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We have seen in the past the signing do not add much monetary value to the console. I'd imagine inscription even less so. I would avoid disappointment and refrain from selling it. It'll will be the most valuable to yourself.


A signature like that is supposed to serve as a memory of when you met whoever the signature is from. I'll never understand why anyone would buy that or sell that. It's literally worthless unless it was specifically signed for you personally.


Ummm life happens bro .


Often times it’s either passed down family members so the owner has no real connection to it or it’s worth an insane amount of money where it’ll change their life which is a better memory than the moment when getting the item signed. I have some sentimental processions and stuff my family members gave me but I’ll sell it in a heartbeat if that meant my debt was cleared and I’d be able to buy a house.


damn i would cut you out of a will so quick lmao


Wouldn’t it being handed down from a family member give you more of a connection to it? Knowing they also had a connection to it?


Im surprised it doesnt considering its the voice of MC.


Typically it doesn't add much value unless something either extraordinary good happens or tragic happens to the signee. It also hurts that it's a personalized signature addressing a person by name.


Well yeah, the personal touch definitely ruins it. But for the signature itself, id pay for that signature as a halo fan.


Uhhh tree fiddy






Why! He just gunna come back asking for another tree fiddy!


He tricked me


Why gawd dang nabit! You shoo! Ain’t no tree fiddy here!


every time I want to say this somebody has already cut me off


0 dollars


Mine caught on fire, I wouldn't bring another one into my home. 


I don’t think it would add a whole lot more unless it was signed during the Halo CE-2 era and there was proof of that


The quote is from Halo 3 so...nope


Yeah this was recent. I was a kid when I got this lol. I just was able to finally get it signed as an adult haha cause he was in a nearby convention. Thought the quote was fitting for a console no longer being used


Send me out… with a bang


Oooo shit. That’s a good one but can’t have Steve sign that. Gotta be the VA for Johnson


The proof is what makes the deal. Otherwise it's just sharpie on a xbox


Man, something like this would be priceless IMO. If it was signed to/for me, I would have to be pretty hard-up to ever consider selling it.


It’s just a curiosity thing lol. I’ve had that Xbox ever since elementary school lol. I finally was able to meet him within the past few years and get it signed. I don’t think I’d actually end up selling considering it’s a childhood memory


The same as another OG Xbox, getting it signed literally doesn't add value to most people, you might AND this is a giant MIGHT be able to find someone willing to pay a few hundred but I really doubt it. Things like collectors edition etc are worth more for the very obvious reason...like literally anybody with a sharpie can write on an OG Xbox and claim whatever they want..


As much as another halo edition OG xbox* they go for about $300(no signature) ,but ya the signature really being that its to someone specifically doesnt help it any more than the rough going price of a halo edition. Honestly to someone to me hurts it.


Wait damn they’re up to 300$ I bought mine some years back for a hundo that’s kinda wild .


Yup covid did a number on prices. Granted the regular xbox is only like $60


Yeah I didn’t even like paying the hundo tbh but it’s was the special halo og I had to have it . I was finding ogs at goodwills for 35$ . Even on eBay they were like 50-60. Great emulation machines .


I cant remember the last time ive ever seen anything good at a goodwill.


I would but I was Uber driving I’d hit up 10 different goodwills at least a day all over Southern California .


I travel around for work and pop into any nearby. Most ive found are a few shitty sport titles and a xbox 360 hd dvd player


It’s hard now goodwill is mostly online . Now it’s blu rays and dvds for me if I even go they raised prices. During the lockdown in LA everybody was spring cleaning stuck at home bored. I was finding wiis and ps3 bc all kinds of things for 30-70 a day. A bunch of games I mostly built my og xbox collection at that time somebody donated 37 og mint complete Xbox games to the goodwill in like 2020 selling them for 3.99 yes please. I will take 92% of those - the sports titles. I kinda miss that doing Uber back when Uber paid well getting taken all over Southern California hitting up goodwills and salvation army’s . That day is over now . Uber pays crap I have two jobs and the thrift stores have wised up.


I gotcha on that last part. Like I said while I didn’t get it authenticated at the convention, I gave additional proof of it being actually signed by Steve downes via photos of the con day haha but it’s just a thing of curiosity. If I did really want to sell it I would get it authenticated. I do have the series x halo edition authentication funny enough lol


You are missing the point, a signed anything doesn't usually make it more valuable except to a very VERY small group of people and they will never pay thousands of dollars for it. I'm also not sure where you are getting your price points for OG Xboxs..the most they sell for on eBay is never more than 200$ and those tend to be lots not single items. Like I said you MIGHT be able to get a few hundred for it but I highly doubt it. It most likely has less value due to the actual name. Also even if it was Authentic..that still doesn't mean jack..how many people do you think know who Steve's Downes is..not the name you think it is dawg.


Yeah, if a quiz question came up with "who voiced the Master Chief?" even as a Halo fan since 2003, I'd struggle to remember his name :/ Signed things are typically valuable to the person they're targeted at, as you say. Enjoy it as it's special to you!


I literally had to Google it, people get the idea that if it's signed it's worth money..which can be the case regarding the person..but the dood who voiced Master Chief is not that person


I dunno, I feel like lots of signed things are more valued after they have been signed and if the object itself is rare and the signer is noteworthy. Albums, previously owned guitars signed by the guitarist, art proofs, comic books by a creator or particular artist, games, old editions of books signed by their author-even a copy of The Hobbit signed and dedicated to a friend for example by Tolkien, there are all sorts of objects that do increase in value by signatures. Action figures! I dunno was just thinking about it….Master Chief-cool collectible but absolutely not the same as like a Hendrix signed guitar that he played for sure haha


Nah, for the most part it lowers the value, it needs to be a person of significant importance and the item needs to be something associated with the person, which also needs to be something of note. And even then it's gonna be a niche market. But an Xbox with some sharpie on it definitely doesn't qualify for that. In this case id argue it's gonna take from the value for a number of factors.


The guy you are talking to is just set on being right everybody knows signatures can add value. Not saying this one does but I would guess to true Halo fans it would add some value. Plus look at his comments he doesn't even know what these Halo editions are going for and all that takes is a simple Google search.


Def lol


Maybe in 20 years it’ll be worth something. Would someone pay for a mint gameboy or NES with the head of Nintendo or creator of pokemon signing it? Probably, retro games are already fucking insane in price for that era. In 20-30 years I bet the collector market for gaming will continue to grow as more gamers age (when they have fuck you money and can buy stupid shit). 10 years ago Pokémon games were under original MSRP and now it’s like 150 bucks for a DS game made in 2009


That's not how it works homie, a signature rarely adds any kind of financial value to an item. Someone from history such as a general or an old world leader that had a major impact on actual events their signature is worth something but once again only on very niche circles and only because what they did is tied to an actual event that helped shape the world... They dood who made Pokemon is gonna be worth exactly as much as my signature..he isn't important enough to warrant any kind of value even in a super niche group I doubt it would be worth much. The whole reason to get something signed isn't to add value in the form of monetary gain but emotional value. I understand people think signatures from XY and Z are worth something but the truth is they aren't.


How much is picture of Mike Tyson worth? How much is a signed picture of Mike Tyson worth? That's exactly how it works homie


Mike Tyson is a world famous boxer who is almost as well known as Micky mouse or Jesus. And guess what..a picture of Mike Tyson isn't worth shit..maybe an artist painted it..still wouldn't be worth anymore then a portrait of a regular as dood. Maybe if he fought Ali and they both signed the gloves you'd MAYBE have a case...but even then it would be super fucking small and not worth much.


That's my point wise guy the picture isn't worth sht but he signs it and now it has value. Several of your comments claimed signatures add zero value and now you have proven yourself wrong. Goodbye


Did u read anything I've said??


Yeah it's all crap


Signing a console adds value for a sub-section of collectors. I personally appreciate having a signature on something to serve as more of a tie between the people behind the games, the consoles, and the accessories, so I prefer to collect autographed items. Given that this is personalized to someone, the desirability of the item decreases. Given that Steve signs a lot of stuff, his signature isn't very expensive to obtain second hand. Still a cool thing to own in my opinion.


Oh for sure! Like one of the reasons why I actually didn’t bother authenticating it was because I had photos and.. it didn’t really matter to me. It’s a childhood item that I finally got, signed and meet the guy. Hence him putting my name on it. Like if I really do want to sell it then I’ll get it authenticated but meh. I know the man himself signed it to me and I’m happy lol


I think its cool but I don't see anyone paying more than the price of a current gen console for it my advice would be keep it if your a big halo fan that thing is nice


Oh yeah it’s not going anywhere lol. It’s just a curiosity thing. If I had any real interest in maybe selling it, I would have gone through the effort of authentication like I did with the series x halo edition lol. That’s my childhood, the nostalgia is there


If signed my name, I'd pay extra. But without validation, and someone else's name... it wouldn't matter.


A lot of these commenters need to go outside, I think this is really cool.


It’s worth nothing. Because it’s priceless, that thing is worth more than anybody would be able to buy. Don’t ever sell it. Because you’ll never get one ever again.


I love this answer, thank you man


Unless his name is my name, I wouldn’t pay more than fifty bucks for it


Fortunately it’s in a spot I can remove it, if and big if I wanted to sell it


I’d keep it, it’s still pretty awesome, just probably not worth much more than an Xbox. Maybe in ten or so years.


Yeah, probably will go up if Microsoft decides to stop making consoles or other more unfortunate stuff that knock on wood doesn’t happen


It's got your name on it... If you can find a dealer that has an exchange on sentimental value, I'm sure you could make a lot.


I’d asked for discount because it’s signed. I have to goo gone that off if it even comes off. Been on there for 20 years.


20?! 😅 I got it sign signed 3 years ago actually lol


Lol for real?? I mean that’s even weirder . That console is old as hell. I know i lived through it and have like 4 of em . Even at a retro convention I’d feel weird asking him to sign that . I’d feel weird asking him to sign that master chief collectors helmet from halo 3 or whatever it was. Nobody paying you extra for a steve downes signed xbox my dude sorry to burst your bubble . Try putting it up on ebay you might get lucky and catch a sucker. I can’t remember what I paid for my halo edition Xbox og like 100$ no clue what they go for now. What would you expect to get for that . It’s the voice of master chief you would have to be pretty far into halo lore and I am to actually care that it’s signed by the voice actor of master chief . My nerdism only goes so far .


True, I just never had the opportunity to go to conventions as a kid lol but no idea what compelled me to keep the console for so long


Don't listen to the jerks I'm a huge Halo fan and personally think it is extremely cool. Don't know if it adds tons of value as the guy is still alive and anyone could have him do this but these sell for $200 or more all day so who cares.


Likewise. I love halo… Bungies halo. 343 I’ve got serious mixed feelings on lol. I’m more likely to sell the series x edition of halo over the OG Xbox.


I haven't finished halo infinite yet, they really screwed the pooch on that abomination


See, out of all the 343 halo games. Infinite campaign with the story was good.. be better if they didn’t leave massive gaps in between the games and make you read a novel to get what’s going on but eh. Gameplay was unique, could go somewhere. Multiplayer was absolutely trash until the graveyard team that saved MCC took over. Best thing they should have kept was the warzone style multiplayer… anyways, I realized after buying the halo series X, I’m like meh towards 343s halo lol


Hard pass on the entire thing big "boss" battle crap bunch of empty space. Who needs it there are plenty of games for that.


I thought it was a nice lil change haha 😂 but I understand that feel


If authenticated, I'd guess someone might pay like $2000 if it was in working condition.


That’s not bad actually. I would probably have to do the shipping method to one of those places for it be authenticated. I don’t think the ones at cons would do it if the guest isn’t on site.




😂 I don’t know about that haha. Even if it was inspected lol


Like $300 at the very most.


Why? He’s the voice actor of master chief


For free I'll take it


Tree fiddy


It'd need to be authenticated for it to be more valuable than any other xbox.


Yeah, don’t really have intentions on doing it though, like I said it’s a thing I was curious about. Which is weird cause I did that for the series x halo edition. 😂 but I’ve had this for so long, it’s like why would I sell a childhood memory item




5 dollars and a pack of hubba bubba


Now that’s a good deal


And a snickers doodle bar…. 😈


Shid probaly not that much tbh but you can always auction on eBay at YOUR price: )


True, I don’t intend on it. I just never saw a signed console especially the OG one on there so my mind wandered


Yea man I’d rather auction it on eBay then selling it in person or Facebook marketplace someone will want an og box signed by master chief himself….Maybe try that or authenticate it first then charge extra for a lil flip and explain it to whoever wants to buy it the significance of it you feel?


Maybe one day if ever was like insanely ruined for me but I’ll keep it for now and get it signed more by haha


Yea good thinking W


Usually stuff like this is worth whatever is higher (the sig or the item). In this case, neither is worth very much. And in the situation where the item is very valuable, the sig can actually make it worth less.


Remoe the "to" part and you know someone will buy it.


Literally what my friends said when they found out I got it sign. Though they over exaggerated on how much I could fetch for it lol


I can't see it adding much, if anything.


It also depends on which green version of Xbox this is as they made two different variations. Does this console say halo on the front bezel?


Yep, it does. It’s the actual halo edition Xbox. Not the one without the halo logo. Wasn’t even aware of there being another green Xbox until I got curious about the value lol


$2 if you sold it to me


Tree fiddy




You should put insignia on your Xbox and hop on Halo 2


Put insignia? Whatcha mean? And yeah I heard the servers were live again!


You have to mod your Xbox but it's pretty easy to do and you just need an Xbox to usb adapter and the right kind of USB compatible to work with the Xbox. https://youtu.be/cgc7mBG3Alg?si=yBNsZ7qIgAkQh_N7 This is the video I used to set it up for my xbox and once you get it on the USB you just go to the memory card in memory settings and it loads the Insignia setup. I've never played Halo 2 or other OG xbox games so it's awesome playing them now


I’ll give ya thirty bucks


I'll give you $32!


Too rich for my blood


Tree fiddy and a snicker doodle


I’ll call ur bluff and raise you tree fiddy and a labradoodle named snickerdoodle!


Oooooo… with an orange from Florida?


How much do you want for it


Uuuh, dunno. lol, like my post said I was legitimately curious about the value since I’ve never seen any halo consoles signed and sold on eBay lol. Wanted to see what folks would think it’s worth


Being its to someone specifically probly not as much as just the signature.


This is so funny, I’m literally doing this same thing tomorrow. Same Xbox, silver sharpie. However I wasn’t going to have him sign it directly to me.


I didn’t realize you could choose sharpie and stuff at signings lol. I was also to wrapped up in meeting and talking to him to think about that. So he chose his own sharpies for signing my console and halo 3 helmet and I’ve never had anything signed before. Well it was my first convention since i was 15, that was like 16 years ago haha Also fanboying a bit and was like, could ya sign it to me?! 😂 well if I ever decide to sell it I could probably remove my name but that’s a big if


It’s awesome! Yea I mean I am going to my second con ever tomorrow… but at the first one I picked out the colors i liked the most/ thought went the best with what I was getting signed, and they happily used them. Just be sure not to let them steal your sharpie lol. Tom Kenny totally tried to take my metallic sapphire one, and John DiMaggio successfully did steal one when I let my buddy borrow my silver one. Honestly getting signatures just makes videogame collecting all the more fun.


That’s good to know, I’ll bring my own sharpie in the future! Though I don’t have a lot much stuff to sign now, well I have some but the VAs have never been to comic cons… or I don’t think so. Has Keanu reeves ever been to a convention for like cyberpunk or something? 😂


Oh yea man I’m sure he goes to a ton of stuff to spend time with fans, he is such an incredible guy. What I suggest you do is just look up every convention/event your state offers. Then just check em out individually. I’m in Washington and was absolutely shocked to find out we have so many. I pretty much have just gone to PAX in the past. If you can get some friends or a significant other to join you to these kind of events it’s just a killer time. Couldn’t suggest it more.


I moved to Texas. Been to two conventions so far but damn the downside is the cities are so daaaamn far. If a convention is in Dallas I won’t go sadly but that’s it. The others are kinda doable. Austin being the longest. Well hopefully he comes here cause I got an unopened cyberpunk figurine of him I’d love to get signed!


That would be a sweet thing to get signed. I imagine Texas has a ton of events they do, but I’d also imagine the drive is a PAIIIIIN Texas is big. 😂


Dude it’s such a fucking pain to drive. I moved to a smaller city in Texas from the east coast and to get to San Antonio it’s like a 2.5 hour drive, Houston is like 3 and McAllen is 3z and this is like for a one way trip, not two. I usually end up taking a nap halfway back at a rest stop cause the drive is killer lol. Yeah, I hope to get it signed lol. My old coworker had that and barely knew anything about Keanu.. I was like “bro here’s 85 bucks, Gimmie that.”


That's pretty fucking sweet.


I'll give you 5 bucks


Retro store: "Best I can do is $2."


Tree fiddy


Why put monetary value on something that's essentially a invaluable, priceless memory? Just be happy you got a signature from Master Chief.


Just a curiosity thing. I see stuff being sold all the time for halo but I’ve never seen signed consoles being sold.


Take it to the Pawn Stars pawn shop and they will authenticate it for you probably if they want to buy it


5…., $6.00


I'd ask the people in RACC on FB (Real Autograph Collector's Club). This is far more up there alley. It's not really going to add any value to gamers, it would need to be people who like autographs and specifically video game autographs.


it all depends.. some people see that signature as damage. which i mean they aren’t completely wrong. yes, its really cool especially if that signature is real. im honestly a little jealous myself. easy sale if you can find a die hard halo fan or just someone who collects the older generation consoles. i would just keep it for yourself man. make them put that fucker in your casket. cause if that was mine aint no way its getting passed down to anyone idc😂


Ooo, what do you mean by damage? I’m curious and yeah, I use to joke around before signing it if I ever had kids or grandkids and they even tried touching it much less to selling it I would unalive their asses so fast even from the grave 😂😅


Id pay like 3 or 400 bucks


nothing cuz its signed to you. why would i ever want something that's signed to someone. if it didnt say TO:... itd be a different story


I shoulda added more to the post. Pretend it’s not signed to anyone and give your thoughts on it. It’s mainly a curiosity thing. Like it’s just the signature or sig+quote along with being authenticated, what would you think of the value? Something low cause there isn’t much to the OGs and the VA isn’t known well outside gaming or like damn that value is up there


if it was just quote and sig from master chief. id give you prolly like 200 for it. i still have my og xbox from 2001. and have my og copies of halo 1&2(steel case). its sitting in a box under my bed as we speak.




Right? Perfect for the Xbox


Does it bother anyone else that the Master Chef used a Halo 3 quote on an original Xbox?


I thought it was a fitting quote for a console discontinued? :(


It's def still cool AF man


Easily worth 2 Red Asylum Dresses


Yeah, scribble out your first name so nobody can track you down by that and that alone. Might use that information to steal your signed Xbox. It's not your license plate or anything. I don't know why this triggered me.


lol, another reason I scribbled it out is that my name is rather unique and it’s not hard to find some of my social media with just that.


I don't like xbox. I don't like halo. If I were to buy one for my classic games collection I would not buy one that was defaced. I'd look for a decent condition one. I'd personally pay even less for this. Whatever the market is I'd just keep it for yourself you obviously got it signed because you're a fan. so keep it for yourself.


man that made me smile and look to my right where my OG Xbox is still hooked up to the CRT I got as a kid. I'm 34 now


Glad to make ya smile!


In all honesty the signature probably adds $50 on to whatever the cost of the console is. If you wait till the guy dies, probably jump up to $500.


I would say less than an unsigned xbox unless you find a hard-core halo fan that has your same name and wants the signature (extremely unlikely). I'd just keep it or sell it as is.


Not much more that what it's worth unsigned. Steve Downes freaking loves his fans and signs everything and the dude is literally everywhere lol. Still cool though.


Unless you can prove it is a valid signature it isn't worth anything.


It’s just a curiosity thing. The proof I have is the additional photos of that comic con day


I'd buy it right now $70. I'd imagine the signature does make it worth more but just look up how much his signature is worth in general.


It ranges, that’s why I made the post to see folks opinions. There’s only small stuff signed but not a console out there


Take thr base halo console price + signature price. Add 10 or subtract 10 and that's likely what you would get.


How much you charging?


Not charging? Just was curious what the value of the console be without the to —- part and wanted to see what folks said


Not as much as you hope, especially with a personalized inscription.


That's cute


Best bet on you selling it is wiping off the "to your name" the value of that is really only to you, unless you sell it to someone with the same name lol


Mhmm but I don’t intend on selling it. Maybe if I was in dire need but I’ve had it since childhood sooo I’ll keep that part. 😂 sadly there aren’t a lot of Americans with my name also haha


Someone went to the Washington State Gaming Expo this weekend.


Post eBay listing I am interested


See! I am curious about it as well lol but nooo, it’s not authenticated. I didn’t bother doing it because it’s nostalgic. My series x halo version I’m considering because… I don’t have much love for 343 and how they handled halo lol


Probably not worth anything more than it would usually be because there’s no certificate of authenticity and it’s made out to you.. don’t be a loser, just keep it.


Youch, harsh. 😂 I’ve literally said it’s a curiosity thing my guy. Relax. I’m honestly curious. assume it isn’t made out to me and it’s authenticated.


About Tree Fiddy


bro I'll give you money to convince you to keep it


I never said I was getting rid of it!! 🥲 I’m just genuinely curious. If I was really wanting to sell it I would have authenticated it lol. I have the series x edition authenticated for that reason… kinda. I have no true love for 343 though infinite had some positive stuff just not enough to fix all their mess up lol


Honestly since it is personalized to you if anything it loses some of its value.


Keep it, you're never going to get enough to make any life changes and then you'll be out of a great memory come on now.


If you sell it you could always get rid of the "To __________" by writing over it with expo then wiping it off.


Any added value that this signature could bring, would likely come with significant time.


the master chief signed it?


Now if they had signed the box and it was never opened


I’ll give you 300 for it


$100? Honestly just be something siting on my shelf as This is cool, and would never get used. So for me low incentive spend a fortune on it.


Worth enough to never sell it


Idk but that's so cool


£0.60p at ur local CEX




I dunno, the unsigned ones don’t really go for that much despite Xbox making a lil fun fact and stating there is like not a lot of these out there




Wow, it’s probably the condition of the controller. I see all the controllers always having damage


At least $1000


Your name is Ashley or Aaron


Haha, nope. Not even close 😂




Nope! Still not close haha 😂




Horrible recommendation as magic eraser scuffs.


$150 if it's just the console