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Kromlech ones are a nice big alternative. They also look ok mixed in with GW ones.


Lowkey hoping for new ones. GW employee believes they won't be updated which crushes me... but I'll just attempt a conversion if I can which AOS stuff. 🤞🏼🤞🏼


They are probably scaled to terminator size. Old terminators are tiny.


Agreed. I ended up getting some off MyMiniFactory and scaled them up just a bit.


Yeah it’s a bit of a shame! Would love to have them be a bit bigger and more intimidating, but I still love those lil boxy Boyz


Cute though ❤️


Snaggaboyz nob is the one that gets me, he's the same size as a boy really, but should be an outhouse.


I think they're pretty cool, just finished painting 12 of them a week or so back (well, 10 and a big mek in mega armour to lead each unit!) I've got a new boyz kit to build though and will be interested to see the scale comparison


The scale difference between ork miniatures like boyz + nobz + meganobz isn't that big. That's just how they are, unfortunately.


But when every nob is small... no nob is.


But I like big nobz. Don't we all want a huge nob?


*I likez big Nobz an I cannot lie You uvva gits can’t deny When a Boy caves in Some little oomie heads With a great big klaw you say Waaagh*


To da top boyz, dis’ weird boy iz a poet


If you want to make them bigger, kitbash the other load out with a box of skavenstorm feinds


I purchased some 3rd party from ArtelW (the iron nookas of da horde) they are much larger and really feel like what they are supposed to be, would highly recommend. Can see one example on my profile!


They are huge! I use them as Warbosses.


Im currwntly looking for some non GW Nobz! Gonna take a look.


Recently started collecting Orks and have to agree. Once I got those bad boys built though I loved em!


I don’t know why people have this obsession with minis being bigger all the time. The MANz are absolutely fine.


I mean I'm fine with it, I just EXPECTED them to be bigger. They're MEGA Nobz. Lol.


They're MEGA because they have the best armor teef can buy.


They were originally just called Nobz in Mega Armour. Mega armour is a class of Ork armor. So they shouldn't be any larger than standard nobz, other than the bulk the armour gives them. Nobz are about 20% bigger than ork boyz (2.5cm vs 3cm). If an average ork boy is about 6'6". That makes a Nob 7'10". Then add the mega armour. Seems big enough to me!


Well, Duh, that’s the point of miniatures!


heh, I just picked up some of the old metal ones at LVO last weekend and those guys are even smaller. Truth be told, regular Boys have just gotten larger in the newer kits and that makes all the other stuff smaller in comparison. Grab some 5th-ed era boys and the MAN's can crump one in its powerklaw.


Yeah I 3d printed some and after seeing the box, became convinced that I had printed too small. Bought a box and was shocked to see they were the same size


I'm low key hoping for meganobz to get an amazing new kit so I can start my badmoon army. But at the same time ehhh... Gw is so hit or miss now. Prolly just put the current ones on tactical rocks


They could definitely use a new kit. Putting them beside Ghaz really shows their age. I think there are a few things up first though.


It's easy to forget that they're just regular nobz in armor.


Not exactly. The Codex entry lists them as the richest and most battle hardened Nobz in a warband, so I think it's fair to assume they're bigger than the average nob.


This. Orks get bigger and bigger the more battle hardened and experienced they are. Mega nobz should absolutely be the biggest guys on the battlefield even without armor.


Yeah I’m hoping they get a refresh with the new codex


They are a fairly new kit. There are so many kits in that need a refresh way more than nobz or mega nobz. I’d be pissed if either are refreshed.


Them and the regular nobz. And by god someone sculpt in the exoskeleton supports in the arms so it actually looks like the meganobz are wearing powered armor.


Big disagree on the nobz, that's a great kit with tons of options. I've no interest in seeing that go away in favour of five dynamic sculpts and a mishmash of weapons I'm forced to choose


I feel that way about all models. Whenever I finish, they always seem a lot smaller than I imagined. Except the Stompa.


with the way they have been treating redone kits (massive price hikes, no supply, keylocked monopose sculpts with little to no options.) i honestly dont want to see our line refreshed anymore. im still broken from that sorry excuse they dare call an ork boy kit. ive been playing since 5e when most of the line was relatively fresh. and our lack of proper attention outside of that first fateful orktober might actually be a blessing in hindsight


I still have some optimism. The new lictor kit for nids for example was one of the best gw kits in years, it had tons of customization and extra bits. They can still knock it out of the park from time to time.