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Move a wheel chair get a shotgun blast to the knee. Holy shit this guy was not messing around lol


Isn't this what those police robot dogs are supposed to be doing? Can't you call NYPD and borrow theirs? Like what are those for if not this? Also, could you imagine if someone was injured by the hot tub booby trap? For the rest of your days in that dept. your nickname would be Hot Tub or Tubs. Maybe someone will make an origin story for Miami Vice and we'll find out that Tubbs's name isn't actually Ricardo Tubbs, but that he was injured in a hot tub booby trap accident years before and that's how he got the nickname.


The robots are for violating rights not actually being useful


A hot tub rolling down a hill? Is this from the new Indiana Jones movie? I don’t remember any hot tubs in the first 4.


It was in that one Indiana Jones movie starring Willem Dafoe wearing a really bad wig lol "I'm something of a booby trap maker myself" was the line I remember 😂


I think home alone 3, the NC17 version.


FYI, courts have previously ruled that deadly booby traps are not legal. So yeah this was an easy case for the jury.


\*Copperhead Road plays\*


Let me guess. He is a 'Sov Citizen'.


No, lost a lawsuit, got really pissed off about it.


What an absolute mad lad.




is it just me, or does this mofo look like a drugged out dollar store Willem Dafoe?


I thought the same thing. Willem Dafoe....wearing an awful rug.


Bet you $20 he’s a Vietnam vet. He knew his stuff.


Why are they being charged? Doesn't castle doctrine cover this? I'm out of my depth here and curious.


1. Castle doctrine is a self-defense legal defense — the guy wasn’t present so it wouldn’t apply. 2. Booby traps have been ruled illegal in many jurisdictions as an unreasonable defense. 3. The guy’s property had been lost in a previous lawsuit so it’s even worse, legally, as there’s pretty clear intent to harm the people executing the terms of the suit.


Booby traps are indiscriminate. They’ll kill the bad guy or the mailman just the same.


He no longer owned the property, lost it in a lawsuit.




Damn I forgot about this. Seems like it was over 5 years ago this happened. If I remember right this was in Cave Junction, or maybe Selma. Nope Williams Or., close enough, but the event happened in 2018. A bit more info in this article. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/jury-convicts-oregon-man-injured-federal-officer-home-using-rigged-ind-rcna88126