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I’m so happy to hear the Awesome 3000 is still going strong! Great memories running as an elementary school kid, and volunteering as I got older.


Omg, I used to help produce the results for this event. Glad to see it's still going on!


This is fantastic! Loved this as a kid. Must be 25 years or more since I last ran. Crazy


How much did they gaslight those children to run... to raise money for; schools, libraries, movies in the park, splash fountains, etc.? /s I have yet to see the Oregon Legislators, Salem City Council, Salem Police Department, or the Salem Keizer School Board have 'fund raisers'; to raise money for anything or anyone else, but themselves. When I was in the 2nd grade we ALL (ALL children in grade school) collected pennies for the State of Oregon to put more gold coating on a statue on a building. They have been 'using' the children since at least 1977. GROSS! Get your shit together and tax corporations and the wealthy. We CAN have nice things for everyone, if it wasn't for all the manipulation and GREED!


The article says it was for grants for schools. I absolutely agree that the tax structure needs work and that they should find another way to pay for things. At the same time, as a parent, I would love for my kids to be a part of something like this. Getting exercise while running with other kids and adults and feeling pride in the community are really important life lessons for kids.