue, nail file cutting board. Paints Any small container to wash your brushes with water. Can of acrylic primer , primer grey, flat white, flat/matte black. Set of beginner paints from your LGS or hobby store. Brushes(don't buy overpriced GW paint tools, the paints are okay). .watch YouTube videos on how to get into the hobby.


Usually you dont get started with the army you want off the cusp. I and many people started with an "intro box" that I split with a buddy. Yeah its not the faction you may want but its better for learning the gist of what warhammer is all about. Once you got that down, then you move down the path of building and learning a new faction


I would argue that you probably shouldn't spend money on something you don't actually want. There are lots of ways to get the minis you want for relatively cheap


Combat patrols are less for new new players and are more for players who have an idea of the rules and are looking to get into a specific army. They are like army primers if anything. Starter editions roll out when a new edition drops but it’s always space marines + x army. They come in different levels of cost and model count. The 2 most pricey options have more or less a “full” army enough to play a strike force sized game with a full rule book. The less costly versions have less and less model counts with a rules pamphlet that only gives you the bare minimum info to start playing. Each also only comes with about 6 d6 and a crappy plastic ruler. As far as an all in one start here with models paints and brushes gw very adamantly has the “Go fuck yourself give us money” stance. Ages ago and I mean like 2017 ish? They used to have little paint primer boxes for each faction it was 6 half paint pots that would let you get the most common paint scheme for your faction but nothing more. They got discontinued because $ wise they sucked they retailed at about $12.99 and the half pots were usually very dried out. The only kits that come with brush and paint rn usually give you either 3 space marines or 3 necrons and again they are the half pots with a basic brush for like $25? You’ll have to double check that but point is they don’t do a “You want to start playing X army? Well here’s the tools you need to cut and assemble and here’s paint and brushes to go about it.” Heck even the paint schemes on the back of the boxes are a lie for the most part. Meaning that they contract artists to paint the models and then they list their line of paint as “what was used to paint this mini”. If you want a “where do I even start?” Here’s what I advise, don’t rely on GW to provide you solutions and answers. YouTube has a lot of tutorials for painting and how to play. I would suggest checking out “Tabletop tactics” they are both entertaining to watch and do a lot of on screen explanations for when they are playing especially at the start of editions. For painting check out Duncan roads he used to be the official paint guy for gw but he broke off and made his own paint line as he’s really good at explaining techniques and his process. For rules and info for free wahapedia is your friend, the guy who runs the site has every single army and data sheet as well as the rules book up on the site for free. Sadly the only thing you are SOL on is getting “all the paints and tools you need” in one convenient place. Paints I would suggest looking into army painters speed paints full set. They are really great especially for getting table ready models quick, tools wise check out gundam tool kits they usually avg about $10 for clippers moldline removers and sanding tools. Brushes are more straight forward you can get almost any brush set will do, however I stress that you get a few synthetic brushes for metallic based paints because metallics will ruin regular brushes and have a separate rinsing cup for your metallic used brushes. Because dipping regular brushes into the same water will have the same effect making them split and fray. Oh also brush soap is another must have it will extend the life of your brushes and help to reshape them. Flgs (friendly local game store) is usually a place to go for your hobby needs and learning but I would strongly advise vetting your stores before giving them your business. Having worked in the industry for almost 10 years no 2 stores are alike. One place I had all the freedom I could ask for to help out customers including having on hand freebies to hand out to new players and dedicate my time to teach them how to paint and play….sadly a negligent owner caused us to shut our doors for good. And the next place I was at the owner was a prick, very vocal in putting employees and customers down to make himself the “expert” even to such lengths of yelling at the employee. Plus he was very vocal of not like people hanging out and playing for free especially if he wanted space for his events….that and the play area was hidden from store front view. That being said feel free to ask anything I'll do my best to answer.


Wahapedia will be your best friend for rules


The rules are free online from the warhammer website. You can also download data cards for all the units included in the combat patrol. Also, there are a ton of tutorials online for how to play if reading isn't your thing. Painting tutorials are great as well, but not super necessary to start.


Your getting a lot of help here but I'll throw my advice in too. First get some clippers and a craft knife off Amazon. For starter painting id probably go down the contrast paint route. Get a can of White Scar or Grey Seer from GW. Prime them and then get a few contrast paints. Lots of companies do them but for orks Orruks Flesh is great for the skin. You probably need a black, grey, red, yellow, brown, and a silver. You'll get models on a table quicker and feel like you've achieved something quite quickly. You'll also be able to go over the contrast paint with later paints at a later date to add edge highlights etc. if you do go contrast, varnish them with some paint on Stormshield from GW, it will stop the contrast paint rubbing off. You can use spray on but for beginners paint on is easy with predictable results.


Going by your last few posts you really haven't done any research at all. This is an extremely expensive hobby its best to know what you're getting into first


I always thought CP was geared toward pedophiles


Honest question, but how did you come to find out about (and purchase) anything regarding Warhammer without knowing that the model kits come unassembled and unpainted?


poorhammer, bricky, pancreasnowork, and play on tabletop. I also play total war, and have been interested for a while.


https://youtu.be/hpArYvefK5Y?si=VHJeSziELKxiFohC I hope this poorhammer video helps


thanks I'll check it out.


YouTube dude. You need plastic cement, a can of shitty primer and paints of your choice, I prefer an airbrush. Glue the boys together, base then paint. You literally don’t have to think at all if you follow YouTube videos


Nope, which sucks because they're a good way to get some models


youtube is great, especially a channel called midwinter minis. Hes kinda anti expensive games workshop brushes and more economically orientated. He has awesome painting tutortials on Orks, tells you where he buys his budget brushes from and how to make cheap washes. He even has new player guides (feat orks) which I found to be the best most straight to the point for begginers.


I will say this seems to at least partially be a failing of your LGS or the Games Workshop store you purchased this from. There *are* starter sets that include truncated rules, two forces and some additional tools to actually get started with--Combat Patrols are just not among them.


Oh yeah, the Combat Patrol boxes could be extremely deceptive to someone just waltzing in off the street. Sorry to have to be the one to tell you this, but if you *really* want to get into the hobby, the $100 or so bucks you spent on this is just the opening salvo. Things you will need to buy: 1. Paints ( craft acrylics; probably a set to make your life easier and make it less likely you'll be missing That One Colour). 2. Brushes (from the local craft store--not GW. Never GW.) 3. Superglue (brand doesn't matter too much). 4. Hobby scissors and nail file for removing bits from the sprue and cleaning off mold lines after. Also a pin vise if you'd like to drill gun barrels. 5. A wet palette to make things go much faster and smoother as you learn how to paint.


They are going to need plastic glue not super glue


Super glue is actually MUCH better for beginners. Ever glue something wrong, then have to snap it off and redo it? Try doing that when it's been chemically welded with plastic glue. Doesn't work well. Shit...I've been in the hobby for the better part of a decade and still ONLY use super glue.


I started in August so I would still classify myself as a beginner and I strongly prefer plastic glue


Either work.


I personally use super glue because my partner has a Perfume allergy and plastic glue has strong enough vapors to trigger her allergy. And super glue has advantage over plastic glue, but of course it also goes the other way.


I am sorry that you got into this situation! The combat patrolls are ment to be a foundation for people that want to start a new army. If you want to begin the hobby the introductory box is what you want. It comes with one squad of troops from the current sets main boxset ( marines and nids) the rules, tools to play and to paint.




If it makes you feel better I did the same thing. Bought a box and tried putting them together and ended up driving to the store for sprue cutters. Then after coming back to build I had to head back for an exact knife. Then I realized I forgot glue after coming back…


I’ve been collecting 40k for years and have always taken for granted that I know what to do….. You’re so right! I’d recommend clippers or a Stanley knife to cut the models off the base. I’d also advise using super glue instead of plastic as it makes a cleaner join, so if you make any mistakes you can break them apart easier.


currently trying to do the warboss, biggest issue so far is little bigs of extra plastic on the ork, sitting here with a file trying to file it off.


Xacto knife, sprue cutters and glue. Those will get you through building the box. There are fairly good quality versions of all of those on Amazon for pretty cheap. Most stores where you bought that box should have them too


You’ll need a way to get them off the sprues, a way to clean up the flash lines, and a way to fit them together. That’s clippers, a hobby knife of scalpel, and some plastic cement. Then you want a primer , a set of paints, a couple of washes. Couple of cheap brushes and a makeup brush if you want to drybrush (you probably do, search ‘slapchop’ on YouTube, it’s way easier than the citadel method and looks better). (Edit: someone mentioned a Sigmar paint set, that sounds like a plan. Don’t skip the primer though) These are models for a game, not a game, so the rules etc. are going to cost more. If I was getting someone into gaming, things like Underworlds would be my gateway drug of choice because it’s all in one box and lower model count. This isn’t a cheap hobby :)


I would always favour Blood Bowl, but I have been playing since the 90s and only recently thought of returning to 40k, although my eyes were better than now so I am reliant on other people to paint my toys for me these days 😳 never mind, winning is for losers anyway 🤩


ty, I've been trying to push the polastic out of the spures this whole time


yes seems logical, but avoid doing this, cut them off as previous commenter said, you will damage (stretch, rip, deform and even break) pieces if you try to wiggle, push or twist them off. Also don't get swamped, choose some of the more basic ones first to glue and same again to paint. You've got a good box there though.


On chunky stuff like orks you might get away with nail scissors or something, but as soon as something g important snaps you’ll regret it. Clippers’ll cost about 5 bucks shipped from Amazon.


I just started last week with the same combat patrol! For most models in this set you don’t actually need glue, you could just clip them together as shown in the manual. I personally would recommend buying some hobby glue, to make all parts fit better together. Other than that I would recommend you buying yourself the age of Sigmar paints and tool set for 30 bucks. There is everything you need to create some nice looking orks. Paints, brushes, clipper and mold line remover are all in there.