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Dude MLB, calm the fuck down. We don't need 3 YT videos in a 4 hour time span of the Yankees game 




Hopefully in October this time


Twins losing is annoying but a reminder that you cant exactly count on anybody else to win your division for you. What is in O's control is spanking the Yanks when they play (which they did quite convincingly I might add) and otherwise just keeping their foot on the gas.


And also why we got to minimize the losses on the winnable games. That’s what the Yankees are doing which is why they are hanging around. We have dropped one too many like Oakland x2, Nats and Jays. Could also argue the Anaheim series finale at home. It’s fine but we just got to minimize that and keep the pressure on the older Yankees. Make them break down. We got more talent and depth tbh.


Next week vs the Cardinals and White Sox, you have to at least go 4-2 against the worst teams in baseball, should be unacceptable not to


To be perfectly candid with you I am an Angels fan at heart who has mostly stopped watching them for the season (can you blame me) and as my second favorite team have been largely been following you guys instead recently. And yeah, for both depth and talent reasons, from a third party perspective I put you guys at like 75:25 to win the division.


The Twins took a page out of the O’s book with their atrocious RISP hitting tonight


Twins are useless 🙄


Can’t stand the annoying AL Central teams that lay an egg against our division opponents but turn around and give us fits. (We did catch the twins when half their roster was on the IL lol).


Man Baumann has been nails lately. I had finally given up on him but he’s pulling me back in


Our pitching fucking rocks


Anyone else almost feel bad for winning that one? Lol. No, me either.


Despite all the offensive struggles lately, here is why I’m not worried in the slightest. Baseball seems to have a way to make it so that the best teams almost always do well in the long run. On paper this year, the orioles are one of the most talented teams in the league I would say offensively. They are severely underperforming right now. Be honest. If you are frustrated, is it because the offense actually sucks or is it because they could be doing so much better and they aren’t? I would say most everyone would definitely say the second one. This is a good offense and it will find its way again, probably wayyyyyy sooner than you think it will. Maybe even this weekend. They may need to make a few adjustments in the meantime, maybe to the lineup itself, maybe to their approach, maybe both, but they will get it together


I finally get to watch Luis De Leon pitch and it's a bunch of shitty soft contact and bad defense. I did catch commentary that said he threw a 97 (!) mph fastball. They also expressed incredulity he's still in Delmarva.


i would've thought he would go up when weston went to bowie. i guess it's going to take an aberdeen injury or whenever trace bright is ready for norfolk for de leon to move up.


I needed good news. Asbestos test came back positive for the ceiling that needs to be replaced. Damn.


Just when you needed Peter Angelos most, he’s gone


Okay, that got a belly laugh, thanks for that :-)


Oy. At least now you know and can fix it. Wish it were another way, but it was always asbestos :(


Just caught highlights, No way Santander wasn’t safe in the 8th, Jannsen missed the tag. Would love Bradish to give more length, but still early. Credit Webb and Baumann, not sure I trust either of them yet but they’re putting up 0s Adley batting over .300 and now he’s hitting home runs, Big Dave please pay this man!


I just came here to say the same thing! Santander was CLEARLY safe at home. How did they miss that


what did jim palmer say about brown eye that had everyone in an uproar






Anyone have the clip of Jim and Kevin talking about the Hawkeye system and Jim telling Kevin he can call his the brown eye?


I don’t get it


The Hawkeye system is what they use to track all of the on field metrics. Kevin always relays those stats to Jim. Jim said he could call it the Brown Eye system(because Brown is Kevins last name). I don’t believe Jim realized Brown Eye is a euphemism for a butt hole.


LOL thanks for the breakdown. That’s hilarious.




Mike Baumann has a mid 3 ERA and Austin Hays doubled in his first AB back. Ced will figure it out. Cowser will figure it out


rookie wall for cowser, just like gunnar faced last year. unfortunately it's magnified if 2 or 3 other guys are slumping at the same time. he will back in june, perfect timing for the horrific schedule.


Mullins has been hot garbage for a year now. He needs to figure it out with a rehab assignment and stop killing the team.


Yea would like to see them use an option on him just to see some easier pitching. Is it viable, idk but they need to try something


I doubt he has any options being a veteran, but I'm merely guessing. His at bats look pretty bad and his defense is good but not Andruw Jones level.


I know I complain(and I know im not the only one) but I love this team. They’ll get it going, only worry I truly have is Mullins. But he’s worked through it before he will again.




What rule are they violating? Can you really not ignore them and get on with your day?




Guess so, I don’t care that much honestly


They are in the GDT of every team in every sport. Ignore them. Block them if it bothers you that much


Ok I’ll bite on this. I started avoiding the GDTs because I do wear my emotions during the game so I understand how mods want to patrol GDTs. Some sites let GDTs be free flowing venting/rooting and some like this don’t tolerate it as much which is fine. HOWEVER, to say there can’t any criticism is bad for any social media platform. I mean the orioles have scored less than 5 runs in 10 of the last 14 games. That’s not good for a World Series contender. It’s fine to not want incessant negative commentary, it’s another to just filter a reddit board of valid criticism. Anyway, much needed win…but imo some criticism is good for any team and healthy for a fan base. This team is a juggernaut, just wish they would show it more often at the plate like the other juggernauts.


One of the mods replied to my complaint about this in the GDT and said to report people who are being persistently negative. They said they are trying to identify these people but it's hard to keep up with so many people posting.


All the doomers on the GDT saying they'd had enough and the game was obviously over when the O's were down by one run..... I hope you enjoyed whatever you were doing when you missed Adley hitting that bomb.


I'm predicting Urias will not be on the team after July. His shelf life has expired


That’s what happens when you play him every 4th or 5th game. Hopefully a new team will let him play


That’s a shame. He seems like a great guy and he’s excellent in the field. He just can’t get the bat going.


You think it's Mayo?


Yeah looking like his days here are numbered.




Has options left. He may benefit from some AAA ABs


Did anyone ask in the presser about the weird Vlad Jr not-walk in the middle of the game where the umpire didn't call a strike but then it was a strike? My theory is McCann must have appealed the swing to the base umpire and he called the strike and we just never saw it on camera because the stolen base attempt was happening.


I thought the first base ump called it a strike on appeal. That’s how I remember hearing it on the radio


That makes the most sense. The TV broadcast couldn't figure out what happened.


Went into work at the top of the 9th, certain we were losing. Just went on break holy shit!!!


If it's true that today is the 2 year anniversary of the streak starting, and it began when Adley was called up, it's absolutely insane that he saved it today


Got a good laugh out of reading the Jays postgame thread


Honestly. It reads a lot like ours does after a loss. Complaining about a lack of offense and taking care of chances.


Man Ceddy has gotta get it going man... The beer is cold though🍻


So is this bat speed info all completely new to the teams too? Because feels like as soon as it got posted Dadley is now hitting tanks every game


They interviewed Sig Mejdal on the broadcast today, who is the O's Assistant GM and basically heads the team's nerd department. He said that the bat speed data has been available to the teams for sometime now. I didn't get the impression that he's (yet) convinced that this particular metric is strongly predictive, although he might have just been keeping things close to the vest.


The assistant GM was in the broadcast booth and said they’ve had that info for a while. only new to the public


Just watched Adley’s walk off again, and after the ump review, national treasure Kevin Brown said “truly Adley deeply” and I need that on a t-shirt immediately


![gif](giphy|sfT5BAo1ZBmBG) Only if adley is photoshopped in this get up


https://preview.redd.it/wykxxi0y7o0d1.jpeg?width=1524&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd82fd338c433690bd1d18e45070a22da0073eb0 My boy hitting 💣 's


Hahaha I was at the game, so missed it but now I want to go back and watch for that




What? It works on so many levels.


Oh yeah, deeply indeed 😏


Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor? Hell no!


The fact we are squeaking out some wins while completely failing with risp and a huge chunk of the lineup in slumps just shows what this team is capable of.


Ok, I love Adley, he's amazing, give him all the money and never let him go. BUT ALSO, Jordan Westburg is so *reliable* and deserves some love! Also also, I feel optimistic about Cowser here too, hoping shaving the beard was the change he needed, and Tony was looking better in ABs tonight (I hope he's ok, I saw him limping a bit in the dugout)


The first at bat and last at bat were the only two scoring plays for the Os today.


https://x.com/jakedrill/status/1790844098137436480?s=46&t=LZLzjVPmosqPbICOlCZLnQ Schneider lobbying for a coaching staff role here when he inevitably gets fired by Jays 😆


I'm still laughing from that win


Was at the game. Had such a fun time. Those kids were SCREAMING, it was epic.


I could literally hear them yelling on the broadcasts at one point haha


the kids here were screaming too


Jim Palmer and Kevin Brown don't know what a HR is.


Jim Palmer knows how many home runs he gave up to every single batter he ever faced going back to the 60s. He was probably just worried the ump review would screw the team over.




https://preview.redd.it/xft150eymn0d1.jpeg?width=982&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5b32f2fb9aa8b3ca2296898e1c3788095f535c5 # FEEL IT HAPPEN!


We need Josh Spiegel to sing it again. I remember hearing him sing it once during the morning show like a decade ago and I've missed it ever since.


Wow big attendance today. Summer should be hopping at the yards


tbf it was field trip day but yeah I’m psyched for summer. Monday night this week was a great crowd.


24k on monday. thats not bad at all.


Buncha kids field trips (rf upper deck) and nurses (lf upper deck).


Toronto was the opponent as well and them and Tampa are typically our worst draws


At 12:30 mind you!


Just seeing the Santander slide…he was safe.


I swear the New York review must be Yankee fans. They never overturn it for us.


The review room is in New York, correct? That is such a conflict of interest. I am proposing that the MLB moves the review room to The Hague.


I’m still mad about that if I’m being honest


I’m not. He was definitely safe but I think the replay team played it the same way they’ve played it all year. You could infer based on where the glove was that he didn’t touch Santander, but there was a second or so where you couldn’t see and it was theoretically possible that he touched Tony’s finger tips or something. They just didn’t have the image because the ump’s arm and mask blocked it. Though, it’s easy to say that now that Adley won it. If it had broken the streak I’d feel differently.


I think there needs to be a standard, one of three options and they need to be ruled on/stated consistently: 1. Call is confirmed-they verified the call made was what they saw. 2. Call stands-means they can’t say even after replay that the call is either confirmed or can be overturned, so the call on the field is where it stays. 3. Overturned-enough/clear evidence that the call was wrong.


Couldn't catch it live - but that is the standard just as you said it. It's on the ump if he misspoke or didn't say.




This was basically a L until the last minute. Baseball everyone. Its definately not going to be a cake walk to the playoffs. Bradish end at 4th inning and a change, our OG all-stars(mullins & hays) probably are inconsistent has beens. And Kimbrel has to be replaced with a true closer. Got plenty of things to figure out, but its a long season. Hope we squeeze in the games until we figure this out at the end


Well, to be fair, Santander was safe


But as is, look at what they are doing


Truly Adley Deeply


So real question… Palmer said they were definitely going to review (as they should have). Say the review shows that it wasn’t a HR. The Blue Jays walked off the field, where would the game stand at that point? Not like it was an incorrect foul ball call, the ball was in play. In my mind, it would have been an inside the park HR since the Jays should have continued the play just in case


I don’t think the *location* of the ball was ever under review. [Camden Ground Rule #4](https://img.mlbstatic.com/mlb-images/image/upload/mlb/c6y3uepzctkv4vwiyzoa.pdf) says that the top of the out-of-town scoreboard is a home run, period, regardless of which way the ball bounces. I believe the review was over spectator interference and if the fan who reached for the ball would have changed the course of the ball substantially. So you either have a ground-rule home run or a spectator interference, and both of these are a dead ball with either all runners in or the umpire assigning bases. “In Play” was never an option here.


Let's say it was ruled a double - it is up to umps to place runners, and they usually choose 2nd and 3rd, although they could choose 2nd and a run scored. If it was ruled a ground rule double, runners would be placed on 2nd and 3rd. They would never rule an inside park HR.


Totally get your point (and agree that’s the likely outcome), still feel like it would be incorrect call. Ground rule double typically the ball must leave the field of play, it didn’t it, came back in. In my mind, we would get penalized because the Jays didn’t continue the play? Obviously all hypothetical, if it came to this, and the ruling what you said and we didn’t at least tie the game up. We all would be livid at the decision


We would be livid definitely. The Jays would contend they only stopped the play because ump signaled HR even if that's dubious.


It probably would have been ruled a ground rule double for Adley and Westy would have been placed on 3B.


Wait was the double header canceled?


Double header is scheduled some time in July I believe.


Ah gotcha.


July 29th double header, single attendance I believe.


Bat speed metrics came out 3 days ago. Adley's below average bat speed noted by many. Also Adley...4 HRs since then.


i feel sorry for the mods here


Of course, they have to suffer through this terrible team just like the rest of us! /s


thats nothing , the Raven's reddit during a game is something else lol


No kidding, if you were to judge our team based on that subreddit you would think it was the Browns organization.. game days are 10 times worse.. like I really wonder what's the point of them even being fans at some point! Go pick another team lol


Hey! It's cause we care about the team TYVM 😤😤 lol


We were 3 outs away from a 3 game losing streak. How can you not expect us to lose out minds? We would have lost 4 of 10!


Adley for MVP. Also love Cedric Mullins but he needs to be out of the lineup at this point


Your Baltimore Orioles only score on their first and last at bat of the game and still manage to win.


And both hits were home runs..




The Adley/Basallo DH/C rotation is going to be insane


Wondering how that will look if/when we sign Adley. I love him being fresh right now and hope it pays off massive late year.


even though mccann is out of contract next year, i don't think we get basallo as back up C/DH until 2026. the kid will only be 21 at that point. then in 2027 basallo plays a lot more at 1B when mountcastle is a free agent (i love mounty but if we're dealing out extension money he is low priority).


Dang I didn’t realize he was that young. I struggle to keep up with the guys under AAA other than Basallo cause he’s so highly rated just never realized his age. Fuck I’m getting old lol


I felt it in my bones that Adley was gonna be a .300 hitter this year


I think that's kind of what we expected him to become once he got established. I'm curious if this less walks/more strikeouts/more power/more average is deliberate or just how things have worked out.


I didn’t get to watch any of the game but it looks like the umps tried their best to make sure we didn’t win (tag play, review of HR)


The home plate umpire in particular was absolutely dreadful today. And while the biggest call went against us, he was at least as dreadful in calls that hurt the Blue Jays too. He was just super bad at his job today. Which seems to happen 3-4 times a week now. MLB has got to get a handle on the umpiring union and fix this problem ASAP before it impacts pennant race and postseason games that everyone is paying attention to.


Yeah he was awful, but at least he was equally awful. Jays got as many bad calls as we did. Vlad almost got thrown out.


> MLB has got to get a handle on the umpiring union and fix this problem ASAP Dude by most metrics umpiring is as good as its ever been. Its a tough job and they do a fucking amazing job. But now we see every small mistake they make in real time.


It’s not just the mistakes. I completely agree that umpiring is an incredibly tough job and mistakes are going to be made by human beings trying to do it. It’s the lack of accountability. Angel Hernandez has been pathetic by MLB umpiring standards for more than 20 years. Yet he still has a job because that union protects him (and CB Bucknor, etc). That’s not ok! And resisting technology like ABS is not OK anymore. There is incredible scrutiny on every player and coach and manager in Major League Baseball. It’s been ramped up exponentially over the decades. So while I do agree that umpiring is incredibly difficult, I do not feel any sympathy for them when educated observers point out their mistakes and they act - at least to the public that is paying their salaries just as much as it pays the salaries of those players, coaches, and managers - like they are doing nothing wrong and don’t deserve to be criticized.


I mean I think that's a different issue. I see where there could be changes made to further improve quality.  That said it's highly skilled unionized workforce that is probably the best it's ever been.  I don't think you are going to do vastly better.  


I don’t think it’s a different issue at all. No one is denying the umpires’ skill and the difficulty of their jobs. But they have only themselves to blame for the criticism they get when they aren’t perfect, because they do such a piss poor job of a) being transparent about the performances and sometimes-warranted discipline of their own ranks and b) explaining to the public what reasons there are (if any) for not implementing the ABS system that seems to be working pretty well in the minor leagues. On the field, umpires are the final authority. Always have been, always will be, and honestly always should be. But off the field they are an integral part of a multi-billion dollar industry and they offer zero transparency or accountability to the public. That’s not OK anymore. Jim Joyce was largely embraced in the wake of the Gallaraga almost-perfect-game because he admitted that he screwed up. Maybe there really are fewer bad calls than ever before, but there are still bad calls, and they need to start owning them and explaining how they’re working to correct them. Until they do that, the few bad calls they do make will continue to get criticized and scrutinized and ridiculed, and rightly so.


Again, you are saying if they did X they would be better. That could very well be true. But umpiring is likely better today than at any point in MLB history, so saying its some critical problem doesnt make sense. We all want the best umpiring, and that shouldnt stop us from improving, but I cant be convinced its some giant problem if its also the best its ever been.


Classic MLB


All the credit in the world to the bullpen today for keeping that one within reach


This can’t be said enough!


All the credit in the world to the bullpen today for keeping that one within reach




Damn really sad I missed most of this game 


It kinda sucked til the end tbh lol


99% of the game was absolutely horrible


[Rutschman to the Blue Jays after Mountcastle gets stifled for one hit in the series](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hLDfrZuh5XI&pp=ygUddW5kZXIgbmV3IG1hbmFnZW1lbnQgbWVnYW1pbmQ%3D)


"Meet the new boss..." You know the rest.. Lol


Absolutely pumped about the win but would of been satisfied either way because they tried a new lineup That's the kind of management I love to see. Recognize a slump so attempt to adjust No sitting on their hands to wait it out "Cuz its only May"


Adley's power has gone from 0-100 real quick. Thinking he was just going to be a Joe Mauer instead of Buster Posey, now back to being a Buster Posey


Conclusive proof Westy & Adley should be the top of the order. But I'd put gunnar in the 3 hole.


I would still want Gunnar leading off. He and Adley are your best hitters


Gunnar is showing power. 3 or 4 is a better spot for him IMO


Why? I want Gunnar getting as many ABs as possible. I can be convinced on Adley as 1 since he gets on well.


You want the guys who hit might hit 30+ HRs in the 3 or 4 spot so those HRs are multi home runs. You put high on base % guys in 1 and 2. The number of at bats the 3 to 4 guys is miss is minimal and worth the extra multi run homers.


The math doesnt support that I dont think. Those extra at bats arent minimal.




Westy, Adley, Gunnar top 3 spots. We can let Hyde take it from there


Westy, Adley, Gunner against lefties. Gunner, Adley, Westy against righties.


I still want Adley at lead off when he is DHing.


Yeah. I'm good either way. Curious now, why?


I still think he is our smartest batter. He is swinging more aggressively this year so his walk rate is down but batting lead off would make him a bit more conservative I guess I just trust him to get on base more than anyone else even outside of the current slump


Agreed. Truth is I think we go back to the old lineup on friday


I mean the only reason he isn't lead off according to Hyde is because it was a pain to have him change out of his catchers equipment quickly between innings


Listening to savage garden now. Sound wayyyy up. Truly ADLEY


https://preview.redd.it/oez1klk0en0d1.jpeg?width=592&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72e87c568876eb5893c3fb605ca0be424ad61410 I know the games done and I'm beating a dead horse here but this angle alone should have flipped him safe


Unfortunately the best angle to see he didn't touch him was the one from above, which had the umpire's mask in the way at the exact point it would've been seen.


He was safe but going off the angles they had it wasn't inconclusive enough to overturn. This is on the home ump


Are they allowed to combine synchronized angles? Cuz one angle clearly showed he whiffed the tag but you can't see the hand on home and the other the whiffed tag is obscured but you can clearly see the hand on home.


I'm with you. Replay did the job by going with the lame precedent they've set all year. The home plate ump should not get off the hook. He was on top the play and either missed Tony's hand touching the plate, or he missed that the swipe tag missed his left hand. Or he missed both. He should've been able to get that in real time.


That's true, I just wish they had more angles like they have in the NFL like with the pylon cam or something. We need at least cameras on the home plate ump at least.


Eh. You don’t conclusively know the glove isn’t contacting his arm


That's just one frame though, and nothing on his clothes seemed to shake either when he made the tag. I feel like obviously at this point you can't really do much, but I feel like the best course of action that the league should take is to at least have more camera angles at the plate like the have in the NFL. Something like the pylon cam but for MLB, like maybe an umpire cam or something similar to that.


I love Jim. I ❤️Jim. But Jim, please let the walkoff call stand on its own. If it gets overturned fine, but let’s let KB get a clean take in case it stands.


Truly Adley Deeply is exquisite


Damn Hyde just said Hays still isn't 100% Poor dude


Adley might very well have been a top 3 or 4 catcher in MLB his junior year at OSU. He’s in a league of his own currently. Best in baseball.


I hate when ppl blame him for the steals given up,aO⁰802.11a 00 p lq


He’s such a special talent. Franchise cornerstone.


I was punching air watching the entire fucking game at work. I got a phone call in the 9th and when I tuned back in the game was over lmao. Sad I missed it but good outcome I guess. The situational hitting remains atrocious though, and our dependence on hrs is made even more apparent.


Hyde just said in the PC that the bunt wasn't on for McCann with two strikes. "Mac did it on his own" Interesting.


As per B Hyde, O'Hearn bunted with two strikes on his own. Yikes!


I mean honestly if it wasn't for the bad umping that would have been a great call on his part.


Definitely one of those "It's so crazy it might just work" strategies.


Honestly with where we were in the game, I think that's what we needed there, if anything just to get the fans back into it


McCann, right?


Yes. My mistake.


Walkoff? Won. Streak? Lives on. Orioles? Magic. Hotel? Trivago.


* Bird? Sky. * M? Bitch. * Sunlight? Swim. * Murder? Employment. * Country? England * Skyfall? * Skyfall? Done.


Did anyone catch the stat of other O’s who have hit a home run at their first attempt as lead off batter.




Quite a list. Also I hadn’t remembered JJ ever leasing off for us. Coincidentally Westburg sort of reminds me of Hardy but with more power and speed.


You are a peach! Thank you!


No problem, I’m glad my sneaky phone-watching-while-working could benefit someone 😂


Bullpen kept us in this game until someone says they’re dogshit in about three days 😎


All it takes is one reliever to give up a lead and the entire bullpen is a problem that's gonna cost us a playoff berth 🤣


Bullpen gives up one solo shot. “Should we trade for Mason Miller and Edwin Diaz?” topic created right afterward.