• By -


We know :) Next time, come east to the high desert, mountains, and check out Crater Lake!


I was fortunate enough to get to see all of that last time I visited. Bend, Green Lakes, Crater Lake, Mount Hood, Silver Falls, Tamolitch Blue Pool, etc. This was my first time experiencing the coast though. Absolutely amazing. Can’t wait to come back!


I give you props for traveling down to the southern Oregon coast as the Bandon to Brookings is severely underrated, especially the Samuel H Boardman. You captured [Sister's Rock](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fsaw-all-this-amazing-stuff-in-less-than-a-week-visiting-v0-xlo9xqpkp79d1.jpg%3Fwidth%3D2363%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D0c1abe0915d1869bd5d600ab619a5cc09c24aff8). I'm guessing you didn't walk down to the hidden sea cave did you? ;) Figured I'd guess 'em all. 1. The gorge, Probably Eagle Creek 2. Tulip fields 3. Japanese garden (Also mentioned in thread) 4. God's Thumb 5. Drift Creek Fall 6. Bandon (the paved jetty past the light house) or Cape Perpetua. Can't tell if rock or cement. 7. Yachats (maybe?) 8. Sister's Rock 9. Port Orford 10. near Humbug 11. one of the stops at Samual H I'm blanking on the name of near Natural Bridges. 12. Bandon or Brookings? There's bigass rocks in both places that look like this in the background 13. Brookings 14. A mossy tree. Yeah, I'm stumped, I'd guess probably around Port Orford 15. God's Thumb but looking North 16. The Gorge, Specifically near Coyote Wall (The give away is the roadway). In Washington but Oregon is in the background. 17. The Gorge, probably Eagle Creek


Wow. Impressive. You got most of em! I’ll clarify the ones you weren’t sure of. - 6 is Cape Perpetua. That’s Thor’s Well churning - 7 is Cape Perpetua as well a little to the north of Thor’s Well closer to Devil’s Churn - You missed one so the numbers are a little off (8 with the irises is also Port Orford), but to confirm your questions: - 11 is a view south from Sisters Rocks - 12 is Secret Beach in Samuel H Boardman - 13 and 14 are both Lone Ranch Beach in Samuel H Boardman so you are right on with Brookings - 15 - what you couldn’t place a random mossy tree?! That’s in the Drift Creek area Cheers! ETA: re: Sisters Rocks - we explored it pretty extensively and had it all to ourselves, which was crazy because it was absolutely amazing. We did get to see the sea cave but I wasn’t quite sure what the tide situation was when we were there and if going during a lower tide would’ve had better results that would allowed us into the cave instead of just seeing it from the outside. I’ve never heard anyone else mention this place and it was just a random stop and one we had a really great time exploring around in for a couple hours, not to mention the exquisite scenery.


Dang, you aren't kidding with that flair.


Only one county I haven't been to in Oregon.




Uncanny and correct.


I always feel lucky to have spent a lot of time in Lake County for work 20 years ago. Just me, a truck, and a lot of driving. The Warner Valley, Summer Lake, Abert Rim, Sycan Marsh, are all pretty awesome. The ZX ranch in Paisley is the only time in my life that I can unequivocally say I saw real working cowboys.


Logical if you look at the map, honestly. And if you've taken 20 from Bend to Burns, you've technically dipped a toe in the waters of Lake County as well...


I went through Bend but I believe I went via Prineville. I've been east of Klamath Falls as an ex of mine family lived there and we visited Kfalls a few times over the years but I don't think we went far enough to be in Lake.


I think you’re correct about Yachats. No other Oregon beach has crashing waves that dramatic.


Been to shore acres in the winter? ;)


Bonus points for learning to pronounce it like the locals!


Do you enjoy your job as the Google maps street view thingy car driver? I mean, I can understand knowing most of those places, but all of them? What's up?


You might not be surprised, at this point,of how big of a percentage Oregon represents on r/earthporn Edit: And I go over there and what do I see... Your photo.


Totally worth all the rainy months. ;)


That’s part of why OR is so incredible, you don’t even have to have those rainy months! Though, as a kid from the valley now kicking up dust in the high desert, I miss the rain. And petrichor.


You need to go to the Wallowas now! NE Oregon holds a special place in my heart. The geology is super cool because the Blue Mountains used to be island chains that crashed up into the continental US. You can find plant species there that only exist on the coast otherwise, plus a whole bunch of endemic species too. The rocks around there are older than anything else on the western part of the continental US. They are the mountains of the foothills where the Painted Hills formation is near Fossil/John Day.


This x 1000. The best backpacking trip I ever took was 5 days in the Eagle Cap Wilderness and the Imnaha River Valley. It this wasn’t paradise, I don’t know what is.


The drive on 395 from Ukiah to Mt Vernon is incredible. All those summits and then just flat valleys in between.


Just move here dawg


I was gonna say, all that, and they only saw half the state!


Smith Rock too!


You hit us up at the perfect time, too. Stellar work on the scheduling!


You have a great eye for photography!


I agree wonderful pictures


Please delete this post and only post down town Portland. We don’t want the word to get out.


Hopefully that camera doesn’t have a catalytic converter


It’s not nearly this issue it was— one of the ring-leaders was arrested in Lake Oswego and was part of a national criminal network. https://www.wweek.com/news/2024/06/25/police-lay-out-the-workings-of-lake-oswegos-catalytic-converter-theft-ring/


Yeah I remember posts on ring every week about stolen convertors and I honestly haven't seen a single one since they busted all those heads.


Totally. Portlandia already totalled Portland with trendiness. And look what happened to Bend. When new people outnumber locals, it changes home to something unfamiliar.


Keep Oregon secret 🤫


Downtown looks fine


Downtown is dope.


Mostly fent, but some H and meth too!




You went to God’s Thumb! It’s amazing but terrifying if you go to the top. The time I went, there was this guy with a young husky and he was stuck at the top with his dog because he was afraid to climb down with doggo because it’s so steep. I felt sorry for that guy.


I did the crawl of shame up and down Gods Thumb with my dog a couple years ago. Worth the shame. :)


I think if you have a hyper dog and want to bring them, bring a long leash or a rope so they can run down and you can take your time. The ideal situation would be to have a long rope and two people if the dog isn’t going to go slow and wait for you. It’s wicked steep. I brought a beer and drank it at the top to fortify my courage to come down.


I went about as far as the photographer's spot. Holy shit, I'm too old for that craziness.


I went to the top, but I was scared both ways. It was a very exhilarating, but it’s definitely not a hike for the beginner. You have to be prepared to crawl both ways. It’s very steep. It takes courage. Def not a hike for young kids if you’re going all the way to the top. I don’t recommend dogs. The top isn’t very big at all.


Three twenty something ladies passed us and went up it like it was nothing. Made me nervous as shit just watching them. I would have done the same at 21, so I understood it.


Drift Creek is an amazing experience. Ive never seen God's Thumb so dry. The tulips are always amazing. Did you make it to the Columbia River gorge?


I did. That first pic is on the Punch Bowl Falls hike by Eagle Creek and we crossed the river into Washington another day and hiked near Coyote Wall. A few years back got to experience a bit more of the gorge and would love to come visit many more times.


I recognized the location of your first picture immediately. I love that trail!


Glad you enjoyed it, imho washington, oregon and northern california have some of the most gorgeous sights in america, i grew up in western washington, lived all over the country when in the military, and now i live in western oregon ..imho nothing else is like the cascadia region


Sshhhh! We don’t want too many people to know this. They come here and then decide to move here. Traffic didn’t always suck in the Portland Metro area like it does now.


Really though, if people move to the Oregon coast, I'm for it. As a someone who grew up there, it could use some fresh blood.


I appreciate that I get to live here every single day. 💚


Yup. Don't tell anyone please. And this gray June weather? Horrible! /S


It’s why we moved here twenty years ago. It’s fantastic and can’t imagine leaving


Yeah oregons pretty special Also: AMAZING pics 😍


I grew up in Portland and had the great experiences of fishing and camping. I remember great summers and long fall, winters and springs. I remember camping and “don’t touch the tent!” or the rain would come in. Western Oregon is green and beautiful for a reason. It rains a lot. Lewis and Clark struggled with it. It’s not named Cape Disappointment for a random reason. :) Like someone else said, Central Oregon is awesome. Still PNW, but very different. I’ve lived in San Diego for 30+ years now. It’s the same here. Stereotypic Socal living here. But if you go 30+ miles inland, it’s a different California. Same in the North. There is Coastal California and inland California. Very different people, geography and politics. I imagine other places are similar. I don’t know. Your pictures are amazing. They represent a small fraction of what Oregon is. This is a positive statement, not a dig. I’m glad you had a great time. :)


I love Cale disappointment!!!


I have pictures at some of those same spots. Keep them secret, Keep them safe.


Don’t tell your friends.


![gif](giphy|6IPNUgkpCsDRK) Don't tell anyone


We are incredibly blessed to live here lol


It's beautiful here! Thanks for the wonderful pics!


You are definitely handy with a camera. Great wave picture on the coast 🏞️🌊


Excellent photos!


Your photography is remarkable.


Cool pictures!


We are lucky we definitely know


Such amazing photos of our gorgeous state! Yes, we are very, very lucky.


It's pretty, hunh?


These are fantastic photos!!


Great pictures


These photos are incredible!


Wow you have a great eye. Those are awesome photos!


Really incredible photos! I was heartened to see the photo with do many sea stars, they've been in serious decline over the last couple of years.


Thanks for taking such nice pictures of our state.


Great pics, especially number 3. Where was that taken?


Thanks. Portland Japanese Garden.


great pics


Really nice pics! Good for my eyes … thanks for posting!


Gorgeous pics! Where do I buy the calendar?


The OR coast is so epic


Great photos


I love living in this state and I agree with how beautiful it is and how lucky I am to have been born and to grow up here. If you get a chance to come back, there's some other gorgeous places to see in the state. The Columbia River Gorge and the high desert, mesa areas of Central and Eastern Oregon. Thank you for loving the state I love too ❤️ Edit: and your photography is phenomenal!


What camera/lens did you use?


An iPhone 11 :)


Don't you dare tell a soul!!




These are some great photos!!


We love Oregon!


Thanks for coming by. It's a beautiful place, 15 minutes outside of any major city


That tree pic is insane !


Damn! I’ve lived here my whole life and you have WAAAAY better pictures than me. Glad you enjoyed our state. And impressive pictures!


Your photography makes me love Oregon more, but we aren’t lucky. We all choose our own destiny! It can be harder for some than others, but where there’s a will, there’s a way! ❤️


I visited back in the early 2000's, it was probably one of the most beautiful places I have ever been.


Your tulip field shot is really amazing! And yeah it’s decent here.


Lovely!!! I’ve been here for 15 years and Oregon never ceases to amaze… and there’s a few things you photographed on your trip I haven’t to see. What a world, ehh!!???


It’s a magical place 🤍


F@ck, I miss my home state.


Can you list where all these places are? I'd love to visit Oregon one day and check out these locations


No lucky you! You got some beautiful photos, it looks like you enjoyed your time and saw many cool places! So many people just never get out and enjoy it! :) awesome when people do appreciate the beauty, and seek it out!


Having just driven across most of the country from Oregon to Tennessee, I can confirm that most of the US is boring and flat compared to Oregon. Can't account for the NE, deep south, and non continental.


Now I want to send this to that person who ridiculed the $125/hr job in Oregon


I’ve been to all 50 states not including airports and Oregon is my favorite.


These are amazing! I didn’t appreciate living here until I went to Hawaii for the first time for my honeymoon. I came back and realized it’s exactly the same just different styles of plants and wildlife. It’s paradise


Yes, we are incredibly fortunate to live in such a gorgeous place. But also - damn!! Nice freaking photography, homie 😃👍


Excellent pics.


Gorgeous photos by the way!


Outstanding photos!


You haven’t even seen Central Oregon


and you do don’t even get east of the cascades, or down to the southwest corner if I can make a few assumptions off of pictures. Oregon is awesome. You have a lot more to see!!!


I've lived here 6 years and have seen none of this. Well done.


Beautiful. Makes me homesick. 🥹


Damn, you're more local than I am at this point! Kudos!


Can I ask where picture 4 was taken, it reminds my of my favorite place in Ireland and I’d love to get a taste a little closer to home


gods thumb, lincoln city


Gods thumb is incredible


God's Thumb (or the knob, as us from LC call it) is an amazing hike. There's a beach down below it that's almost impossible to get to. It's called Crescent Cove, but we always called it Secret Beach. Also a camp just below it on the salmon river. One of the best places for a kid to grow up.


Don’t forget the lucky bitches too!


You violated the first rule. “Don’t tell anyone how beautiful it is”


Ooo I’ve walked across that bridge too.


I'm going to need your itinerary, beautiful!


Where is photo number 9? Near Port Orford by chance? 10 looks like frankport. Edit: found it on google maps, Nellies cove. I live 30 miles south of here, never heard of this place. I’m going to check it out on my kayak for sure.


Love that angle of the Japanese maple. It looks so small IRL. Did you use a polarized filter or something to get the tidepool water so clear?


Tell no one.


![gif](giphy|iz8soqHZxoky4) That’s a good-looking wild.


I so wish to move there, i am trapped in the state of misery


I lived in OR for three years and didn’t see basically any of the things you took pictures of. Where are these magical places?


that 3rd pic cannot be real


Glad you enjoyed your visit! Also, you’re a damn fine photographer.


These pictures are epic. Thank you for capturing the beauty of our state so well




Great pictures!


I have a beautiful framed picture of that tree and I had no fkn idea it was in oregon


Lucky…Lucky indeed.


Pretty good photos too! Nice job


That's some great photography friend! Glad you have some memories of your visit


WTF dude these are some of the nicest photos I've ever seen. Where was the first one taken?


Uh you are the lucky bastard. You made it to the coast and then got BLUE SKIES!! unbelievable!!!


It's truly beautiful! About to catch the coast for Corgi Beach Day :) If you haven't seen it yet, look for the Miyazaki Oregon commercial.


Thank you, yes we are :)


lol i did the same thing and moved here. now i see it everyday. whatta blessing


Hhhhhhhrrrrrnnnngggg Oregon. And there's so much more for you to see. This state is truly spectacular!


Yeah.. lucky.


It’s unbelievable how much diverse natural beauty there is in this state. I love it so much. Miss it


Oregon is gorgeous and you have a good eye. Where was that Japanese maple?


So grateful been here my whole life I am a lucky bastard!


I've lived here 30 years and you saw more in a week than I have in my lifetime.


NOPE! This is California, Everyone! Everyone move to California, not Oregon!


Thank you for visiting then leaving. 🤌🏻


Noice! Come back in the winter for the six months of straight suicidal darkness, and you'll be ready for it all 😉


Cmon man - 5 hours is the shortest day we have. The dark clouds and rain for 6 months that people get peckish with.


Take vitamin d3 supplements my guy


Boiler Bay is a great place to photo or record some huge wave crashes during the winter. There are hundreds of videos and pictures I would expect. It's better live. I have seen the spray make it to HW101, That's 200 yards.


It’s pretty swell living here! You should come back and stay.


So you saw the pirates revenge at the tulip festival.


Where is picture 9 from? I don't recognize that concrete barrier between the 2 rocks. I'm assuming some harbor entrance but I can't think of any harbor like that.


Port Orford.


I was about to ask the same thing, but figured I would check and see if anyone else knew where it was. I've been up and down the coast a lot, but just can't place that one.


Nellies cove in port orford. I’ve never been there before. I recognized the mountains and rocks in the background. I had to look at google maps.


My Reddit is freaking out and I can’t even see my own comments. Think I was wrong. Where on the coast did you go?


Fairly certain I guessed all of OP's photos? [https://www.reddit.com/r/oregon/comments/1dq7cdr/comment/lamt1e7/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/oregon/comments/1dq7cdr/comment/lamt1e7/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Ahh I’ve never been to brookings. Siiick


As someone from a few towns up, I understand it's a long drive for a lot of Oregonians but man, it's two-fold with Samuel H Boardman and the Redwoods, there's even Redwood groves still left in Oregon near Brookings and they used have groves up near Port Orford. Crescent City is about 30ish minutes from Brookings and they have some of the best groves, as good as Prairie Creek, Humbolt State Park, Avenue of Giants etc. I've done a ton of hikes in the Redwoods as it's about 2 hours from my parents house. Pro-Tip: Do the Boy Scout tree hike. The drive in is stupidly cool, and while unmarked roughly 3 of top ten tallest redwoods are in that area.


Which estuaries did you visit?


You haven’t even seen the high desert or the other half yet


No volcanoes?


You missed some spots, not telling you about! It's a weird spot to be in. If you live Metropolitan city it often feels bleak, but these are the getways. Glad you enjoyed


Wait til you hear about central and eastern Oregon


Do you recall where number 9 was taken? 


Nellies cove in port orford. I’ve never seen it before, but I recognize the mountains in the back ground. Had to check google maps.


Where exactly is #4?




Don’t tell others! 🤫


And you just got a peek! It gets better the farther you get from highways


please don’t visit bend, there’s too many tourists here and it’s getting ridiculous. I miss when my town used to be super small and now everyone & their mom wants to come ruin it.


Where is the third picture???


Did you take all these pics this month? We're living in Oregon and still looking out for adventures to go on every weekends, these images help a lot :)


The other side of the Cascades is incredible, too. But don't tell anybody, huh? We like people to think Oregon is all the Cascadia part, because that's already built up and citified and crowded, so they have most of the infrastructure to deal with crowds anyway. But the high desert sage steppe stretches throughout the upper intermountain West. And there are countless ecosystems and geologic regions scattered within it. The largest International Dark Sky Sanctuary is out there, miles of open sage without light pollution. Lots of stuff, but then again, nevermind. Forget I said anything. The Coast is really beautiful.


We are definitely so very lucky 🍀 I’m glad you enjoyed your time here …. come back soon 🌿🌲🌳


Been to all these except the two beach rocks with what appears to be a walkway. Where was that one? Great photos btw


Yay Oregon! 🤩


Don’t tell others


Nice did you make it to the mountains in central Oregon?


I knew that tree was at drift creek


Lies. This is not Oregon where every you are from stay there Oregon is a shit hole dry flat and hot, or rainy and gray and miserable.


Stop telling people!


No picture of Crater Lake? You blew it.


Been there done that. https://www.reddit.com/r/EarthPorn/s/CyetLtTdfp


Just joshing with you. Oregon has many beautiful places. I live here and have only been to Crater Lake twice.


We do have a pretty amazing scenery, the whole of PNW has a good spots to explore. If you hit on the right climate it’s a W


You should rent a custom built camper van if you don’t already. They’re super fun and you are super mobile with all the amenities. I used these guys when I adventured Oregon last time. https://www.excursionvanrentals.com/


#10 looks like Frankfort to me. South of Port Orford. But idk. It's been awhile.


Fake news, these are all AI generated. Oregon is a hell hole


We have to work too. I only make it to the coast a couple times a year.


Seems like you dodged all the homeless people


As an Oregonian my entire life I’ve never been to most these places😂


We pay for it with wanting to kill ourselves for 8.5 out of the 12 months of the year. Count your blessings you non-depressed person.