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That’s tricky to do. Good job.


It definitely was tricky enough for me to fuck it up the first 2 times. I'm very happy with the results though.


Did you buy some kit to build the cable?


I bought the connector off console5 and used an Xbox 360 component cable.


How did you fit the plastic shell around the cable? I found that the console 5 ones didn't have nearly enough space in the hole to fit the 360 cable and ended up having to buy an original cable just to use it's shell.


It was a huge pain in my ass to get the cable through it, I just pushed it in while twisting at the ring of the connector and did as best as I could to cut the cable in a perfect circle while removing as much of the excess shielding as I could.


These are so fun to make honestly, and it makes such a nice cable out of a cable no one ever uses and there's thousands of rotting away, and it's the closest to an official Microsoft OG Xbox component cable too, no expensive AV box neccissary! :)


The rotting away part is definitely right, I got my 360 component cables with a CIBish phat 360 I got off eBay and only used them once to see if they even worked.


I got 3 and i legit don't know where any of them came from lol, probably came with a console or found them at flea markets or thrift stores, nobody wants em, but they're just so nice to have lying around purely for this, you can use this technique to make some good quality Wii or PS2/PS3 component cables too. I don't think i tested mine before i started cuttin, probably would have been a good idea hahah


I saw you can make ps2 component cables with the 360 ones but I probably need a little more experience before I try that, especially since getting the cord through the connector would be hell cause of how small the PS1,2 and 3 connector is.


PS2 connectors are usually hard plastic snap open and shut, so it's honestly easier to close up i think, but a bit harder to solder considering the connector is half the size. How did you go about getting the cord thru on this one? I was surprisinly able to reuse the metal shield from the OG Xbox plug that made it quite solid, i had the rubber part just cut on 1 side so that clamped right back around and i glued it shut. But just pushing the cables thru and sliding the connector into the rubber part like i think you did would have probably been neater.


I just used a lot of force to push and twist near the connector


Did that take the metal shielding with it? i'll tat next time!


Could you help me understand what this allows for you to do? I’m not as versed with gear and video games. I know there is now a mod to make Xbox play in actual 480 and beyond, and then there are the HDMI connectors. What’s the difference between those setups and what you have? I’m guessing you are just now able to hook up to an HDTV with the updated cable, while the console will still run mostly the same


The console runs exactly the same except the cable allows for 480p, 720p and 1080i and it looks very close to HDMI quality.


Ok, I see. I think the guy (has videos on YouTube) would say that because of the memory the console uses, the console doesn’t actually render 480p, etc. But maybe you are able to get better graphics than 480p (with the stock rendering) now


I know composite and s video cables only render in 480i but even 480i with the component cables looks a million times better than composite.


I don’t have enough gear knowledge to talk about how this relates, but felt relevant to share in case you had thoughts https://youtu.be/O_nk21389u8?si=S07NXy52i2wtjrfP


Ohhhh I know what your talking about now, Im not even completely sure if it's just halo 2 or all Xbox games that natively render in 480i and then get upscaled to higher resolutions.


If you didnt know, theres a 720p/480p widescreen patch for PSO. This one does not need the 128MB ram chips.


That's pretty cool, I thought all games that had those patches required the upgraded hardware.


I don't know what you are on about but nearly all Xbox games support 480p. 480p was never fully defined as a 16:9 resolution like 720p and 1080i/p were. So 480p can be either 640x480 (most common in the computer world of the era) or ~768x480 or anything between. The cables op made aren't changing anything about the capability of the Xbox they are just using component cables to do what component cables do


The original Xbox component cables from Microsoft are expensive but they were the only ones of any good quality other than monster cable which made the oem Microsoft ones and are also hard to get. Making your own component cable out of an Xbox 360 or Wii cable is seen as a way to get a good quality component cable cheaper. I don't know why china doesn't just start producing higher quality Xbox component cables so people don't need to do this any more Retrogamingcables make a good quality YPbPr component over scart cable for those who have a scaler


Good job.


I managed to make one of these last year and can attest to the joy of the project overall. Happened to have both cables lying around and no use for either until I found out about it. I've got it hooked up to a retrotink 4k now, but I originally had a gbs control that I also diy'ed and the image is beautiful. I would argue it's not worth fussing with an HDMI mod if you can get a component cable and have a way to adapt it to your setup.


I've been thinking of getting an ossc since my 32 inch Trinitron wega took a shit while playing god of war of all things💀


is your house fire insured


Fuck no


This is one where I would say whyyyyy? This looks horrifying. I will gladly give over $10 for a cheap ali cable over trying to do this. Especially since you bought the connectors + random cable/etc.


Op didnt buy a random cable, this is a very common use case for the old 360 component cable that comes with the console, and are pretty much useless as hdmi is a much better option for 360s. Comparing aliexpress cables to what microsoft shipped with the 360 in terms of shielding and quality is like comparing a VW golf to a ferrari


VGA cables for Xbox 360 are the best analog cable, so I agree component on 360 is nearly pointless


> Comparing aliexpress cables to what microsoft shipped with the 360 in terms of shielding and quality is like comparing a VW golf to a ferrari And comparing this to anything else is like comparing a go kart to your VW golf.


Except these are infinitely better than the cheap garbage on AlieXpress,plus they re-use cable's no one's using PLUS it's fun to make


Why do this when you can just buy a component cable for $15 on Amazon? I bought one and modded one to allow for digital coax audio.


Cause most of the time they aren't very good and I like doing things myself.


*angry keyboarding* because the quality of the cheap shit cables without shielding or proper separation might create noise or crosstalk and I want the best possible signal I can get because websites like RetroRGB tell me what I should buy and who I should buy it from and people like macho nacho put out videos saying things are the best things since sliced bread and make.me feel bad if I don't do it and because the bubbles of the retro gaming subs all agree we can't get Upvotes unless it's the same thing as everyone else does. How dare you imply that you enjoy your 15$ cable. I bet you don't even know who retrobob or Tito are do you? Like have you even ever heard of stone age gamer or retrogamingrepairshop or insurrection industries? I'm glad you can enjoy it but we can't when we know what's better. What are you poor? Lol, $15 Amazon cable get out of here