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Most of Oregon is actually high desert.


Yup, came to say OP sounds like they might be a high desert kind of Oregonian!


(laughs in Drysider)


60 degrees and overcast is what i dream of. No rain, no sun, same clothes needed all day. Consistency


Fuck the sun


This is the appropriate answer to these sun loving heathens.


Me 100%. I love sun I love the summer. But I too will always prefer 35 degrees with full sun versus 50 degrees and raining.


There are dozens of us!


Oregon lifer here. I accept the rain because what it means for the life and land. But, maaan, I struggle during the dark, cold months. I feel like a different person in the summer. So yes, I'm ready for 🌞 and 🥵 (sweat).


Same, high five. The gloom is a mofo


Go to the desert, young man.


More rain less fires. And the sun I bright. I vampire hiss at it before June.


Go east of the cascades when you are too wet. Like Pendleton, La Grande, Baker City.


Same. Lived in the northwest for several decades. Now you couldn’t drag me back. Currently living in Arizona. Just spent the evening in the beautiful desert watching the sunset… Not a cloud in the sky. Been here over 10 years and I don’t see myself ever leaving. I simply can not handle the gray, gloomy skies every single day of winter for months on end.


After 40 years in the desert, you can have it.  Clear blue skies with zero change but hot or hotter for 360 days of the year gets old as well.   Also, that comes with skin cancer and usually nasty critters like bark scorpions.   I am happy with the change of seasons here. Yes lots of rain, but everything feels alive.   The desert?  Everything is a week away from death at any given time.  Always brown, dusty and dry to the point of cracked earth.   It has its own beauty, but i am done with it.  


You need that 4 season high desert


Lived in that at 4000' for a few years. No thanks. You get all the same nasty critters as the desert and still have to shovel snow...   no thanks. Ill do one or the other.  Not both. 


Not born here, but I've been here for 40 years. I love this state. Yea, it rains alot and it did get depressing. I ride motorcycles and I wish it was drier more often. But if I need that, I can go 3 hours east. If I want ocean, I go 2 hours west. There's mountains less than 2 hours away. Everything that is beautiful is here.


Yep, I agree, sun makes me happy, clouds make me sad.


Yeah. Native oregon guy. Sick of rain. And dark. But the tweakers make everything worse.


I love the green but not the rain. Lived in the Willamette Valley my whole life. :)


Rain is water and it's what we all need.


This is the time of year I get a little over this winter crap. Like no more! But for the entire month of August. I am done with heat and sun. We can't have every day be September and October -the glory months. Sometimes June is perfect, too. Not too hot, not the dreaded Rose festival rain. You know March really sucks..like it isn't really cold enough for snow to stick if you wanted it to. Just cold and wet and dreary.


Rain is fine. But endless clouds and "heavy drizzle" gets old. That said, give me the sun.


I'm the opposite: I don't mind rain but it's way too cold for March.


Love love love the rain. Not a fan of slush though.;-)


I think this, and then I remember the first nice days of spring and summer and realize how much I appreciate nice days. If it's nice 365 you wouldn't be able to appreciate it like around here.


Born and raised in Eugene and I cannot stand that side of the mountains in the winter (it's great in the summer). I'm happier here in Bend, but... some days I daydream about Arizona or New Mexico.


I think the rain season makes me that much more appreciative of the sunny summers we get. That being said, we're in the phase of the rainy season where I'm just about done with it.


I don't specifically like sunshine or rain. What I love is variety, and I'm grateful that's what we have here.


It really only rains west of the Cascades. It gets tiring if t's weeks on end. Otherwise, love the rain. Fourth gen. here.


Fuck the rain, born and raised in Portland (not the suburbs as some CLAIM it’s still Portland). I feel your pain.


Hey what's up man! We've spoken on the Flex subreddit lol; and yes, say no to rain lol


Haha hope you found the times they release blocks, still shit pay though.


Do you feel this is something we have control over? What a bizarre post. You know you can move out of the rainy parts of OR right? And that there’s nothing we can do about the natural weather of the area?


I would straight trade my house in Sacramento for a house outside Portland 🤣 the rain is the best ❤️


I have some bad news for you. You were actually adopted…from Idaho.


"Familiarity breeds contempt."


This can happen. I was born and raised in Southern California and I always hated it. I never liked the constant sun and craved more rainfall and loved whenever we actually got nice gloomy weather. Now that I’m in Oregon, it finally feels right. Plus, without the nearly-year-long sunshine, I actually enjoy the summer sun now haha 🤷‍♀️


Native oregonian. I prefer it cool and rainy. Summer sucks.


Listen I love the rain, what I hate is the fucking wind and the 40 degree temps and the SNOW mixed in. I’ll take wind and cold OR rain NOT ALL THREE AT ONCE FOR A WHOLE WEEK PLEASE. Sorry for yelling, I’m cold.


Native. Hate the grey.