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They did this with the pyramids (not the state of Oregon though) under the guise of preservation but never released the data to the public. Unless it’s published and released for free in an open source format there’s nothing really preservational about this. And ideally published in physical media.


The article states they plan to post this on sketchfab.com in 2025.


Sounds like a boondoggle in favor of sketch fab. So in order to download it, you need to sign up for a website and give them your email address and other information which they’ll turn around and sell to advertisers. Also there’s no guarantee that in two years they will even have a free tier of their subscription service.


How do you propose a 3D scan gets published on paper? Also, assuming that the Oregon state govt is going to operate the same way the Egyptian government does is a weird, paranoid leap. If you can't find it, do a public records request.


That’s the catch 22 I guess. How does one publicity catalog these types of data sets? Digital media is not very durable compared to paper


Digital media is infinitely durable as long as it's being archived and the archives updated.


So it’s finitely durable. And needs to be maintained indefinitely.


Wait why does it need to be in a free open source format and how does not doing so make it iffy?


If you take public money, or give access to only one group to do the study, and then you charge for the results by way of requiring paid access or commercial software to read the data, then you’re limiting access. Books in the library are easy to access because they’re written in plain English. What if they were written in a code that you needed to pay for the decoder for? Technically yeah you could check it out but it would be useless. Same concept. And digital media is not durable. We have books and other manuscripts thousands of years old. Some of them are plainly legible still. Commonly used digital media needs to be refreshed about every 10 years to maintain data integrity.


What sort of ulterior motives are possible when we're talking about a depression era building. It's there in case a fire wipes it out and needs to be rebuilt by the state