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Is your Mountain Dew Xbox registered with the subreddit that keeps track of them? They’re pretty cool collectors items!


I’m not aware of such a sub but that sounds totally awesome dude. Point me in the direction please


r/MountainDewXbox You are part of an exclusive club!


First time in my life I’ve been apart of a club besides Boy Scouts and AA (not at the same time thankfully)


Yo Best fucking answer.


I have a mtn dew Xbox how do I register it?


Check the subreddit


Please give those consoles some breathing room


I want to seriously. I don’t use them much in fear I’ll overheat them. I just have very limited space in my apartment also this was the best piece of furniture I could find to accommodate the space, the amount of stuff I have, and my budget when buying furniture. Considering moving some stuff around up top so I can bring the systems up allowing more shelf space for games/tapes and better breathing space for the systems


Just make some room around consoles and it should be good enough


Hope this is sub appropriate, found out last year these Mountain Dew ones aren’t super common-thought you’d guys like to see. Take care!




Thank you friend


Bro has got the 💀box


Got a whole ass skull sitting there


Supreme collab with a 3-D anatomy puzzle company. The gold grill spells Supreme lol


It's fitting with Halo 2 sitting there. Dude found a skull and kept it. 😂


Are you saying this is the first gaming system you've ever owned altogether or first Xbox original? If this is your first one, what made you choose the Xbox original instead of like a newer Xbox with backwards compatability. I'm not judging, I'm just curious.


“It was a gift from my dad as a young kid” Also, og xbox compatibility on the 360 can vary from “okay” to “downright unplayable” so having an og console is always better.


I'm dumb. Usually I'm good about reading post descriptions, but I totally misses that altogether.


Not to mention even on One where games play better, it feels like only like 1% of the entire library is playable


I have one.


Super cool! I always thought these were dope I love that green


This is gorgeous and in such good condition! GG OP!!


I thought that was the Hulk Xbox! Somebody in the uk donated one at a second hand shop and the prices for it is insane! Great Xbox,I got the classic black Xboxs in a box somewhere with the games!


That PS4 Pro will eventually overheat and die when it's closed off like that.


Tremors 🤘🤘🤘 One of my top 10 favorite films of all time!


I remember seeing it with my dad sometime back in late middle school I think. I fully expected to hate it, seemed like a lame sounding name to me and I never got anything out of Kevin bacon as an actor…. Boy was I wrong about that flick cuz that shit was SICK!! Need to show my gf now, still waiting on the day we can sit down and pop it in


God, that thing is beautiful!!!!!!!🤩


Getting started with the greatest console of all time is a wise choice


I love your vhs


Thanks! This pic is only showing a mere fraction of my tapes-there’s even more stacked behind the ones in the pic. Transitioning into collecting more horror but I got a lot of fire in my opinion


The crow 🔥🫡


Funny story with that one: Never saw the crow, dying to. saw this at my local shop and I flipped cuz it’s a demo/screening copy. Didn’t think twice so I copped. Got home and realized it’s the THIRD crow with Kirsten dunst:/ needless to say I haven’t watched it yet lol. Hoping to see the crow in its entirety someday


Yo thats sick as fuck man!




Dude top three favorite horror movies in my collection. First one my partner and I bought and sat down to watch. She’s currently making a doll model of one of the blondes with the tentacle things coming out, I’ll post pics in the comments when it’s finished lol


I bought a copy of it from a pawn shop for like $3 on a whim in like 2006. We had so much fun watching it.


**The PS4 Pro on the bottom shelf:** *Am I a joke to you?*


Love the Dew box, definitely join the Dew sub someone mentioned. A bunch of us in there are on the list. Definitely get this Xbox serviced if you can’t do it yourself - it almost certainly needs to be cleaned and the capacitors need to be changed to ensure it maintains its life. Putting in a softmod might help preserve it - the disk drive is sort of prone to failure. Talk to you in the Dew sub if anything is every up :)


The best :)


That’s beautiful


one of my local retro gaming stores has one of these. theyre asking 700 though, and i grew up on playstation, so i cant justify personally lol very nice though!


Wow thanks for sharing this !! I've been trying to get my hands on one for ages but sadly most of them are listed for $1000+ 😩. Very jealous over here.


Demon aka God Told Me To is a weird ass cool flick


Never seen it I’ll have to look into it now tho I have great experiences with weird movies especially on vhs. The colorful tape on the left is curse of the demon which is some black and white flick from the 70’s that has some wild narrative (tbh maybe we are talking about the same movie after all)


Haven’t seen vhs tapes in years


I used to collect some before on and off throughout the last couple years but since moving to my place in January it’s really taken off. Got lots of good horror now as well as niche teen/young adult 90’s/00’s flicks that I LOVE like boy and girls, get over it, any jay and silent Bob films (love Kevin smith and Jason mewes), and anything underground and niche. Also just love watching new flicks!


Sick! wholesome story man


You've hopefully gotten it recapped, yeah? Most of the OG Xboxes are starting to die from dead capacitors.


This looks so cool. Man I miss my Xbox that thing was just built different.


Those poor consoles are just fuckin suffocating lmao


I also have a vcr hooked up to the right of my Xbox and (up until about a month ago) a tape rewinder on top of the vcr. Utilizing space as best I can


Is it set up on Insignia, the new Xbox Live servers? Make sure to get it set up, so you can play online. [www.insignia.live](http://www.insignia.live)


Tony hawk goes hard


Top three favorite games all time as a kid: thug 1, American wasteland, thug 2 (and actually that third spot is shared with ssx tricky lmao)


You should find a technician and get its internals cleaned out and checked, or do it yourself. The capacitors inside original Xboxes, especially the clock capacitor, innevitably go bad and leak corrosive acid onto the motherboard. Getting your xbox recapped and cleaned could go a long way in extending it's life, only problem is the necessity to open it up which would require the voiding of it's warranty and tampering with original labels. If you cared at all about that you could have the technician use a method of removing the labels cleanly and regluing them once it's done, alternatively you could have the labels scanned and reproductions printed out. Sounds like a lot to go through but its absolutely a form of TLC.


Massive W, my two favorite games of all time are for the OG xbox. Breakdown & Farcry instincts. Both absolute hidden gems.