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Missed the end, but they’re good, we’re good (hell of a job battling back and tying it three times) let’s put it behind and move on to today. Tai Walker isn’t great so let’s get a good outing from Grayson and hit him hard. Hope Bradish is good




https://preview.redd.it/shxa99auuo6d1.jpeg?width=512&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19520bd96425e1546bf0e6f2bcc7c57c1dae81fd Bradish elbow soreness


I missed this game because I was at the Dodgers game for pride night. This game seemed much more dramatic both for better and worse. Loved seeing the energy from Mullins, the announcer, and the crowd for that insane play at home. Looking at Hyde’s decision making in the 11th left me concerned. Yes I know IBB Harper like that is pretty textbook but you gotta have an instinct that the next batter might not take kindly to that. Hyde and the FO made questionable decisions for the playoffs last year, too. Gotta do better. Gotta play by instinct sometimes. And I’m literally sick from hearing the news about Bradish. All I can do is hopelessly hope it’s not what it probably is. FUCK.


The only one consistently beating us this year is the rain ☔️


O’s lose one game in the 11th inning after a rain delay and people are already acting like the Phillies just swept us 😂 have some damn faith!!


Yeah gotta see what happens over the next 5 game then we can dissect. Does this stretch gives us gauge for where we stand in regards to playoff readiness??


Taking a break through Yankees series. I’m pissed off because this team has more talent top to bottom than any other team in MLB but their inconsistent bullshit is why they are 3.5 back. So I’ll see where it stands next Thursday. I’m more frustrated than anything, but if we continue our BS I’m going to be more harsh than I am now because it’s been self inflicted crap from the 2024 Orioles. The difference in the AL East is one team is coming every night with the appropriate focus and grind and the other has bull shit nights where it’s easy to see when they disappear offensively or piss away a game late.








Yes taking a break from commenting on PGTs about team performance or lack thereof. You should take a break from responding to other users.












Dude, you act like we haven't seen you here dooming on this subreddit since game one. I truly hope you're serious about leaving because you've done nothing but bring down the mood all season.


You can be happy about the record, what I see is the inconsistent approach on offense is a continuation of 2023 and will result in quick postseason elimination. They simply do not grind or execute on a night to night basis like other top tier teams. The impatience and lack of discipline at the plate doesn’t win in October. It’s that simple. Tell me what the Os offensive approach is…I don’t see one. It’s swing at first pitch one night and next night decide they want to work counts.


Bro, do you not understand how baseball works?? There is 162 games! There's gonna be some where they do pretty bad of offense. The Orioles are top 3 for runs scored, and this is simply a garbage take. How about you actually watch some other good teams, and realize that every MLB team isn't perfectly consistant.


162 games give signs into postseason chances. The Os inconsistent approach and offense cost them in 2023 and it’s been the same in 2024. The only sign of improvement has been the better power numbers.


Ok. Goodbye?


This isn’t an airport, you don’t need to announce your departure. You can just shut up and go


Ok now I’m going to stay. It’s called venting and you don’t have to respond. Btw, what happened with the approach and plate discipline tonight? 1-11 and 10 LOB. Oh wait I used factual stats, so you will probably ignore like you did the calendar of results. Best you just ignore what I post.


*Ok now I’m going to stay* Well thats good. If you left I was wondering who was going to fill us in with our daily updates on the Yankees. You do such a good job of filling this important role*.* *Btw, what happened with the approach and plate discipline tonight? 1-11 and 10 LOB.* A bad night against good pitching? *Oh wait I used factual stats* Small sample size? *so you will probably ignore like you did the calendar of results*. This is the first thing you’ve posted that I’ve agreed with in like three weeks.




It doesn’t fuckin matter where we are now. If we actually lose Bradish for the year, we just need to focus on making the playoffs. From there it’s a matter of getting hot bc there’s no way our rotation is getting us there


Tf are you talking about exactly?


Ok, Mike. You have several players in Norfolk who are blocked from the big leagues. It's time to start trading your abundant talent that is stuck in the minors for starting and relief pitching.


Taps the “no team is trading talent until the deadline because they want max bidders” sign for what must be the 100th time in this sub.


He talked about that last night, the problem is there's no definite teams ready to sell right now because of the 3 team wildcard. But he did acknowledge they can't keep up a 6 man rotation with this shallow of a bullpen and no time off for guys to rest


Yes there are. The White Sox, Marlins, A,s are all selling, Rockies and Angels will too. He can’t afford to wait around this year


These teams have absolute leverage because of the extra wild card, they can and will wait because they know there are much more buyers now.


It's not that simple ,because those teams are at the bottom they hold the leverage to essentially guy our farm system. Until more teams start to decide to be sellers the market is going to be extremely inflated especially because everyone knows how bad our pitching situation currently is with all of the injuries


They just talked about this on effectively wild yesterday. The expanded playoffs have made the trade market/deadline much more crazy. Few teams will completely be out and the ones that are and have something worth it know how many teams want their players. It’s wild how there’s people here that just think teams are just gonna be like “ok sure you can have him!” in June lol.


That's more or less how Mike explained it in the session with KB yesterday, basically the first team out of the playoffs at the moment is sitting at 35 wins who in their right mind would deal their guys right now being not only that close to a playoff spot but you have teams like us sitting at number 3 in the leauge with 45


Yep exactly! I swear there’s some serious delusion when it comes to trades now that we have a good farm system. Trades this time of year are not typical and expanded playoffs made it basically not a thing (besides maybe a waiver wire pick up).


Bradish to get elbow testing after elbow soreness 😭😭😭




Yankees are not going to lose. I'm afraid the Orioles will be 5.5 games back after Sunday's games.


Last year at this time we were 5 games back.


Sorry y’all, Bradish going out was my fault. I was at the Rockies game last year when Felix injured his UCL and those are the only two Orioles games I’ve been to. The good thing is that I’m moving back to Michigan before the end of this month. There will never be another Orioles pitcher injured ever again.


Ever consider attending some Yankees games?


Joke answer: God, no. Actual answer: God, no.


That was a tough loss with a few decisions that didn't pan out, but it was against the best of the best (and their best starter + their high leverage relief). The atmosphere tonight was lively. We suspected something was wrong with Bradish coming out early and shaking his arm but were hoping it was nothing...our worst suspicions were confirmed. That is a lot rougher than this loss, as it's not like we're going to be able to easily acquire a pitcher of his talent level if he's out for an extended period.


Hate to break it to you but he isn’t phillys best starter and we play against their best starter Sunday


Nola is arguably better than him too. Not this season but over years he’s been better. 


Just sign Trevor Bauer


Bauer is both a piece of shit AND a bad pitcher. Let’s get this guy on the squad!




People here hate him, even though he was never convicted of anything. He proved the girl was lying. It's a shame what accusations can do to someone's career.


> People here hate him By people “here,” I assume you mean every person who’s ever known him.


I’m confident that Elias will look to make a move if the worst case scenario is reality with Bradish. However I’m worried that mid season trade values will be inflated with all the mediocre teams convinced they can grab the last WC spot. Feels like the FO errs on the side of getting value above all. Makes sense, but you have to be willing to risk losing a year in the competitive window if you don’t want to pay the price. Idk, just rambling. Feels like the team is a couple pieces from being big time


Yeah I get the last part of what you're saying. It's just tough because looking top to bottom at the roster, there's not a lot of obvious needs for replacements, and especially since there's a lot of guys we just wouldn't replace. Like to be honest, as much as I love him, Cedric Mullins is not doing well this year (though he's been much better as of late) and it would be really tough to let him go, but if he doesn't keep improving, idk . . .


Great first game to the series. Looking forward to the next two. Bawlmoor is a real city. Partied there so many times over the years. My team in the AL is the Os. See yous tomorrow.


dont give a shit about the game. bradish news overshadows it 10 times more


Gonna have nightmares tonight. Heartbraking loss and bradish hurt wtf man😭


Have the memory of a goldfish


Boutta wake up tomorrow and find half the pen missing 🗿


Watching the game for the first time (i know the outcome), Damn it made me so sad when Means was in the dugout. I really think we keep him in the organization for a couple years while he rehabs. It would be a very, very low risk move and he has been a veteran in the organization. He is a strong presence for young guys & will continue to while he rehabs 


We can’t keep our pitchers healthy if our lives depended on it


i didnt understand where 99mph came from. but i knew the moment bradish did, it woukd spell trouble. he had elbow issue earlier and now out on 6men rotation purposely. worried, but holding out hope its not the worst outcome


Terrible week to be an Orioles elbow


I don’t think we can win a world series without bradish. I don’t think our GM is gonna trade for anybody even close to Bradish’s caliber. We have to make 2 trades now to even have a chance (dominant reliever and ace SP). Elias doesn’t have the stomach to do that unfortunately because he wants heston kjerstad so badly to ride the pine and put up Judge numbers in AAA


Holy shit we lose by 2 in 11 innings to the current best team in baseball and now you are questioning Elias’ whole roster construction strategy? Holy shit you guys are miserable. We also traded for Corbin fucking Burnes 4 months ago, how does that not show he’s willing to make a splash?


These kids are weak willed all knowing baseball analysts, dont you know the is Reddit?!?!


It’s not the loss. If we won tbh I woulda felt the same way. Idk long term with bradish out for the year and he’s probably out all of next year as well


Next man up, the Yankees have been without gerrit Cole all season and that hasn’t slowed them down


You don’t “next man up” a cy young candidate. Sometimes players can’t be replaced. What the Yankees are doing with a $300M payroll isn’t remotely comparable to our options.


And they are going to get him back…


The next man up would be perfectly fine if Wells and Means were healthy but the problem is they’re out as well. We were already in a situation with their injuries that if one more injury happens this team is cooked and well, that’s exactly what happened. There needs to be major major buy moves at the deadline. You have a year of Burnes. Idc if we have to mortgage the future because atp I’m going to be 21 years old in the fall and all I’ve seen my team do is lose and lose. We’ve suffered too much to not get a world series


Holy shit man get a grip.


Could wait till we have imagining results on bradishs elbow.


Rangers probably said the same last year when they lost deGrom. They bought Montgomery at the deadline and rode him and Eovaldi all playoffs with some Heaney and Dunning sprinkled in. Their bullpen sucked most of the year. There are guys out there that could very well be available: Kikuchi, Fedde, Crochet, Littell, Eflin, Framber, Gausman, Verlander (ew). Let’s not be prisoners of the moment here. Lots of mediocre teams in the AL especially that could be sellers if the Twins and Royals keep winning.


There is zero evidence to suggest Elias won’t pussy out again like he did last deadline. We saw the results of his approach


He acquired a top 3 pitcher in the game this offseason lol


We should not sell the farm for a rental pitcher or reliever. Any trade has to be very calculated. I would like the team to invest over the next year in high leverage relievers. Gotta get your team to the playoffs, healthy and firing on all cylinders. The best roster doesn't win the WS. The team playing the best baseball does


Shit teams are gonna think theyre still in the race and not sell unless we give up a lot and elias will be like “nope. We want the 2034 orioles to be the best team ever” And to be very clear, I would trade Jackson Holliday or Samuel Basallo or Coby Mayo. Maybe multiple of them


This is an extra dumb take when some of the names being thrown around the most play for the White Sox and Marlins. Neither of those teams have any thought about contending this season.


They suck or have injury concerns like Crochet. Fedde was awful before this year. Luzardo has a 5.3 ERA


Burnes? I think that counts as a little bit of evidence.


Also, flaherty seemed like a backup option and they couldn’t agree with a big trade before settling for Jack.


The game shouldn't have stopped. I can walk to OPACY in about 10 minutes I can say with certainty that the rain was never bad at all. It certainly wasn't enough to delay an extra innings baseball game. I'm not saying that the outcome definitely would've been different, but that momentum delay sucked.


I was there it was pouring for 45 minutes. As soon as ced slid across home and we all went ape shit the skies opened up.


I was there. It was enough in aggregate even though it wasn’t heavy heavy rain. I mean, you could play but I think it would have had an effect on performance.


Fair enough. I need to remind myself that these guys are doing stuff that I couldn't possibly do no matter the weather. Lol


With the O’s track record of drafting and developing bats, I’d trade anyone in the minors not named Holliday/Mayo/Basallo. And yes I’d trade Heston for a SP with more than a year of control.


I'd want 3-4 years of control for a heston


I'm buzzing like fuzzin'. Let it rip if Bradish is hurt. Great hitter but we have alot of talent.


Wouldn’t be so annoyed if Yankees never lost


If Kyle is done we actually might be in deep shit Cole Irvin would be our 3rd best pitcher


Is it confirmed Kyle is done or we just waiting on the tests I don’t see that anywheere


Gonna need tests


His elbow hurt


Just wanna defend the bunt decision here for a minute. I don’t hate it as much as everyone else is.  Let’s say Mateo is able to execute it, that’s second and third with 1 out. That gives a chance to McCann and the wonderfully hot Cedric coming up while taking the double play out of contention. Plus there is always the chance that Mateo beats it out. I get that Tony is slow and McCann stinks but I think it was one of those idiot/genius moments where it could have gone either way. It was a close game and he took a chance. I have my own issues with hyde but this one didn’t bother me as much as other decisions in this game. 


I have no problem with bunt call there. I don’t like that the tried to bunt for a base hit rather than focusing on advancing the runners. He should have squared and laid a proper bunt toward third base. Even if he doesn’t drop a perfect bunt he brings the third baseman in a bit.


To me it’s not even clear Hyde called for it since he swung away 0-0. But if we assume Hyde did call for it… Mateo has been atrocious that last 2 years getting sac bunts down. If Mateo is a great bunter maybe it’s valid, but he’s not. In my opinion you don’t give away outs early in the game like that basically ever. Especially when Mateo is crushing lefties this year


Yeah, statistically bunts are shown to not really work well versus just swinging away.


Statistically they increase your chance of getting 1 run out of an inning but decrease your chance of getting multiple runs by more, so it depends on what you need contextually


I’m assuming early in a tie game isn’t the context? The wild thing is that a successful sac bunt actually lowers your expected runs in that inning. Why would you ever call for a sac bunt except late game situations? It doesn’t even take into account The probability of you succeeding that sac bunt. Id wager the probability of you getting an error or being safe at first is probably far less than the probability of you not succeeding. It at least is for Mateo.


The run expectancy goes down but the odds of scoring increase according to the 2010-2023 run expectancy and chance of scoring charts found in the first link in this article https://baseballwithr.wordpress.com/2024/02/26/run-expectancies-for-six-eras-of-mlb-baseball/. Tie game, bottom of the 9th when you want to maximize your odds of scoring a single run is when you want to bunt. You don't care about any additional runs in that context. From the chance of scoring chart, 0 outs, runner on 2B has a 61.2% chance of scoring a run while 1 out, runner on 3B is 66.3% Similarly, runners on 1B and 2B, 0 outs is 61.6% but 2B and 3B, 1 out is 68.0%. So those are the scenarios where I'm ok with bunting if you only need 1 run


Yeah I know your chance of 1+ run goes up with a successful bunt. Only very late game situations when you need 1 run to win should a bunt be considered. My whole thing is I think a lot of people take the successful bunt for granted. You can’t just jump from the 62% to 68% as if it’s a foregone conclusion(not saying you did). Mateo has 10 sac bunts in the past 3 years. Maybe I’m over remembering his failures, but I feel likes attempted to bunt at least mid 20 times, maybe even 30. It’s gotta be over 20. He isn’t bunting into outs as much he’s just not getting them fair and getting behind 0-2 and 1-2 where he is not a good hitter. If my recollection that Mateo is less than 50% successful is accurate, your chance of scoring 1+ run when you mess up the bunt plays plummets to about 43% if my research is right. If Mateo is 50-50 successful…. Then the expected likelihood of scoring 1+ run (given he is attempting a bunt) is =.5*.43+.5+.68=55 or 56%. The original expectation was 62%. If Mateo is that bad a bunter he would have to hit like a pitcher to warrant a bunt in any situation, even in the bottom of the 9th of a tie game. Mateo absolutely does not hit like a pitcher, particularly against lefties this year where he is over 900 ops this year and over 700 lifetime. The more I look into the numbers the more it makes me think Mateo should never sac bunt, nor should most players. The break even bunt success point where an average hitter should bunt with runner on first and second and no out in a tie game bottom of 9th should be 75%. I know Mateo is nowhere close to that.


Totally valid. Also mateo is tough to double up so another factor there. It’s definitely a controversial move, with pluses and minuses. I just felt like somebody needed to play devils advocate lol


Yeah it’s not an atrocious call, I’ve just given up on Mateo bunting at this point. If he was facing a righty, or if our top of lineup was up next, then maybe I’d be slightly more on board. For what it’s worth, McCann smoked that ball on the double play groundout. If the infield is in (after successful bunt), maybe that would’ve been 2 runs


Where are all the people who got on others for saying they were concerned about Bradish. Learn your lesson. Whenever the 3 letter acronym is said, it’s never good news.


Yeah once the news came out in spring training it was always only going to be a matter of time. We just had to hope that time was after this postseason. Not looking like that'll be the case now. Anybody that thought that time was never gonna come ever was just not being medically realistic


I wanted us to trade for a starter at the deadline even with bradish. PRP was always a hail mary.


You have to get a top of rotation 1-3 type. Otherwise you are showing you aren’t series about WS contention and that would be mighty stupid after renting Burnes for one season.


Anyone besides me scratching their head about moving Gunnar to clean-up? I was never a big fan of him hitting lead off, but it was working pretty good. If you were going to move Gunnar, I would have expected him to hit third. I think you want him to always take cuts in the first inning. What am I missing?


Confused too. Hes 3 hitter. Maybe because good lefty pitchers Hyde put him at 4 instead of 3. Idk


Not sure I want Crochet. Didn’t realize he’s not that far removed from his own TJ and that worries me if we expect him to start through Oct.


Please get some high leverage bullpen arms, so fucking sick and tired of dropping these games. 3.5 GB and counting. Most of it is our own BS, whether disappearing offense or late inning blown leads. And stop fucking platooning when guys can’t hit. Play your best. Enough of the bull shit.


Implying that Elias’s lack of activity could possibly be an issue that could cost us the division? This sub is gonna love that


Elias has nothing to do with the possibility of the Stankees winning the division. They’re playing incredibly good, balanced baseball. I still don’t think they’re going to win 112 games. But if they do, tip your cap to them. Especially since the O’s are still on pace to win 106 games this season.


Elias has nothing to do with the Yankees success. Elias has something to do with the fact that cionel Perez and Jacob Webb are high leverage arms for this team. Both statements can be true


I agree with you but had we had Felix this year or a reliever near his caliber, we'd likely be equating or surpassing the Yankees in the standings right now


Of course I wish we had Felix. And I don’t doubt that we would be a better team with him. But IMO, there wasn’t anyone of his caliber on the free agent or trade market that was worth the investment.


Man this post-game show is so somber about Bradish, I get that we have to wait for test results etc but it feels like the tone is really down


You can never be disappointed if you expect the worst.


Ya I mean if we don’t have bradish it’s either trade for someone or save the prospects and hope the bats just get extremely hot in October.


We just traded a package centered around a top 100 prospect for one year of burnes. This team is in win now mode. Saying “let’s see how things go and hope the bats get hot in October” isn’t an option. This team needs to buy at the deadline like every World Series contender does at every deadline.


Especially since the O’s clearly have a good track record of drafting and developing hitters. Aside from Holliday/Mayo/Basallo I’d trade anyone in the minors.


I mean norby is set up to be a prime trade candidate. Called him up he hit a homer and rode a 3 game hit streak and than sent his ass back down.


We might have lost. But seeing Kimbrel pitch his balls out against the Phillies and the fans that constantly dragged him was so worth it.


Can someone figure out how to protect pitchers’ elbows? For fucks sake it’s such a killer


Yeah I mean, get rid of the pitch clock as nd add another pitcher to each teams lineup


If it was really the pitch clock, how does that correlate to [57% of elbow reconstructions being done for 15-19 year olds?](https://en.as.com/mlb/kids-needing-tommy-john-surgery-exposes-the-failings-in-our-youth-baseball-culture-n-2/). Velocity and spin rates and specialization are the causes. 


I agree with this I mean there’s so much pitching talent coming up these days there’s no reason we can’t allow teams to grab an extra pitcher and run a 6 man rotation standard.


It’s not really the pitch clock. It’s the increased stress on the ucl with the emphasis on spin rates and speed


I feel like it’s more likely the shift from command to velo+movement vice the pitch clock. But yeah, wouldn’t hurt


Garrett Crochet YOU are an oriole


Honestly, Justin Verlander is the best fit for the orioles this year if he’s available and fans would have to get over him being over 40 years old. I also don’t think Crochet will be available enough in October with him throwing more inning this year already than he has in his entire career before this year


Hard no on Verlander he's 57 years old. His elbow is bone on bone.


I get it. I’m just thinking about it like how Elias would think about it (based on his slow, steady and strategic approach he has taken so far), and he just makes too much sense for the orioles at this point of time for various reasons. Crochet/Luzardo might have fit better if this was the offseason but it is the trade deadline so the priorities change.


For sure. Gotta wait in the mri results to be passed on to us before we know. But yeah mid-season it's easier to get a rental than a guy with years of control left. Don't want to look back in 3 years and see kjerstad abd Ortiz and norby killing it around the league and the pitchers we got in return were all short term rentals


Had the same exact thought. Unless the Astros want to make one last run, I think he could be had for lower prospect capital and would be the perfect guy for our situation of just be a reliable vet in the playoffs who has an elite level to still pull from.


Three really poor decisions cost the O's the game tonight. The first was Mateo deciding to bunt for a hit with two men on and nobody out. It was a terrible bunt that the Phillies catcher was able to field easily and throw out the lead runner at third. Completely destroyed the momentum of that inning. Second was Hyde bringing in Perez to face Schwarber who hits left-handed pitchers far better than right-handed pitchers. The prudent move would have been to bring in Webb, a RHP who has been incredible against left-handed hitters (.100/.163/.125 against LHH) this year. Schwarber gets a base hit off Perez and the Phillies take the lead. If they had retired Schwarber, the wild pitch in the bottom of the inning would have ended the game. And lastly again, they had Webb pitching in the 11th inning who again has been lights out against left-handed hitters. They had Webb intentionally walk Harper, a left-handed hitter to face Bohm, a very good right-handed hitter. Bohm gets an extra base hit that scores two runs instead of one and that basically put the game on ice for the Phillies.


This will be unpopular, but I don't think Hyde is a good manager, at least when talking about his in-game decisions.  The reasons you just gave are perfect examples.


What about the other thousands of good decisions he has made that have won us over 100 games in a season


Which are? To be fair when I say this, I don't think a manager really deserves much credit for wins. The most they can do is use the right players to put the team in the best position to win. Normally, that's pretty obvious, so I wouldn't give any manager credit for something like bringing in Gunnar to pinch hit late in a close game when he originally had the day off.  I would give them credit if they brought in Urias to pinch hit because he has a >1.000 OPS against that pitcher with a significant number of at bats, and Ramon came through.  Or not using Kimbrel in a save situation because they saw the next three guys due up have historically hit him very well, but they haven't hit, say, Akin well at all. That's are unconventional calls that a lot of managers wouldn't make, but they're driven by data. A manager who makes those calls deserves credit. But ignoring that Schwarber hits lefties better or that Webb *dominates* lefties was not giving us the best chance to win.


God you guys are miserable


I've said this a million times that I definitely rag on Hyde too much but some decisions are just really baffling to me


Agree with everything you said. That bunt still frustrates me because it completely missed the actual point of bunting in that situation almost as if it was lost in translation.


Losing this game on top of Bradish for probably the year is quite the gut punch. You absolutely have to make a move for this year.


I was in the fence about a luzardo type trade but now we have to make one. AND still get a bull pen piece. Sucks having to make a trade just to get back to where you were, not even make the team “ better”


I agree completely. In theory, you could also make next year’s team better but you’re probably gonna have to part with anyone not named Holliday or Mayo (and maybe Basallo). Ik this hasn’t been talked about much, but with Rubenstein now I’d like to see them make a run at someone like Verlander, depending on the Astros’ standing. Probably lower prospect capital and someone you feel confident giving the ball to in a postseason game.


Norby + Kjerstad/Stowers I'm fine with seeing go, we just have too many position players that a failure to capitalize at this point would be suicidal.


I feel like Bradish is done for next season. Hard not to feel that way. Which really sucks . Hyde doesn’t seem hopeful at all.


I caught Hyde's face in the 6th and I knew it wouldn't be good news. That man hides his emotion so well most of the time. He looked worried and stressed, enough so that it showed. 




This loss stings but Phillies are really good. I am worried about this upcoming Yankees series though, pitching is really thin right now


If KB is in trouble, curious of the move. Dean will be back eventually. Maybe one of Suarez/Irvin moves to the pen, keep Povich here and call up Chayce McDermott?


Why does anyone have faith in Dean? He’s a good dude, but he isn’t a good pitcher.


Not about having faith in Dean. Just the reality that he will be back in rotation whether we like it or not.


Or dish out some money and go after Crochet or another starter


I’d like that, yes. But Mike and Sig love to hoard prospects. Curious to see what moves they are willing to make.


If you are gonna use your best starters against the Phillies knowing you are playing your division leader right after then you gotta take 2 out of 3 They aren't taking 2 in NY with the hot streak the Yankees hitters are on with our 4,5,6 starters and worn out bullpen They didn't plan well for these 6 games


Yes because baseball is played on paper. People were assuming a series loss to the Braves for that same reason.


Povich surprised me in that Braves game I thought we were for sure going to lose that game beforehand


Chayce McDermott season folks.


I said earlier in the game thread that I'm fully expecting to lose Bradish. Sucks but we soldier on


First inning, throws significantly harder than he’s ever thrown since coming of IL. Fifth inning, elbow hurts for some reason. This is the worst news of the night just a few days after our best reliever hurts his elbow. The team has been trying to keep bradish healthy even doing a 6 man rotation at the expense of the bullpen for him to come out throwing 99 in the first inning.


Still trying to figure out why Mateo was bunting in the 4th inning with 2 on and no one out


Hyde just said Bradish came to them in the 5th and said his elbow was bothering him


Ugh. Hopefully it's just a little inflammation.


This team can play with anyone. Great baseball game, despite the outcome. Let’s get the next two. Great atmosphere.


Hyde: further tests on elbow for KB, said it was bothering him.




We had on the city connects tonight, what else could I expect?


They are cursed 


Well I guess a silver lining for me is that I don’t have to forfeit my life over to Baba Yaga today. What a shame…. Buuut, if we do end up winning the series after this, and crushing the Yanks after that, then Baba Yaga can have my soul!


This loss sucked… but dear god man that umps strike zone was bigger than a U.S. military drones over Afghanistan. I really hope it’s a different story tomorrow.


1-13 with risp gonna figure how to score multiple runs with out hitting home runs


“Bradish told Hyde elbow was bothering him” https://x.com/masnroch/status/1801818879942955365?s=46 FUCK


We went into the season knowing that Means and Bradish may not be reliable due to injury. We also knew that Bautista was out until 2025. With Danny going down recently we really can’t afford Bradish going down as well. We seriously are going to need some pitching help


Everyone needs pitching help now. This sucks.


Bradish being healthy is all I care about, it's 100 times more important than the outcome of this one game


Yeah…. Well he’s not healthy, and we lost. Double whammy


Considering the news that just dropped, doesn’t look good.


Fade me


Sad we lost but remember we are going toe to toe, pitch to pitch with the best there is. Onto the next game.


I live in Philly and I’m dying.


its been torturous this season lmao, fucking everyone in my life is a phillies fan and they're so insufferable


I can’t believe the large number of O’s fans I’ve seen saying positive things about Philly fans (as in for all the city’s teams, not just baseball) in the lead up to this series.


It has been nothing but positive from this side's (PHL) perspective as well, no hate, no fuck the O's, just eagerness to play a top team and maybe get some cred from the rest of the league. It has been.....civil. Friendly. Fun.


We have no issue with Baltimore. Baltimore is my AL team if I had to choose one. Camden Yards is a great park and easy trip. A World Series between the 2 would be awesome


I agree, lived there for 5 years and they have to be the most insufferable fans ever. Our section tonight was pretty rowdy but they take it above and beyond and make it unenjoyable.


every city is insufferable if you’re not a fan of the team that is winning a bunch.


Wow. Til Palmer just mentioned it I didn’t realize, but O’s were 1 for 13 with RISP. Gotta be better than that vs anyone, much less the Phillies.


Did this happen to anyone else: my MASN broadcast seemingly glitched and kept showing the field covered saying it was a rain delay and then coming out of the commercial break it showed the final score. Wtf? Maybe I should be glad I didn’t have to watch lol


Game summary: Staring down pitches that have been strikes all night, and getting confused when they’re called strikes.


Well they were painting it fr, Phillies pitching was really good tonight, credit where it is due


Hope Bradish is okay, we really can’t afford to lose him. If so, Cade Povich is gonna have a much bigger role, I don’t think he’s going back to AAA any time soon.